Chapter 23

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"Where am I? What happened?" Everything was one big blur of memories."Are you okay?" I shot up, this guy he can't see me being weak showing any weakness would just be a mistake. As I walked past him, I murmured."I am fine." He stepped in front of me. "Back off dude." Can he leave me alone? This is already embarrassing enough."This dude just saved you. So tell me your name and what you were doing exactly." He crossed his arms there was no way past him, since he was a vampire trying to out run him would not only be dumb it would make me look suspicious. "I'm Alice. I was lifting weights but I accidentally lost focus and dropped a weight on myself." His eyes were fixed on me, I was frozen in place by his eyes, my eyes were stuck on his eyes. "Who are you?"
"I am Mason Midler." I only now realized how he towered above me. His height made him look down on me like I was some small child being told what they did wrong.
"Well Mason, why were you in here?" Someone came up behind him, Alek, he looked really stressed out.
"Mr. Milder problem big problem." His breaths were scattered I thought he was about to have a heart attack. "Ray and Evan are fighting. One of them is going to seriously get hurt if someone doesn't intervene. No one was able to stop them they are too strong. Follow I'll take you to them." They nodded and ran off I went the other way I had a pretty good idea where they were and I knew a short-cut.
When I reached the roof I saw them, both covered in blood, their eyes were both filled with blood too. Just seeing that made me nauseous, but, I couldn't stand by and let them kill each other. So I jumped in the middle doing a flip then standing on my hand kicking them both in the gut, knocking them on their butts. All Mason and Alek saw was me take them both out along with all the fancy style points I did. Their mouths were open in awe, I snapped them out of it. "Mason and Alek don't just stand there like morons help take these two to the nurse." Evan stood up trying to make it look like he wasn't in excruciating misery from all the pain.
"I am fine." He managed to say.
"No you're not." I saw him start to lose his footing I caught him just in time before he fell on the unforgiving roof floor. I thought I heard him mumble something but I couldn't exactly figure out what he said. "Can you two morons either get out of the way or help me get these two down to the nurse." Mason and Alek stood there still. "Fine let me put it this way. Either you move or I kick you harder than I kicked these two." Without a wasted moment they moved and grabbed Ray. Compared to those weights Evan wasn't that heavy, was it because he lost so much blood? I swallowed hard, he wore Ray's blood and probably his own. When I finally reached the nurse's office I laid Evan on the second bed. Grabbing bandages I quickly applied medicine to all his arm injuries and leg injuries, which basically took up almost all his arms and legs. He had a deep wound on his shoulder when he was all treated I walked over to where Mason and Alek laid Ray. Surprisingly Ray wasn't hurt as much as Evan, his arms and legs were still really bad like Evan but not as bad. These injuries probably would kill a human from the blood loss, there is no way Evan and Ray are going to be able to walk around for at least a few days. I don't know how fast vampires heal but it didn't matter if it healed them I am not going to let them walk around normally until a little bit at least a day or two. When I finished bandaging Ray up I slept on the chair my head leaning on the bed. The bed covers moved so I woke up to greet Ray. "Ray are you feeling better?"
"Yes a lot better."
"Great. Let me go get something." I had a feeling Mason and Alek were outside in the hall. So I told them Ray was awake and to watch him a little bit for me while I got something. When they entered the nurse's office I walked over to the stairs and sat down putting my head on my knees. Taking deep breaths I finally reached some kind of peace. After a minute I rose my head and walked over to the nurse's door, only to hear a little bit of their conversation. It was something about thanking me, weird I didn't do anything. Still I opened the door and walked in, Ray and Evan were up now.

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