Finally Together

By Chrisismyfav

108K 6.3K 2.9K

The sequel to Being Good Enough. Khadijah and Chris reunite after many years apart. But now everything has ch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
New Story
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Why I haven't been updating.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Two

4K 282 149
By Chrisismyfav

Khadijahs POV

My fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel. I was just about 5 minutes away from Mama J's house. As it turns out, both Mary and Kiana are at an out-of-state college so for the next 10 days, I'll be staying with Mama J. I mean, I'm excited to see her and my old town but at the same time its gonna be so weird seeing Chris all the time.
Khadijah, you're a grown women, not a 13-year old. Get yourself together! A part of my mind screamed. My mind is right. I need to stop acting like a little girl. I'm a mature adult and I can handle seeing him. Before getting out the car, I applied on some chapstick and sprayed on a small amount of more perfume.

I walked up to the door but I couldn't even knock because Mama J opened the door excitedly.

"Khadijah, you're here!" She shouted.

"Yeah, I am," I laughed. "It's great to see you."

She gave him a tight hug then pulled me inside the house.

"Honey, you have gotten too skinny! Come eat," Mama J stated, examining me.

She lead me into the familiar kitchen and sat a huge peice of a peach cobbler infront of me. To be honest, I thought that I looked way better than before, more grown, but I guess not. I scarfed down the delicious food, happily. While I was still in the kitchen, Clinton and Lytrell came in to greet me. I noticed that one person was missing: Chris.

As if Mama J could read my mind she said, "Chris should be here soon to see you. But before he gets here, you should go unpack. Clinton, come take her stuff to the guest room."

I thanked Clinton for bringing my bags upstairs then I sat down on the bed to think. It feels great to be here, surronded by people who really care for me. I know my Aunt loves me but she's family so she's kinda obligated too. I hope being this trip and being around this family will change me for the better. I've been on anti-depressant pills for about 2 years now and I would really like to throw them away

There was lots of talking coming from downstairs which interupted my thoughts. I went down there to see what happened. Standing right there was Chris!

Wow, he has really changed. Chris looks great! He wore a short sleeve shirt and I noticee that his arms were almost completley covered in tattoos with a few blank spots here and there. His hair was no longer that blond color but back to being black. And he grew it out again. Before I left, he had gotten a shape up. I want to run my fingers through those curls again. But my favorite feature of his still looked the same- those perfect lips. He stared at me, staying silent. Chris wasn't even doing anything yet he looked so sexy. I bit my lip as too many sexual thoughts started to form in my head.

"Hi, my name is Jasmine," Somebody said.

My face blushed at all the dirty stuff I was thinking. I looked around to see who was talking. A petite, gorgeous girl was looking at me expectantly. I was so focused on Chris that I didn't even notice that girl on his arm.

"Oh hi I'm Khadijah," I replied. I stuck my hand out for her to shake but she just looked at it so I put my hand back down.

"I'm Chris's girlfriend," She announced.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled even though on the inside I was extremely upset.

Mama J elbowed Chris on the side and nudged her head towards me. I guess she wants him to talk to me.

"Hi," Chris mumbled. He wouldn't even look at me.

"Hi, Chris," I said dully. I'm pretty sure you could hear the disappointment in my voice as I talked.

Even though we were apart for so long, I had some hope that he was waiting for me. That when I eventually came back to Wicker, we could start right where he left off. For some reason, I really thought that he would break up with his girlfriend when he saw me. Obviously that isn't going to happen. And why should it? It is mostly my fault that we drifted apart. Chris shouldn't put his life on hold for a failed romance.

Mama J clapped her hands together and laughed awkwardly. "Dinner will be ready soon," she said then walked away.

The three of us stood there awkwardly.

"Lets go Chris," Jasmine said. She grabbed his hand and they left without even saying bye.
Mama J started putting all kinds of food on the dinner table. I tried to help her cook but she refused. She wouldn't even let me set the table but I didn't want to just sit there so I helped her bring the food along with Clinton. After we were done, we sat down. Chris and Jasmine walked into the dining room.

"Jasmine sits there," Chris told me.

I got up but Mama J told me to sit down. "Let her sit wherever she wants, she's the guest," she scolded.

Chris huffed and pulled up another chair. I get the feeling that he doesn't want me here.

"So, hows everything in Chicago?" Clinton asked.

"Its okay, really boring actually," I answered.

"Well what about school?"

"I'm graduating college next month," I lied. When I was younger I was super smart and had the poteinal to go to a great university. I didn't them to be disappointed with me so I'm lying.

"Thats great! What are you majoring in?"

I heard Chris suck his teeth. "Man, nobodys cares," He said.

"Chris," Mama J said sharply, like it was a warning.

"I'on give a fuck 'bout her college. Don't nobody even want her here," He spat.

Chris got up and stomped out of the room. Jasmine followed him. Clinton and Mama J gave me apologetic looks.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. I don't know whats gotten into him," Mama J told me.

"Um its fine," I replied.

No, its not fine. Whats his problem? I didn't do anything for him to be angry like that. Ugh, I know I shouldn't have came. I've been here not even 3 hours and I already regret it.

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