Harry:Son of Dracula (Harry...

By krazyj13

174K 5.9K 404

Years have passed and no one questions the castle in the middle of Transylvania. Maybe they think its a monum... More

the beginning
A Dark Silhouette
It's you
Scared of Blood?
Author note
Going Home
Home Sweet Home
You have to cherish it
Time to myself
A little company
The tour
what is this?
The truth
So close
Long time no see
I need you, I want you
The date
Stay with me
Don't leave me
Just Remember
Author Note:Sequel
Author Note:1K Reads!!!!!!!!!
3k reads
New story!!!
45k Reads!!!
Link to Squeal
100k reads

Couldn't take it anymore

4.4K 187 12
By krazyj13

*Jade's p.o.v*

So clearly the hearing training is the hardest thing I have ever done. I'm blindfolded so I can focus on the speed they use. Since you know since I'm like a bloodbag. Harry's dad left a few days ago saying we no longer need him right now. Harry and me have been training with the hearing for weeks and it sucks. And lately Harry has become alittle different not like he changed but...he has become closer but fades out on me when we hug or something.

We always get close to kissing each other and for some reason I'm craving it. I don't if he feels the same but boy. I hope he isn't playing games with me. I just don't know how long until I give in.

"Pay attention to your hearing okay." I lift my hands up in the air looking around even though I can't see. "I know that Harry. That's what I'm doing." I get back in position and wait. I try to focus and then I hear a gust of wind with a few bats. I swing my sword but miss. "Focus." He tells me before disappearing again.

I take a breathe and relax. The only way I can focus. I hear another gust come from him but I stay still. I feel his breathe against the back of my neck. I can feel his chest against my back. I try not to pay attention to it so my mind is clear. I take a breathe in then slowly release. I don't feel him behind me anymore.

I wait again and lightly grip my sword. I hear soft footsteps behind me so I focus on that. I hear them pick up before they become faint. Thats when I turn and strike hearing a fabric being cut. I quickly take off my blindfold and I'm met with a smiling Harry. "I did it. Oh my god I did it." He shakes his head quickly.  "Awesome." He smiles at me and thats when I notice he is holding his side. "You cut me pretty deep." He laughs and he removes his hand to show a bloody cloth.

"Oh shit come on lets get you cleaned up." I take his hand and walk to the kitchen. As I'm pulling him he keeps telling me that he is fine. Once we get to the area I tell him to go to the living room. He just looks at me but doesn't question. I grab a rag and wet it. I know he is fine but if the cut is deep there is blood everywhere.

I walk back to the living room and see him sitting on the couch. He must of heard me due to his head snapping up. I walk towards him and sit beside him. He just watches me with a questioning look. "Well. Take off your shirt. I know your fine but let me clean the blood off. That's the least I can do."  He turns so he can take off his shirt. He unbuttons the buttons on his shirt before reaching behind him to pull it over his head. Once he turns his attention back to me I have to keep my composure and try not to lose my mind.

I look down to see where the blood was from. I see the dry blood and grab the rag. Once I start to wipe the blood I can't help but look at his tattoos. I kind of laugh at the butterfly tattoo. "What?" I look up at him with a smile. "I like your butterfly tattoo." He rises up so I stop cleaning since the blood was almost gone. "I think I look good with it. You want to know why?" I lean back with my arms crossed. "Why?" He smirks and god that smirk. He leans close to me. "It's right where you can look at my toned,sexy, six pack." I throw my head back and laugh. I look back at him and get close to his face. "Cocky."

I get up and walk back to the kithen to put the rag away. I wash the blood from the rag and I can't help but laugh at him. Once clean I leave it to dry and walk out to be stopped at the door of the living room. Harry is standing right there looking down at me. He looks hesitate but determined. He steps closer to me where I'm sandwhiched between the wall and him. He looks down at me and I notive his chest heaving up and down."I can't take this anymore." 

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