Sweet & Salty

By surfinggg

9.5K 214 65

Every summer has its own story. And this is mine. More

Character Profies
Prolouge: Best Day of My Life
Chapter 1: One Setp At A Time
Chapter 2: Enchanted
Chapter 3: Brighter Than The Sun
Chapter 4: Masterpiece
Chapter 5: On Top Of The World
Chapter 6: Jodie
Chapter 7: The accident
Chapter 8: Who Says
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10: Free
Chapter 11: Shout It Out
Chapter 12: How to Save a Life
Chapter 13: Livin' the dream
Chapter 14: Training & Fake Crying
Chapter 15: Secret Destination
Chapter 16: Long nights
Chapter 17: Girls Day
Chapter 18: Fame?
Chapter 19: I'm the master
Chapter 20. Jealous?
Chapter 21: Gone?
Chapter 22: Good friends & lost of singing
Chapter 23: Sick Ride
Chapter 24: Arriving at Pearl Beach
Chapter 25: Delusional
Chapter 26: Decisions
Chapter 28: Two Timer
Chapter 29: Interview
Chapter 30: Closed Comp
Chapter 31: The Letter
Chapter 32: Re-opening Old Wounds
Chapter 33: Explanation
Chapter 34: First Day
Chapter 35: Moody Boys & Hosptials
Chapter 36: Snobs
Chapter 37: Crumbling Walls
Chapter 38: Confessions
Chapter 39: Only Us
Chapter 40. Seventeen
Chapter 41: First Comp
Chapter 42: Something's Wrong
Chapter 43: Diagnosis
Chapter 44: Darkness Within
Chapter 45: Fix It
Chapter 46
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:

Capter 27: Start Over

120 4 5
By surfinggg

A/N the attached photo above is Matilda at the start of this chapter. What she's wearing in the pic is a spring suit.

Matilda's POV
Today I woke up feeling as if the weight of the world was finally off my shoulders. I felt fresh again, which was amazing.

Deciding on an early morning surf session, I pull the overs off my body and skip my way over to the bathroom where I pull on my bikini and springsuit.

I go back into the bedroom, grab my phone and open the App Store. I quickly download an alarm app that blasts a siren.

I count to three before pressing the button enabling the siren. I laugh as everyone in the room groans and tries to cover there hears, well everyone but Will. I swear that boy can sleep through anything and everything.

"Rise and shine everyone!" I yell "the beach is firing this morning, so up and at it!" I say cheerfully yet everyone still stays in bed "MOVE, MOVE, MOVE. GET THOSE LAZY ASSES OUT IN THE WATER" I yell happily. Eventually everyone slowly makes their way into the surf.

The ocean is ablaze. It's like it's alive, hungry. The waves are pumping just like my adrenalin. The atmosphere is amazing. The beach is completely crowded with people swimming, surfing, tanning and little kids running around making sandcastles.

I take a photo on my phone and post it on Instagram. I drop my stuff and sprint down to the water not bothering to wait for my friends. I start to paddle out to the line up when I see a little kid trying to surf, but keep nosediving.

Instead of heading out to the line up I change my path and paddle towards the kid.

"You should be laying back on the board more" I say to the little girl "your feet should be off the board, here like this" I lay back down on my board a show her. The little girl nods and changes her position.

"Want me to help you catch a wave?" I ask her and she nods again.

I grab the nose of her board and pull her out into the waves. Once I've positioned her we wait for a wave to come, which isn't long. The wave approaches and I instruct her what to do before giving her a push start. She quickly and swiftly pops to her feet and surprises me by turning.

I must look like an idiot right now because I'm currently screaming and cheering at this cute little girl who I don't even know the name of.

I help her catch a few more waves before I head out to the line up to surf myself. Since the waves are so amazing I brought my GoPro out with me to make some videos for my YouTube channel.

As part of RipCurls sponsoring they wanted us to make YouTube videos and supplied us with our very own GoPro, which is really cool because I defiantly couldn't afford one myself.

I take snippets of different aged people surfing, including the little girl I helped who's name I learnt was Alani. I also video my friends when they finally arrive.

A couple of hours later I'm still surfing. All my friends have gone back in for lunch, however, I can not miss the perfect wave.

I'm laying on my board looking out and the horizon when I hear someone paddle up next to me. I turn my head to take a look. Next to me is a very tanned guy with brown hair looking back at me.

"Uh...hi" I say with a small smile.

"Hey I saw you teaching that little girl before I just anted to say thanks" he says. Why would he be thanking me? "She's my sister" he says as if he can read my mind.

"Ohhhh" I laugh "I actually teach surfing sometimes" I tell him "I'm Matilda" I extend my arm for him to shake.

"Kai" he grins

"Your name is so cool" I laugh

"It's kinda perfect really" he says

"What do you mean?" I ask couriousily

"Well Kai in Hawaiian means the sea, kinda fits perfectly since the ocean is my life" he tells me

"Matilda just means more intelligent blah blah blah, which is so not me. I just spend all day daydreaming about the Kai" I say

"What?" He looks at me confused

"Daydreaming about Kai you know cause Kai means the sea so daydreaming about the sea" I laugh

"Wow" he says whilst laughing "that was pretty smart so Matilda fits"

"Anyway so you're from Hawaii?" I ask

"Yeah I'm just down for the RoxyPro" he says and I immediately burst into laughter. He really is something....different.

"You do know that the RoxyPro is females only?" I ask him just in case.

"No shit" he laughs "no my big sister is competing" he tells me "we're staying with some family I'm Pearl Beach for a bit, you know holidays and stuff" he shrugs

"Well your little sister is very cute and is actually a very good surfer" I say

"Taught her myself" he says proudly

My eyes flicker out towards the horizon searching for waves once again. I feel an amazing set rolling in, in fact I think they're the best I've seen all day.

"Uh" I say awkwardly "sorry, but I'm like a surfaholic" I say

"It's fine I might catch one too" he says as he flashes me a smile before sliding down onto his board and begins to paddle away.

"Don't be a stranger!" I yell after him before turning to catch a wave off own.


Deciding on doing something fun tonight. I organised a campfire on the beach. Once everyone arrived, including Kai and his big sister we all cramp around the fire and cook dinner on the hot coals. I couldn't even notice Justin's missing presence.

After dinner we all jumped out of our seats and rushed to the waters edge before walking down the beach.

It's a beautiful night. The sun is just setting over the mysterious ocean. The sky is all kinds of pinks and oranges.

Will and I walk along the beach behind all our friends. I sneakily kick a little bit of water up onto Will's clothes whilst laughing.

Will sends me a death glare, but in his eyes I can see that he's up to something. Catching on fast I being to sprint down the beach.

Damn Will and his athletics, soon enough his strong arms wrap around my body as he lifts me up and spins me around.

When he slides me back onto the soft sand he's hands don't leave my hips and mine don't leave his neck. He's staring back into my eyes and I can tell he's deep I thought.

"What?" I ask

"Why what?" He says confused, but I can still see something strange in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask again hoping I don't have food on my face or something.

"Because you're beautiful" he admits straight out. Well that's not where I thought this was going.

I feel my cheeks turning a rosy red. In order to try and hide my blush I break eye contract, suddenly very interested in my feet playing with the sand.

"Uh I guess you're beautiful too?" I finally say, although it comes out more like a question rather than a statement.

"Of course I am" he jokes "no I'm seriously Tilda, you're beautiful. Probably the most beautiful person I've ever seen and I, I don't know if you feel the same way. Well actually I think you do, but if you don't..if you don't that um.. That okay too..." He rambles one as I try to grab his attention.

"Will" I say

"This is stupid. Don't even worry about it, I just thought there was something.... I don't know, but it's okay.."

"Would you just shutup" I laugh and he finally closes his mouth and looks at me.

He's honestly the most adorable person I've ever met. On the outside he seems like your typical arrogant teenage boy, but he's actually really sweet and fun to hang out with.

With Justin completely removed from my mind I press my still salty lips to his. The kiss is soft and sweet, only lasting a few seconds. We pull aways slowly and I gently re-open my eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks making my heart miss and beat, yet it's racing unbearably fast.

A smile traces over my lips as I nod my head. Will breaks out into the biggest smile I've ever seen. He really is the cutest. My heart instantly feels warm just seeing how happy I've made him.

Immediately I'm engulfed in his strong arms, not that I'm complaining. I feel human again not that I was ever inhuman.

I feel as if my life is finally back on track and I couldn't be happier.

Our trip to Pearl Beach has come to an end and today we are finally making our way back home.

It's around 8 o'clock in the evening and we have only just hit the road. We decided to drive at night so we could spend the day surfing.

I'm completely exhausted from constantly spending every second of the day surfing for the past couple of days.

Will let Ben drive his jeep, which is surprising since his jeep is like his baby. Ben and Allie have the two front seats whilst Will and I have the back.

My whole body aches from surfing. I defiantly regret all those hours spent in the water.

Will and I chatter for a while, but eventually I can't respond because I don't I've the energy.

"Hey, you can go to sleep" Will whispers to me while my head leans on his shoulder "here" he says whilst patting his lap.

I rearrange my position so that my head is laying in his lap. Will moves my hair out of my face and continues to play with it. A couple of seconds later and I'm out like a light.

The violently strong ocean waves crash against my weak and tired body. My board is gone and I have nothing to hold myself above the vicious water.

The waves are choppy and the winds are blowing strongly. The waves form into a missive tower of murky grey water.

Wave after wave smashes against my ice cold body, pushing me underneath the waters surface. Struggling to keep myself from drowning I hear someone call my name.

"TILDA" a majestical voice calls. I turn back to look at the shore where I find Justin waving and yelling at me. I'm frozen in place. I stare at him unable to move.....

Instantly my eyes force themselves open as I wake up at once. Once again my heart is pounded and I'm shaking uncontrollably. Not the nightmare again.

"Hey, are you okay?" Will asks quietly as he plays with my hair.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine" I reply.

"Nightmare?" He asks

"It was that obvious?" I say and he shrugs.

"I can just tell" he says as I sit up.

I must have slept for a while because we're finally driving into the town cent of Harrton Bay and then pulling into the drive way of my house.

When I walk trough the back door leading into the lounge room Hamish is off the couch in a flash and I'm engulfed in his arms, weird.

"Um, are you okay?" I laugh confused as to why he's hugging me.

"You don't understand how much I've missed you" he says quickly.

"I find it really hard to believe that you actually missed me" I say "since when did you like me so much"

"Since I spent a few days in the presence of Pixie, that's when" he says making me laugh "you are so much more tolerable that her" he adds before walking outside to grab my things.

After showering I finally, after what feels like the most long and draining day of my life, I lay down on my soft bed. I take my phone in my hands, sighing at what is to be done.

Today is the day. The day I let him go.

I dial Justin's number knowing it'll go straight to voice mail, just like all my other calls. This time I don't want him to answer, I only want to leave him a message.

As expected I reach his message bank. Taking a deep breath I begin to leave my last message.

"This is it. No more phone calls, texts, nothing. I'm done, I've gotta get on with my life. I don't know why you left, or how you could just disappear without saying goodbye..." I say as tears start to prickle in my eyes "I don't understand, and I probably never will, but I forgive you. I forgive you, not for you, but for myself. If I don't, I fear that I'll never be able to move on from the pain you've caused me. The pain caused by love.." I'm crying, I always knew I would. I sniffle before speaking again "but I have to thank you. To thank you for making me stronger, because I know that once I'm past this I'll be able to get past anything. I'll still miss you uncontrollably, but I'll be able to live with it. Goodbye Justin" I say and press end on the call.

My crying is heavy now. I just said my final goodbye. My heart is heavy in my chest and my head aches from crying, but this will be the last time I cry over him.

Life is kind of a blur, like I'm not really living. It's like a black and white film where everything is happening all at once, and you don't know what to focus on. All I know, is that I have to focus on starting over. .

A/N hope you like this chapter

:) xx

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