Chained Wife✔️

By HaileyMarie29

71K 1.5K 62

I watched her, wanting her and waiting for her. No more can I take watching her from the shadows, no longer c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Coltons P.OV. Of the Birth
One year later
Bonus Chapter- IF Abby had birthed a son.

Chapter 39

705 15 0
By HaileyMarie29

After watching Cain and Colton cover her body with dirt. We head inside where the rest of the family is already gathered around the kitchen table. Colt had to add extra chairs all around the kitchen so that we could all fit.

"So Colton, tell us about your wife and whether or not she is a decent one," Asked one of the men who appears to be of advanced age and who resembles the creepy old men who dwell in apartment complexes. The person who is always offering to help you carry your groceries inside, but you always decline his help because you have caught him looking at your body parts too many times.

He gives me a broad grin in my direction and says, "She is a really good wife, I know her mother would be extremely proud of her."

That was very kind of him to say, at least I got a praise out of it. I went over to the kitchen cabinet and took out 11 plates. Then, I carefully placed one plate in front of each of the men, ensuring that I maintained some physical distance between myself and them.

I'm curious about where each of their wives is.

Were they denied permission to attend?

The question was, "Where are your wives?"

I inquire of them and then carry the large pot with potatoes and sausage to the table, where I place it in the middle of the space so that the guys can serve themselves.

Before I take a seat and arrange my own plate, I pick up Coltons and ensure that he has a sufficient amount of food by adding a healthy bit to his plate.

"What is this, exactly?"
Ask a man who wrinkles his nose at his plate.

"It's a dish that my mom used to make for me. It consists of sausage and potatoes." I tell him softly.

I let him know before going to get my plate and start preparing my dinner.

"She prepares her meal, before she fixed ours. My Loretta would never treat a man in our home with such disrespect in a situation like this "Says another older man, shaking his head as he watches me.

I'm starving. I haven't eaten in days. Colton never told me I needed to fix all of their plates.

Other than the raw potatoe and the little drop of cookie mix I had while cooking, I have not eaten in a few days. I apologize for the fact that I am actually starving for some food, but I have not eaten in a few days. To be precise, 3 of them.

Colt says this as he takes a mouthful of the food and continues, "Abby is still in training, and we haven't had any guests around yet."

Before laying his hand on my thigh, Colton remarked to me, "This is a very good wife, thank you for cooking for us," which was followed by a smile.

I murmur, "You're welcome, Husband," to him.

"So Cain, do you have any plans to marry again in the near future?" Ask a younger man.

"Oh, I see. You are aware of it." Cain remarks while wearing a smug expression on his face.

Before he begins to make Cain's meal, he says to Cain, "Well, I know a couple females that are very much marriage material." Cain responds with a strug.

Cain retorts, "I'll find someone, and I don't need your aid finding a wife."

"We are not trying to upset the you boy in any way. We were just curious. We cannot afford to let our family die out. She was your second wife." Another men said, frowing towards Cain.

"How many lesson does she already have under her belt?" This question was by a man who appeared to be younger then the rest of the men visiting us.

There are so many men packed into this relatively small space that I am having trouble keeping track of who is who and who is speaking.

"3 or 4 I believe Mickey." Colt shrugged.

Holy cow, they're really jumping around in the conversation, aren't they? Cain will soon begin hunting for a new wife, despite the fact that he just recently buried his previous one.

Does he just completely not care at all?

Im talking about the fact that he shoved his now deceased wife into a hole in the ground and then covered her body with soil.

It is certain that Colton will one day do something to me; therefore, I need to be careful. I do not want to do anything that would cause me to get pushed inside a hole in the groind. There are moments when the longer I say this here, the more hazardous it will become for my mental state.

I don't feel ready to pass away just yet because I'm still young and I still have a lot to live for, but I have a feeling that doesn't matter to them in the least. In this particular household, the views of the wives are not taken into consideration.

They never responded to my question. I'm going to ask it once more because I am interested.

I ask in a loud voice, making sure that my tone can be heard throughout the space, "Where are your wives?"

One responds by saying, "Home with the small one."


"We have recently given birth to this adorable little boy." Another witness describes him as expanding his chest.

"Mine too," the more experienced male respond. When I say experienced I mean old as shit.

Someone another says, "Mine is with my mother back at home, Mother wasn't feeling well," which is a similar statement.

One of them, who hadn't spoken before, adds that "This is men's business" and that "women don't need to attend these things."

These ladies seem to be no differently treated than cattle in the sense that they are used for their bodies.

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