The Shifter and The Weasley

By katiieLeiigh

3.3K 32 7

Katherine Willow has always been alone. She is starting her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and W... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Book Two
Chapter One - GoF
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 1 - OOTP
Chapter 2 - OOTP
Chapter 3 - OOTP
Chapter 4 - OOTP
Chapter 5 - OOTP
Chapter 6 - OOTP
Chapter 7 - OOTP
Chapter 8 - OOTP
Chapter 9 - OOTP
Chapter 10 - OOTP
Chapter 12 - OOTP
Chapter 13 - OOTP
Chapter 14 - OOTP
Half Blood Prince Cast
Chapter 1 - HBP
Chapter 2 - HBP
Chapter 3 - HBP
Chapter 4 - HBP
Chapter 5 - HBP
Chapter 6 - HBP
Chapter 7 - HBP
Chapter 8 - HBP
Chapter 9 - HBP
Chapter 10 - HBP
Chapter 1 - DH
Chapter 2 - DH
Chapter 3 - DH
Chapter 4 - DH
Chapter 5 - DH

Chapter 11 - OOTP

26 1 0
By katiieLeiigh

Katherine woke up to the sound of the front door being closed. Heaving out a sigh she climbed out of bed and headed downstairs.

"Uncle Siri?" Katherine called out, pushing open he dining room door she sighed as she saw Sirius's head come around the kitchen door.

"How are you feeling little one?" Sirius asked walking over and handing her a cup of coffee.

"I'm alright I think, Athena said I was just tired and needed sleep. I probably haven't had enough but the front door being slammed woke me up. Have they all gone to the hospital?" Katherine asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, just left, they wont be back for a few hours. So until then it's just you and me" Sirius says patting her gently on the head making her laugh, at that moment the door swung open revealing Lupin.

"Dad!" Katherine shouted and bolted around the table jumping at Lupin who had barely enough time to catch her.

"Hello Little Dragon" Lupin laughed as he wrapped his arms around his daughter. "Where is everyone?" Lupin asked as Katherine pulled away and went back to her coffee.

"Visiting Arthur, me and Uncle Siri aren't allowed to go" Katherine said quietly.

"You know why though don't you?" Sirius asked to which Katherine just sighed and nodded.

"Besides, I have you two to keep me company now so at least I wont be bored" Katherine said smiling.

"Good cause the first thing we are doing is making chocolate cake" Sirius exclaimed before rushing into the kitchen with Lupin and Katherine following close behind.


A few hours later everyone came piling back into the dining room to see Katherine, Lupin and Sirius all laughing so hard they had tears running down their faces.

"What's going on?" Molly asked causing the three to snap their heads to the door.

"Oh Molly, we didn't see you there, don't mind us, we were just telling Katherine stories of the pranks we pulled in school" Sirius said before he and Katherine locked eyes once more and fell into another fit of laughter. Everyone looked amused apart from Harry, he was upset that Katherine was so close to Sirius, but he also couldn't blame her since they are stuck together every day.

"Can I ask you and Katherine a question?" Harry asked Sirius, sitting down next to him.

"Of course" Sirius said patting Katherines hand that was on the table.

"Do you think that you and Katherine would be as close as you are if she didn't have to leave Hogwarts?" Harry asked looking between the two. The smile on Katherines face faded before she shook her head and sat back in her seat.

"Actually yeah I do. You see Harry, I care for Katherine as if she was my own daughter. Both of us have pretty similar backgrounds when it comes to family, so I understand her on a level not many others can" Sirius said simply. Katherine flashed him a small smile before leaning her head on his shoulder. "I know she has Moony, but she's also helped me a lot as well, she's kept me from going insane and she keeps me happy whilst I'm worrying about you" Sirius finished looking at Harry.

"I'm glad you have someone here with you Sirius" Harry said smiling at his godfather.

"As soon as my names cleared I still want you to move in with me" Sirius said looking at Harry directly. Katherine took this as her sign to move and she headed over to the twins and Molly.

"So how's Arthur Molly?" Katherine asked.

"He's going to be just fine Katherine dear. Though there is something I need to talk to you, your dad and Sirius about, can you get both of them for me?" Molly asked and Katherine nodded before heading over to her dad and Sirius.

"Dad, Uncle Siri? Sorry to interrupt your conversation but Molly needs to speak to the three of us" Katherine said softly, the men nodded and followed behind the small girl. After reaching Molly and them heading into the drawing room Katherine locked the doo and placed a silencing charm on the room.

"Right, after Harry's vision, dream or whatever you want to call it, we have come to the conclusion that Katherine cannot use any more of her abilities around Harry. We know that your magic has been becoming stronger and that you have a new shift but keep everything under wraps until we know what's going on" Molly said sternly but yet kept a soft smile on her face.

"Is she in danger Molly?" Lupin asked seriously.

"Dad I've been in danger since the moment my DNA mutated. It's only now that the danger is actually real" Katherine said softly whilst playing with her fingers.

"No one is getting near you Little Dragon" Lupin said before pulling his daughter figure into his arms.

"And he means no one Kat" Sirius said gently patting Lupins shoulder.

"Right I'll go get started on dinner" Molly said rushing off, leaving the three in the room. They were stood in silence for a while until a soft knock on the door caught their attention as George's head came into view.

"Can I borrow Katherine for a little while?" George asked sheepishly causing Katherine to giggle.

"Come on Georgie" Katherine giggled and took his hand leading him up to her room. "Now what is it you wanted Mon Amour?" Katherine asked closing the door behind them before looping her arms around his neck.

"You, I've missed you" George said pulling her closer by wrapping his arms around her waist, Katherine giggled before giving him a small kiss. George went in for another one, but she pulled away giggling every time he did. George picked her up and gently placed her on the bed, hovering over her as he trapped her between his arms. "You've nowhere to go now KitKat" George whispered in her ear, his voice a little husky which caused Katherine to bite her lip.

"You've caught me Georgie, what you going to do now?" Katherine asked looking up at him innocently, George wasted no time in leaning down and capturing her lips in a sweet yet rough kiss.


The next morning everyone was putting Christmas decorations up, George and Fred tried wrapping Katherine up with tinsel, only to get stopped by Molly and Sirius was singing carols quite loudly and the house was filled with laughter. Sirius came into the room and handed Katherine a small glass of wine.

"Why thank you Uncle Siri" Katherine said taking the glass from his hand.

"You've got to drink it quick; your dad and Molly don't know I've given it to you" Sirius sniggered, at that moment they heard Mollys voice, in a panic Katherine downed the entire glass and passed the now empty glass back to Sirius just as Molly came through the door.

"Now look at that tree! Oh Sirius have you drank your wine already" Molly asked after staring happily at the tree.

"It seems I have, Katherine can you come and help me with something in the kitchen" Sirius said winking at her before they both practically fled to the kitchen laughing.

"What are you two laughing about?" Lupins voiced sounded from behind them causing them both to jump and turn around with guilty expressions.

"Nothing Moony, anyway since you are her dad, I was wondering if our dear Katherine could have a small glass of wine with us" Sirius asked as he held up the bottle of wine.

"I don't know why you're asking, last I checked she turned eighteen in September" Lupin laughed before exiting he room. Sirius shrugged his shoulder before pouring Katherine another glass of wine.

"Since you are old enough to drink now little one, you can live life on the wild side" Sirius said grinning.

"Not too wild Padfoot" Lupin shouted from the dining room causing the two of them to laugh. Katherine headed into the dining room and sat next to her dad. Katherine and Sirius were still singing Christmas carols extremely loudly when Molly finally came in.

"Ron, can you please go and tell Harry that dinner is ready?" Molly asked, Ron nodded and shot off to the room he shared with his best friend. "Katherine are you drinking?" Molly asked with a shocked look on her face.

"I'm eighteen Molly, and plus dad said it was fine" Katherine replied smiling at the woman.

"So you are, sorry dear, but please don't let George sweet talk you into giving him some. Or Fred for that matter" Molly said waving her off before heading into the kitchen o sort out the now cooked dinner.

"Don't let us have what?" George asked sitting next to Katherine, with Fred sitting on the other side of George.

"My wine" Katherine said before taking a sip of her wine.

"Why not, it would only be a sip, it cant be that bad" George Grumbled causing Katherine to hum in amusement.

"Georgie, you aren't eighteen yet. Besides Idon't want your mum being upset with me, so you aren't allowed any. That goesfor you as well Fred" Katherine laughed playfully narrowing her eyes at thetwins.

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