๐€๐‹๐–๐€๐˜๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐„๏ฟฝ...

By _mrsmikaelson

161K 3.6K 4.6K

[๐–ฎ๐–ญ ๐–ฆ๐–ฎ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ฆ] โ ๐–บ๐—…๐—๐–บ๐—’๐—Œ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—‹? โž โ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒ ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—๐—๐—‚๐–ผ๐— ๐– ๐—…๐—…๐—‚๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐—‡ ๐–ฅ๐—ˆ๏ฟฝ... More

๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
01. sixties dance
02. the enchantress
03. really sexy babies
04. I am not 'your love'
05. the ritual
06. kidnapped
07. she lost control again
08. I promise we're not serial killers
09. ray sutton
10. theodore?
11. I can't kiss you, klaus
12. noah ortiz
13. a tampon, really?
14. rebekah mikaelson
15. does that mean I can fuck bex?
16. dead racoon
17. what's up, babe?
18. finally free
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
19. senior prank night
20. please remember me
21. first day of senior year
22. a life without you in it
23. you never told me you were gay
24. birth family
25. astrid emerson
26. mikaelson past
27. you only seem to care about yourself
28. In love with klaus mikaelson
29. prom
30. I'm a petrova, not stupid
31. mikael
32. he tried to kiss me
33. spilling secrets
34. klaus is your romeo
35. pregnant with a square baby?
36. a birthday funeral
37. kidnapped for the third time
38. parents aren't supposed to outlive their children
39. mikaelson ball
40. always and forever
41. the original snogger
42. old friend
43. first kill
44. unlink
45. alaric killed dad
46. twenties dance
47. crazy vampire alaric
48. I'm gonna lose everyone
49. wickery bridge
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
50. the purple poison
51. whitmore college
52. birthday
53. promise ring
54. what are you?
55. miss mystic falls
56. the truth about lily
57. all my fault
58. ted petrova
60. beatrice emerson
61. my side of the story
62. to the moon and back
63. portend
64. follow your heart
65. haven't I given enough
66. see if you have it on
67. dormant
68. the death cure
69. just wake up soon
70. the funeral
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„๐‘๐’

59. cancer

439 17 7
By _mrsmikaelson


Ten minutes had passed and the twins woke up their sister to tell her everything that'd happened.

After they'd told her everything, she swore she'd never felt so stupid, "I can't believe I let this happen..."

"What the hell do you mean, Care?" Allison asked with a puzzled and slightly angered expression, "I'm the one who let him into our home and I'm the reason we're all hurt and are incapable to trust anyone again! If it wasn't for me being in this family, you all would be safe. This is my fault, Care."

Theodore's brows furrowed in disbelief, "Hey," he grabbed her shoulder gently but firmly, "don't you dare ever say anything like that again, Ally. This family wouldn't be the same without you. I'd be lost without you. You're literally my twin, my other half. Without you, i wouldn't be me. So shut up and stop blaming yourself for something you have no control over."

Allison shook her head in disagreement but before she could speak, Caroline did, "Theo's right." She agreed, "This is fate. Nothing can change fate. Now when's Klaus getting here because this venom is starting to sting."

"Sorry, sis." Theodore winced, aware that it was his venom that was injected into her.

"Shut up, Theo." Caroline frowned, ruffling up his hair, "You know that wasn't your fault. It was crazy uncle guys fault."

Allison smiled at the name, not emotionally strong enough to laugh at a joke like that yet, "I think Klaus should be arriving soon." She answered her sisters previously asked question, "And quit whining, me and Theo have werewolf poison in us too, the fatal kind. You're lucky I slowed it down by freezing it, but it's gonna melt away soon."

Caroline smiled slightly as Theo gaped at his twins words, "That's so cool. You're like Elsa."

Before Allison had the chance to roll her eyes, there was a knock at the door. The three siblings heads shot towards the door, knowing who it was.

Allison got up from her seat on the floor and then hesitantly went to it, her heart beating. She was frightened that someone else might be out there, something sent by Beatrice.

After Ted had fooled them so smoothly, Allison had to rewind her entire life and go over every single friendship and relationship she had to make sure that Beatrice hadn't sent them too.

She'd have to be careful in the future and trust no one so that she could keep her and her family safe.

The old her was gone and she'd never come back.

Her hand hovered over the handle and when she heard a voice calling her by her name, she jumped.

"Love, is that you?" Klaus asked from the other side of the door, a puzzled expression evident on his face.

Caroline and Theodore shared a glance at their sisters body language, knowing that nothing would be the same after this.

Allison sighed in relief before opening the door, "Uh, Hey Nik." Her voice came out as shaky, obvious unease in her tone.

"Are you alright, love?" Klaus asked with a concerned expression, placing his hand on her shoulder comfortingly and sparing a glance to the two Forbes siblings who were now on the kitchen stools.

His gaze traveled towards the floor and his eyes widened when he spotted Liz Forbes with a knife embedded in her stomach.

As he was about to go over to her, Theodore and Caroline signalled to him that it was fine.

All of a sudden, a loud sob escaped Allison's lips, followed by multiple others as she sobbed into her boyfriends chest, pulling into his green shirt for support.

Klaus' brows furrowed at first, not knowing how to react but then he hesitantly brought his hand up to stroke her back soothingly, "It's okay, love. It's okay." He whispered in her ear, his other hand playing with her hair.

Allison took a step back and broke their contract at his words, "No, it's not!" She cried out, causing her siblings to exchange another concerned glance, "Why does everyone keep telling me it's okay because it's not! None of this is okay! I just let this random stranger in my home just so he could stab my mother in the gut and then poison me and my siblings and then I fucking killed him, so no, Klaus, it's not okay!"

The room fell silent as none of them knew what to say, their mouths opening and closing while thinking of something, anything to say, but nothing came to mind. Their minds were blank.

Allison broke the silence, hating how she'd just broke down in front of everyone, "Now can you just heal us please?" Her voice cracked as her bottom lip wobbled, another sob on the brink of escaping.

Klaus nodded, his heart shattering at how hurt she was. Whoever was at blame for this, he wanted to kill because no one could hurt his love.

He went to Allison first, although she refused and pleaded him to heal her siblings first. She eventually gave in and let him bite her to remove the purple poison toxins like he did last time.

Once she was healed, he went to Theodore and did the same thing and gave him a little blood after to heal him up. He then went to Caroline and fed her his blood so that she could be healed from the werewolf venom.

As he was about to go to Liz, Theodore stopped him, "She'll want to go to the hospital. She hates vampire blood." Klaus' brows furrowed but he nodded anyway and stood a step back.

"I'll come with you then." Klaus stated before glancing over to the dead body who he presumed to be Allison's uncle and the one responsible for all of this, "And we better get rid of him." His eyes hardened as he stared at the man who hurt his love.

If Ted was alive, Klaus would drag out his death so far that he'd be begging for death.


Klaus ended up going to burn Ted's body whilst the Forbes siblings took their mother to the ER.

Allison, Theodore and Caroline were all seated in the waiting room, distressed looks on their faces.

Allison had her hands threaded through her hair, Theodore was bobbing his knee up and down and Caroline was looking everywhere to make sure that she wouldn't miss any doctor who might be looking for them.

"I really hope she's okay." Theodore mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah, you and me both." Caroline replied back in the same quiet tone, considering that it was a hospital and that noice wasn't appreciated.

Allison on the other hand, didn't say anything. She physically couldn't. Her mind was far too occupied with the millions of questions running through her head.

Who else has Beatrice used to ruin my life?

What if Ted didn't deserve to die?

What if I could've reversed the spell instead of killing him?


What if I'm the monster?


When Klaus had finished getting rid of Ted's body, he'd went to the hospital to meet up with them and make sure everything was ok.

Before Klaus went up the the Forbes siblings though, he approached a nurse and compelled her, "What's going on with Liz Forbes?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"We've performed surgery and she's stable, but that's not what you should worry about." The nurse answered in a monotone voice.

Klaus' brows furrowed but he let her continue, "It appears that she has a growing tumour in the brain. We think it's metastasised to her spine."

"Can they operate?" Klaus inquired with concern. After everything Allison's been through, he didn't want to add another dead mother to the list.

"If the tumours already spread, it would be impossible." The nurse replied.

"But that would mean..." Klaus' face fell as he realised what that meant. It was the end of the line for Liz Forbes and not even the blood of a vampire could save her and he surely knew enough about her to know that she wouldn't want to be turned into a vampire.

"Does she know?" Klaus sighed, asked his last question, wanting to know whether the Forbes mother knew about her terminal illness.

"For weeks now, but news like this takes time to digest." The nurse answered before walking away and leaving him with the devastating news about his girlfriends mother.

He knew that Allison had a lot on her plate right now, and that she physically couldn't handle something like this being thrown on top of her too.

She was already blaming herself for everything that happened, everyone who got hurt. She couldn't possibly handle the news of her mother dying too.

Her scale would be too outweighed soon and she'll stumble down. He couldn't possibly imagine how she'd feel if she found out about this, and that's why he was going to keep it from her, until everything settled down of course.

He couldn't tell her siblings either or they'd just tell Allison, and that'd be just as devastated as her.

He simply had no choice but to keep the gut-wrenching news to himself and hope for the best that the sheriff got better. She had three children who would give up the world for her, she couldn't just leave like this. She was the one who raised the chosen one, who raised the eldest Labonair child, who raised an incredibly confident vampire. She couldn't just die on them like that.


The siblings long wait was finally over and they were finally aloud to see their mother.

Relief flooded through them as they stepped foot in the hospital room and saw their mother smiling up on them. She still looked weak but her grin masked it all.

"Mom!" The siblings yelled in unison, rushing over to their mother to hug her gently, making sure not to hurt her or tear any stitches.

Klaus stood by the door, smiling as he watched the kids reunite with their mother, the nurse he talked to before beside him.

"Do they know?" The dark-skinned nurse asked, a smile on her face but sympathy swarming in her eyes.

"No." Klaus answered, his smile flattening the slightest bit at her words.

"Are you gonna tell them." The nurse asked again.

"No." He answered, this time sounding less firm and more defeated.


The siblings stayed by their mothers side the entire night. Not wanting to let her go and risk getting her hurt again.

Their necks were craned as they snored on the uncomfortable hospital chairs. Klaus ended up taking another chair and decided to sit down at watch over them. What he didn't expect though, was to join them and fall asleep too.

The sun had risen and morning had arrived. Allison squinted as the sunlight peeled through the curtains and awakened her. She looked around to see that nothing had changed and that this nightmare was actually a reality. If there was one thing she was happy about, though, was that her family was safe.

She then looked over to her side to see her boyfriend snoring, his head leaning against her shoulder. A light-tipped smile formed on her lips at the sight as she slowly removed his head from her shoulder so that she could get up. Klaus stirred a little but didn't awake.

She stood up and then went out of the hospital room to get them some hot chocolates.

About five minutes later, she kicked the door to her mothers room. Her eyes widened as she balanced the door on her foot, the five cups of hot chocolate and the phone that was sandwiched between her shoulder and neck.

She placed her phone on the hot chocolates and then shut the door behind her. She then picked up her phone again and bid her goodbye to her friend, "I'll update you later, Bex. Bye."

Everyone was now wide awake, her siblings on each side of their mother, her mother sitting up in her hospital bed with a weak smile and Klaus with a questionable distressed look on his face.

I wonder what's on his mind.

"I bought hot chocolate!" Allison smiled as her siblings clapped excitedly. She handed the cups to everyone and then glanced over to her boyfriend, whispering to him subtly, "You okay?"

Klaus unconvincingly nodded in response which only worried her further but she didn't want to pester him about it. She was sure that if it was important he'd tell her.

If only she knew about what he was keeping from her.


Klaus had offered to take everyone home but Allison insisted on staying. She needed to have a private conversation about the man who'd almost extinct the Forbes.

Allison sighed, holding onto her mothers hand, smiling as she stared at the ring on her finger. The same ring Allison herself had on, their special rings.

"You're gonna ask me about Ted, right?" Liz asked with a knowing look on her face.

"Yeah." Allison sighed, her lips closing tiredly, "And can you not say his name please, Mom? It's kinda triggering."

The past two days had been absolutely exhausting and because of the events that had occurred last night, she hadn't gotten a minute of sleep and she was sure she wouldn't for a long time. The other siblings need to know that though.

Liz nodded, acknowledging her clear struggles as Allison continued, "So what happened before he stabbed you?" She asked, her tone soft despite the juxtaposing and brutal topic.

She knew this might be a triggering question for her mother so she was delicate.

Liz raised her eyebrows, knowing exactly what her daughter was thinking, "Honey, I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm an adult, I'm the sheriff, and I'm your mother. You honestly think that this is the first screwed up thing I've seen?" Allison frowned but let her mother continue, "It's Mystic Falls. It's all I've ever seen for the past twelve years. I'm practically immune when it comes to being frightened."

Allison nodded before speaking up. "I know, Mom, but I don't want you to get hurt. I'm so stupid for letting him into our home like that..." She trailed off, her hand on her head.

Liz's face fell at this, "Hey, you know this isn't your fault right?" The silence that followed answered her question better than words could.

The room fell silent for a moment. None of them spoke and they were forced into this awkward state despite being mother and daughter.

Allison broke the silence with a frustrated sigh, "No, Mom. It is my fault. It is all my fault. Everything that happens is always my fault."

"W-Where's this coming from?" Liz asked in a stutter, taken aback by her daughters sudden outburst.

Allison ignored her mother and continued, tears streaming down her face, "Mom, think about it. If it wasn't for me, none of this would've happened. My enemies wouldn't have gone after you, you'd live a normal life without having a target on your back because of me, and you wouldn't have almost died!"

Liz's brows furrowed in disbelief, furious at her daughters words, "Are you seriously blaming this on yourself?" Allison stayed silent, staring down at the floor, "You didn't choose this lifestyle, honey." Liz said, her tone softening, "You were forced into it the second you were born. This isn't your fault."

"Fine," Allison sighed, "maybe it isn't, but that doesn't change the fact that I let Ted do this. I let him into our home and I let him hurt you!"

"That is not on you." Liz replied, her jaw hardening with anger, hating how her daughter was blaming herself on everything when it wasn't her fault. She was the mother, not her.

"Yes it is." Allison argued, "Who's gonna protect you if I don't?"

"You're not supposed to protect me!" Liz cried out in an exasperated tone, "I'm the mom, you're the kid. I'm the one who's supposed to protect you."

Allison's hands fell to her side in defeat as she took a seat on the chair again, "But you're only human." She said in a heartbroken voice.

"And I'm still here." Liz smiled, taking Allison's hand in hers like she did previously.

"But you won't be." Allison responded, a broken expression stretched across her face as she thought about how her mother was only human and could die at anytime. She didn't want her mother to die, her birthday wish for as long as she could remember was for her mother to live forever and two years ago she realised that that could actually be possible, "So that's why we should turn you into a vampire." She suggested, her eyes lighting up with the idea, trying to ignore how she knew her mother would never except the idea of becoming a creature of the night.

Liz immediately shook her head in disapproval, "What? No. Allison, No."

"You have to, Mom. Then you can live forever." Allison smiled at the image in her mind of her family being happy together for years without them growing old.

"The blood I gave you last night is probably out of your system now but I'm sure Meredith has some left." Allison thought aloud as she scavenged through the drawers, weirdly getting deja vu from when she'd gained her first kill, despite the situations being completely different.

"Allison, listen to me. I said no." Liz repeated, more firmly this time.

"I found it." Allison smiled as she held up a tube with red blood inside it. She neared Liz with the bottle as she denied with multiple no's.

As Allison was about to pour it in her mother mouth, the door opened, behind it revealing Klaus. His eyes widened at the sight, knowing that vampire blood would just make Liz's cancer worse.

Klaus sped over to his girlfriend and snatched the vial out of her grip before it could go spilling into her mouth and then smashed it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Klaus cried out, "You're gonna make it worse."

"What worse?" Allison asked with a confused expression on her face when she saw her boyfriend and mother make suspicious eye contact, "What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing." Klaus shut show her question with a sad sigh "All you need to know is, if you try turn your mother into a vampire, it'll make everything worse. I mean it."

Allison scoffed at his words, turning to look at her mother who couldn't even look her in eye after what she'd just did.

"C-Can you get her out of here, please?" Liz asked Klaus, her gaze not once travelling to her daughter.

She'd never felt this way with her own daughter, and today she decided that she never wanted to feel like that again.

Allison's face fell and her heart plummeted to what what felt like the bottom of the ocean when she heard those words escape her mothers lips.

She felt like someone had just mercilessly ripped her heart out.

She'd never felt this way with her own mother, and today, she decided she didn't want to feel like that again.

Allison's mouth opened but nothing came out. She looked at her mother, only for her to avoid her gaze. She sighed in defeat and then locked eyes with her boyfriend who frowned at her in response, feeling sympathetic for the two of them.

Allison gulped harshly before turning to her mother again, her voice just above a whisper, "Don't worry, I was just leaving."


Word count: 3283


So Liz has cancer and Klaus knows...

As for next chapter, all I'm gonna say is, buckle your seats bc it's gonna be a roller coaster...

Anyways follow my wp tiktok and insta @_mrsmikaelson.wp and remember to vote, comment and share, I love you guys bye!

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