The Boy She Called Her Nightm...

By creations_tr

768K 44.9K 23.6K

|ROSES AND CIGARETTES Book-I| She was someone who likes to be in her shell and He was someone who likes to br... More

The Boy She Called Her Nightmare
Introduction of Characters
1.Encounter with the Uncalled Storm
2.Now you have a better definition of 'being forced'
3.Your personal inferno of nightmare,wife
4.The Dominant Seductress of Manipulation
5.His Territory to Terrorize
6.His Forbidden Crave for the Rose
7.Destined to be bound with the Darkness
8.Their linked name is a Hypnotising Mantra for Him
9.Lethal Addiction only leads to Destruction
10.Signed her life with the Devil for next seven lives
11.Him leaving his Sheesh-mahal for Her
12.The Beast is not interested in feasting on lifeless Prey
13.She is the artistic red on his black canvas
14.He is too complicated for her understanding
15.The Devil intend to incarcerate her rooh
16.The Asmodeus reasoning with his sins
17.The Beast getting wrecked by the uncalled truth
18.Gaining life after losing a Life
19.Scorching in the same Blaze inflaming his Honey-eye
21.Her urge to divulge the secrets of the Devil's charcoal eyes
22.The engraved line that binds the Devil's sanity and insanity
23.An Obsession so Forbidden
24.Her dilemma for her feelings for her Nightmare Husband
25.The Devil adamant to break all her three rules
26.The Devil giving a name to the 'life'
27.Hell breaking loose
28.The Beast's Bleeding Rose
29.Six Months of The Rose and The Cigarette
30.A Final Goodbye...?
31.The vulnerable Devil wrapped around his rose
32.The Devil is No World Saving Hero
33.The Rose with thorns
34.Pounding Heart of the Devil

20.A Date with the Devil

17.9K 1.2K 674
By creations_tr

Baharon votes barsaao.. ki naya chapter aaya hai... ♪♬

On a serious note, so many are voting but only few are commenting.. too demotivating

Now next chapter will depend on how much the response raises :-/

Flexing his neck, Aarav let his hand rake over the black shirt he wore to ease the slight wrinkles. Rounding his lips, he whistled another random tune, his back now finding another comfortable angle to lean against his car. He tried, but couldn't refrain from taking an umpteenth glance at his Rolex watch before his eyes darted to the tall building which was staring right back at him.

Standing at the same spot for the last half an hour, he had been repeating these same actions in chord. He was... nervous!? But he would never admit that aloud.

Just as his hands, itching to bring out a cigarette, moved to his pocket, the known figure appeared from the building catching his eyes almost instantly. She walked amidst the crowd yet he could see her in the spotlight. As if the whole world is as black and white and grey as him and she is the only art surfeited with noteworthy shades of brown existing in there.

As exaggerated as it sounds but still it isn't enough to conjure up to the extent of power her mere presence administers over his darkness. Everything that his infernal twisted self desires, it is she. His sanity, the forbidden delusion he desires to conquer, the light that intrigues him yet leaves him starving, the addiction he can't get over of.

And the devil, afraid of the authority of the addiction that could bring him to his knees, has kept it cloaked. And he did it so immaculately that even she has no idea of the spell she had cast on the untamed beast.

Her steps flattered with the first realisation of his presence however she averted her steps in another direction, her pace intensifying. Amusement dances through his eyes, noticing her antics while he pocketed the shades off his nose bridge. Swift in his reflexes, he pulled her to himself with a single tug when she was about to pass by him.

Not prepared for the sudden move, her body dashed with his robust chest. Nonetheless he was very much prepared that as soon he felt her weight over him, his arms wrapped around her petite frame. Composing herself from the unexpected exertion, her head craned up, dark brown tendrils cascading beside her visage beautifully.

"Hello Honey-eye." His voice deep and hushed, audible only for the two of them. And she found her breath hitching, everytime he calls her like that makes her insides flip.

Dressed into a simple white off shoulder top with formal wide leg pants, she once again managed to steal a breath from the beast. Feeling intrigued under his unwavering stare, she pulls her eyes off for a moment before looking back at him with a more composed stance. "What are you doing here ?"

He purposely ignored her question, a smirk crawled on his lips as he closely watched her gaze flickering to her surroundings as if afraid of them standing together is catching any attention. However he was not the holder of her concern over this. His car was parked under the shades of a large tree and he would care less even if anyone recognised him. In fact seeing her getting all fidgety was formenting him to kiss her, hard.

She instinctively stiffened when his hand cradled her face, the unexpected warmth of his lips on her temple made her lips part. She was yet to recover from his unforeseen action when he pulled away, his nose scrunched up in chagrin.

Google said girls like forehead kisses but it didn't feel enough for him. So this time he dipped his head again close to her, his lips meeting her cheeks, close enough to her lips as he left a smooch on her skin. She let out an audible gasp and when this time he pulled back, a satisfied smirk was glistening on his lips at her reaction.

"What are you doing ?" She profusely glared at him however her tinted cheeks were reciting another story.

"Soothing my little wife with a kiss after a tiring day." She couldn't help but follow the path of his fingers when they tucked her hair strands behind her ear. For the one more time her breath hitched when his face again inched closer, his thumb stroking her bottom lip. "However I would have preferred not just kissing cheeks when the whole feast is mine."

Breathlessly, she forced her step back, unable to interpret the sin laced intention behind his words, simultaneously not trusting his thumb stroking her lips nor his eyes that raked all over her. His arms already holding her didn't allow her to rejuvenate much space between them.

"Someone might see." He was still unfazed, enjoying the sight of her wriggling in his arms.

"More than three months." Ceasing her struggles, she cocked her eyebrows at him. "Enough time to digest that now you're the forever possession of your own nightmare." The flutter that happened in her chest, chilly yet warm, should be considered illegal.

"Reminds me of the fact that we should now announce our marriage." He said, his thoughtful eyes met her while he opened the passenger seat and ushered her dazed self to settle inside. "Everyone must know who are off limits now." He finished, both with his words and buckling up her seatbelt.

And next when his eyes met hers after he hopped on the driver's seat, her honey orbs were glaring at him. "Speaking of that, are you sure you are talking about both of us ? Or is it only me ?" He found his brow arching, finding delight in the furious expression featuring her face. "Because you're brooding on some male ego that you're free to do anything while I'm supposed to play the loyalty card."

Involuntarily her back arched astern as he leaned closer. "No other person has got a certain pair of honey eyes that could bind me off limits." His pupils dilated watching her heaving out a shuddering breath.

Dripping with sinister sweetness, his words affect her in a way that she doesn't want to. So all she could do was to look away and pretend that it holds no power on her.

"Where are we going ?" Noticing the car turning in a different route, she couldn't bring herself to maintain the silence anymore.

"Patience sweetheart, patience."
The surprise she felt was reflecting through her face when she found him standing at her side opening the door for her, his hand stretched out for her. Scowl repleted on his face when she stepped out of the car, ignoring his waiting hand on her way.

Her eyes calculated her surroundings while her steps moved closer to the lavish building. The valet along with the manager quickly approached in their direction while Aarav moved closer, his arms landing on her back. Through the periphery, she shot him a glare, nonetheless didn't show any sign of repellent this time.

Soft melody accompaniment the dimly lit background, a decorated table awaiting at one side of the private lounge where candles were casting a faint beautiful glow at the white table cloth.

Gulping dryly, Mishika rounded her eyes around, a weird feeling erupting in her chest when her gaze collided with her not-so-dear husband. "This ? What is_"

"A date." He out of nowhere whispers in her ear that made her body jolt.

"Aren't you hungry ?" He exclaimed and then cleared his throat since his voice resonated clipped which he didn't intend. "Baith jao."

(Sit down.)

Already tired from the whole day's work, she couldn't gather the energy to snap at his bossy tone. So she just ignored him and took a seat before surfing through the menu.

Dinner was served soon after the orders were placed. Throughout the dinner, only the clinking of spoons on the plates overshadowed the melody being played in the background. She did feel the fervour of his continuous glances in her direction although her entire attention was only spared on the food. He couldn't anticipate how to initiate a conversation and she didn't intend to initiate one herself.

"We are splitting the bills." Throwing the napkin on the now dirty plate, she latched her eyes with him. In the meantime a waiter quickly came to collect the dirty dishes.

"Did I ask before bringing you here ?" His question made her furrowed her brows and then she shook her head.

Leisurely he arched his back on the chair, eyes fixed on her. "Neither did I ask you to pay."

Her nose flared with new found annoyance. He surely does know how to get on someone's nerves.

"Cocky much." The chair made a screeching sound as she abruptly rose from her seat. "I hope taking thankyou will not lower your standards."

Amused by her reaction, he let a sly diabolical smile tuck at the corner of his lips before shaking his head, intentionally mocking her action from prior.

"I want to leave." Gritting out through an irritated breath, she stomped to the exit.

He couldn't help but chuckle watching her stomping and grunting like an annoyed kitten. She must have had an exhausting day at work, for now only that could explain why his mostly-so-calm Honey-eye is getting worked up so easily.

A minute later she emerged back from the same door she left earlier since she forgot her purse there. Flushed with embarrassment she didn't realise when he stepped into her path that led her to collide with him, stumble a few steps back and only to get pulled back into his arms.

She stiffened at the sound of melody that vented past his lips, her eyes upraised and she felt her breath knocking out as she watched his head falling back while the devil laughed. The devil's laughter shouldn't sound so bewitching. She complained to God that it should be termed forbidden.

He halted, his attention fixing to his beautiful addiction, and a teasing smirk brewed at the sem of his lips. Getting caught while openly gawking, the scarlet hue travelled all the way through Mishika's cheeks to her open neck. Her composure turned timid-er and she instantly tore her gaze off.

He snaps his fingers twice and the melodious music in the ambience is replaced by the notes of the violin.

"Let's dance." Before she could even get the chance to show resistance, he had already ventured her abutt to his body. Tenderly his fingers skid through the outline of her face and then down to push her hairs back to have the clear view of her bare neck and shoulders. "Don't make my money go in waste."

Her body visibly shudders under his aura, nostalgia hitting her over. She often forgets what dress she wore a day before, but how beguiling it is that even the simplest sentences said by him from years ago straight away resurfaces in her memory. It is how much her Nightmare has his effect on her.

He takes over her steps, their body falling into symphony with the violin classical tunes. In a smooth movement, he twirled her around before caging her back against his chest, his arm serpentining around her stomach.

"What game are you playing, Aarav ?" Tilting her head sideways, she ducks her chin up, her eyes met with his halfway through her peripheral vision. "Again trying to toy with my emotions ?"

No words were exchanged for another few moments, it was just the violin and its notes, their bodies in charge of the slow waltz. However, their eyes, the dark charcoal orbs immersing into the honey pools, were standstill in a world of their own.

"Doesn't everyone play with your emotions ?" He lowers his face more in proximity with her, eyes thronged with incendiary analyses her visage intently. "Either intentionally or unintentionally." He added.

Very slowly, his hands slips down her arm, aware of the goosebumps arising on her skin trailing his touches. "How else do you think anyone loves or hates someone ?" Without averting her eyes away from him, she feels his fingers cicatrizing the abandoned space between her fingers. "Everything is play. It depends on how you take it ?"

"When you get overpowered by the thoughts of the player." Came his whisper. "If you are liking it, enjoying it and willing to cherish it then you are getting attached." Her chest heaved up and down when he rubbed his stubble adorned cheeks abutting her cheeks. "And if not, then you're going to hate it and try to find an escape."

"And sometimes, there's the player who will overwhelm your emotions." His incessant hot breath fanning over her skin had her mind going haywire. "You won't even realise and you'll be already deeply consumed into it. And no matter how much you hate it, you yourself will learn to love it."

"You will try to push it off but with the same passion you will feel the ache for it in your nerves." Her mouth fell agape, and a bothering yet strange feeling rushed in her. It was the allure of the devil's darkness. Like a vicious venom, ruinous yet temptingly sweet.

Through his hawk eyes, he watched her reaction that marked the emergence of a satiated devilish smile on his lips. Nuzzling his nose in the dip adjoining her neck and shoulder, he took a long sniff of his favourite scent of coco-honey. Her entire body along with her heart jumped on its spot with the strong nibble of his lips on her skin.

"Aar_av" she shudders. The trance that had her mind numbed eventually fading.

Her teeth gnashed, anger slithering into her mind, directed towards the devil and herself too. "The facade is useless. You are the slave of your own vulnerability, your lust."

He laughed, mock lacing his tone and the sound of his laughter stifled the gasp that vented out her mouth when he twirled her again. Their chest clashed, involuntarily her hands flew to his shoulder for support meanwhile his arms secured around her waist and under her hips.

"Too naive, Mish." She helplessly squirmed in his arms finding his face too close for her liking. "My obsession for you isn't bound by any realms."

Things went blank for a moment when his lips landed over her lips, following a slow dance above her quivering petals. However, he knew the right time to pull away, sensing she could recover any moment and will begin to thrash.

And she stood frozen by his next words, a havoc wrecking inside her. "It's not just your body that I crave. I desire your soul. Everything that is you."

Chapter Word- 2424

Now now now.. rate the chap. I've mixed feelings about it ~>

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Assignments sucks and I'm stucked with them +_-

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