In the Shadows (The Lord of t...

By MrsLegolasMalfoy

565K 15.6K 5.3K

I thought I could live the rest of my life alone and in the sadness and despair. I was truly broken. I lost s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note On One Shot For Fans
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note MUST READ
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Author's Note
Authors Note
Wattys 2016
Amara and Legolas
New Profile
New Story!

Chapter 20

10.7K 323 101
By MrsLegolasMalfoy

We made our way down the mountain. I didn't want to run anymore, but I wanted to be in the comforts of my grandparents so I kept going.

After a few hours we finally reached the forest of Lothlorien.

As soon as we were under the trees I felt safe.

I put my hood up, because I didn't want to be seen until I saw my grandmother.

We all walked, looking at the trees and our surroundings.

"Stay close, young Hobbits!" Gimli said and gestured the Hobbits towards him.

"They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-Witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell." Gimli said.

Legolas looked down at me, trying to figure out if I was going to react to Gimli's words or not.

I just laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Boromir asked with an amused look on his face.

"Just Gimli's words." I said.

"What about my words?" Gimli asked.

"Gimli, my grandmother is no Elf-Witch. And don't worry, its not true about the whole 'all you look upon her fall under her spell'. I've looked at her plenty of times and there is no spell or curse." I said.

"She's your grandmother?" Gimli asked.

"Yes. Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn are my mothers parents." I said.

"Well even if its not true, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and ears of a fox." Gimli said, but suddenly became silent. 

I looked up and saw and arrow in his face.

I jumped back, realizing we were surrounded.

They were all pointed at us. Legolas was pointing his arrow at them too.

I quickly pushed my hood down as Haldir walked towards us. I pushed one of the arrows out of my face.

"I'm sorry, my Lady." The guard said, recognizing me.

"The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." Haldir said.

"Haldir, stand down your men." I said.

He turned around.

"Amara." He said with a smile.

"Hello." I said and hugged him.

He hugged me back.

"How is Alatariel?" I asked.

"She's great. And so is our son." Haldir said.

"Oh, I cant wait to meet him." I said.

"Why are you here?" Haldir asked, getting to the point.

"We need your help." I said.


We climbed up the trees, so we wouldn't be on the ground. Orcs were leaving Moria, so what would stop them from coming here.

"Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." Haldir said. ('Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.')

"Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien." Legolas said. ('Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien')

Haldir then walked over to Aragorn.

"A Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen." Haldir said. ('Aragorn of Dúnedain, you are known to us.')

"Haldir." Aragorn said, and did the nice elven gesture.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak words we can all understand!" Gimli said.

"We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days." Haldir said.

"Haldir." I reprimanded.

"And you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul." Gimli said. (I spit on your gave.)

"Gimli!" I hissed.

Aragorn grabbed him.

"That was not so courteous." Aragorn said and let him go.

It was like dealing with two children. I rubbed my head.

Haldir walked towards Frodo.

"You bring great evil with you. You can go no further." Haldir said and walked away.

"I'll go speak with him." I said, but Aragorn placed his hand on my shoulder.

"No, Amara, its okay. I can do it." He said.

I think he could tell I was exhausted. Even though I am an Elf, I felt like I was falling asleep. 

"If your tired, you should rest." Legolas said.

"I cant. I keep seeing Gandalf fall every time I close my eyes." I whispered.

"Here." He said and wrapped his arms around me.

"Just think of me." He said.

I smirked.

"What?" He asked, humor in his voice.

"Talk to me. Just say random things. Dont let me think about the horror that happened today." I said.

Then he told me stories. Mostly from his childhood. Happy ones. Like shooting for the first time and riding a horse. He told me about Thranduil. To be honest, I did miss Thranduil.

He blocked out Haldir and Aragorn, while they whispered.

Finally I heard Haldir walk towards us and opened my eyes.

"You will follow me." He said.

We all got up and followed.

We journeyed through the night and into the early morning. 

I stayed close to Legolas. I know he kept his eye on me. I felt like a child, but I liked it.

We stopped after awhile.

"Caras Galadhon." Haldir said.

"The heart of the Elvendom on earth." I whispered.

"Yes. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light." Haldir said.

We walked in and after being there for a few minutes I saw someone I knew.

Alatariel. One of my best friends.

"Amara!" She said and ran to me.

After I found Melusine, she helped me make sure she was healthy, as Alatariel was a healer my father had trained. She met Haldir through healing some of his guards and he fell in love with her and she with him. They were married and she left Rivendell to come here and live with him. She had a son back in June. He was about five months now. 

"Hello!" I said.

"I've missed you! I'll get a bath going and some extra clothes for you." She said.

"Alatariel, Amara needs to speak with her grandparents first." Haldir said.

"Yes, of course." Alatariel said.

"I'll talk to you as soon as I can." I whispered to her and she nodded and walked away. I missed her so much.

"Come." Haldir said and led me to my grandparents.

We stood and waited for them.

Then they came. They walked down towards us, hand in hand. 

"Amara!" My grandfather said and I rushed towards them.

"Are you alright, dear?" My grandmother asked, as she and my grandfather embraced me.

A few tears rolled down my eyes, remembering Gandalf. My grandmother seemed to understand, because she looked at the rest of the Fellowship.

"The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Nine there are here, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar." My grandfather said.

I cried more. My grandmother looked at me and then looked at Aragorn. I stood in between my grandparents. Both had their arms wrapped around me, protectively.

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into Shadow." My grandmother said.

"He was taken by both Shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Legolas said.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose. Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad dum fill your heart Gimli, son of Gloin. For the world has grown full of peril and in all lands love is now mingled with grief." My grandmother said.

"What now becomes of this Fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost." My grandfather said.

"Not lost, not yet." I whispered.

My grandfather sighed.

"The guest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil." My grandmother said.

She wiped my tears away and told me to follow her. 

"Come, my granddaughter. Lets get you into something more comfortable." She said.

"If you dont mind, I would like to stay with the rest of the Fellowship." I said.

"I understand. But come. Lets talk and make you more comfortable." She said.

"Thank you." I whispered and followed her.


Hey guys! Chapters for 'The Pirate' will start tomorrow. And I would also like to say that my timeline for Lord of the Rings is a little different from the actual timeline. But I will post the timeline every once in awhile so you guys know where we are and what not. Because in these next upcoming chapters you guys are going to need it. Not gonna say why, but you guys are going to need it;).

Thank you guys so much for reading! And have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night! Wherever you are!!:)

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