legend of Korra golden boy

Par PEcRUnbl

6.4K 92 354

After the events of Harmonic convergence A lot of none benders awakened the ability to air bend and among the... Plus

The boy with golden hair
Ba Sing Sae
In Harms way
Northern air temple
Spirit world
Forged connection
Old wounds
Original Airbenders
Enter the void
Venom of the Red Lotus
After All These Years
The Calling
Enemy at the Gate.
Battle of Zaofu
Beyond the Wilds
Operation Beifong
Kuvira's Gambit
Day of colossus
The Last Stand
Free vs Lui

Terror within

249 1 14
Par PEcRUnbl

Last we left off the new Airbenders saved the baby Bison from bison rustlers and Free revealed his new ability to fire bend thanks to being Fafnir's host and while that was happening the airbender Zaheer is closing in on Zaofu and by his side are the lavabender Ghazan the water bender Ming-Hua and the combustionbender P'Li.

We cut to the group Gathered in the dining hall for Opals farewell dinner with chef giving Opal her favorite meal.

Opal: Thanks for making my favorite meal.

Chef: I'm really going to miss you, Opal. No one appreciates my raw veggie wraps like you do.

Said the chef before walking away.

Bolin: Every time I eat raw kale, I'm going to think of you.

Said Bolin while looking at Opal sadly.

Bolin: You're so sweet.

Bolin: This stinks; we're just starting to get to know each other, and now you're off to the Northern Air Temple.

Opal: We'll be together soon. You guys are heading up after finding more airbenders, right?

Bolin: Yeah, but that's, ehh, in the future, ugh, I hate the future.

Opal: Until then, we'll always have kale.

Said Opal while feeding Bolin a veggie wrap while Lui was looking at them with a disgusted expression .

Lui: You guys are making me nauseous, not in a good way.

That's when Varrick asks Bolin if he wants relationship advice with him declining which caused Varrick to turn to Asami and show her his newest invention an airbender finder.

Korra: Wait, that can find airbenders?

Asked Korra with Asami grabbing the device and pointing it at Korra with it not working.

Asami: I think it's broken.

Varrick: It's not broken; she needs to airbend into it. How else do you expect the thing to work!?

Mako: What's goin on?

Asked Mako trying to listen in but being unable to due to him being in the opposite side.

Mako: Ugh. I can't hear anything; I hate sitting down here.

Said Mako before noticing Aiwei staring at him.

Mako: Not...because of you.

Aiwei: I can tell your lying.

Thats when everyone turns their attention to Suyin who made a toast to Opal she expresses how proud she is of Opal's decision to leave for the , causing Wei and Wing to become emotional, much to Huan's annoyance. After the toast, Suyin and the others bid farewell to Opal and watch as she leaves aboard an airship.

It is not a peaceful night, however, as Zaheer and his team manage to infiltrate the city and make their way to the guesthouses by Suyin Beifong's estate. Despite their efforts to remain undetected, the four startle , who begins to cry out in distress; his high-pitched screeches are dismissed by a tired Bolin. Outside of Korra's room, uses ice to cut a small circle from the window. Zaheer fires three at , subduing her, but not before the manages to growl, waking . She becomes aware of the group's presence and attempts to use to attack her opponents, but is quickly shot with a dart, paralyzing her instantly and allowing to carry her over his shoulders without opposition.

Pabu then notices the criminals carrying Korra and jumps on Bolin waking him up.

Bolin: Huh? Whah? Ugh, Pabu. It's not playtime right now, okay? We need are seriously going to have to have a talk- What the heck!?

Said Bolin noticing the criminals with Korra.

Bolin: They got Korra! The got Korraaa!!!

Yelled Bolin Which woke up Mako and upon seeing the criminals carrying Korra quickly sprung out of bed and raced out to stop them.

Mako: Let her go!

Said Mako before he and Bolin launched a fire blast and threw a rock a them respectively though  the fire blast was stopped by P'Li firebending it and the rock was slashed by Ming-Hua. The criminals then launch their own attack at the brothers which overwhelms them and forces them to hide behind a pillar.

Mako: They've got Korra!

Yelled Mako which along with the commotion from the attacks draws the guard's attention and the entire estate goes on high alert.

Ming-Hua: So much for the element of surprise.

Comments Ming-Hua dryly as the lights point at them.

Ghazan: Backup plan.

Says Ghazan which causes P'Li to blow up the spotlights with her combustionbending before targeting the two brothers. Bolin and Mako are thrown back by the impact of the blast and land in front of Asami who attends to them.

Mako: We can't let them take her.

Asami:I don't think they're going to get far; look.

Said Asami as Lin begins to surround the four with metal panels. Suyin and other members of the Metal clan then begin to follow her lead, effectively trapping Zaheer and his associates inside a makeshift metal prison.

Guard: We have you surrounded; it's over. Release the Avatar.

Orders the Guard However the ground surrounding the makeshift prison begins to turn into a moat filled with lava which also melts the makeshift prison.

Bolin: No way that guy can lavabend. That's Awesom-ly not good for us.

Said Bolin realizing that Ghazan's ability will make it more difficult for them to retrieve Korra.

We cut to the group of criminals.

Zaheer: I'm going to create some cover; we're getting out of here.

Said Zaheer attempting  to use airbending to cover himself and his associates with a cloud of smoke, but he is restrained with metal cables and pulled away from the moat. Several guards attempt to subdue the airbender, to no avail thats when he widens his eyes and dodges a lightning blast and looks where it came from to see none other that Lui standing there in his sleep clothes.

Lui: Looks like your having a party over here.

Zaheer: A child?

Lui: Oh I'm no ordinary child.

Said Lui before turning to one of the guards.

Lui: Kuvira, scram, I'll take it from here.

Ordered Lui to the guard who's name was Kuvira.

Kuvira: What? But I can't let you fight him by yourself; it's too dangerous.

Lui: That wasn't a request.

Kuvira: Huh?

Lui: It was an order. Now go make yourself useful and help retrieve the Avatar!

Ordered Lui and While Kuvira was reluctant to follow the order she knew that Lui was pretty powerful and while she hated to admit it he was even stronger that her so she reluctantly left with the other two guards to help retrieve Korra leaving Lui and Zaheer by themselves.

Lui: So your the Zaheer, huh? You and your group of criminals have caused quite the commotion.

Zaheer: You really think a child such as yourself can beat me? No, this is actually perfect; we now have a get-away card.

Said Zaheer which only caused Lui to laugh.

Lui: Me? A hostage? I see your quite the comedian.

Said Lui before getting into a stance.

Lui: Let's see if all the talk about you was just that talk or if you're the real deal. Show me how strong you are, and don't you dare disappoint me.

Said Lui with a vicious smile on his face.

Lui then proceeds to launch a lightning blast at Zaheer who quickly dodged it and then launched an air slash with his staff though lui ducked under it and the launched a lightning stream at Zaheer. Who proceeded to run back and jumps at the roof of one of the buildings dodging the attack and as the building was collapsing due to the attack Zaheer jumped forward to Luis Direction and unleashed a air attack from the the tip of his staff.

Though Lui quickly tilted his body dodging the blast and placed his hand on the ground and did something that shocked everyone. 

He unleashed an ice attack at Zaheer who just landed on the ground Zaheer who had no time to process what he just saw jumped to the side narrowly dodged the attack.

Zaheer: What the hell?

Said Zaheer and we cut to the others Who all looked shocked.

Wei: What the hell?

Wing: I didn't know he could do that.

Suyin: Neither did I.

Bolin: Am I dreaming right now, or did he just bend ice?

Mako: He didn't just bend it; it looks like he placed his hand on the ground and summoned it out of nowhere.

Lin: We can worry about that later; for now, we need to figure out how to cross that moat.

That's When Suyin looked up at the metal dome.

Suyin: We don't need to cross it; we can drop in from the dome on cables.

Lin: *sarcastically* That's a great idea, except we'll get blown up the second that third eyed freak sees us.

Suyin: She's a combustionbender; if one of you could stun her, her powers would be knocked out temporarily.

Mako: Bolin can land a shot.

Bolin: I can?

Suyin: You have to take her out right before we drop down.

Bolin: I do?

We cut back to Lui and Zaheer.

Lui: Still think I'm just a child?

Zaheer: How did you do that?

Lui: That's for me to know and for you to wonder about.

Said Lui which only angered Zaheer

Zaheer: Don't get cocky just because you can control two elements; I will not lose to you!

That's when Lui put his hands on the ice and summoned multiple ice pillars and sent them at Zaheer who quickly jumped backwards avoiding the ice pillars  and then jumped upward using air to boost his jump before front flipping and sending a double air kick at Lui who quickly dodged the attack by rolling on the ground.

Lui: You know fighting with you is fun and all, but I think it's time I put an end to this.

Zaheer: Oh? And just how do you plan on doing that.

Lui: You'll find out right now; I don't even need to look at you to do it.

Zaheer: Huh?

Lui: Watch.

Lui then proceeded to turn his back to Zaheer which angered him

Zaheer: Don't mock me!

Yelled Zaheer in anger but Lui didn't listen and continued to turn his back to him which only angered him further.

Zaheer: Turning your back on your opponent is a terrible mistake.

Said Zaheer charging at Lui with incredible speed and as the Zaheer was charging toward him Lui then proceeds to  raise his hand in the air and as Zaheer was about to attack Lui quickly clenched his fist and a lightning bolt came from above and hit Zaheer and sent him flying backwards and as he landed Lui walked up to him and we could see that Zaheer had bruises and burn marks all over his body.

Lui: And that's checkmate.

Zaheer: *weakly* H-How?

Lui: Just before I arrived here, I launched a lightning bolt at the sky and kept it up there to use when the right moment came, and you took the bait. You fell for my provocation, let your anger get the better of you, and attacked, focusing solely on me, which led to your defeat.

Zaheer simply stared in disbelief processing the fact that he lost to a child no older than 12 years old.

Lui: Now it's pretty obvious you had inside help, which allowed you to get in, so tell me who helped you, or I'm going to drag the information out of you by force.

Said Lui pointing his palm at Zaheer ready to electrocute him. 

Back to the criminals P'Li noticed Lui pointing his palm at the defeated Zaheer.

P'Li: No!

Yelled P'Li in distress before attacking Lui with her combustionbending though Lui noticed the attack coming and quickly formed and ice wall which took the attack getting destroyed in the process though this moment of distraction was enough for Zaheer too unleash an air kick which send Lui flying through the window  of the Building behind him.

We cut to team Avatar and Mako received info that the Beifongs were in position and turned to Bolin.

Mako: It's Bolin time.

Bolin: Alright, Bolin time. Bolin time!

Bolin attempts to hit P'Li with a rock though she quickly ducked under it and unleashed a combustion blast at the team who took cover with Ghazan and Ming-Hua covering her and attacking the team.

Bolin: I can't get a clean shot!

said Bolin taking cover with Mako.

Mako: You have to!

Thats when wing's Voice came from the communicator.

Wing: Are we ago?

Mako: No go.

Wing: Copy that.We're a go.

Mako: I said No! Wait!

We see the Beifong sisters jumping down from the dome and P'li noticing them.

Mako: Boli, take the shot!

And as P'Li was about to blast the sisters Bolin launches a small pebble at P'Li which manages to hit her and blocks her chi which allowed the sisters to retrieve Korra and Zaheer who was weakly Getting up saw what happened.

Zaheer: No!

Exclaimed Zaheer before flying to then with his glider to attempt to retake Korra but before he could reach Lin a lightning bolt hit one of the wings on his glider as we turned his attention to where it came from he saw Lui pointing his Index and middle finger at him with a smirk on his face.

Zaheer: You damned brat!

Exclaimed Zaheer in anger before landing where his team is Realizing that they failed, Zaheer conjures a large air dome, which gathers enough smoke to cover his, and his group's, escape.

Lui: Tch. Those cowards.

Said Lui before turning to Kuvira.

Lui: Kuvira! What are you waiting for? Do you need me to tell you how to do your job? Grap the other guards and search the entire area; they couldn't have gone far!

Kuvira: Right!

Said Kuvira before taking the other Guards and began searching the area.

Back in Suyin's estate, Aiwei administers an antidote to neutralize the shrishu toxins in Korra's systems, allowing her to regain mobility instantaneously. Lin reprimands Suyin for allowing a breach in her city, though the latter denies any involvement in the incident. Aiwei insists that someone from inside the city must have helped Zaheer and his associates enter the city, to which Korra agrees, insisting that it must have been one of the city's guards.

Lui: Well I think it's you.

Sai Lui while pointing at Aiwei surprising everyone .

Aiwei: What do you mean? Why would I help a group of criminals?

Lui: I don't know your motive, but you're the likeliest suspect. Out of everyone in the city, you're the only one who can actually keep a secret.

Suyin: Lui, That cannot be. Aiwei is my trusted advisor. I trust him with my life; he would never do this. And don't think your of the hook since when can you summon ice like that and bend it?

Lui: Since about a few months ago.

Suyin: And you didn't tell me because?

Lui:*shrugs* You didn't ask.

Suyin: ugh. This is no time to jock around,Lui!

Lui: I'm serious.

Lin: Enough! This is no time to be arguing over this.

Said Lin before turning to Aiwei.

Lin: Aiwei, question all the guards in the city; don't leave anyone out.

Aiwei: Right.

The next day Aiwei interrogates everyone from the guards to Varrick, whose description of his nightly routine leaves his interrogators annoyed and more than a little disgusted, and he finds them all innocent. At Lin's insistence, Suyin herself is also interrogated and is found innocent, too.

Lui: I'm telling you all, it's Aiwei.

Suyin: Enough of this, Lui; it's not Aiwei; he has no reason to help those criminals. I'm sure he's innocent.

Korra: Enough! This is a waste of time; just bring in the next guard.

That's when they bring in a young guard.

Aiwei: Give me your name, and tell me where you're from.

Guard: I'm Hong Li. I was born and raised here in Zaofu.

Aiwei: Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the Avatar?

Hong Li: No.

Said Hong Li which causes Aiwei to narrow his eyes at him.

Aiwei: Did you help the attackers enter Zaofu last night?

Hong Li: No, of course not.

Aiwei: Your lying.

Said Aiwei shocking Hong Li and causing a furious Suyin to berate Hong Li for betraying the clan and demands he tells them everything he knows about Zaheer and how his group got in to the city. Aiwei suggests searching the guard's home, where a note from the four criminals and a copy of the guards' logbook is found. Convinced that Hong Li is guilty, Mako suggests confronting the guard with the evidence, but he is surprised when Aiwei announces he intends on delaying the interrogation.

We cut to team Avatar examining the crime scene.

Mako: I don't understand why we're not talking to that guard right now. Every minute we waste here, those guys get further away. I mean, how does a random guard get involved with a group of super criminals, anyway?

Asami: What do you mean?

Mako: That guard is only eighteen years old and has lived in Zaofu his entire life. Zaheer and his gang have been imprisoned for more than thirteen years.

Korra: I don't know, but we all saw the evidence; it's pretty overwhelming.

Varrick: Maybe a little too overwhelming.

Said Varrick popping up out of nowhere startling the group.greets Varrick and asks why he is exploring the crime scene. The mogul replies that he is collecting pumice stones, intending to treat his calluses by having Zhu Li rub his feet with the lava rocks, much to team avatar's disgust.

Mako: What where you saying about the evidence.

Said Mako walking up to Varrick.

Varrick: I was saying that I could smell a conspiracy when I see one. Look, if I were trying to set someone up, I would tell everyone he's guilty and then plant the evidence in his apartment as proof.

Mako: Oh. You mean exactly like what you did to me?

Varrick: Yes! Just like that! Remember how great that worked? Well, not for you.

Mako: Your right. All the evidence points to this guard, but maybe he's just the fall guy.

Bolin: But for who?

Mako: For the only person who could truly keep a secret in this city and the person Lui suspected, Aiwei.

Said Mako surprising the team.

Team then Avatar heads to Aiwei's residence and proceeds to search it for evidence, intending to compromise the official and prove his involvement with Zaheer. When Bolin picks up a jar from a shelf, Mako orders him to put it back, knowing they do not want to leave any traces of their visit. Bolin cannot remember the exact placement of the object, however, prompting Mako to return it to what he believes to be its rightful place himself. By doing so, Mako notices scuff marks on the floor and theorizes that they were made by the bookshelves sliding open. Testing his theory, he pulls at the side of the furniture, successfully revealing a hidden staircase leading down to a door behind it. Before the group can explore the premises, Asami warns them that Aiwei is on his way home, and Mako hastily closes the bookcase.

That's when Aiwei walks in and is surprised to find team Avatar in his home.

Aiwei: What are you doing in my house?

Asked Aiwei in shock 

 Aiwei: You are trespassing on the property of one the highest ranked officials in the city you better have a good explanation.

Bolin then tries to cover their intentions with a transparent lie but Korra explains that things were not adding up, and that they came to his house looking for more satisfactory answers.

Aiwei: Sit if you want to talk; let's talk over some tea.

Pouring the teenagers a cup each, Aiwei walks away from them, asking what exactly was not adding up, reiterating that Hong Li was "clearly lying", referring to the evidence found in the suspect's apartment as proof.

Mako:But don't you think it's weird how young he is? How did he ever get mixed up with this group?

Aiwei: Perhaps through a relative, or maybe he was bribed, we'll find out those answers in time. But if it wasn't him who do you  think it was?

Asked Aiwei walking over to the book shelf.

Asami: We don't know.

Aiwei: You don't think I had something to do with this, do you?

Asks Aiwei while placing the jar Bolin had picked up earlier back in its rightful place. As Korra glares at Bolin, she answers that they are merely looking for answers.

Aiwei: And you think you found something, don't you?

Asks Aiwei while noticing that his bookcase is slightly out of place. Glancing over his shoulder toward them, he warns Korra that she has no idea what is coming for her.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, Aiwei lifts a metal wall between himself and the others; Mako quickly sends a fireball in his direction, but it dissipates against the thick metal. Korra surges forward and punches the metal, denting it. As Mako urges her to work faster, Korra snaps at him to "back off", and after a few more tries, she tears a hole in the wall large enough for them to walk through. They descend the stairs to the door they found earlier; as they enter the room, they trigger a barrel which Aiwei has rigged with explosives, causing it to detonate. The large explosion that follows decimates everything in its path, and is noticed far outside Aiwei's house, alerting the patrolling guards.

Learning that is a traitor and has possibly escaped via a tunnel, uses her to scan for his presence.

Inside the basement, Korra has managed to protect herself and her friends from the inferno by surrounding them in a ball of air. Venturing further inside the now destroyed room, the team concludes that Aiwei has escaped through a tunnel. As Korra and Bolin clear out the path, Lin , Suyin and Lui , having been alerted by the explosion, run inside the room and ask what happened.

Suyin: Where is Aiwei?

Korra: It's like Lui said your trusted advisor was the one who betrayed us; he was lying about the guard.

Said Korra shocking Suyin.

Suyin: What? No.

Lui: Hate to say I told you so, but told you so.

Korra: We confronted him, and he bolted through here.

Said Korra while pointing at the tunnel prompting Lin to use her seismic sense , and deduc that Aiwei must have collapsed the tunnel on his way out. Mako adds that the truth seer also rigged an explosion to destroy any evidence that might have been in the room to corroborate their suspicions. Korra concludes that this room was Zaheer's passage in and out of the city, and labels Aiwei definitively as the traitor, leaving Suyin heartbroken. As Kuvira runs in, asking if everyone is all right, Lin announces that Aiwei is a fugitive and orders her to assemble all available guards to search the mountainside and discover where the collapsed tunnel exits. When Kuvira leaves, Lin places a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. Later that night, Kuvira returns to report that they had found the exit of the tunnel, though there was no sign of Aiwei beyond some fresh tire tracks, leading Mako to deduce that he had a plan prepared in the event that he was discovered. As Kuvira leaves, Suyin, devastated by his betrayal, laments that her trust in Aiwei was misplaced, realizing that one of her most trusted advisors has indeed betrayed her.

Mako expresses how this incident and the fact that Zaheer and his associates had a mole in the ranks proves that whoever they are they are more powerful and dangerous than they thought. Korra agrees and decides to hold off the group's search for airbenders in favor of tracking Aiwei via Naga. Asami agrees, noting that they will find Zaheer's group as well, but Lin sharply disapproves, insisting that Korra returns to for protection. Korra protests, noting that if she is not safe in Zaofu, she is not safe anywhere, leading Lin to reiterate that she cannot, as it would be more dangerous to pursue him. Korra snaps that Lin needs to stop trying to protect her, as it is her job as the Avatar to deal with people like Zaheer, and Lin responds angrily in turn that Korra should not lecture her about jobs. Suyin breaks up the argument, telling Korra to listen to Lin, who is simply looking out for her, and promises Korra that Aiwei and his allies will be found and brought to justice. Korra reluctantly relents, and agrees to retire to her room for the night while her friends with her friends.

and leave in order to search for .

Some time later, Suyin visits Team Avatar at their guest house. Asking for confirmation that Naga can really track down Aiwei, she provides the group with a key to a jeep parked outside of the city. She explains to the group that her earlier support of Lin was a distraction to buy them time, and that she wants nothing more than to have Aiwei tracked down and returned to Zaofu. She urges the group to leave, promising to deal with her sister herself in the morning. After thanking Suyin, Korra and the others head out in search of Aiwei.

End of chapter hope you enjoyed also just letting you know next chapter I'll skip all the way to Zaheer invading the northern Air temple.

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