Sunsets and footballers

De jaegeraether

53.7K 1.4K 131

This is a UNIVERSE! That means it follows the same timeline, with multiple different couples. So far we have:... Mais

Lucy Bronze x Reader (1)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (3)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (4)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (5)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (6)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (7)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (8)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (9)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (10)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (11)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (12)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (13)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (14)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (15)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (16)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (17)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (18)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (19)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (20)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (21)
Alexia Putellas x Character (1)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (22)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (23)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (24)
Alexia Putellas x Character (2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (25)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (26) & Alexia Putellas x Character (3)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (27)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (28) & Alexia Putellas x Character (4)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (29)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (30)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (31) & Alexia Putellas x Character (5)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (32)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (34)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (1)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (35) & Alexia Putellas x Character (6)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (36) & Alexia Putellas x Character (7)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (37) & Alexia Putellas x Character (8)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (38)
Alexia Putellas x Character (9)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (39) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (3)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (40)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (41) & Alexia Putellas x Character (10)
LucyBronzexReader42/Alexia PutellasxCharacter11/Jordan NobbsxLeahWilliamson4
Lucy Bronze x Reader (43) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (5)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (44) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (6)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (45) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (7)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (8)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (46) & Alexia Putellas x Character (12)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (47) & Alexia Putellas x Character (13)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (48) & Alexia Putellas x Character (14)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (49) & Alexia Putellas x Character (15)
LB x Reader (50) / AP x Character (16) & JN x LW (9)
Alexia Putellas x Character (17)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (51) & Alexia Putellas x Character (18)
Alexia Putellas x Character (19)
LB x Reader (52) / AP x Character (20) & JN x LW (10)
Alexia Putellas x Character (21)
Alexia Putellas x Character (22)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (53)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (54) / Alexia Putellas x Character (23)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (11) / Lucy Bronze x Reader (55)
Alexia Putellas x Character (24)
Alexia Putellas x Character (25)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (56) / Alexia Putellas x Character (26) MINI
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (12)
LB x Reader (57) / AP x Character (27) & JN x LW (13)
Alexia Putellas x Character (28) & Lucy Bronze x Reader (58)
LB x Reader (59) / AP x Character (29) & JN x LW (14)
LB x Reader (60) / AP x Character (30) & JN x LW (15)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (61) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (16)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (62) & Alexia Putellas x Character (31)
Alexia Putellas x Character (32)
LB x Reader (63) / AP x Character (33) & JN x LW (17)
Alexia Putellas x Character (34)
Alexia Putellas x Character (35) - Ridley Part One

Lucy Bronze x Reader (33)

525 15 1
De jaegeraether

"Luce.." she cooed, happy to hear that deep, Northumberland voice.

"Little one," she repeated and YFN could hear her smile. "How was your day?"

She couldn't help but laugh as she took in her surroundings from her bed. "That's...a dangerous question. I'll tell you after but right now, can you please just tell me all about your past few days?" She rolled onto her side and held a pillow close to her body for comfort. "I want to hear everything."

"Everything, hm? Okay. Well yesterday I woke up in bed with you and I almost stayed. I was so close to stealing your phone and texting Alexia asking for a day off. I know she would have given me one."

YFN gave a happy hum, wishing she'd stayed but knowing it would have just been delaying the inevitable.

"After my flight I picked my car up from the airport and went home to feed Narla and change. She was a little confused, I think."

YFN pouted. She didn't like affecting anything with their relationship, she wanted it to be the opposite of a burden, though she knew it was only one night. She had also hoped that Narla would like her. She was nervous about that, but she'd always had a way with animals.

"Went to training, was teased by the girls..."

"Teased by the girls?"

"Yeah," she laughed almost embarrassed. "Apparently I've been a pain the past week and a few of them said they were happy I was back."

YFN remembered the not-so-Lucy, Lucy she'd seen in the FC Barca Instagram stories where she had been obviously upset and having to force a little smile for the cameras. Then she pictured Lucy, Lucy. Always a big grin, yelling and enjoying herself at training. She had been so busy the past few days that she hadn't looked at any social media besides Lumos'.

"Alexia, Kiera and the girls are excited to meet you. Also I think you'll be happy to hear that I've spoken to Ona."

"Oh?" She asked, surprised at multiple things she'd just said. Alexia Putellas was excited to meet her? Kiera was too? How much did the girls at Barca know about her? Also, "Everything is okay with Ona?"

Lucy hesitated. "She...okay I didn't speak to her about the relationship between her and I, I just sort of started talking about you a lot..."

YFN groaned as she rolled onto her back. "Luce, that's not the best way to go about it."

"I know," she said, a little stressed. "I just don't want to hurt her feelings..."

"Has she taken a step back?"

"Yes, but she's still overly friendly and even let me pick her up for training this morning. I'm thinking maybe I don't need to have the talk with her."

"I trust you Luce, whatever you decide is best. Just...protect that relationship, please? You won't forgive yourself if you go about it the wrong way."

"I'll keep an eye on it, little one. I promise. Oh, also security found the footage of my number one fan reaching over the boundary fence to grab my phone when I was meeting fans. She's banned from the stadium."

The audacity. She shivered. "But she can still follow you around and go to other stadiums?"

"Yes and no. Technically yes... but Barca have her on their blacklist and also the lawyers have officially drawn up the restraining orders. It was difficult because I need to protect you not just in the UK but in Spain also, and then if we ever travel..."

Her stomach did that weird thing when Lucy mentioned her need to protect her. Protective Lucy. "Thank you, Luce. Really. Thank you. I feel like such a weight has been lifted. Please tell me you also have restraining orders for you?"

"Yes, love, of course. Unfortunately, they're both just for Kristie though, but I think that's all we need."

She nodded, even though she knew Lucy couldn't see. "She is the instigator. Hopefully she leaves Spain now and leaves you alone..."

"I'd rather she stay in Spain than go anywhere near you," she almost growled.

YFN hummed again. "And how did your day today go?"

"Today was great! I managed to catch up on sleep. I woke up and took Narla for a walk. The beach is close so we went down to the beach in the morning and had a swim and played in the sand for a bit."

"She likes the beach?"

"Oh yeah, we're both beach babies." She said proudly. "She doesn't go in the water much but she dipped her body in a bit today. She just loves to run around mainly and dig holes. She digs the holes and I play with the sand she digs out."

She pictured their day at the beach and Lucy with her sandcastles. "Did you make your sandcastle?"

"Yeah, only a little one but. I only make the big ones when I want to impress you."

YFN chuckled at Lucy's attempt at flirting. Her voice changed when she flirted, it became cheeky and smiley. She didn't realise until now that she could tell that difference over the phone. "I expect big sandcastles from you when I get there."

"Yes, love. And we love going to the beach most mornings, if you're up for it."

"Of course I am! I miss the beaches back home. I'm sure the ones in Spain are much better than the UK ones."

"What, you don't like the rough sand, cold weather and brown water? How dare you."

"Luuuuuuce. You're killing me here."

Lucy laughed. "I don't mean to talk bad about the UK, I just want to give you some incentive to come here. It's much better."

"Luce, you're all the incentive I need. I don't care if you live in the middle on no where. I want to be where you are."

There was a happy silence then. A silence where they both appreciated each other and were comforted knowing that the other was just on the other side of that phone. When Lucy spoke next, it was husky with a little emotion. "Also the sunsets are pretty here. They're not entirely over the water, but I figured we can go down to the beach to watch them and it might remind you of home a little..."

YFN may have mentioned Western Australia and how they were lucky to have their sunsets over the water, though she'd only mentioned it once. Lucy really did listen to everything she had to say. "I can't wait, Luce. I'm also really excited to meet your friends, and to meet Narla, of course. I hope she likes me."

"She's notoriously picky, but I have no doubt she'll like you're you."

YFN bit her lip.

Lucy continued. "Actually speaking of, I need to get her a new toy for when you come. She gets excited and chews a lot with people she likes..."

"Oh, can you wait until I get there, please? I want to help."

"Okay, love."

YFN grinned. She put sat up, leaning against the headboard and put her AirPods in to talk to Lucy while she took out her laptop and started doing sneaky things. She listened to Lucy talk about training, her knee, her friends, everything. She could listen to her talk forever.

"Jonatan is starting me for the game." She said. "We've been doing some extra therapy for my knee. It feels good, it's just the way that it is at this point."

"Did the massage help?"

"Ah, you have no idea. That released so much tension before bed so it wasn't as bad as it usually is in the morning. It was amazing, thanks love."

"Anytime Luce, you know that. I'm happy to help. I'm happy to learn a little more about it if you can teach me, please?"

They'd gone over it before, Lucy showing her when they were a lot fresher into their relationship, however Lucy had a degree and knew an endless amount that she wanted to take on board. Partnerships were about equally giving and receiving to her and she wanted to help Lucy in any way she could. That was her way of loving.

"We can do that." Lucy agreed. "I also have an ice bath which helps. Are you going to be brave and try it out?"

She could hear the challenge in her voice. "I'll try it, though I don't exactly have any muscles that need to be iced."

Lucy scoffed. "Lies, your muscles may be smaller than mine, but you're still a strong little Australian. I see those abs."

"Attempts at abs," she corrected. She was definitely not an athlete like Lucy, she just always loved to keep herself fit and watch her food intake.

"You're perfect."

"Luce, you're too far away to be complimenting me like that."

"Getting needy, love?"

"I'm always needy for you."

"Mmn. Would you like me to help you tonight...?"

She looked at the time. 8pm. That meant it was already 9pm where Lucy was. "Maybe when I get home?"

"You're not home?"

"I'm in Edinburgh?"

"What?! You listen to me talk about myself and didn't mention you're in Scotland?!"

"It's...a long story."

"I want to hear all of it, starting from when I saw you. Right now. Go."

YFN spoke about her days. She spoke about visiting a few of the clubs in London and talking to the management and players. She spoke about her conversation with 'Joe' and her request to go to 'her house'. She spoke about her conversations with Leah at Arsenal and then the random Leah and Jordan interaction at their house. She got a little distracted as she spoke about what Jordan had messaged her, though she had no further update as they'd agreed to talk in person with some take-away and perhaps some alcohol. That was the only time Lucy said anything, she asked if Jordan was okay. Other than that, she was dead silent as she listened to every YFN had to say. The flight, the drive, the estate, Joe, and 'Joe'. It was impossible to tell Lucy's thoughts across the phone, especially being as silent as she was, and YFN actually appreciated it. It allowed her to get everything out and describe Catherine from the way she walked to the way she so passionately spoke about and led Lumos.

"So now she's headed back to London and I have a flight out of here in the morning...which is a good thing really because I need to have a meeting with our team about the new hires."

She'd sent a very last minute meeting invitation out to the group after Catherine had left, and they'd all agreed to meet in Birmingham tomorrow to discuss the round and the new hires. Management would not have the London office ready until next week.

Lucy was still silent and she was worried they'd been cut off.


"I'm still here, little one."

"Are you...mad?"

"No. No, of course not. I'm overwhelmed. I'm proud, obviously, that out of everyone, she chose you. It's just so hard to believe. I wish we had someone like her help us when I was still new to the sport. This is...fantastic. I'm so happy you told me..."

"You were the one exception she allowed me."

"I'll keep it safe, don't you worry. This is unbelievable. I don't even think I can find words right now. Do you realise now how unique you are?"

"I...I think I'm pretty lucky. I came to this country for a holiday. Now I have the most attractive girlfriend to ever exist, a job where my boss is Catherine, and so many friends from different clubs and countries, I don't even know where to begin. Oh, and a stalker."

"I think you'll find she's my stalker."

"I think you'll find that she's much more of a me problem than a you problem."

"Your problems are my problems. She's just jealous I'm obsessed with you. Also, you think I'm attractive, huh?"

"Argh, you're relentless, Luce."


"Sooooo you know I find you attractive."

"I know, I just like hearing you say it."

"You do own a mirror in Spain, right? You've seen yourself."

"I do okay." YFN could almost feel the shrug through the phone. "I like to think my personality makes up for it."

"Well that is what I fell for. Your multiple personalities."

"Multiple...?" She questioned.

"I've named them, but that's just for me."

"I'll drag them out of you in Spain."

"You do have this amazing ability to get anything you want from me."

Lucy chuckled. "Now times that by a hundred and that's how you make me feel."

"We're one of those disgusting love-sick couples you see in Hallmark movies, aren't we?"

"No, we're much more sophisticated than that. Hopeless millennial romantics. No bad dialogue and expected storylines here."

"You make me really happy, Luce. Thank you again for coming to London. I know you sacrificed a lot of sleep and recovery for that. I...we really needed that." She'd gotten too into her head. She knew she had, and Lucy had paid the price of that insecurity and she'd managed to also pull some of Lucy's insecurities out.

"I should have done it sooner." She admitted. "You and I? We just need to communicate. You can trust me with that part of you...the part you don't show anyone. And I think I'm learning to trust you with mine also. It's terrifying, but I'm never going to hide that from you. I know what I want."

Happy silence again. Lucy was right, as always, but she wasn't going to admit that. She didn't need to. They sat in that happy silence for a while longer until YFN looked at the time.

"You should be sleeping, Luce. It's getting late."

"I wish you were here."

"Soon. Cuddle Narla in the meantime and I'll cuddle a pillow or Dory. I think she needs it anyways."

Lucy gave a light chuckle. "Jords always needs a cuddle, regardless of if she's sad."

"I'm going to suggest she give you a call tomorrow night, okay? I think that'll be nice."

"I'd like that. After 6pm though, I have a boxing class after training."

Ah, Lucy boxing. It should have been illegal.

"I want photos."

"Oh, I'm planning on posting them online. I fully intend on teasing you until you get here."

"That's unfair," she groaned.

"You in that backless dress was unfair. You in my hoodie at the football matches was unfair."

She'd seen her in her hoodie? She'd been trying to find her at the games online? YFN was tempted to get on a flight tonight. "I think I need to step up my game..."

It was Lucy's turn to groan now. "I can't handle that."

"Well we'll find out, won't we?"

"Oh, also, I'm going to a bar with Alexia on Friday..."

"Why does it sound like you're asking permission?"

"Maybe I am..."

YFN laughed. "You don't need permission from me, love. But I really do appreciate you telling me instead of finding out other ways. You and Alexia are becoming quite close lately. That's great!"

"Yeah, she's been there for me over the past week. We're getting a lot closer now. She's also been having a rough time accepting her feelings for someone at the bar, so I'm going with her for support."

"You're an amazing friend, you realise that?"

They challenged and teased each other for a bit longer until they called it a night for the sake of sleep. They eventually said their goodnights and unwillingly ended their call with smiles on their faces. Four days.

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