legend of Korra golden boy

By PEcRUnbl

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After the events of Harmonic convergence A lot of none benders awakened the ability to air bend and among the... More

The boy with golden hair
Ba Sing Sae
In Harms way
Northern air temple
Spirit world
Forged connection
Old wounds
Original Airbenders
Terror within
Enter the void
Venom of the Red Lotus
After All These Years
The Calling
Enemy at the Gate.
Battle of Zaofu
Beyond the Wilds
Operation Beifong
Kuvira's Gambit
Day of colossus
The Last Stand
Free vs Lui


187 3 20
By PEcRUnbl

A/n: I'm skipping the Korra Alone episode.

Last we left off we saw what happened these past three years Mako became a bodyguard for prince Wu while Bolin works for Kuvira the earth kingdom intern leader who has brought stability to the nation 

We now cut to Mako and Wu at City Hall  in front of a stage.

Wu: So then the crowds are gathered, all excited to see my coronation, when all of a sudden these boulders come rolling through, and guess what pops out of them? Earthbender Danes: These gals start banging the boulders like drums and sing the song of my royal lineage. It's the most dynamite six-hour show you've seen in your life.

Mako: Shouldn't you be getting ready to, I don't know, rule an entire nation?

Wu: Now, now, now, don't get yourself in a tizzy; I have ministers for all that. No, sir Mako, when we get to Ba Sing Sae, it will be two gooky guys living the life.

Said Wu while tapping Mako on the shoulder.

Mako:*sarcastically* Yay.

Thant's when Raiko walked over to the duo.

Raiko: Getting excited for your big day?

Wu: As a platypus bear who's been-hey!

Exclaimed Wu running over to a MetalBending police officer who was erecting the bleachers.

Wu: You can't put the bleachers there! There won't be enough room for the Dance of the Badgermoles! Look, it's gonna go like this.

Said Wu before proceeding to preform the moves for the dance as Mako and Raiko look on.

Mako: You sure that's the guy you want running the Earth Kingdom?

Raiko: Trust me, we'll be sending a delegation of experienced advisors to handle day-to-day governing.

Tenzin: I see the prince is becoming accustomed to the burdens of leadership.

Said Tenzin joining the conversation.

Raiko: You know royals; they love ceremonies. Have you received any word on the Avatar's location?

Tenzin: Not yet, but I have airbenders all over the world on the lookout for her. I hope to find her soon. I'm concerned about reports I've heard regarding Kuvira's growing military; they say she's throwing some of her decanters into prison camps.

Raiko: Well, she'll be stepping down tomorrow. We can worry about correcting any of her mistakes after that.

Mako: And you're not worried about her handing power to Prince Wu?

Raiko: When Kuvira started cleaning up the Earth Kingdom, she knew her position wasn't permanent. She gave me her word that she'd step down.

Tenzin: Still, I'd feel a lot better if Korra or even Free were here.

We cut to  Foggy Swamp Korra asks Toph to help her get back into "Avatar fighting shape", as she believes she is currently unable to serve the world , which needs her. Toph promptly tells her to get over herself, assuring Korra the world does not need her at all. Korra gets offended and brags that she has defeated several powerful villains during her time. Toph waves off the accomplishments as insignificant; she counters by pointing out that although she worked hard as Chief of Police of Republic City , crime did not disappear. Astonished, Korra concludes that the elder means to tell her that everything she accomplished thus far as the Avatar had been pointless. As she comments that Toph is even grumpier than Lin, Toph declares proudly that she is the "original Beifong". Dispirited, Korra asks if all that means that Toph will not train her. The elder responds that she had planned to soak her feet in mud for a few weeks, but she also cannot stand seeing the Avatar "so pathetic and getting [her] butt kicked all the time" and thus agrees to help. As Korra excitedly surges forward to give the old woman a hug, she slams face-first into a slab of earth bent by Toph to block her advance; as Korra falls down, Toph tells her that if she wants to hug something, she can go find a tree as they are there to work.

We then cut to Republic city four Elements hotel with Bolin running in excited with Kuvira and her delegation as well as Lui following behind.

Bolin: Hello, Republic city. Bolin is Back

Said Bolin excitedly before noticing that Eska was also there which turned his excitement into disappointment. Eska then walks over to Bolin.

Eska: I see you've replaced me with a new girlfriend. Well done. She seems very threatening.

Says Eska while looking at Kuvira.

Bolin:Oh no, that's Kuvira; she's kind of my boss.

Eska: Boss, girlfriend, same thing.

That's when one of the hotel attendants walks over to Eska.

Attendant: I'm afraid there has been a mistake in your eminence; we have you and your brother booked in the same room with only one bed.

Eska: It's no mistake; Desna sleeps in the tub.

Said Eska before she and Desna began walking away. We cut to Varrick and Zhu Li who collapses from the weight of Varrick's luggage.

Varrick: I never thought I'd be allowed in Republic City's four elements. Raiko must have turned purple when Kuvira made him pardon me for my alleged crimes.

Zhu Li: You're an upstanding citizen again, sir.

Varrick: Upstanding is right. *whispers* Don't forget to fill the extra bag with as many of those little soups you can grab. love the lavender scent.

We cut to Mako and Wu walking in and Mako quickly notices his brother.

Mako: Bolin.

Calls out Mako getting Bolins attention. The two brothers greet each other by trading a mock punch before sharing a hug

Mako: Look at you; my little brother got all important.

Bolin: I know, right? I see myself in the mirror sometimes and think I'm in trouble before I realize it's only me.

Mako: So, what it like working for Kuvira?

Asked Mako while turning his gaze to Kuvira who was talking with Pax and Baatar jr.

Mako: From what I've heard, she's pretty harsh.

Bolin: No, I mean, she can be tough, sure, but we're turning around the Earth Kingdom like you wouldn't believe. You remember how bad Grandma's neighborhood in Ba Sing Sae was? All that's completely changed. I mean, we are really helping people, but what have you been up to? Fighting crime and busting the Tera Triads Chasing the ladies Mako style?

Mako: Well, I've been working for Wu.

Says Mako turning to Wu who looking at his reflection in the window fixing his appearance.

Mako: And, uhhh,yea.

Said Mako looking down that's when Lui walked over.

Lui: I feel bad for you.

Mako: Oh,hey Lui, how have you been?

Lui: Same as ever.

Bolin: So, have you seen Korra yet?

Mako: No, she was supposed to come in with Tonraq, but he says she left the South Pole six months ago. No one knows where she is.

Lui: So the Avatar went missing? I can assume that she still hasn't recovered from what happened to her here three years ago.

Bolin: And what about our golden boy?

Mako: Who? Free? Still no news from him yet.

Lui: I see. It looks like he's taking his time with his training.

Luinor: ' Are you upset?'

Lui: ' No, this is actually good. I want him to be as strong as he possibly can for our battle.'

We cut to Suyin receiving her room key, with Baatar Jr. walking over to her.

Baatar Jr: Mother.

Suyin: Hello, Baatar Jr.

Baatar Jr: It's just Baatar now. So, now that you've seen all the good we've done since we left Zaofu, you must be sorry that you didn't come help us.

Suyin: I don't know if I'd call marching all over the Earth kingdom, forcing people to bow to Kuvira doing good.

Baatar Jr: You're going to have to get over your grudge with her. I'm sure you've heard that we're engaged, and she's going to be an official member of our family.

Suyin: I'm just glad that she'll be stepping down after tomorrow.

Baatar Jr: You'd rather be ruled by that royal idiot?

asked Baatar Jr., turning to Wu, who was approaching Kuvira.

Wu: I hope I'm not out of order saying this; you're pretty easy on the eyes for a military type. I'll try to put in a good word for you with the hotel staff and maybe get you a little upgrade. I have been living here for years, and they love me.

Kuvira: I won't be needing your help. we've reserved the presidential Suite.

Wu: Well, I think someone is pulling your chain gumdrop. I'm in the presidential suite.

Said Wu causing Kuvira to turn to him.

Kuvira: Not anymore; I had you moved out.

Said Kuvira with a smirk, shocking Wu.

Wu: Wait what?

Asked Wu before turning to a hotel attendant and grabbing him by the shirt.

Wu: Cam! Where's all my stuff!?

Cam: We moved you into a very nice junior suite on the seventh floor.

Said the attendant named Cam much to Wu's disappointment.

Wu: Junior suite?

Kuvira: Something you should know about me: I always get what I want.


The following day, Mako and Wu wait in the hall of City Hall for the arrival of Gun and the rest of the royal cabinet. When they arrive, Wu is shocked to learn that the delegation consists of only three people, who inform him that most of his servants scattered and the royal artifacts looted from the after 's assassination; the only object they managed to safeguard is a single golden earring, which Gun dubs the "" and will replace the stolen crown. The prince becomes angry upon realizing that his coronation will be much simpler than he had planned. They prompt him to try in the "brooch", but he leaves angered.

is easily defeated every time by in their practice .

We then cut to Korra facing Toph in a sparring match, during which she barrages the elderly woman with three airbending strikes and a water stream; Toph easily evades all of the attacks and knocks her down with a mud pillar. As Korra gathers her bearings, shooing off a that has jumped on her shoulder, Toph asks her to reflect on what she did wrong. Korra explains herself by saying "I was thinking", and Toph immediately interrupts her, declaring her thinking to be the issue. When Toph turns her back on the Avatar and orders her to try again, Korra subjects the elderly earthbender to another elemental barrage; again, Toph easily evades all the attacks and defeats Korra with a single countermove, launching her in the air with a mud pillar once again. While Korra gets back on her feet, Toph pulls a leech off her arm and berates her "pathetic" performance and declares her to be, by far, the worst of the two Avatars she ever worked with. Korra defends herself by pointing out that Toph is just enjoying having someone to beat up, an assessment with which the elderly woman agrees, noting that the resident swampbenders are too easily beaten. Changing the subject, Korra inquires why Toph has chosen to disconnect herself from the rest of the world. Toph, somewhat offended, promptly declares that she is more connected to the world than Korra has ever been: through the vines in the earth, she is able to see everything, including her own children. Korra tests the claim by slyly readying a water whip behind Toph's back but is knocked down with a wave of mud before she can execute her attack. Toph declares that of the two of them, Korra is the one who is truly blind.

We then cut back to Republic City's city hall, where the coronation finally began and world leaders were in attendance, including Lord Zuko and his daughter, Fire Lord Izumi. Gum bestows Wu with the royal brooch.

Gun: Now rise Wu of the Hooting Dynasty, king of all the earthly lands and glorious defender of Ba Sin Sae. Long may you reign.

Says Gun as some of the audience begins to applaud Wu.

Wu: Thank you for that incredibly brief but very moving ceremony. I am touched by the love of my devoted countrymen, who have worked so hard to restore their beloved leader to the throne. One of them deserves special attention.

Wu then turns to Kuvira.

Wu: Kuvira, rise.

Orders Wu as Kuvira gets up from her seat and walks over to Wu, who Grabs a medal from one of the attendants.

Wu: For your service to the realm, I would like to present you with the Kyoshi Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest honor, which was somehow not stolen, unlike the Royal Pinky Rings. Hmph.

Said Wu decorating Kuvira with the Medal.

Kuvira: Thank you, and if you don't mind, I'd like to say a few words.

Wu: Why not? We've got six hours to fill.

Kuvira then walks over to the mike.

Kuvira: Growing up in Zaofu with Suyin Beifong, I learned that the idea of a royal family passing the title from one generation to another is archaic and that technology and innovation should be what drives a nation forward. It was the pathetic rule of kings and queens that caused the Earth Kingdom to drift into such incredible disarray that it's taken me three years to bring it back on track, and there is no way I'll allow it to slip back into the dark ages.

Said Kuvira, which uneased Tenzin and Raiko, while Lui, who was sitting on the bleachers, stirred up slightly.

Kuvira: I'd like to make an announcement to the world. The Earth Kingdom is no more, and from here on out, this man has no authority.

Said Kuvira pointing to Wu much to his shock.

Wu: Wait What? But I just got the royal brooch.

Kuvira: I have created a new Earth Empire, and I will continue to lead it into the future myself, bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people.

Said Kuvira, causing her supporters as well as her men, including Bolin, who was hesitant at first to start applauding her, while Lui narrowed his eyes at her.

Kuvira: And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing.

Said Kuvira, grabbing the medal and making it levitating it with metal binding.

 Kuvira: Anyone who crosses our borders or stands in our way will be crushed.

Said Kuvira while cruising the medal, receiving a standing ovation from a cheering crowd while Wu slumped his head.

Wu: Worst coronation ever.

Lui: Well, this is a disaster.


We cut to Bolin, Pax, Varrick in the living area.

Bolin: Were you guys surprised? Because I was really surprised. Won't this turn all the world leaders against us?

Varrick: Relax, Kid. What can they do? Kuvira controls the whole nation now, and Republic City is begging for all the metal we're mining. This train has left the station, and we own the track.

Pax: Exactly. There is no need to worry, Bolin.

That's when Zhu Li, with a few people behind her, pushed in a spirit vine, causing Varrick and Pax to walk over.

Varrick: Now that's a nice-looking hunk of spirit, Vine. Let's take it back to the lab and get it stabilized immediately.

Pax: At least one of us can move forward with their project.

Varrick: So, you're still facing that same wall, huh?

Pax: yes.

Varrick: Well, that sucks. I guess for now, you can help me get the vine to the lab.

Pax: Sure.

With that, they began dragging the spirit of Vine away as Lui, Kuvira, and Baatar Jr. walked in and noticed Bolin's concern.

Kuvira: You look worried, Bolin.

Bolin then gets up from the chair.

Bolin: Yeah, well I just have some misgivings about how you kinda ambushed Tenzin and the other  leaders.

Kuvira: You believe in the work we've done for the people of the Earth Empire, right, Bolin?

Bolin: I do, but.

Kuvira: Then stick with me. I'm going to need your help now more than ever. Raiko and the other leaders want to bully us into accepting some idiot king who'll serve them but neglect the people. We have to stand strong against them.

Bolin: I'm just not sure about this whole empire thing; it seems pretty aggressive. And what was that part about the crushing?

Kuvira: That was just some tuff rhetoric to let people know that we mean business. Believe conflict is the last thing I want. Will you hep me make history, Bolin?

Asked Kuvira, causing Bolin to look down, contemplating her words before sighing and looking back at her.

Bolin: I'll stand by you.

Kuvira: *Smiles* Thank you.

That when the they her a sound of chuckling and turned around to see Lui was the chuckling.

Kuvira: Did I say something funny, Lui?

 Lui: It's just the fact that you said that conflict is the last thing you want, even though you just started a conflict with the other leaders a few minutes ago, all because you didn't want to let go of all the power you have. What next? You're going to try taking Republic City all to satisfy your lust for power?

Asked Lui causing Kuvira to narrow her eyes.

Kuvira: I'm not doing this for power; I'm doing this to save the Earth Empire.

Lui: Then why didn't you step down today?

Kuvira: Because that idiot prince doesn't deserve to rule the nation.

Lui: That's only an excuse you came up with to justify yourself. You may have wanted to save the earth kingdom, and I understand why. It's the same reason I came with you, but you lost your way once you got a taste of the power that came with ruling. You didn't want to let it go. Now you're doing all you can to keep that power in your hands. You're no different than the rulers who put the earth nation into disarray. People like you are the reason the Red Lotus exists.

Said Lui which caused Kuvira to narrow her eyes further angered Baatar Jr.

Baatar Jr: Lui! Don't talk to her like-

Lui: Shut up simp! No one asked you to open your mouth.

Said Lui, interrupting Baatar before he could finish his sentence. That's when the group turned their attention to the sound of the door opening and saw Suying standing there.

Suyin: We need to talk.

Kuvira then turned to Lui, Bolin, and Baatar Jr.

Kuvira: We'll continue this talk later; for now, give us the room.

With that the three men left the room leaving the two women alone.

Suyin: I met with the world leaders, and I've come as their representative.

Kuvira: So now you're taking an interest in world affairs. A little late, isn't it? When the queen fell and everyone was asking you to keep the Earth Kingdom from falling apart, all you wanted to do was hide in Zaofu and let others deal with the consequences.

Suyin: That's hardly fair. I didn't want to seize power for myself, which is what you've done. I'm telling you, for the good of everyone, you have to step down.

Kuvira: I stepped up. I provide stability and equality. Tell your world leader to stay out of Empire business; we won't accept their handpicked dictator.

Suyin: What makes you so different? You're just another tyrant, and don't pretend the people put you where you are. I know what happens to cities that don't want to hand over control to you.

Kuvira: Then you know what's coming for Zaofu.

We Wu's junior suite, with Mako to packing his clothes, listening to Wu lament about losing his suite and throne. When the king apologizes for not being able to take Mako back to Ba Sing Se with him, believing it to have crushed Mako's spirits, the firebender urges him not to worry, earning him another compliment from the royal. Answering a knock at the door, Mako finds Bolin on the other side and, against Wu's order to dismiss the "Kuvira associate", steps outside of the room to talk; he shuts the door, leaving Wu to hover near the door and eavesdrop on the ensuing conversation. Mako tells Bolin that he cannot keep working for Kuvira, now that she is defying the wishes of the entire world. Bolin tries to explain that Mako has a wrong view of Kuvira, stating that the metalbender is truly helping all the poor people of the empire, which is for the best. Due to Mako's continuous skepticism, Bolin invites him to join their cause, so he could witness their operations first-hand, see how they are doing good and making history. Mako declines the offer, musing that they achieve their goals by crushing their opponents. 

Bolin waves the insult off, relaying Kuvira's explanation that it is merely tough rhetoric to emphasize that the Earth Empire is to be taken seriously. He defends Kuvira by drawing a parallel between the metalbender and Korra: they are both hard to deal with though passionate about their beliefs. Mako, annoyed by the comparison, plainly labels Kuvira as an oppressive and controlling dictator, prompting Bolin to retaliate by asking Mako if Wu will be a better leader than Kuvira. Although forced to agree with Bolin, Mako continues to refuse to join Kuvira, frustrating Bolin, who blames his brother for wasting his time as a "glorified butler". Irritated himself, Mako mock-apologizes for his unwillingness to work for a "glorious emperor in her military dictatorship". Storming off, Bolin yells that he will return to Kuvira's to bring freedom wherever they go while Mako stays behind to "lick the king's boots". Reentering the room, Mako expresses his shock over his confrontation with Bolin. Wu gives his condolences and offers to cheer him up by taking him to the Little Ba Sing Se Fashion Mall , where he intends to treat his bodyguard to a smoothie, an offer Mako passively accepts.

We then cut to Korra and Toph Walking through the swamp with Korra dejectedly noting that practicing with the Toph has been terrible. Toph laughs at the statement, noting that while it might be misery for Korra, she is having a great time, recalling how much she missed tormenting the Avatar. When an insulted Korra states that she has been tossed around like a rag doll by Toph for an entire day, Toph excitedly agrees with her assessment and compliments herself on retaining her abilities, despite her old age. Asking Korra to imagine how she would have been in her prime, Toph laughingly notes that she would have "destroyed" the Avatar. Disheartened by the comment, Korra states that she does not understand why she cannot recover her own abilities, noting that she is always a step slower, tentative, out of sync, and just cannot get back in the groove. With a hint of sarcasm, Toph mentions that carrying around in her body probably is not helping, and Korra, her attention caught by the comment, questions what she means. Annoyed, Toph informs her that she has little bits of metal poison lodged throughout her body, adding that she really is the 

We cut Back to Mako and Wu drinking their smoothies at the mall's lower ring, a disinterested Mako listens to Wu rambling about their shopping plans. The royal suddenly cuts himself short, spitting out his drink all over Mako, much to his surprise, and runs over to two females wearing T-shirts with Kuvira's face printed on the front. Offended, he asks them where they have purchased the item and is directed to a small shop selling Kuvira merchandise. Angered, he runs over to the vendor and his customers, yelling that such goods cannot be sold in the Little Ba Sing Se Fashion Mall, as he is the "Little King" there and they need to respect his position. Upon being booed by the crowd, he throws his smoothie at the customers, hitting one of them. Mako is alarmed by the angry crowd and drags Wu away. With the mob close behind them, he bends a wall of fire to block their pursuers' path and uses its cover to vanish into one of the mall's alleys.

While wearing fake royal artifacts, breaks down and labels himself "a joke who got what he deserved".

The two seek refuge in the Upper Ring of the shopping mall, where they find a replica of the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace, which is in reality a restaurant. Wu excitedly runs inside, pushing people out of his way in his mad dash for the throne. He pulls the royal scepter out of the hands of a child sitting in the chair and snatches the royal robe away from the child's mother, yelling that while the young boy will have a birthday next year to celebrate, he will never have another coronation day. Donning the crown and other royal artifacts, the king sits down on the throne and bursts into tears, lamenting what he declares to be the worst day of his life. Hearing this, Mako briskly asks him if he truly wants to be king and says that it is not surprising the people favor Kuvira over him; even though she is a "power-crazed dictator", she has worked hard to better the Earth Kingdom's citizens, whereas Wu has not done anything of the sort. As Wu regains his composure, Mako apologizes for speaking out of line, though the king agrees with him, labeling himself "a joke who got what he deserved". They are forced to flee again, however, when Mako spots the angry Kuvira supporters.

We then cut back Toph's home, with Korra lying down, and Toph telling her to relax in order for her to be able to successfully remove all the residual mercury. Despite Korra's insistence that she is relaxed, Toph comments that Korra's body is tense like a "twisted tree trunk". The Avatar snaps at the elderly woman to begin the extraction anyway. The moment Toph starts, however, Korra shoots up and grunts in pain, and Toph immediately berates her for not relaxing, ordering her to stop fighting her. Korra hotly denies the accusation, but when Toph tries again, Korra is plagued by another vision of Zaheer attacking her causing her to gasp  in pain and fear and curls up again, and Toph abandons her attempt to remove the metal, declaring that Korra will have to do it herself, as she is apparently adamant about holding onto it. Perplexed, Korra asks why she would want to keep poison in her body but manages to only halfheartedly reject Toph's theory that she is using it as an excuse to forsake her duties as the Avatar out of fear for being injured again. As Toph walks away, unwilling to deal with any more of the Avatar's issues, Korra asks what she is supposed to do now, and the elderly earthbender defers to the spirit that brought her to the swamp in the first place, adding that if Korra's wish is to find a place where she can disappear, she came to the right swamp.

We then Cut to Air Temple island with Tenzin standing in front of Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.

Tenzin: This is a mission of the utmost importance. Conflict is coming to the Earth kingdom, and we need to find the Avatar. Can I count on you three to bring Korra home?

Meelo: You can count on one of us. I don't know about these two ladies.

Says Meelo earning annoyed looks from his sisters.

Tenzin: Also, I need you to go get free from his training; the world needs him just as much as Korra.

Jinora: You can count on us, dad.

We then cut to a lab with Varrick and Zhu Li conducting tests on the spirit vines while Kuvira and Pax watched over them.

Kuvira: From now on, developing this technology is your number one priority.

Varrick: this is going to change everything.

Kuvira then turns to Pax

Kuvira: How are things going with your project?

Pax: Like I told you before, when I'm facing a wall, Lui isn't generating the energy necessary. I need something that can force Lui to generate incredible amounts of energy, with said thing being capable of generating equal amounts of energy itself.

Said Pax causing Kuvira to hum in thought.

End of chapter I hope you enjoyed and see you next time.

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