The omniversal champion, Spid...

By Dailous

333K 8.9K 5K

Spiderman was down on his luck. MJ was with another man and had children with him. He was basically blacklist... More

Prologue: The Chosen
Chapter 1: Preparations
Chapter 2: The Omniversal introduction of Spiderman
Chapter 3: 2 new additions to the adventure.
Chapter 4: Entering Avengers tower
Chapter 5: The man behind the Spider
Chapter 5.5: The Other Spider Worlds.
Chapter 6: The MK tournament begins.
Chapter 7: The spider and actor VS the Black Dragon
Chapter 8: Saving Jax of the S.F.
Chapter 9: Attempted Extraction.
Chapter 10: Information gathering.
Chapter 11: A new player enters the game.
Chapter 12: A brothers squabble.
Chapter 13: A calm before the Storm.
Chapter 14: Spiderman vs Chasm
Chapter 15: Final Round.
Chapter 15.5: The other spider worlds part 2
Chapter 16: Want answers? Seek your gods.
Chapter 17: A complicated talk.
Chapter 18: Outworld strikes back.
Chapter 19: The Princess and the Spider.
Chapter 20: A heart to heart.
Chapter 21: Attack of the Clone.
Chapter 22: Kolloseum.
Chapter 23: For the fate of Earthrealm.
Chapter 24: The long awaited Talk.
Chapter 25.5: Chain Reaction.
Chapter 26: The war of the realms begins.
Chapter 28: Spiderman vs Chasm, the rematch.
Chapter 29: Brothers Unite.
Chapter 30: The Totem vs the Empress.
Chapter 31: He must win.
Chapter 32: Finish Him!
Chapter 33: Rebuilding.
Chapter 34: A tower emerges.
Chapter 35: Mansion exploring.
Chapter 36: Discovery.
Chapter 37: Aboard the Hellicarrier.
Chapter 38: To lead, or not to lead?
Chapter 39: Temple of Anansi.
Chapter 40: Edenians in Wakanda.
Chapter 40.5: The other spider worlds part 3.
Chapter 41: A new world, or is it?
Chapter 42: Kang's reward.
Chapter 43: Just another day in New York.
Chapter 44: An awkward meeting.
Chapter 45: Reunion.
Chapter 46: Decisions.
Chapter 47: Planning.
Chapter 48: Stalling.

Chapter 27: Hold the line.

4.4K 151 89
By Dailous

A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman knocked a tarkatan away before his spidey sense tingled, and he dodged out of the way as a dragon flew by and shot a fireball on his previous position. The wallcrawler landed on top of a damaged car as he watched the military fight against the invaders with their own weapons, tanks, and attack helicopters, but it was not looking good. A scream catches his attention, and his head snapped to the left to see many civilians, running away from the chaos, looking for safety. An explosion erupts near them, and many fall to the ground before getting back up and continuing to run away. A child was hiding behind some rubble, tears falling down her eyes as she was calling for her parents. A tarkatan spotted the child and snarled, extending his blades and charging towards the child.


Everyone tensed, bracing for the worst but mentally praying that Spiderman or someone else made it in time to save the child.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Just as the tarkatan approached and brought his blade down, the child closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable, but it never came. Hesitantly opening her eyes, she saw the blade inches from her face, but the arm that it was attached to was held by none other than the friendly neighbourhood hero of Earth 616, Spiderman.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that in this invasion, lives would be lost, but if they could save as many as they possibly could, especially children, that will keep them going to fight and make sure they live another day.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Spiderman palmed strike the tarkatans chest, their back smacking against the car door before being webbed up and held in place. Peter turned his head to the child, and before he could say anything, his spidey sense tingled once again, and he turned to see a giant creature that looked like a giant troll, tossed a damaged tank in their general direction. Spiderman pulled the child towards her and jumped into the air, web swinging away to safety before landing carefully down.

"You hurt?" Spiderman asked, the child shaking her head negatively.

"Leah!!" A female voice called out, and spidey looks up to see a man and a woman frantically running towards them. The girl perks up and turns towards them, fresh tears coming to her eyes as she sees them before turning to Spiderman and giving the hero a hug.

"Thank you." The now named Leah said, before letting go and running to whom appeared to be her parents. The mother and father embrace their child before looking towards Spiderman, their eyes filled with gratitude before they run somewhere safe, with Leah now in her fathers arms.

'Leah.' Spiderman thought, the face of a little homeless girl that he failed to save flashing through his head, a smile that could brighten anyones day was clearly seen on her face before spidey shook his head of the memory. 'Now is not the time to get lost in your head, pete, stay focused.' He thought.


Whilst many wondered who the girl was and what she meant to Spiderman. The spidermen of spectacular, ultimate, TAS, EMH, and MCU noticed the state she was in. Was she homeless? Was there a leah in their respective universe as well?

(Mortal kombat universe)

His spidey sense tingled again as he turned around and saw a burning car flying straight towards him. Before he could react and jump away, someone jumped over his head and sliced the car in half and landed in a crouch, the pieces of car crashing and rolling away. Peter got a good look at his saviour and saw that it was the British telepath of the xmen, Psylocke.

"Stay focused, Peter." Betsy Braddock said, standing up from her crouched position and turning around and smirking at her lover.

"Thanks for the save." Pete said, a roar was heard, and the duo turned to see the same troll looking creature approaching them, along with more tarkatans and shokans to boot. "Oh great." Spidey muttered, annoyed.

Thunder rumbled, and both Spiderman and psylocke both looked up to see the clouds darken and swirl on their location. At the eye of the storm, Ororo Munroe slowly descends, electricity dancing across her arms and shooting into the clouds above her, her eyes glowing with raw power.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!" Storm yelled as she thrust her arms towards the Outworlders, lightning impacts against the ground, electrifying nearby enemies, heavy winds blowing them away and vehicles being lifted off of the ground and smacking into trolls, dragons having difficulty flying end up being taken away by the winds and impacting against nearby buildings or the ground. The temperature drops as ice starts to form, trapping many of the outworld forces in an icy prison, incapable of moving.

After a few more seconds, Storm relents and floats down to join her lovers. Once her feet touch the ground, she lets out a sigh as she takes a moment to steady herself.

"You ok, Storm?" Spiderman asked, holding her by her shoulders to steady her.

"Yes, I'm fine, Peter, just a little dizzy." The weather goddess said, leaning into Spiderman, who embraced her in a gentle hold.

Roars and approaching footsteps could be heard, and the trio turned to see more outworlders come out of the portal.

"They just keep coming." Psylocke growled.

"We can't hold this position for long. At this rate, we'll be overrun." Storm said, rising into the air, ready to unleash the power of the elements upon them once more.

"Where's scarlet spider?" Psylocke asked, her hand going to her katana.

"He should be -" Spiderman was about to say before he stopped as a shokan fell onto a nearby van. The wallcrawler looked up to see his clone battling against another shokan and 4 cyber lin kuei on the roof of a company building.

Kaine, with his stingers out, stabbed a shokan in the stomach and lifted him up and used the outworlder as a human shield as the 4 cyber lin kuei fired middles from their chests, hitting the shokan in the back. Kaine discarded the body and fired webs at 2 cyber lin kuei and pulled them towards him before  he then slammed his stingers into their heads before tossing them off of the building. Scarlet spider then brought his left arm up to block a kick from another cyborg ninja. Kaine grabbed the leg and then pulled the lin kuei to him, dodging an incoming punch from the ninja, getting behind them, and made a clean cut across the cyborg's neck.

The head of the cyber ninja slowly slid off of its body, allowing kaine to see the last ninja firing another missile that scarlet spider jumped over and firing a couple of webs to hold the ninja in place before unleashing an onslaught of punches and kicks across the ninjas body. The lin kuei cyber ninja stumbled back, almost falling off of the roof.

"THIS. IS. EARTHREALM!!!!!" Kaine yelled before kicking the cyber ninja right in the chest and watching as they fell helplessly. "Always wanted to do that." He muttered.

Scarlet spider then jumped down and rejoined his fellow heroes from Earth 616, who are currently engaged in kombat.

"You enjoy yourself?" Spidey sarcastically asked, dodging a punch from a shokan before uppercutting them and backhanded them away.

"You know me, brother." Kaine said, catching a punch from a tarkatan, punching their elbow and braking their arm before headbutting them. "I love to kick ass." He finished,

"We can't stay here." Psylocke said, using her telepathy to telegraph her opponents' moves and act accordiginly whilst also taking control of a few outworlders and making them fight their comrades. "At this rate, we'll be overun. We need to fall back." She added.

Spidey growled as he was in an armlock with a cyber ninja before headbutting them, grabbing them by the throat and throwing them into a group of approaching outworlders. The wallcrawler took a breather and looked at his surroundings. The civilians were long gone, but the military and authorities were pulling back, and he, along with his fellow spider totem and the 2 X women, were still on the front lines trying to hold the line. Parker knew that if they kept fighting the invading force, they won't be able to force them back, only delay, and there is only so long they can delay.

As they heroes keep battling the endless forces of Outworld, Spiderman begins to feel increasingly annoyed, his attacks becoming more and more brutal. He begins to stop fighting smart and tanks any hits he takes, trying to take down as many enemies as he can.

But it didn't matter in the end as the 4 of them were soon overun.

Kaine was knocked onto a car by a shokan before he is then getting attacked by more of them, psylocke was knocked away by rocket, impacting near her as the cyber lin kuei approached the downed mutant, blades at the ready to slice her into pieces and extract her brain and make her a cyber lin kuei. Storm was blasted from the sky as she was evading multiple missiles fire blasts but was not able to avoid a fireball from a dragon in time and fell with many tarkatans rushing towards her in with bloodlust and spiderman was getting dog piled, he tried to fight them off and almost broke free but they were relentless and he was restrained.

Peter growled as a very familiar aura eminated from his person before he let out a roar as the aura is sucked into him and then expanded into a pulse of pure energy that not only knocks the outworlders off of him, but also the ones on by kaine, Storm and psylocke, as well as shutting down the portal to outworld.

Spidey grunted in pain, his body spasming due to the jolts of energy shooting across his body. The wallcrawler managed to get on hid hands and knees, using a nearby destroyed tank as support as he stood up ever so slowly.

'I guess I used a lot more power than I needed.' Spidey thought, flinching as pain continued to shoot across his body. He looked up to see his fellow heroes running towards him.

"You ok? That looked like a lot bigger than the ones you previously let off." Scarlet Spider asked.

"I'll live." Spiderman replied, the pain slowly fading to dull aches.

"We should leave." Storm said before glancing at where the portal to Outoworld used to be. "That pulse of yours somehow closed the portal, I do not believe they'll return to this location."

"You would be correct in that assumption." A voice says, and the Marvel quartet turned to see the approaching form of Raiden. "The flow of magic has been permanently disrupted. Outworld can not open a portal here." He said.

"Then what's next?" The British telepath asked, wounded but still ready to fight.

"The others have held shao khan's forces for as long as possible, but they are still advancing. We must regroup and plan the next steps in pushing back his forces." Raiden explained.

"Then let's not waste anymore time." Spiderman said, moving towards the god of thunder with his allies joining him.

Raiden raises his hand up, and lightning strikes it. Just as they are about to teleport to the other earthrealm warriors, Spiderman feels something impact against his back.

"What the -" Peter exclaimed before he felt himself get yanked away from his allies and thrown onto the roof of an office building.

"PETER!!!" Scarlet Spider, Storm, and psylocke yelled out before they were teleported away.

Spiderman groaned, feeling the dull aching increase slightly, but he ignored it and sat up just in time to see a familiar figure jump into the hole that he made.

"Ben." Spiderman called out, his voice neutral.


"Oh no." Aunt May (616) said, her hand being held by an equally worried Teresa.

'This is gonna get really ugly.' The sister of Peter Parker thought, biting her lip in worry.

'Uncle Peter...' The children of Susan Storm thought, hoping that their fath-uncle wins.

"Be careful, Peter." Susan Storm (616) muttered, her eyes never leaving the screen.

(Mortal kombat universe)

"Sorry, Pete, but I can't let you just run off." Chasm said, his tone unapologetic. "We have a score to settle." He added as he watched Spiderman stand up, his body tensed, and chasm was the same. They both knew a fight was about to erupt. "And this time, there will be no interruptions." Chasm growled.

"Don't do this, Ben. You can't beat me." Spiderman said. "Please, come with me." He pleaded, but that seemed to make the clone of Peter Parker angry.

"I can't believe you. You're so smug, you know that?!" Ben Reilly shouted, pointing his finger at his template. "You think the world revolves around you, don't ya?! That we couldn't possibly survive without the mighty and amazing Spiderman to guide us through our fucking problems huh?!" He growled out. Spiderman goes to speak, but chasm pushed on. "Well, I got a newsflash for you, Pete! The world gets along just fine without you and will continue to do so once you're gone for good!" He yelled and spiderman gets fed up.

"Oh really?!" Spidey asked before stretching his arms out to the chaos around him. "And this qualifies as fine?! Does the chaos that you and madalyne caused, qualify as fine?! What about the civil wars?! Hulk beating every single hero into the ground?! Secret wars?! Secret invasion?! Secret empire?! The war of the realms?! Did all those events qualify as fine?!"


When Spiderman named one of the events that happened in early 616, many wondered what caused such events to occur, what was the secret invasion, who was invading? Who was this secret empire? What was their version of war of the realms, who was this hulk and how did he defeat all the heroes? The mention of the civil wars once more made many question how bad it was.

The nine realms across the Marvel omniverse wondered what was the cause of the war of the realms, how many were in this war and should they be ready for war themselves, tensions began to rise and many began to speculate and point fingers at who they believed to be at fault.

The hulks (the good and neutral ones) wondered why they were fighting the heroes of their universes. Some wondered if they really fought their friends and loved ones and people who believed the hulk to be dangerous, were making plans to eliminate or capture the gamma hero.

All in all, many would wonder how those events started, how it ended, and what did it cost?

(Mortal kombat universe)

"Dressing up in a suit that looks like a Halloween costume?! Risking the safety of OUR family?!" Spiderman exclaimed, bringing up the fact that when chasm and madalyne brought their chaos to new York, aunt may was one of the many people who were caught in the crossfire. "I mean come on Ben, what the hell were you thinking?!?!" He asked.

"Don't push it Parker." Chasm growled. "You can't just expect everyone to fall in line and listen to you whenever you put the mask on or when you get serious. Like your little damn soldiers." He added.

"Hey! I never want people to fall in line and be some kind of mindless soldier!" Spiderman shot back, the 2 now circling each other. "I've been protecting, training, and fighting, to be a better leader, a teacher, a hero, a protector, a lover, a nephew, an uncle a better BROTHER TO YOU!!! TO EVERYONE!!!!" Spiderman cried out, his anger and frustration fully coming out. "BUT NO MATTER WHAT I DO, NO MATTER HOW MANY LIVES I SAVE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRY, IT NEVER SEEMS TO BE ENOUGH FOR ANYONE, I CAN NEVER SEEM TO BE THE HERO OR PERSON PEOPLE WANT ME TO BE!!!" He cried out, putting his hands on his head before sharply turning to chasm. "SO WHY DO YOU HATE ME FOR THAT BEN?!?! WHY DO YOU HATE ME FOR WANTING TO HELP YOU, MY BROTHER IN BLOOD?!?!?!" He yelled out.


"YOU AREN'T READY TO CALL YOUR OWN SHOTS LIKE YOU DID IN THE PAST!!" Spiderman shot back. "YOU'RE IMPATIENT AND HOT TEMPERED!!!" Peter ranted before forcing himself to calm down. "And more importantly...." He stopped circling. "I'm better than you." Spiderman declared.

"Hahahahaha" Ben chuckled. "You know something Pete...." He also stops circling. "I'll have to disagree with you on that one." Chasm growled, getting into a fighting stance.

"Don't do this Ben." Spiderman pleaded, but with the silence around them, chasm heard it loud and clear.

"I'm done taking orders." Chasm firmly said.

Spiderman sighed, his posture slouching before he looked into his clone's eyes and clenched his fists and got into his own fighting stance.

The time for talking had passed.

And it was now time for 2 brothers to settle this once and for all in Mortal Kombat.

A/N: alright, another chapter done and good lord did it get a little heated near the end. Not much to say other than saying yet again that we're almost done with MK9 and that I'm hoping I can get it done before the year is over which I think I can, provided that nothing crazy happens or I'm not caught up in something else.

A/N: anyways, thanks for reading this chapter, feel free to leave a review and as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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