Sunsets and footballers

By jaegeraether

53.1K 1.4K 131

This is a UNIVERSE! That means it follows the same timeline, with multiple different couples. So far we have:... More

Lucy Bronze x Reader (1)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (3)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (4)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (5)
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Lucy Bronze x Reader (7)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (8)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (9)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (10)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (11)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (12)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (13)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (14)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (15)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (16)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (17)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (18)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (19)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (20)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (21)
Alexia Putellas x Character (1)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (22)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (23)
Alexia Putellas x Character (2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (25)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (26) & Alexia Putellas x Character (3)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (27)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (28) & Alexia Putellas x Character (4)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (29)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (30)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (31) & Alexia Putellas x Character (5)
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Lucy Bronze x Reader (33)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (34)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (1)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (35) & Alexia Putellas x Character (6)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (36) & Alexia Putellas x Character (7)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (37) & Alexia Putellas x Character (8)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (38)
Alexia Putellas x Character (9)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (39) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (3)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (40)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (41) & Alexia Putellas x Character (10)
LucyBronzexReader42/Alexia PutellasxCharacter11/Jordan NobbsxLeahWilliamson4
Lucy Bronze x Reader (43) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (5)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (44) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (6)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (45) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (7)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (8)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (46) & Alexia Putellas x Character (12)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (47) & Alexia Putellas x Character (13)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (48) & Alexia Putellas x Character (14)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (49) & Alexia Putellas x Character (15)
LB x Reader (50) / AP x Character (16) & JN x LW (9)
Alexia Putellas x Character (17)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (51) & Alexia Putellas x Character (18)
Alexia Putellas x Character (19)
LB x Reader (52) / AP x Character (20) & JN x LW (10)
Alexia Putellas x Character (21)
Alexia Putellas x Character (22)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (53)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (54) / Alexia Putellas x Character (23)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (11) / Lucy Bronze x Reader (55)
Alexia Putellas x Character (24)
Alexia Putellas x Character (25)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (56) / Alexia Putellas x Character (26) MINI
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (12)
LB x Reader (57) / AP x Character (27) & JN x LW (13)
Alexia Putellas x Character (28) & Lucy Bronze x Reader (58)
LB x Reader (59) / AP x Character (29) & JN x LW (14)
LB x Reader (60) / AP x Character (30) & JN x LW (15)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (61) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (16)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (62) & Alexia Putellas x Character (31)
Alexia Putellas x Character (32)
LB x Reader (63) / AP x Character (33) & JN x LW (17)
Alexia Putellas x Character (34)
Alexia Putellas x Character (35) - Ridley Part One

Lucy Bronze x Reader (24)

626 16 0
By jaegeraether

YFN had the worst sleep she'd had since she arrived in England. She woke feeling fatigued and found herself patting around for Lucy which woke her from her half-asleep daze. Of course, she wouldn't find her. She was 1200km away.

She forced herself to get up, dragging her feet to the bathroom to start her day. She showered miserably, thinking about the airport, the feel of Lucy's lips, the sudden jolt of her heart when she'd said those three words. She'd frozen, unable to say them back, and Lucy had looked a little disappointed. She had no idea why, but her fight or flight had been triggered by that, and it completely took her by surprise. She looked out through the glass shower pane at Lucy's little blue toothbrush. She caught herself and shook her head.

You need to grow up, she told herself. YFN had been alone for most of her life, this was pathetic. She was better than this.

Out in the kitchen she found a note from Jordan.

Good morning, roomie!

Breakfast in fridge.

Smash your first meeting today!

Love you! x

Jordan saying that was vastly different to Lucy saying it, perhaps because she was so obsessed with Lucy. She smiled at the note and replied to her as she ate the oats and yoghurt she'd made her.

You're amazing. Thank you for breakfast, Dory! *big eyes emoji*

Still on to pick up Blu tonight?

She knew she wouldn't reply at training and went on with her day, packing and preparing for their first meeting. She made sure she looked sharp and was extra early, arriving at the generously sized conference room Joe had booked in a luxurious hotel in town. Her mouth dropped as she'd entered the hotel, and the booked room was beyond anything expected. She set herself up for a long day, making sure to talk to the hotel staff about the food options. Joe had already booked canapes for them, and the hotel had a service to regularly offer them any food or drink they needed throughout the day.

She was pleasantly surprised when all of them arrived early, seemingly keen for their first meeting. There were 9 in total, 4 videographers: Samantha, Ethan, Bridget, Matt, 4 photgraphers: Daniel, Ruby, Olivia, and Emily who was in a relationship with Bridget, and then there was Noel, their IT guy who dabbled with a bit of everything. YFN realised quickly that Noel was incredibly technologically gifted, he just happened to lack a bit of social skill. The sight of his overgrown, wild hair, and his worn down converse shoes added to the stereotype he so perfectly filled.

It was perfectly clear from the start that Joe had hired some gifted people, she'd obviously put the work in to understand who they were. YFN had been worried at first about clashing personalities but it wasn't an issue at all; they all were very much happy to bring proper media attention to women's football.

Everything was spoken about from the company credit cards given to the by Joe for the fuel and equipment, to the creation of a schedule for the rest of a season so all games would have at least 1 photographer and 1 videographer there. They each knew their role, and so with most of the logistics covered, they moved onto creating the brand. YFN was keen to hear their ideas as they were all female football fans themselves, so they knew what they wanted to see as fans. They messed around for a bit using the presentation screen they had set up, picking at their canapes and discussing what would be the most appealing shots and photos to get.

"Oh... my god.. is that Lucy Bronze?" Noel commented as YFN had been flicking through images of players on her MacBook for inspiration.

A few chuckles went around the room. The other eight people had already been following YFN on social media for a while, so she had assumed they all knew they were dating.

"They're dating, Noel. Are you not on Instagram?" Ruby chuckled.

" Lucy? You?"

YFN knew Noel didn't mean offense by it, he was just awkward. "I know, right? Lucky me." She laughed. "Well, hey, if that excites you then have a look at these."

YFN found a few of the more recent photos she'd taken of the footballer get-together they'd all had the night before. Somehow, Lucy had managed to take a photo on her phone of all of the one hundred and sixty-two players, though she was standing on chair to do it, her grinning face taking up a corner of the photo.

If they weren't already excited, that certainly did it.

"Holy shit, is that Leah Williamson? Katie McCabe? Jill Roord?!" Matt was gawking.

"So, I'm sure most of you have already seen a few photos from last night on the players accounts, but this is the only photo of the whole group.. we had over a hundred players show interest in us as a company, and the results from last night are the player notes I've uploaded to our shared drive."

They each had an iPad, and their shared drive was going to be used for all of them to have access to all of their work. She told them how interested the players were, how much work Joe had done behind the scenes, and showed them through that part of their shared drive, encouraging them to also collect similar information on the players she hadn't met, by asking questions she had created.

"So.. all of these players have agreed to work with us?" Sam asked. She was more shy than the rest, but wickedly talented. YFN had seen her previous work.

She nodded. "Yes, so they've all agreed to give us priority for photos, videos and interviews. They do understand we'll be starting slow and rolling into it."

"And we'll all be doing interviews?" Ruby asked. She was the more outspoken one of the group. She reminded YFN of Beth Mead a little.

"That's the aim." She saw Sam and Noel look a little nervous. "I understand it can be a little intimidating, and we do have our own beliefs we need to adhere to regarding the types of questions we ask, et cetera. Because of this, I'll start the interviews myself, and one by one, I'll make sure to give you all some training and do some dual interviews and supervising until you're all comfortable. The last thing we want is to accidentally ask an offensive question, or ruin a players trust in us. This is what all of the information on each of the players is about. We need to be reading them before every interview so we know what they do and don't want to talk about, et cetera, okay? Also, it's vital as a company just starting up that we build their trust and keep it. We're going to be different than the others, that's our whole brand image."

They nodded, a bit more at ease and understanding. They each acknowledged the homework they'd need to do on players, and understood their limitations at the start. Great suggestions were made, for example, Ethan had suggested they wear something that stood out so the players would know they were Lumos. A great suggestion that Joe had already thought of, being the businesswoman, she was. She'd had merchandise made and sent over for them to wear to games that would stand out. Their brand colours were purple and yellow, and their logo was well visible. They had a few items, all modern and comfy, and primarily for the colder temperatures. Shirts, hoodies, beanies and scarves. They could wear whatever they wanted, as long as it stood out for the players to see. They all loved the beanies which were a sexy royal purple with their logo in yellow, offset, and they agreed that while players got used to their colours, they'd prioritise wearing the beanies.

Their schedule set out for the upcoming week were as such:

Aston Villa vs Chelsea (Bescot Stadium, Birmingham): 4th Nov 1230 - All to attend.

Arsenal vs Man City (Meadow Park, London): 5th Nov 1230 – Bridget, Emily and YFN to attend.

Spurs vs Everton (Brisbane Road, London): 5th Nov 1400 – Matt and Ruby to attend. YFN to stop by at the end.

Liverpool vs Leicester (Prenton Park, Liverpool): 5th Nov 1400 – Ethan, Daniel and Noel to attend.

West Ham vs Bristol (Chigwell Stadium, London): 5th Nov 1500 – Sam and Olivia to attend.

Brighton vs Man United (Broadfield Stadium, Crawley): 5th Nov 1845 – Bridget and Emily (relocate from Ars vs Man City), YFN to come later after stopping by the end of the Spurs and Everton game at Brisbane Road.

They were working right up until YFN realised it was late, and they needed time to get home. Only Matt and Ruby lived in Birmingham, Ethan lived in Liverpool, Daniel in Manchester, and the rest were from London. Limiting driving had been her main concern when she'd created their schedules, and also the reason they didn't need an office just yet.

They all parted ways, agreeing to meet again in that same conference room for rest of the week to go over more prep work for the interviews, editing and games.

"I'm sorry, I was so distracted with everything going on!" YFN admitted as she walked through the front door. Jordan was home from training and making dinner.

"That's alright, chicken, I thought you had." Jordan laughed. "Figured you'd want an early dinner. Plus we have three hours of driving to do, so I figured we'd eat early so we can leave early!"

"Good idea! And that smells amazing, pasta?"

"Chicken pesto pasta. Go get dressed, dinner's almost done. I want us to try and leave by six."

Two hours later they were in the car and approaching Sheffield. Jordan's parents were visiting family there for the night, and had brought Blu down for her to pick up. Jordan's parents were Keith and Kerry, and they were lovely. Although it was a brief introduction, they'd gotten along well. YFN loved meeting parents, it put into perspective for her just what made Jordan the bubbly little affectionate person she was. They said their goodbyes and YFN drove home so Jordan wouldn't be too tired for training the next day. Blu was sat cuddled on her lap in a blanket, as affectionate as his mum.

"All of these guys are like this." Jordan said, referring to the breed, Dachshund. "I just love him so much."

"He's adorable. I especially love how he looks like he's walking fast when he's walking slow."

"Argh, isn't he the cutest? Our new little roomie."

"I'm going to buy him a little hoodie."

Jordan loved the idea. "How did your goodbye with Lucy go?"

They hadn't spoken about that on the trip up, they'd spoke about their days, Jordan talking about her training and YFN talking about her plans with the company. Jordan had been so interested in what she had planned, also excited to hear that the first official match to cover was going to be Aston Villa vs Chelsea in Birmingham on Saturday.

She gave out a sigh and explained to Jordan about how emotional the day had been. "I've never had to rely so much on one person, or want to shift my whole life around someone before. It's terrifying to be honest."

"How was Lucy..?"

"She was okay during the day... a little quiet. She got a bit emotional at the airport. There were quite a few tears." She admitted.

"Lucy cried?" Jordan seemed surprised. YFN was a little surprised by Jordan's reaction, until she thought about it. Lucy wasn't overly emotional with anyone. She didn't like to be comforted or cry. But with YFN it was different, and she regularly saw that different side of her so often that it was easy to forget. Her vulnerable Lucy. It was a good reminder as to how open she was being with YFN.

"She's okay.. also there's something else I need to get off my chest. I'm really ashamed about it."

Jordan looked at her with kind eyes, encouraging her to go ahead.

"I.... Lucy told me she loved me at the airport."

"What?! That's amazing! Oh my god, she's not usually so open-" She cut herself off as she realised. "You didn't say it back?"

"I kind of froze? My fight or flight triggered. I didn't tell her that, I just sort of... cried because I was so happy and sad and overwhelmed and upset that I'd disappointed her by not being able to say it."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes! Of course. For as long as I've known her. She's it for me, I want her in every way, I just... I have no idea why I reacted like that."

Jordan thought for a little bit, stroking Blu as she went into that little zone she fell into often. "Do you think... it's because you're scared that you'll lose her?" She asked softly. YFN could tell it was triggering her feelings about Leah and their breakup.

She thought about it. Was she just scared that she'd let herself open up and that Lucy would leave? Like her mum did? Her dad? Tears sprung to her eyes and she had her answer. "Yeah... I think you're spot on there. I'm so used to being left behind. The thought of letting Lucy in too deep is terrifying because if I lose her... I don't know what I'd do. She's just... fucking... wormed her way into my heart and I can't bear to lose her."

Jordan nodded, fully understanding and still in her little zone.

"How are you feeling, Dory?" She asked gently.

"I miss her." Jordan's voice was quiet and full of emotion. Admitting that was huge.

"I know she was going to ask you to this charity event.. would you like to go in my place?"

She shook her head quickly. "Training has been really good for me lately, it's clearing my mind a bit. I think I'll give it a few more days and then if I'm ready, you can tell me how she's doing at the event. I'm not going to open myself back up if she's given up."

"Oh, I think she's far from given up. The way she talks about you.."

Jordan thought for a bit and then chuckled. "Jeez, what a pair we make, huh?"

It didn't take long until YFN found herself on day three of thirteen. YFN was tired, with an inability to sleep. She'd managed to get herself into a little space half-way between asleep and awake when her mind was overwhelmed. Lucy. Lucy. Everywhere she looked. Lucy. Social media? Lucy. People talking? Lucy fucking Bronze. She groaned and forced her eyes open, looking at the ceiling. What was happening to her? Why couldn't she stop her brain? This obsession?

She sighed and let herself fall victim to it instead. She loved her. Lucy had quickly become the most important person in her life, and there was nothing wrong with that, she just wasn't used to that much emotion. She felt like she'd lost a lot of her control with her mind always on her, and her body physically wanting her at every second. She feared for her work productivity when she would eventually arrive in Spain.

"Just go with it," she whispered to herself. She took out her phone and looked at the photos Lucy had posted earlier to social media. Oh, she knew what she was doing with those. YFN bit her lip as her mind went on a happy little journey of the times Lucy had touched her. She looked at the photo, one in particular. Those lips had been on her, those muscly thighs had been driving that strap into her, that gorgeous face with her goddamned jaw had been under her when she demanded she sat on her face. And that she had. Gratefully.

"Fuck." She groaned. How did she have this much hold over her from such a distance? She put the phone on the bed next to her and had a 'fuck it' moment. She took hold of one of her nipples, teasing it with flicking and pinching as she slid her other hand underneath the waistband of her underwear. She felt how moist she was there, only getting worse the more she thought about her Lucy. She felt through her own folds, two fingers landing on her clit. Her breathing became ragged as her two fingers worked her clit, dragging more wetness up from her core when she needed it. She'd never particularly been good at masturbating, she always got into her head too much, but it seemed to be a lot easier when Lucy was on her mind. Still, she didn't know if she could get there. She rubbed and squirmed as her other hand found her other nipple. She went at it for a while, her body slightly sweaty as she chased the feeling Lucy made her feel. Her clit became sensitive, so she moved her fingers down and thrust two inside of herself wondering what she felt like to Lucy. The wet sounds were audible even under the blanket as she fucked herself like that a little, her back arching and breathing getting louder. Lucy. Lucy. Lucy.

She knew she wouldn't be able to come without her tonight, her mind too frustrated. She groaned and grabbed her phone, slowing her hand to a slow circle over her clit. She was about to embarrass herself out of sexual need.

"Little one?" Lucy answered, obviously just being woken up.

YFN pulled her phone back to look at the time. It was midnight, which meant it was 1am there.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," she cried softly. "Go back to sleep, Luce."

"No! No.. stay.. I miss your voice." YFN loved Lucy's sleepy voice. Less cocky and more... big kid Lucy.

"I miss your voice too," she admitted.

"Why were you calling, love? Did you need to hear my voice too?"

"Y....yes..." She said but Lucy caught on.

"That was a lie." She switched to Facetime and YFN squinted at the now brighter screen. Lucy stared at the screen in front of her, half-asleep and so adorable it broke her heart. She reached over and took her glasses off her nightstand and put them on, smiling and settling back down onto the pillow when she could see her better. "God, you're pretty."

The sight and sound of Lucy was getting her wetter than she ever thought possible, and her clit pulsed under her slowly moving hand. Her lips trembled and she gave a little gasp, her face reddening slightly.

Lucy's face dropped and her mouth opened slightly as she moved closer to the camera with darkening eyes. "Little one, are you... touching yourself?"

She pressed her lips together and stopped her hand, trying to tell her face to stop getting redder. Oh, she was embarrassed now.

"Don't stop." Lucy pleaded.

"I'm sorry.." she whispered, ignoring Lucy's plea.

"Don't stop." She said harder. YFN's fingers began moving again. "Good girl. That's it, keep doing as I tell you." Lucy was awake now and clearly happy telling her what to do.

"Luce.." she whispered.

"Shhh love. Do as I say. Put the camera down there, I want to hear how wet you are for me."

YFN trembled but did as she was told, holding the phone down near her pussy. It was too dark for Lucy to see anything, but she could hear her groaning. She left it there for a minute or so before bringing it back up.

"Fuck, you're so sexy. Fingers inside. Now."

YFN reacted automatically doing as she was told. She thrust two fingers inside and jerked, gasping.

"That's right, fuck yourself. Be a good girl. Yes... yes right there, I can see you like that. Fuck yourself there."

YFN's eyes were closed as she did what she was told, listening to her girlfriend.

"Put the phone down. Use my pillow so I can see you."

YFN did just that, leaning it against Lucy's pillow so she had a decent view of her.

"Ugh, I wish I could taste you right now. You have no idea."

But she did, because she would have done anything for the opportunity to be in Lucy's mouth right now.

"That's my girl, keep going. You were just going to call and let me go back to sleep, huh? You know better than that." She growled.

"I... I really miss you, Luce," she whimpered.

"Nothing feels as good as me inside of you, does it?"

She shook her head.

"Out loud."

"No," she whispered.

"Keep fucking yourself in and out. Your fingers are mine, that's me fucking you right now. Keep going, my girl. That's it, you're getting closer now." YFN's back was starting to arch.

"I want your free hand to pinch your nipples. That's my girl, you're so good at doing what you're told. Fuck, your tits are amazing. I want to be sucking them right now."

She knew Lucy had a good view from where she'd put the phone, able to see most of her body from the side and especially her back arching off of the bed. She was so frustrated at getting barely anywhere, now just teetering on her edge and unable to make that final push.

"Patience, little one, we're almost there. Push those blankets off, let me see you."

YFN pushed the blankets off that were covering the lower half of her body. She pulled her feet up the bed further, widening her knees apart. She was brutally aware that Lucy couldn't only hear her whimpers and moans now, but the wet sound from her fingers fucking in and out of her also.

"Argh fuck. Fuck. Fuck, you're so... fuck."

YFN turned her head to look at Lucy who seemed incredibly frustrated. Her eyes were dark, her lips parted and breathing heavily.

"L...Luce. You can touch yourself too." She gasped, knowing she must look a state at the moment. Lucy's attention moved from her fingers to her face as they locked onto each other's eyes across the screen. Lucy didn't say anything, but she saw her shift and her eyes flicker into the back of her head for a second as she found herself.

"I'll slow down and wait for you.." YFN offered and calmed down a little, her fingers coming out of her and moving up to circle her clit slowly. One more push and she could get there.

They fucked themselves across the screen, gasping and saying dirty, sexy things to work each other up. The sound of Lucy's whimpers had an effect on her that nothing else had, because she was letting herself be so vulnerable.

"Lucy I'm coming... I'm coming.."

"Good girl, you can come."

She could come? She had permission? Lucy was controlling her orgasms? She certainly was.. that last sentence sent her body shuddering into a wet mess, her back arching and muscles locking as she rode that excitement, listening to Lucy's voice. She worked herself down quickly, knowing Lucy was also close. She knew she was watching and so she took her dripping fingers out of her body and dragged them up to her nipple closest to the camera, rubbing it between her fingers and biting her lip as she wound herself down.

Lucy groaned at the sight and YFN turned to her with a little dimply smile as she put those two wet fingers in her mouth and sucked on them like she was giving head.

"Argh don't stop. Please... don't stop..." Lucy pleaded and YFN started to moan as she sucked and licked the taste of her from her own fingers. "Oh fuuuck. Argh. Ye...yes!" Lucy came suddenly, and it was always something she was obsessed with seeing. YFN watched her eyes squeeze shut and her body lock up in her orgasm. The side view was spectacular, her well earned muscles tight against her skin, and the artery throbbing in her neck. She watched as her girlfriend rode that wave all the way down into a slightly sweaty, but very relaxed mess.

Lucy eventually turned to the camera with a lazy smile. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and adjusted her glasses before she propped her head up on her pillow.

"You're incredible."

YFN blushed. "That was... successful."

"Do you feel better?"

She blew out a heavy breath. "I really needed that, I think. I feel a lot better."

"Good.." She got a little closer to the camera as she studied her. "Have you been sleeping..?"

She was caught. YFN shook her head. "I can't seem to sleep without you.."

"Oh, love. I sleep horrible without you too. I can't wait until you're here. Ten days."

"Ten days. We can do that." She sounded unsure. "I'm sorry for waking you, I genuinely didn't realise how late it was."

Lucy scoffed. "You know you can wake me any time, for any reason. I have you on bypass. And that... was a pretty good reason."

YFN grinned, proud of herself. "Good luck at your game on Sunday..."

"Will you be watching?"

"I'll be travelling between games, Luce.. but I'll keep up with the score. Promise."

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