The Shifter and The Weasley

By katiieLeiigh

4.1K 56 7

Katherine Willow has always been alone. She is starting her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and W... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Book Two
Chapter One - GoF
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 1 - OOTP
Chapter 2 - OOTP
Chapter 3 - OOTP
Chapter 4 - OOTP
Chapter 5 - OOTP
Chapter 6 - OOTP
Chapter 7 - OOTP
Chapter 8 - OOTP
Chapter 9 - OOTP
Chapter 10 - OOTP
Chapter 11 - OOTP
Chapter 12 - OOTP
Chapter 13 - OOTP
Half Blood Prince Cast
Chapter 1 - HBP
Chapter 2 - HBP
Chapter 3 - HBP
Chapter 4 - HBP
Chapter 5 - HBP
Chapter 6 - HBP
Chapter 7 - HBP
Chapter 8 - HBP
Chapter 9 - HBP
Chapter 10 - HBP
Chapter 1 - DH
Chapter 2 - DH
Chapter 3 - DH
Chapter 4 - DH
Chapter 5 - DH

Chapter 14 - OOTP

36 0 0
By katiieLeiigh

Arthur Weasley had arrived home cured from the bites and everyone couldn't be happier. Katherine was stood watching with a sad smile as the kids started to leave to return to Hogwarts. She wished she could join them, and she cursed her parents for doing this to her. As much as she loved Athena, Elise and Winter and would be lost without them a part of her still wishes she was normal. George came bounding over and scooped up his small girlfriend.

"I'm going to miss you KitKat" George whispered into the top of Katherines head.

"I know Georgie, I'm going to miss you so much too" Katherine whispered back whilst rubbing small circles on George's back, she lifted her head up and stood on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on George's lips, who kissed back just as sweetly. The clearing of a throat made them both look at Fred who pulled them both into a hug.

"Don't worry Kat, I'll keep an eye on him, I promise" Fred said before placing a kiss on Katherines head and pulling his twin out the door. Katherine sighed softly as the door closed behind them.

"Come on little one. I know it gets harder to let them go but they will always come back to you. Especially Fred and George" Sirius said as he placed his arm over her shoulders. "Besides we have each other and your dad" Sirius said causing Katherine to nod.

"Thanks Uncle Siri. How was Harry?" Katherine asked softly heading to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"He's alright, relieved Arthurs alright. Upset he has to go back to school, but he is otherwise alright" Sirius said before letting out a small sigh. "He's going to be teaching them patronuses when they restart their meetings".

"Really?" Katherine asked excitement lighting her eyes.

"Yep, do you know how to produce one?" Sirius asked the excited girl. Who just nodded before pulling out her wand and uttering the incantation causing a dragon burst from the end of her wand a fly around the room. Sirius laughed as he watched in awe as he had never seen a dragon Patronus before. "I've never seen a dragon Patronus before" Sirius whispered, at that moment Lupin walked into the room and panicked for a moment at the dragon flying around the room until he realised it was Katherines Patronus.

"Your Patronus is a dragon?" Lupin asked causing Katherine o loose concentration on her Patronus, effectively making it disappear.

"Yeah, I discovered it during my fifth year" Katherine said softly.

"That's remarkable, do you know what the dragon means?" Lupin asked his daughter taking a seat on the other side of her, Katherine shook her head lightly. "It means someone who is fearless, assertive and will take any challenge they receive head on. They are headstrong and fierce and will fight to the death for what they believe in" Lupin said with a smile on his face.

"Fits our Little Dragon then doesn't it" Sirius said with a grin.

"What's yours?" Katherine asked the two men.

"Mines a dog" Sirius replied causing Katherine to let out a laugh.

"Why am I not surprised, what about you dad?" Katherine asked looking up at him.

"It's a wolf" Lupin replied with a soft sigh.

"Don't be sad about it dad, I think its beautiful" Katherine said leaning her head on his shoulder.


The days bled into each other, Katherine had her regular visits with George, and they spoke all the time over mind link. Thankfully they could communicate that way as the ministry has been intercepting most if not all owls. Katherine wasn't really sure what time of year it was as she didn't see much of the outside world. Her and Sirius stayed in the house as they were both wanted by the Ministry for very different reasons. Her and Lupin where sat at the table discussing something when they both jumped at the sound of Harry's voice to find his head sticking out of the fireplace. Lupin rushed off to get Sirius whilst Katherine just carried on drinking her coffee.

"How are you Katherine?" Harry asked, he genuinely missed the girl but knew that he wouldn't be able to make up for the amount of grief he's given her.

"I'm alright Harry" Katherine muttered and went back to staring into space before Sirius burst into the kitchen, when she heard that Harry wanted to talk about his dad she quietly left the room. It was a private conversation that she didn't feel the need to intrude on, so she went up to the drawing room and pulled a copy of Pride and Prejudice off the shelf that she had placed there. She had no idea how long she had been sat there before Lupin and Sirius came into the room.

"You alright little one?" Sirius asked taking a seat on the sofa as Lupin sat in the armchair.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be Uncle Siri?" Katherine asked not taking her eyes off her book.

"Because you left the room pretty quickly" Lupin added causing Katherine to sigh. Slipping a bookmark into her book she closed it softly and turned to face the two men.

"I didn't leave because there was something wrong. I left because you were talking to Harry about his dad, and it was private. I can hear stories about James from you two any time, Harry cant so yes, I left to give you some privacy that's all" Katherine said giving them a small smile.

"Lily and Prongs would have loved you" Sirius said randomly.

"Why?" Katherine wondered.

"Because you are so kind and loyal and fiercely protective. You know how to have a laugh and pull a prank" Sirius said causing the three of them to laugh.

"I miss Harry sometimes" Katherine said quietly, neither Sirius or Lupin said anything waiting for Katherine to elaborate, "I always saw him as a little brother, and he always came to me for advice or to hang out. During the tournament we were always together because I was the only person who believed him and then over the summer he turned into a person I didn't recognise" Katherine started to play with her fingers, she never expressed herself often as she always thought she was a burden.

"Katherine it alright to miss him. What Harry has done and said to you were horrible and you didn't deserve any of it. None of us are angry at you for not wanting to continue your friendship with him. We are proud you defended yourself and stood your ground and you didn't back down. People are not allowed to treat you like that and then expect to be forgiven" Lupin said coming to sit beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Listen Kat, Harry was being a git to you, and he had no excuse for it. We wont even talk about you to him because frankly he doesn't deserve to know. Yes both me and Moony love him but we also love you" Sirius said softly.

"Thanks guys" Katherine replied softly, she was about to say something else when she heard the familiar crack of apparition before the front door opened. The trio gave each other a look before heading down to find out what the commotion was. As they reached the bottom of the stairs all three of them ended up being face to face with-

"Fred? George?" Katherine whispered.


After getting over the shock of seeing the twins Katherine jumped at them both and caught them in a hug. She was mad that they dropped out, but she was also so proud of them for standing up for themselves against that horrible woman. After they had seen Katherine they had to quickly rush off to inform their mother and start plans to get the shop up and running.

Over the course of the next few months the twins had been working hard and the shop did look amazing. George would come and see Katherine at night when they had finished working for the day and spend a few hours with her before heading back to Fred. They had been enjoying the calm knowing that eventually war would come. They were not expecting Dumbledore's Patronus to arrive in the house as Katherine, Lupin and Sirius where sat playing cards. All three of them paled at the sight of the phoenix before jumping to their feet.

"Order members need to head to the Department of Mysteries..." That was all Katherine had heard before she was apparating, with Sirius and Lupin right behind her. She ran through trying to help all the kids, deflecting spells and firing them all the same, whilst also keeping an eye on her dad and Uncle Siri.

"Is that Katherine Willow?" a gruff voice sounded from behind her. She turned around to be met with the eyes of Fenrir Greyback.

"No bitch. It's Katherine Lupin" Katherine spat out before she started firing spells at such a rapid rate Greyback couldn't defend himself, she eventually started to tire out and Greyback took his opportunity to try and attack, let me take over child, was all Katherine heard before her eyes began to burn their bright purple, her fingers elongated into claws and her wings burst out of her back. "You really want to do this dog?" Katherine snapped slowly making her way towards her dad and Uncle. Greyback pounced just as Lupin turned around and shot him with a stunning spell.

"Are you alright?" Lupin asked. Katherine gave a curt nod and ran off flying into death eaters so fast they were sent flying through the air, some of them collided with the wall which successfully knocked them out.

"Little Dragon, I wondered when I'd be meeting you" A sickly sweet voice sounded. A voice Katherine hoped to never hear again, turning around to look at the man she visibly cringed.

"Father. Though you don't deserve that title and you certainly have no right to call me by that name" Katherine growled, unaware that she was being flanked by both Sirius and Lupin.

"Oh and that half-breed does?" Her father spat at her, making Katherines temper flare even more, fire encased her hands as she glared at the man across from her.

"Don't call him that you pathetic creature. I will burn you to ash and then I'll go after that disgusting thing you call a wife" Katherine growled before throwing up her hands and releasing the fire that had encased them. Her father, Derrick Willow, tried to dive out of the way, however he wasn't quick enough and soon caught fire himself. The death eaters close by watched on in horror as this small girl burnt her own father alive. "No one hurts my family and lives Derrick" Katherine spat as she watched the man who had tormented her burn.

"Whilst that was amazingly badass Kat there is still a fight going on" Sirius laughed out before defending himself from and incoming spell. Katherine nodded once and was about to leave Sirius until a horrible feeling had washed over her. Deciding not to ignore it she stuck by Sirius and Harry, protecting them and herself where she could whilst throwing fire at the death eaters. The three of them had been doing and incredibly good job, Katherine almost forgot about the feeling that had been growing in the pit of her stomach.

"Come on you can do better than that!" Sirius yelled at his cousin Bellatrix who had joined the fight. Katherine heard Bellatrix screaming the killing curse, so she grabbed Harry and Sirius and took off beating her wings and flew across the room, the killing curse had just missed her shoulder and hit the wall behind her as she placed Harry and Sirius on the ground. "Katherine you could have been killed!" Sirius cried.

"So could you Uncle Siri, she sent that curse at you" Katherine cried back. Harry saw Bellatrix running away and bolted to his feet. "Harry!" Katherine called getting to her feet and chased him out of the room. Katherine chased him through all the corridors calling for him to stop. Both of them eventually found themselves in the main lobby of the Ministry. Bellatrix was taunting him, and Harry had enough, running out from behind the fountain Harry used the Cruciatus curse on her. "Harry your better than this" Katherine said gently coming up behind him, she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Never used an unforgivable curse before have you boy?" Before Bellatrix could utter a single word she was on the floor screaming in agony.

"He might not have Bella, but I have" Katherine replied with her wand pointing at Bellatrix. Bellatrix somehow managed to fire a spell at the duo, both of them just managed to avoid it, they both took shelter behind the fountain as a goblins ear flew passed Harry.

"Potter I'm going to give you this one chance! Give me the prophecy, roll it out towards me now, and I may just spare yours and that half-breeds life" Bellatrix shouted.

"Well your going to have to kill us because it's gone!" Harry shouted before rubbing his scar, "and he knows!" Harry shouted again, Katherine slowly took his hand, Harry squeezed her hand but didn't let go, "your dear old mate Voldemort knows its gone! He's not going to be happy with you is he?".

"What, what do you mean?" and for the first time both Katherine and Harry heard fear in Bellatrix's voice.

"The prophecy smashed when Harry was trying to help Neville up the steps! What do you think that no nosed git is going to say dear Bella?" Katherine shouted startling both Harry and surprisingly Bellatrix.

"LIAR!" she shrieked, but he could hear the terror behind the anger now. "YOU'VE GOT IT, POTTER, AND YOU WILL GIVE IT TO ME — Accio Prophecy! ACCIO PROPHECY !" Harry and Katherine both started laughing at her desperation, they both waved their empty hands but withdrew them quickly as another jet of green light flew passed them.

"Nothing there, nothing to summon! It smashed and nobody heard what it said, tell your boss that-" Harry started saying but was cut off by Bellatrix's wails.

"No, it isn't true your lying. MASTER I TRIED, I TRIED TO DO IT – DO NOT PUNISH ME" Bellatrix wailed Katherine and Harry laughed again.

"Don't waste your breath dear Bella, he cant hear you from here" Katherine mocked.

"Cant I?" both Harry and Katherine snapped their eyes over to the figure they hadn't seen, and there he stood looking at them with his scarlet slit-pupiled eyes. Katherine and Harry remained frozen. "So you smashed my prophecy? No Bella he isn't lying...I see the truth looking at me from within his worthless mind" Voldemort spat before Katherine subconsciously moved closer to Harry, she had to protect him at all costs but that move caught Voldemort's attention. "Oh and you must be Miss Willow" He spoke to her sweetly, the sound made her wanting to gag so she glared at the man defiantly.

"I am no Willow. I am a Lupin" Katherine hissed now standing in front of Harry her eyes burning purple.

"You are remarkable, it is a shame you chose wrong" Voldemort hissed back before looking at Harry again. "However I have nothing more to say to you Potter, AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort screamed, Katherine closed her eyes and braced for the spell to hit her as Harry struggled to move her, however they were both surprised when a headless golden wizard statue from the fountain jumped in front of them both and shielded them from the curse. "What?" Voldemort breathed out before his eyes landed on the reason that the statue moved, "Dumbledore". Voldemort sent another curse towards Dumbledore who vanished with a flick of his cloak and reappeared behind Voldemort. Dumbledore sent the remain statues, the witch ran at Bellatrix and eventually pinned her down and the goblin and the house elf scuttled along the fireplaces and then the one-armed centaur came galloping towards Voldemort who vanished and reappeared beside the pool.

"It was foolish to come here tonight Tom, the aurors are on their way-" Dumbledore started saying before getting cut off.

"By which time I will be gone, and you will be dead" Voldemort spat before sending another Killing curse Dumbledores way. Katherine managed to create a protection bubble around herself and Harry, she was concentrating so hard she barely had time to watch what was happening in front of her it was only when Harry started screaming in pain over his scar that she managed to tune back into her surroundings. She registered Harry dropping to the floor, and she fell beside him, holding him as he shivered on the ground.

"Are you alright Harry?" Dumbledore asked as Harry slowly put his glasses on.

"Yes, where's Voldemort – who are all these people?" Harry asked as him and Katherine both looked up to find the atrium full of people.

"Katherine! Harry!" Sirius shouted as he and Lupin ran towards the two, Sirius hugged Harry as Lupin gabbed a hold of his daughter and held her close. Katherine could hear the Minister crying about seeing Voldemort and she could hear Dumbledore making sure that Sirius got a pardon but the only thing she could really concentrate on was her dad.

"Dad, is Harry alright?" Katherine asked sniffling, she hadn't realised she had been crying.

"Ask him yourself Kat, he's waiting for you" Lupin whispered. Katherine turned around to face Harry before they both clutched onto each other. Harry eventually pushed her at arm's length.

"Don't you ever think of dying for me again Katherine Lupin" Harry said causing the girl to laugh lightly.

"WHAT?!" Both of them men shouted from the side of them. In all the chaos they had failed to mention to Sirius and Lupin how Katherine was going to die so Harry could live. This sacrifice she was willing to make unlocked a new power she was currently unaware of.

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