Requiem - Michaeng [ENG]

By Luuh493

8.8K 491 47

Myoui Mina is a multi-millionaire heiress who, after being pushed out of her life against her will for an ent... More

Back For Good PT.1
Back For Good PT.2
Happy misfortunes
Looks Can Be Deceiving
In Good Company
Safe Harbor
A Night To Remember
Slow Steps
Love Countdown PT.1
Love Countdown PT.2
Hate you, Chaeyoung
Good News
Damn, You're Beautiful
Different Realities
Best Of Three
Maybe It's Love
Starting Something New
Use Your Imagination
All Of Me
Here Comes Trouble
Yesterday's fears
The Little Big Things PT.1
Special Chaeyoung PT.1
Special Chaeyoung Pt.2
Special Chaeyoung Pt.3
The Next Morning
The Little Big Things PT.2
Shock Treatment
The Purpose
You Don't Know Me
Old Days PT.2
A Reason to Live
True Me
Love Is A Battlefield
No More Drama
The Peace That I Find
Strike One

Old Days PT.1

98 6 0
By Luuh493

I was in one of the director's offices reviewing, for what must have been the thousandth time, all those papers that had been given to me by my father, in case I was curious to find out what was happening. It wasn't in my plans to go so deep into them, after all I was just here passing through, I didn't need to be an expert in anything. But considering recent events, I thought it best to inform myself as much as possible before entering a room full of surly people.

- My God, they are horrible. - Nayeon commented as she entered, not even bothering to knock on the door first.

- What do you mean?

- It looks like they were all run over in the face on the way here. Seriously, they look at you crookedly, but it even makes you feel sorry because it looks like a facial problem. - I held back a laugh, but i think she noticed because a relaxed smile appeared on her face - And they seem to be boring, good luck to you.

- It was everything I needed in my life right now - I sighed, dropping the sheets on the table and leaning my back against the chair.

- You'll do well, your father already gave you the opinions, right? - I shook my head in confirmation - That's all you need, otherwise you'll do fine.

- Thank you - she smiled at our quick exchange of glances, the warmest since she had set foot in New York. - Let's go. - I got up from the chair, gathering all the pages into the portfolio.

- But there's this old redhead - she stopped suddenly making me collide with her. Her eyes came straight to mine over her shoulder. - I don't trust him, he looks like he's going to be a big problem.

- Never trust old redheads, they're all dickheads.

- All dickheads! - she repeated smiling when she saw me reproducing one of our old customs. Old men were our biggest target in the past.

I passed in front of her with my best smile and we went to the meeting room downstairs. Nayeon wasn't kidding when she described them to me, they really looked at you the wrong way and didn't seem anything less than unfriendly. As soon as I stepped into the room, all attention turned to me. It was difficult to keep my chin up at that moment, for the first time I saw myself weaken like that in front of older people, but I wasn't going to make it easy for them. The first impression is what remains and I definitely didn't like any of them.

I threw my things on the table and sat on the edge of the chair Changbin pointed out to me, without worrying about any of his etiquette rules. Changbin looked at me irritated and spoke up, announcing the start of the meeting and explaining my presence there. He then walked away, leaving an awkward silence among everyone. It was as if they were waiting for me to start something I had no idea it was. I looked for an answer there and only then did I realize that Nayeon hadn't accompanied me into the room.

- Excuse me - I dragged the chair, drawing everyone's attention and got up heading towards Changbin. - Where is Nayeon? - I whispered in his ear.

- Miss Im was not considered by your father to be at the meeting.

- I need her here. - I said, realizing what I was admitting at that exact moment. No matter how great our differences were, I still felt comfortable in her presence; Chaeyoung wasn't here and Changbin wasn't synonymous with anything to me.

- Any questions you have, you should report to me, Miss Myoui.

- You and a door, for me, are the same thing. If you don't want this meeting ruined and your job hunted, bring Nayeon in now.

I made my way back to the table trying to get my thoughts in tune.

- What is this girl doing here? - I looked up as soon as I returned to my seat, glaring at the old redhead who had spoken out. Nayeon is always right in her assumptions.

- Replacing my father. - He looked up at me with a look of contempt.

- Is this his problem daughter? - I raised an eyebrow processing what had come out of his mouth. That face of a poorly eaten human being staring at me without the slightest concern for maintaining appearance.

- Correct, any problems? - I replied more harshly, making everyone there observe our little theater.

- I don't think that you, being so immature, are the best person to be in charge of this evaluation committee. Could you call your father for me? Tell him we've rescheduled the meeting for when he can be there.

The old man stood up, followed by everyone else. I slammed my hands on the table hard and closed my eyes for a moment, laughing to myself at the situation I was in. I opened them then faced their apprehensive attention.

- I'm not going to call anyone. If you are not professional enough to do business with anyone other than these self-serving clowns, we resolve this now and you will be fired and free to find someone who suits you better. If this is not the case, I suggest that everyone returns to their respective places or we will have a new commission at the end of the month.

I sat down with a sinister smile on my face as I watched them follow me in fear. Mission Accomplished.

- And do you really think you can find a new team in this short time? - this creature really doesn't give up.

- There is plenty of qualified, willing and desperate people looking for a job in this company. Put your balls down because none of you in this room are irreplaceable.

I finally shut everyone up and made myself respectable inside that room. I heard a noise approaching and turned my face in time to find Nayeon heading towards me in long strides. I took a deep breath when I saw her there, it was only at that moment that I realized how heavy my chest was.

- Did you call me? - she whispered, finally stopping next to me and placing a glass of water on the table.

- No water, I need whisky.

- What? Are you crazy? - I raised my face towards her. Nayeon stopping me from drinking, that was new.

- What's the problem?

- You're in the middle of a meeting!

- I know, that's why. Look, if I'm going to survive all this, I need a stiff drink. - she continued looking at me from above, undecided - Just one glass won't hurt.

But it wasn't just one glass, it ended up being four. After all that preparation, we finally got down to what really mattered and began to discuss the topics on the agenda for that day. Thank God I had better informed myself about everything, because they simply didn't seem to believe in my father's decisions and I had to explain many, if not all, of his intentions. It was incredible how after a few shouts and insults everyone was more susceptible to listening.

Even though I showed that I wasn't there by chance, there was still that damn old troublemaker who looked for faults in absolutely everything. From my speeches to the way I behave. The reason I ordered the second glass of whiskey was just because he complained about the first. And thank God the little alcohol I drank was serving some purpose. Soon I no longer got stressed out so easily and I wasn't even nervous anymore, a happy breeze was blowing towards me all the time.

- Wow, you just finished them off! - Nayeon said as soon as everyone had left the room, leaving just the two of us and Changbin, who was hovering in front of the door.

- Can you believe I had fun? I think part of me missed being challenged like that, it's good to have to show my strengths every now and then.

- This deserves a celebration! - she almost shouted happily, making me laugh.

- You're right, I could use a good party right now! How about Piggy?

- Hey, take it easy, cowboy. When I said celebrate I thought of champagne at the hotel. Me, you and your girlfriend.

- Shhh - I threw my fingers in front of her mouth and got closer to her body. - Don't let Changbin listen, I don't think he likes Chaeyoung very much.

- Are you drunk yet? - I smiled without showing my teeth and gave her a light slap on the arm.

- Please don't underestimate me - I replied, but deep down I knew I was already slightly altered. Four glasses of whisky, Mina? Seriously?

Nayeon didn't seem convinced at all, but she didn't try to stop me either, we gathered our things and left the meeting room towards the elevator and soon we were in the company lobby.

- Changbin, I'm going to dismiss the driver for now. I want to drive.

- I think it would be better if you were taken safely.

- Are you saying I don't know how to drive? - I turned to him, sending him a curious look.

- I'm just showing you the best option.

- How old are you? You're too boring for your age. Maybe twenty-seven? Twenty-eight?

Changbin kept his expression impassive and continued walking beside me. I sighed, turning my gaze to Nayeon. There I told her all my intentions and hoped that we would still be good at it. With my eyes, I showed where the car keys were and signaled for us to start the plan.

- You know Changbin, I think you should relax. How about a quick trip to the bar?

I raised my index finger asking Nayeon for a minute and distanced myself a little from the two. I needed to talk to my girlfriend.

- How was it? - she answered with the most excited voice in the world, which made me smile.

- Long story short I just kept control of the situation, these people were like snakes! But love, I need you to change in exactly twenty minutes because we'll be coming by to pick you up.

- Where will we go?

- Celebrate.

- Okay - she laughed on the other side, making my heart speed up.

- Wear something cute. - I whispered back and turned off the device, returning it to my pocket. I looked up and Nayeon was still trying to tangle with Changbin, apparently she had lost her technique.

- I already said that we will go straight to the hotel, if you want, you can celebrate there, but nothing excessive! - he was already talking loud enough to express all his anger at us.

- But Changbin, there won't be music or nice people at the hotel. - I replied, approaching the two again.

- I don't care! The two of you aren't going anywhere tonight.

I looked at his back pocket, which was where the keys were, and sighed seeing that I had no practical alternatives left. I looked for some of the security guards who were with us earlier today, but the lobby was completely empty, except for the two receptionists on the other side of the room.

I glanced quickly at Nayeon and, in the split second we were given, I noticed her scolding look in response. She rolled her eyes and slapped Changbin in the face, surprising even me.

- Son of a bitch, I felt where you put that hand!

I didn't know whether to laugh or run at the expression he was looking at us in the moment. It felt like a mixture of anger and confusion. But as soon as I noticed all his attention focused on her, I reached for his pocket, lacing the small keychain with my finger. In a moment of my reflex, something almost divine, I threw my torso back, seeing the blonde's hand pass, sneakily, towards me. Fingers closed and fist clenched, he would actually punch me if I hadn't dodged. I decided to get it over with and, as soon as he finished turning his body, I grabbed his jacket by the edges and pulled them back, giving him a slight body turn before trapping his hands with the fabric. Changbin fell into a sitting position with his hands tied behind his back and began to struggle as soon as he realized what had happened.

- Yeah, it looks like I haven't lost practice yet. - I adjusted the clothes on my body, turning my attention to Nayeon, who was watching me with raised eyebrows.

- I didn't teach you that.

- No, it was life. - I winked at her, then turned to look at the two receptionists. - Keep an eye on him for me, will you? - They just shook their heads in confirmation and I headed towards the exit.

- Wait, we have to get the keys. - The alarm of the black car, right next to the door, beeped indicating unlocking and then Nayeon looked at me, noticing the key already in my hands. - I give up on you.

I smiled without showing my teeth and we quickly took to the streets. As much as I wanted to hurry, the admiration for the city that I once called home was inevitable. There were several places that I recognized with a smile on my lips and I wasn't the only one. Nayeon carried a certain kind of admiration for everything, even with all her problematic history here. Maybe this was a lesson we should learn from, one bad thing shouldn't destroy a set of good things. No matter how dark my memories of this place were, it was also a good place and that was what I should hold on to. In the good things that life has already given me.

We arrived in front of the hotel and Chaeyoung wasn't there yet. I asked Nayeon to go to the reception and look for her, if I knew her well, she wouldn't be at the door waiting for us. I turned on the sound on any radio, feeling satisfied when I heard the lively music that was playing. It was incredible how quickly I got bored. I looked at the hotel door again and saw the two walking slowly towards me, they seemed to be having fun with the conversation they were having. Chaeyoung looked beautiful in a black set, top and high-waisted skirt, loose just above the knees.

I looked away at the blinding light hitting my side mirror and then panic set in. I squinted my eyes to make sure I was really seeing it. It was Changbin. In a car. Approaching too fast.

I hit the horn and signaled them to run. Nayeon found my attitude weird and was only convinced when she looked in the same direction I was pointing. She quickly took Chaeyoung's hand and walked through the door.

- What is happening? - Chaeyoung asked scared, sitting next to me.

- Remember the blonde security guy? Let's just say we really pissed him off today.

- Don't put me into this, you're the one who decided to kung fu him.

- What..?

- Chaeng, wait a bit, I can't explain now.

I took off with the car without even looking to see if the road was clear. I put my foot down on the accelerator and threw myself between the other drivers taking to the road, in too much of a hurry. Every minute I checked Changbin's position in the rearview mirror and the bastard wouldn't let go of us. Chaeyoung told me to slow down, but all I did was sink my foot further. Nayeon remained firmly in the co-pilot position, giving me information and showing me the best directions.

- Take the second right! - she suddenly shouted as if she had a great idea.

- Are you crazy? He's going to close me down on the other side of the avenue!

- That's the plan, you'll just need to be faster than him. - I tried to think about that idea, but we were almost at the entrance. I pursed my lips and turned the steering wheel with all my might, brushing away the walls that surrounded the small alley I had already entered.

- Mina! - Chaeyoung expressed fear. I knew I wasn't making the best impression, but it was a necessary evil.

I placed my hand over hers and squeezed, trying to tell her everything that my mouth wasn't capable of at the moment.

- Mina, he passed right by. You'll need to speed up more than that if you want it to work.

- What happens if it doesn't work? - Chaeyoung asked making Nayeon smile.

- We just hit him with everything, or any car that passes by at the same time.

- Mina, stop this car. - Chaeyoung asked, leaning towards me.

- Chaeng, if I stop we'll be stuck in that hotel room until it's time for our flight back.

- If you don't stop, we're gonna die! - I looked in her direction quickly, but I didn't ease my foot on the accelerator - Mina!

- Trust me.

I let go of her hand, already seeing the exit of the alley approaching and I switched to the last gear, poisoning the engine with speed. I took a deep breath and squeezed the steering wheel as we crossed the exit straight onto the track. It was like a scene from a movie: the car flying through an intersection and taking out all the other cars that were coming and going. We went straight past, landing in the dirt area off the track and then I pulled the handbrake, causing the car to spin and a cloud of dust to rise around us until we came to a stop.

If my hands weren't steady on the steering wheel I would definitely be shaking right now. My heart was beating wildly and I still hadn't processed what had just happened. I looked up and Chaeyoung was staring at me in disbelief and static, perhaps the perfect reflection of myself at that moment.

- Is everyone okay? - I asked, switching to Nayeon, who was in the back seats. The same scared look on her face.

- It worked out? - she asked and only then did I remember Changbin.

We waited for the dust to settle and it was almost like a moment of ecstasy. A smile slowly appeared on my lips as I realized what I saw. The track was completely stopped, several cars crossed with Changbin stuck in the center of them.

- I don't believe it - I said almost in a whisper. Nayeon threw herself between my seat and Chaeyoung's, squinting to see the same thing as me.

- And now..?

Suddenly the car was filled with a deafening noise and Nayeon threw her arms in the air.

- Party!

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