legend of Korra golden boy

Autorstwa PEcRUnbl

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After the events of Harmonic convergence A lot of none benders awakened the ability to air bend and among the... Więcej

The boy with golden hair
Ba Sing Sae
In Harms way
Northern air temple
Spirit world
Forged connection
Old wounds
Original Airbenders
Terror within
Enter the void
Venom of the Red Lotus
After All These Years
The Calling
Battle of Zaofu
Beyond the Wilds
Operation Beifong
Kuvira's Gambit
Day of colossus
The Last Stand
Free vs Lui

Enemy at the Gate.

186 3 18
Autorstwa PEcRUnbl

Last we left off Tenzin's children managed to find both Free and Korra and informed them what has been going on while they were away and not only that but Korra finally managed to get the finale bits of the mercury poison out of her system which allowed her to enter the Avatar State once again.

We now cut to a bunch of Earth empire airships and tanks making their way through the valley that houses Zaofu. We cut to inside Kuvira's train to see Lui, Baatar jr, and Kuvira with Baatar fixing the button on his wrist while Lui and Kuvira looked through the window.

Lui: Home, sweet home.

Baatar Jr: By this time tomorrow, my mother will have signed our treaty, and the Earth Empire will finally be united.

Kuvira: Don't get ahead of yourself.

Said Kuvira surprising Baatar Jr.

Kuvira: Securing your home town won't be like every other city.

Baatar Jr: Zaofu stopped being my home long ago, and I'm ready to take it by force.

Kuvira: No, the eyes of the world are on us now; we must do this right. That's why we need Bolin.

Baatar Jr: Do you really think we can rely on him.

Kuvira: Su trusts him; she'll listen to him.

And while that was happening Lui was thinking about something else completely.

Luinor: 'Partner, you sense that, don't you?'

Lui: 'Yes, it's Free and Fafnir's presence, as well as the Avatar, and they're headed here.'

Luinor: 'Indeed, this can only mean that the Avatar has been found and that Free's training is complete, which also means that the inevitable showdown between us and Free and Fafnir is coming.'

Said Luinor which caused Lui to smirk in excitement as his hair began flaring up.

Lui: ' Yes, and I'm really looking forward to it.'

We then cut to the Free, Jinora, Korra, Ikki, and Meelo flying to Zaofu.

Jinora: Are you sure we should be going to Zaofu? Dad wanted us to bring you and Free back to Republic City.

Korra: If Kuvira is heading to Zaofu, so am I; she needs to know that the Avatar is back, and the world needs to know.

Free: Yeah, I hate to be the guy who rains on your parade, but are you really back one hundred percent?

Said Free surprising everyone.

Korra: What do you mean?

Free: You spent three years without training and mostly focused on recovery. Not only that, but I was told you had visions of Zaheer and yourself in the Avatar state. Getting the poison out may have helped you physically, but did it help with your mental block with your PTSD? 

Asked Free which caused the group to remain silent and shocked Korra.

Korra: How did you-

Free: Me and Fafnir can sense your connection to Raava, you know, and while yes, it's back, it's not as strong as it used to be. So I'm going to ask you: Are you really up for fighting Kuvira? I mean, we can try talking to her peacefully, but I highly doubt that would work, which means we will need to fight her, so are you up for this?

Asked Free causing Korra to look down in contemplation before looking at Free with determination in her eyes.

Korra: Don't worry I'll be fine.

Free: *Sight* Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Ikki: You know, if you're so worried about Kuvira, why don't you fight her?

Free: Because I'll have hands full with Lui.

Said Free surprising everyone.

Free: From what I was told, Lui is with Kuvira, which means we'll have to fight him. Not that I mind since that was my plan from the start. That's what I've been training myself for these past three years.

Jinora: Are you sure you're ready for this? From what Mako told me, Lui is really strong.

Free: Don't worry, Jinora. I'm strong too.

Said Free with a smirk causing Jinora to sigh.

Jinora: Just promise me you'll be okay. I don't want to see my best friend get hurt again.

Said Jinora referring to what happened to Free when he fought the Red Lotus.

Free: I promise.

With that the group continued on in silence.

Fafnir: ' The moment that you've been training for these past three years is on its way. Are you excited, partner?'

Free: ' I am, and I'm pretty sure Lui can sense that we're coming and is just as excited as I am.'

Fafnir: ' And are you sure you can beat him?'

Free: ' I am I can defeat anybody after all I'm the strongest.'

Said Free as his eyes flickered gold.

We then cut to Kuvira's train with Pax standing in his lab with a group of scientists an we see  a bunch of monitors, technology, and monitoring equipment. In the center of the lab, we see four pillars: the first was red, the second was blue, the third was cyan, and the fourth was brown. In the center, we see an orb colored purple.

Pax: Now, activate it.

ordered Pax as one of the scientists pressed a button activating a machine that contained a spirit vine that started glowing, and the energy from the vines caused the four pillars to start glowing. After a few seconds, the pillars generated an energy field, which started heading to the purple orb in the center, but nothing happened to the orb; it stayed dim, which caused Pax to sigh in disappointment.

Pax: Turn it off.

Ordered Pax causing the scientists to turn the machine off causing the pillars to to stop glowing.

Pax: That will be all for today. You can leave now.

Said Pax causing the scientists to leave the lab leaving Pax by himself.

Pax: I knew it wouldn't be enough, but it was still disappointing.

Suddenly Pax heard aloud explosion which startled him.

Pax: What the? That came from Varrick's lab.

Pax then proceeded to exit his lab and make his way to Varrick's lab where he met up with Lui, Kuvira, and Baatar Jr.

Pax: Lady Kuvira, what happened?

Kuvira: We're about to find out.

Said Kuvira before she and the others entered the lab and saw Varrick and Zhu Li sitting on the floor.

Kuvira: What happened? Were we attacked?

Varrick: No, we were spirit-vined, but don't worry, I'm putting the kaibug on this project.

Said Varrick before proceeding to turn the spirit vines off.

Kuvira: No, you're not. Do you realize what we can do with this kind of power?

Varrick: Yes, I do, and that's why we have to put an end to it. What if it fell into the wrong hands?

Baatar Jr: Since when does that matter to you?

Varrick: I know, it's not like me, right? Usually I look at a project like this and think, "Wow, I can make tons of money from this," but recently I've been having these strange feelings inside. It's like I'm concerned with others, and there is this nagging voice in my head constantly telling me what's right and wrong.

Zhu Li: I believe that's your conscience, sir.

Pax: Since when do you, of all people, have a conscience?

Varrick: I don't know; I guess I just developed it over time.

Lui: You of all people developed a conscience? Heh. I guess nothing is impossible after all.

Kuvira: Well, I'm the other voice in your head, and I'm telling you you will continue this project.

Varrick: Sorry, no I just gotta really stand my ground on this one-

However  before he can finish his sentence he was interrupted by Kuvira metalbending his metal shoulder plate around his neck uses it to make him levitate.

Kuvira: Now there is a voice in my head telling me to drop you on the tracks. Should I listen?

Said Kuvira while levitating Varrick outside the hole.

Varrick: No! No! Head voices are liars! What do head voices know!? I'll work on the project; please don't drop me!

Upon hearing that Kuvira smiled before throwing him back inside the train, tossing him to the floor. Zhu Li  quickly rushes to Varrick's side and  as Lui, Pax, Kuvira, and Baatar jr leave Zhu Li and Varrick glare at them angrily which didn't go unnoticed by Lui.

Luinor: 'Judging from the look in their eyes, they might try to escape.'

Lui: 'I know.'

Luinor: ' Are you not going to tell Kuvira about this?'

Lui: 'No, this is her mess; she can clean it up by herself.'


A few hours later we cut to back to Kuvira's train, with Bolin wondering why he was brought before Kuvira and Baatar Jr.. The former tells him they want him to be a part of their "inner circle". Bolin is ecstatic about the news but, reeling in his enthusiasm, asks what it means exactly. Kuvira explains that it means he has proven his worth and asks him to persuade Suyin to join the Earth Empire. As Bolin assures them he can do it, Kuvira bends the armored plates on the car's windows open, revealing to him the army massed in the valley. When Bolin inquires as to whether a show of force will send the wrong message, Kuvira counters by saying that the army is meant to project strength, while he is there to present peace.

We then cut to Lui, Bolin, Kuvira, and Baatar Jr. entering Suyin's office to see Suyin, Opal, Baatar, the twins, and Huan waiting for them. 

Bolin: Opal, you're here too.

Said Bolin walking up to Opal happily though was stopped by Opal turning away from him.

Opal: No, you've chosen your side.

Bolin: Sides? There shouldn't be any sides. I know why don't we all stand in a circle, huh? Maybe hold hands.

Though Bolin was ignored by Suyin whose attention was on Kuvira.

Suyin: I'm not giving up Zaofu. I don't care that you brought your entire army.

Kuvira: Su, I didn't bring my army to threaten you; I wanted to show you what your sons and I have accomplished.

Suyin and Baatar turned her attention to Lui and Baatar Jr

Suyin: You must realize that what you're doing goes against everything your father and I tried to teach you.

Baatar: My sons, you both belong here.

Baatar Jr: Why? So that I can go on living in your shadow?

Said Baatar Jr much to his parents shock.

Suyin: Don't say that. Can't you see she's brainwashed you.

Kuvira: Hah. I didn't brainwash him; I set him free, and now he's accomplished more with me than he ever could with you.

Bolin: Ohohoh. Okay, guys, obviously there is a lot of personal painful history here, so what do you say? We just all forget about all that stuff, huh? I mean, that's the past.

Said Bolin before going over to the twins.

Bolin: Right, Wing? Right, Wei? You guys know what I'm talking about. High five.

Said Bolin trying to high five them but they continue to glare at him causing him to back to where he was standing.

Bolin: You know what I think we need to do-

However before he can finish his sentence he was interrupted by Lui who said.

Lui: Enough, Bolin; this is obviously not going to work.

Said Lui causing Bolin to look down 

Suyin: I can't believe you brought Bolin here to try and sway us.

Said Suyin walking over to Kuvira.

Suyin: Leave; Zaofu will never accept you as their leader.

Kuvira: Then you leave me no choice. You have twenty-four hours to agree to join the empire, or we will take this city by force.

Said Kuvira before she, Baatar Jr., and Bolin who was reluctant left the room leaving Lui who staring at his adoptive family.

Suyin: Lui, do you also believe you were being imprisoned here?

Lui: No, I was always free, and Zaofu was no—is my home, not my prison.

Baatar: Then why did you leave with Kuvira?

Lui: I have my reasons.

Opal: And what are these reason.

Lui: The first reason is because I planned to use this as a reason to train for my showdown with Free. I figured dealing with bandits, assassins, and even former Dai Li would help me get stronger, which it did. You'd be surprised by the number of bandits and assassins who aren't pushovers. The second reason is that because I wanted to save the Earth Kingdom, I didn't want to leave it in chaos.

Wei: But why?

Lui continued to stare at them for a few seconds before sighing.

Lui: Fine I'll tell you, but listen carefully because I'm saying this once and only once.

Said Lui before inhaling and exhaling.

Lui: Its I didn't want anyone to go through the same feeling of abandonment I went through.

Said Lui surprising everyone.

Lui: My real parents abandoned me because they were so scared of my talent. They thought I was a demon and left me alone to die by myself. I didn't want anyone to go through the same thing I did. I thought that somewhere in the chaos that's been going on throughout the Earth Kingdom, someone was getting abandoned by their family. Heck, the entire nation was being abandoned by everybody, which is why I went with Kuvira.

Suyin: Lui.

Lui then turned his attention to Kuvira.

Lui: When I was all alone in the streets, you came to me, reached out to me, gave me a home, and treated me like I was your own blood-related son. I know I don't say this often, but I'm truly grateful for all you've done for me, so tha-tha-tha-tha-.

Said Lui trying to form the words but due to his nature he kept stopping himself every time. The others who realized what Lui was trying to see were all shocked and while the men continued widening their eyes in shock Suyin and Opal began smiling

Lui: Tha-Tha-tha-tha-.

Suyin: You don't have to force it.

However Lui didn't listen and proceeded to punch himself in the gut forcing himself to say.

Lui: Thank you!

Said Lui before he started coughing slightly from the punch and while that was happening the men all dropped their jaws in shock while Opal and Suyin both smiled widely at Lui.

Wei: He-he-he just said thank you.

Said Wei while shaking Wing.

Wing: Okay, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, and it's that this is a nightmare! Wake me up, Wei!

Opal: Awww. That was so sweet of you, Lui.

Said Opal while rubbing Lui's hair though he quickly slapped her hand away.

Lui: Don't get used to it. This is the first and last time I'm saying this to you.

Said Lui as Suyin walked closer.

Suyin: I'm really glade you told me this, Lui.

Said Suyin with a giant smile on her face. Lui looked at her for a moment before sighing and turning away.

Lui: See ya.

Said Lui leaving the room while waving to them.

We then cut back to Free, Jinora, Korra, Ikki, and Meelo who finally reached Zaofu with Meelo looking through the telescope.

Meelo: I see it. Zaofu. We made it.

Exclaimed Meelo before looking closer and seeing Kuvira's troops.

Meelo: And a bunch of other people are here too.

Free: Well, crap.

Korra: Oh, no. I hope we're not too late.


A few minutes later we cut to the group entering Suyin's office much to the Beifong family's shock.

Suyin: Korra? I can't believe it where have you been?

Asked Suyin hugging Korra. 

Suyin: You disappeared, everyone was so worried.

Korra: I'll tell you the whole story late. Right now, I wanna help you stop Kuvira. What can I do?

We cut to  Kuvira's tent at the army camp with Bolin asking Kuvira if she was bluffing about attacking Zaofu, to which she responds that alternate methods must sometimes be used to convince the uncooperative. Cowed yet suspicious, Bolin asks how many times these "other ways" have been used, only for Kuvira to deflect the inquiry. He nonetheless presses the issues, asking what really happens to all the towns and villages after they leave, as he realizes that he has never gone back to ever check on them. Kuvira asserts that those people are her loyal subjects, contributing to the Empire however she sees fit. She adds that, as a member of the inner circle, he will need to accept some hard truths, causing him to doubt his aptitude to be part of that circle. When he suggests they leave Zaofu alone, which will successfully end their campaign as the rest of the Earth Empire has already been effectively reunited, Kuvira angrily advances on him, questioning his loyalty and even considering sending him to a . Panicking, Bolin quickly reaffirms his loyalty, though his panicked salute fails to impress Kuvira.

We then cut to Free, Korra, and Suyin in Lui's training ground.

Free: So, this is where Lui used to train.

Suyin: Yup. He would come here every day to train and train to become stronger. During the time Korra came here, his training sessions would get more frequent, and I guess that was because of you.

Free: He must have sensed when I and Fafnir connected and felt motivated to train harder.

Suyin: Yeah, one of the reasons he went with Kuvira was because he hoped to get stronger to face you.

Free: Um. Sorry?

Suyin: Don't apologize; none of this is your fault. Like I said, training was only one reason.

Free: And what's the other reason?

Suyin:*chuckles* I doubt he'd like it too much if I told you.

Free: I heard you adopted him when he was six years old.

Suyin: Yes, it was on one of my business trips. I saw him all alone in an alleyway and felt bad for him, so I took him in and raised him as if he were my own son.

That's when Korra decided to chime in.

Korra: I hear Kuvira was your protégé.

Suyin: She was more than that; she was like a daughter to me. I took her in when she was eight years old and nurtured her talents. Kuvira was smart, a natural leader, and quickly rose through the ranks. I saw myself in her.

Free: So, what lead to this rift that grew between you, Kuvira, and Lui?


 Suyin explains how three years ago after the fall of the of the Earth Queen Tenzin and Raiko came to Zaofu and met with her, a meeting at which Kuvira was present. The two men wanted her to become the Earth Kingdom's temporary sovereign; Tenzin explained that, as the other world leaders trusted her and the Beifong name still carried weight in the Earth Kingdom, Suyin was ideally positioned to take the job. Honored by their offer, Suyin turned them down regardless, as "imposing [her] ideals on an entire nation" did not interest her. Cautiously interrupting the talk, Kuvira urged Suyin to reconsider the proposal; she stated that Zaofu was a beacon of progress and that taking the position would allow them to share their progress with the Earth Kingdom. Suyin persisted, believing that they would be nothing more than conquerors waging war rather than peacemakers. Kuvira countered that the country was already at war and that this was their opportunity to change things. Suyin could not be swayed, which spurned Kuvira's idea with a bitter finality and we see that Lui was leaning on the other side of the door listening to the conversation before walking awa.

Suyin: I didn't realize at the time, but that moment created a rift between us.

We then cut to Kuvira and Baatar Jr. preparing four airships with Suyin walking up to Kuvira.

Suyin: What do you think you're doing?

Kuvira: We're doing what you don't have the guts to do. We're going to Ba Sing Sae to help bring order back to the Earth Kingdom.

Suyin: No! You will stay here.

Said Suyin causing Kuvira to turn to her.

Kuvira: And who's going to stop me? Your security force was more than happy to join my cause. They're some of the best fighters in the world, and they're tired of being treated like exotic birds in your cage.

Suyin: If you leave now, you'll never be welcomed back.

Kuvira: When I choose to return it, it will be on my own terms.

That's when they heard the sounds of wheels and saw Lui dragging his training machine with him and was walking to the ship much to Suyin's shock.

Suyin: No, don't tell me she brainwashed you too, Lui.

Upon hearing that Lui stopped and turned and turned to her.

Lui: Don't worry, I'm not a simp like Baatar Jr.; the only reason I'm going with her is because our goals align for the moment, that's all.

Said Lui before boarding the Ship with Kuvira and flying away as Suyin looked on.

Suyin: Kuvira, Lui, and Baatar left that day with Varrick, my security, and a few of Zaofu's wealthiest citizens.

*Flashback End*

Suyin: After Kuvira proved herself by stabilizing Ba Sin Sae Raiko, and the other world leaders made her the provisional head of the Earth Kingdom when she refused to step down, I knew it was a matter of time until she made her way back here.

Korra: I wanna fix this.

Suyin: You can. Go into the Avatar State and Free use that form you used against Zaheer and demolish her army. Remove Kuvira from power once and for all.

Korra: Fighting is something the old me would do that always made things worse. Let me talk to Kuvira; maybe I can reason with her.

Free: I doubt that would work while some people can be reasoned with, and some people will only listen to reason after you beat them.

We cut back to Republic City with a distraught Asami sitting on a bench at Avatar Korra Park. However, her mood brightens as she spots a father playing Pai Sho with his daughter.

Back to Zaofu we see Varrick is in a state of panic, having been locked into the research car of Kuvira's train, in contrast with the calm, collected Zhu Li, who is preparing tea for him. Bolin opens a hatch in the roof of the car, whispering to get Varrick's attention. Varrick momentarily believes the voices in his head have returned, but Zhu Li points to the hatch, leading Varrick to realize it is Bolin speaking to him from the ceiling. Bolin drops into the car, and the men grab each other by the shoulders, both exclaiming that Kuvira has gone mad. Varrick informs Bolin about her forcing him to build a superweapon by threatening his life, and Bolin tells Varrick that she threatened him too, as well as Zaofu and the villages they annexed. The two quickly conclude that deserting the army is their only option, and they escape through the open hatch.

We then cut Free and Korra being escorted by Baatar Jr. to Kuvira.

Baatar Jr: We have two unexpected guests, the Avatar and Free De La Hoya, are here to see you.

Upon Hearing this Kuvira turned her attention to the two.

Kuvira: Korra, it is such an honor to see you again. The last I've heard, you were still healing at the South Pole. *turns to Free* And it's nice to officially meet you, Free De La Hoya. The fact that you're here means that your training is complete.

Free: Yup.

Korra: And I'm feeling much better now.

Kuvira: That's wonderful news.

Korra: We're here to ask you to back down. Please, take your army and leave.

Kuvira: I think we all know thats not going to happen.

Said Kuvira causing Korra to narrow her eyes.

Korra: We can't let you take Zaofu.

Kuvira: Look, I was tasked with bringing stability to the Earth Kingdom. Zaofu is the last holdout; why should I treat it differently than any other state?

Free: Maybe because Zaofu is actually stable and isn't overrun by bandits like the other states.

Kuvira: That may be true, but to fully unite the Earth Kingdom, I need Zaofu. You can't come to me when I'm on the verge of reuniting my nation and tell me to stop. The world was descending into chaos while you were gone. If we were to fix it, I had to make some tough decisions.

Free: All I hear are excuses so that you get to keep all that power.

Kuvira: Huh?

Free: From my point of view, you just want more power than you already have. When you first got a taste of the power you get when leading a nation, you enjoyed it; in fact, you enjoyed it so much that you wanted to hang on to that power and not give it away, but you also wanted to increase that power, which is why you want Zaofu.

??: I completely agree.

Said a voice causing the group to turn their attention to it to see none other than Lui walking over and was looking specifically at Free who began walking towards him and they got closer both pulled their arms back and attempted to punch each other.

Korra: Free, stop!

However at the last second both of them unclenched their fists and proceeded to grab each others hands in a firm shake hoping to test each other's strength from their grip strength.

Lui: You've gotten stronger, eh?

Free: Of course. And what about you? I heard you spent this years fighting bandits.

Lui: You'd be surprised by the number of bandits, assassins, and former Dai Li who aren't pushovers. I hope you're ready, because I'm going to crush that self-confidence of yours.

Free: Took the words out of my mouth.

Said Free in a serious tone as everyone could feel the intensity between the two.

Korra: Enough, Free. Now is not the time for this.

Kuvira: Stand down, Lui.

With that the two rivals let go of each other and turned to the two. Korra then turned to Kuvira.

Korra: I understand what you had to go through, Kuvira. I had plenty of people mad at me about decisions I've made.

Kuvira: Exactly.

Said Kuvira walking over to Korra and placing a hand on her shoulder.

Kuvira: Korra, if you really want to help, go back to Su and try to talk some sense into her. Let's call a temporary truce. I won't make any moves until you talk to her and get back to me.

Said Kuvira causing Korra to look down.

Korra: Maybe that will be for the best.

Kuvira: Thank you.

With that Korra turned back and started walking away.

Korra: We're leaving, Free.

Upon hearing that Free turned to Lui.

Free: I hope you're ready because our showdown is on the way.

Lui: *Smirks* I was born ready.

Free: *Smirks* That's what I like to hear.

Said Free before turning away and began leaving with Korra.

Free: Later.

We then cut to Baatar Jr. walking up to Varrick's car and asks the guards posted outside if they have seen Bolin. They inform him the lavabender came to see Varrick, but they sent him away. Becoming suspicious, Baatar Jr. orders them to open the door. Inside, they find an empty car and an open ceiling hatch waiting for them, at which point Baatar Jr. declares that they have some fugitives to catch.

and lock into battle with and two other pilots, while scampers to safety.

Outside the camp but not far from it, Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu Li, each having commandeered a mecha suit, are making their way uphill. Overlooking the army camped in the valley, Bolin stops and suggest to go up and around the mountains in order to sneak into Zaofu from the rear. Noting the metal city is doomed, Varrick announces his intention to escape to Republic City in order to warn them about Kuvira's spirit-vine superweapon. While Bolin ponders their best option, he is suddenly zapped by a bolt of electricity from Baatar Jr.'s mecha suit, who, along with the two other guards, has caught up with the runaways. Varrick panics, but Zhu Li comes to his defense and holds off the other two suits quite ably while Bolin takes on Baatar Jr. The lavabender is quickly forced to abandon his suit moments before Baatar Jr. lands a crippling blow, destroying the machine, but he continues the fight with his and manages to gain the upper hand by toppling a tree atop Baatar Jr.'s suit. Meanwhile, in an attempt to help out, Varrick has engaged the electric weapon of his own suit but accidentally knocks down Zhu Li. Without her protection, one of the soldiers manages to ensnare his suit, forcing him to flee on foot. He climbs up a hill, chased by one of the suits, but manages to reach the top safely since Zhu Li comes to his aid. She struggles to hold off her two opponents, but the odds are tipped in their favor when Bolin creates a gully of lava, which melts the guards' suits and allows Bolin to trap the escaping pilots with his earthbending. Their victory is short-lived, however, as Baatar Jr. emerges atop the cliff and forces them to surrender by dangling a captured Varrick over the edge by his head. The businessman promptly blames Zhu Li for his predicament, enraging his assistant.

We cut back to the Republic City Prison with Hiroshi being escorted to Asami's table. When he sits down at the table with her, surprised to see her again, she tells him she initially intended to visit him to tell him personally that she never wanted to have anything to do with him again; she wanted to hurt him as badly as he hurt her. When she actually saw him, she admits that she felt sadness rather than the expected anger, for he had tainted their past and destroyed their future together. Hiroshi apologizes and desires to make amends, and Asami tells him that, despite not knowing if she will ever succeed, she should try to forgive him. She pulls a small Pai Sho board from her bag and asks Hiroshi to play a game with her, as they had in the past. Hiroshi smiles, saying that nothing would make him happier.

We then cut to Kuvira's office with Baatar Jr. bringing in a handcuffed Bolin, Zhu Li, and Varrick with Lui, Pax, and Kuvira waiting for them.

Bolin: Don't torture us.

Kuvira then stands up and angrily glares at them.

Kuvira: Send these three away on the next train. Bolin and Zhu Li will be going to re-education camp for our most sever decanters.

Kuvira then proceeds to walk over to Varrick.

Kuvira: And you will continue work on the spirit energy project under close armed supervision. I wanted weaponized immediately.

That's when Zhu Li rushes to Kuvira and fall to her knees.

Zhu Li: Please! Have mercy on me; don't send me away; take me back!

Kuvira: Why would I?

Zhu Li: Because my only mistake was being loyal to the wrong person, I was blindly devoted to Varrick, and I looked past all the times he ridiculed me, ordered me around, or made me clean his disgusting feet because I thought he possessed the most brilliant mind in the world, but when I met you, I realized I was wrong compared to you. Varrick is a fool.

Varrick: Hey! Come on, I'm right here.

However Varrick was ignored by Zhu Li who continued

Zhu Li: I believe in everything you've done, and I believe in your vision. I want to devote my life to you. I pledge my allegiance to you, great uniter.

Kuvira: You two could learn something from here.

Said Kuvira referring to Bolin and Varrick.

Kuvira: Rise, Zhu Li. I'll give you another chance.

Varrick begs her to reconsider, to think about the time they have spent together, but Zhu Li bitterly retorts that he has never appreciated her despite her following his every order. She orders the guards nearby to "do the thing", and they drag Varrick, yelling in despair, from the tent. And while that was happening Lui was staring at Zhu Li narrowing his eyes.

We then cut to Zaofu with Free and Korra running over to Baatar who was pacing back and forth.

Korra: Where is Su? We need to talk to her.

Baatar: She's not here. She took Wing and Wei. They're going to sneak into Kuvira's camp and put an end to this 

Said Baatar much to Korra's shock.

Korra: No.

Free: Well, this is not good.

End of chapter I hope you enjoyed.

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