Vampire Dreamer

By MidnightRose20

6.5K 585 27

Alice has lost her family, her friends, and her social life. She gets a letter from her dead mother telling h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The End

Chapter 8

218 21 2
By MidnightRose20

My mind was too tired to even dream, when I finally opened my eyes it was an hour before I would usually get ready for school. A breeze filled the air, I could feel my hair blow behind me. Looking out the window I could see the spiraling clouds navy blue and black consuming the horizon. Never have I observed the clouds so closely, the wind was pushing them towards the school, now the stars were hidden from my eyes. My mind went off somewhere thinking about Ray and all the things that have happened so far. This whirlwind of events is clouded my mind, maybe I should go clear my head with a nice steam shower. When I grabbed my uniform I began walking towards the door I grabbing the key, then I unlocked the door and once again locking the door behind me. The key made itself at home in my pocket as I turned away from my locked dorm room door.

Looking towards the right I saw a bathroom for girls, might as well just say Alice's bathroom. I walked in this might be the first time I have been in such a different restroom, whether I liked it or not I have no clue. The floor was bright scarlet red carpet, the walls were black complementing the floor, and there was one sink the table for the sink looked like black marble. Above the sink there was an oval mirror outlined in white. The sink faucet and handles looked like they were made out of silver. Each step I took made me feel like a princess, finally I saw a bathroom and shower. The bathroom stall was made out of the same black marble very expensive looking, as for the shower it had a long think black curtain hiding the shower. Reaching over I pulled the curtain over to the side and saw the spotless glass and shining silver shower head. Nothing in the place was dirty or out of place, so perfect. I took a shower clearing my mind over everything that has happened so far. The shampoo and conditioner was labeled but I couldn't find out what scent it was supposed to be, still it smelt sweet with a hint of mystery. When I finished my shower, my thoughts were cleared. Everything was calm nothing was weighing on my mind anymore. As I changed into my uniform, my key returned into my uniform pocket then, I began walking towards the sink while washing my hands I looked into the mirror. Now I could see why Ray was shocked when he saw me in the uniform, it looked like it was made for me to wear. My eyes and long hair made it look even better this is not going to help me during school though. I went back in my room to towel dry my hair and get my bag for school. My hair dried really quickly it only took about thirty minutes to dry back to its normal shade and long length. I took my dorm keys out of my pocket and grabbed my bag time for school. The keys I put in the door and opened it Ray was there, I put my keys back in my pocket. "Hi Ray." I let out a relaxing smile.

"Hi Alice."

"Did the principal ask you to do this again?" He looked at me.

"This time I woke up earlier than usual so might as well come over and do something besides sit in bed."

"I woke up early today too, I just relaxed though." Ray's face looked a little more relaxed than usual today.

"You smell really good today, sweet yet mysterious perfect for you."

"Is it that noticeable? I only put a little on."

"Not insanely noticeable it's just that I am very close to you. Come on lets go eat some breakfast." I nodded and he reached out for my hand. My eyes were not blindfolded anymore so I have to be prepared for anything. Still the comfort of holding his hand right now is something that couldn't really hurt anything. We dashed to the cafeteria it took a few seconds I felt like I was holding us back from going any faster, still we made it earlier than yesterday. "Here we are that was quick." He turned to face me.

"Yeah we are really early today." I spoke trying to hide me catching my breath.

"I am hungry and today is a special I think." Ray saying he was hungry sent a shiver down my spine, almost like I was scared.

"For what?"

"Usually on certain days the cafeteria has specials, today is a blood special so they will have blood on the menu. Probably to celebrate you arriving."

"Okay I don't have to drink blood do I?" He didn't seem surprised at all.

"You don't have to but you'll stick out from everyone else if you don't drink any blood on your own celebration from the cafeteria." He threw a wicked smirk at me letting go of my hand to open the door. Made me just a little nervous, this was my first time in the cafeteria. It dark hardwood floors and a red carpet leading the place where you order, which was straight from where you enter. The carpet was big enough for five people to walk next to each other. A beautiful chandler hung above in the center of the cafeteria. This chandler looked like it was made of ice but it was clearly glass, when I looked at it I remember the one in the school just so mind-blowing to know things like this are at a school. "Alice, earth to Alice." Ray waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry I zoned out." When I focused my eyes Ray's face was really close to mine, I pulled back. His face got a red like a strawberry.

"Come on lets go look at the menu for today to see what is on the special." He walked towards my hands I let loose as I caught up to Ray. "You might even get the chance to socialize with some people." He looked down at me. I only now realized that he was really tall compared to me. Was he like five-eight or five-nine? We walked up to the counter to order. "I'll have the special." He looked back at me. "What would you like Alice?"

"I'll have the special too." My mind filled with so much anxiety and fear, in an attempt to clear it I made my hands into fists and mumbled under my breath. The lunch people, all guys, handed Ray and I each a bag.

"Want to sit in here and eat today?"

"Sure." Better to experience the lunch room with someone then all alone. Suddenly I saw someone enter wait that person looks familiar, I think his name was Dolo. I waved his direction and he approached me and Ray.

"What do you want Perdidit Spera." Ray sounded disgusted to even see him let alone talk to Dolo. I interrupted them before a fight started.

"Dolo nice to see you. How are you this evening?" The tension coming off of Ray felt like poison on my skin, breathing it in made me feel faint. Was this fatal for me to breath, not wanting to think about it I tried to ignore it. Dolo looked at me taking a step forward.

"It is a pleasure to see you Alice, I am fine. How are you today?"

"I am great." I thought it was kind of nice being able to talk to someone else, more people talking to me would be a change for the better, I guess. Having a chance to make friends is great. Ray interrupted cutting me off from interacting with Dolo.

"Let's go eat Alice. We can go sit over there." He pointed towards one of the black tables, there were four long black rectangle tables. Two on the one side of the carpet and two on the other. My eyes were adverted from Ray and Dolo but still I saw the nasty glare full of disgust he gave Dolo before we began walking to a table. We sat facing the door in the middle of the table, I can't remember the last time I ate in a lunch room. If I ever ate with a friend ever or ate lunch in the cafeteria I couldn't tell which one was more shocking to me. Eating in the middle of a table was so weird not in a corner nowhere to hide still I felt more cornered in the center then in the actual corner. Watching Dolo carefully I saw him go to the opposite side of the cafeteria and sit in the corner. As I opened my lunch I saw a bunch of guys walk in they were really adorable to be honest they were hot. Their eyes looked at me so shocked, Ray became a ghost in a second. I buried my head grabbing my breakfast I didn't get to see them long enough to describe them maybe I would be able to look at them more later on. In the breakfast special there was a blood packet, a sandwich, with some of that delicious bread I had yesterday.

"Ray, people are creepy they keep staring at me like I am some sort of alien." The funny thing is that they should all act like this to a person like me.

"Well Miss. Alien you are the only girl to ever step foot on the school grounds." I heard footsteps they kept getting louder and louder, closer and closer eventually it echoed in my head even though it only lasted a few seconds. The group of guys approached me from across the table.

"Can we join you?" Them being so polite was mind-shattering I swallowed my fear.

"Of course, the more the merrier." They smiled and sat down across from me, there was about five of them. One had short light brown hair, another dark brown, then the other three had black hair.

"So what is your name?" The light brown haired guy asked.

"My name is Alice. What are all of your names?"

"The light brown hair one is Kev, the dark brown hair is Cole the black hair guys are Brian, Alek, and I am Evan." Evan answered, he was one of the black haired guys. Kev had piercing brown eyes with a hint of red tint in them, same with Cole. Brian had a very dark brown but still had a tint of red in them. Alek had slightly wavy short hair with the same eyes as Brain. Evan had black eyes that I almost got lost in.

"I'll try to remember all your names. So Kev, Cole, Brian, Alek, and Evan right?"

"Perfect." They all nodded in agreement. This was surprisingly easy, never did I think that someday I would be good at remembering people's names. Ray whispered in my ear.

"I am going to go throw away my breakfast since I am done, are you done so I can throw yours away while I am there?" I whispered back.

"Yeah I am done." The breakfast I only looked at I didn't want to even eat it, hopefully Ray won't look at what I have and haven't eaten. He reached and grabbed my lunch leaving me alone with these people. They looked a little confused and only now noticed Ray was even there sitting at the table.

"Has Rayon been there the whole time?"

"Yeah he has been here the whole time." I laughed it was funny how no one noticed even though it was kind of sad I found it at the same time hilarious. Their deep voices laughed along with me, was I making friends already? Maybe this won't be as bad as I once thought.

"We should throw a welcome party for you." They all whispered to each other. "Anyone who wants to come to your party can come, so spread the word to some of your friends. We will spread the word throughout the whole school. School ends around eleven so why don't we start the party at midnight?"

"Sure sounds like a lot of fun." I smiled they all looked mesmerized by my smile.

"Okay we can throw the party here at midnight, everything will be planned and set up so don't be late." Ray returned grabbing his bag I reached for mine and he whispered.

"Come on we need to go to class." I nodded and got up.

"Bye guys was nice talking to you. I have to go to class now." They looked really depressed that I was leaving them but they still spoke.

"Bye Alice." Ray grabbed my hand in front of them and we walked out of the cafeteria. Ray spoke with a little bit of anger behind his words.

"So Alice how was your lunch?" He glared down at me speeding up.

"It was good." As much as I hated lying to Ray I couldn't tell him the truth either. "How was yours?"

"Mine tasted fine since I ate my lunch unlike someone. Just so you know you're probably the worst liar in the whole world." He towered above me, I walked faster, and basically we were running. When we reached the school building, he pushed me against the door. "Why would you try to lie to me?"

"I don't know." The group of guys from earlier saw us. They looked enraged running towards me I shielded myself. Ray had me pinned on a wall and know five guys I just met were dashing towards me. In a second they arrived to my position and one of them threw a punch at Ray. The other four grabbed me and moved me away from the fight. Struggling was useless there was four of them, they were stronger, and since they were vampires no point in trying to escape. But still I couldn't watch this all happen from the side lines. Evan was the one who punched Ray, by the time I could escape Ray was gone he must have walked away swallowing his pride.

"Are you alright? What did he do to you?" Evan got close to my face as the others fully released my arms. I just met these people and they all cared for me, so strange usually people would turn a blind eye or watch me get hurt. For once I wasn't in danger I think. Was I in danger? What was Ray trying to do?

"I am fine. Ray didn't do anything." They all looked relieved. Did they all really worry about my well-being?

"You need to be careful who you hang around. Since you're a girl you need to be on high alert all the time. Hurry to class." I looked at Evan.

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