Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU)...

By bluvr45

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Bailey Mikaelson is a vampire. She was born around the 1000s. Her family the Mikaelson, all separated when th... More

Face Claim
Season 1
First Day
The Party
The Game
Allison's Date
Aunt Kate
Birthday Gift
Night School
Partner in Crime
The Identity of The Alpha
Locker Room Chat
Code Breaker
Season 2
The Funeral
Surfaced Memory
It's all about the Power
The Kanima's Identity
Falling Apart Pack
Master Plan
Season 3
The Bit
Alpha Pack
Which One?
Tree of Lights and Changes
Wolfs Bane and White Oak
Hiding Feelings and Prophecy
Going Under
Downfall of The Druid and Alphas
Flying Into Trouble
Can't Fight Destiny
Season 4
Family Reunion
I'm Alive
The Virus
Anonyomous Money
Ghost of You
Argent Sister Reunited
Trip to Mexico
Season 2 TO, Season 5 TW
Twin Chat
New Hope
The Wildest One and Just Existing One
Dear Aunt Dahlia
Beacon Hills Again
Secrets Always Come To Light
Forgive but Don't Forget
Big Bro Elijah
Creature of the Night
Dread Doctors
Sapphire Is Born
Life is Going to Change
Don't be a Deadbeat
I Won't be a Deadbeat
Image What You Need
Fight for A Life
Bugged Bodies
The Beast of Gevudon
Fast Forward
Rhode Trip
Turquoise is Born
Link Up
Bye Bye Beasty
Season 6
Memory Lost
Ghost Riders
Wild Hunt
Hunter's End
Wedding to Tragedy
Bye Bye
The Movie
Bailey Bailey Bailey
The Car Thieves
Soil from Place of Death
The Nematone
She's Alive, She's Back
My Mission
"Stupid Objects"
One Last Game
Final Goodbyes
New Stories

The One Who's Mind Betrayed Her

55 2 0
By bluvr45

Chapter 47

I was out shopping, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw it was a man with dirty blonde hair.

"Katherine Peirce, well I'll be damned. Never thought you'd show your face here again." He said.

"Sorry, you've got the wrong person." I said knowing exactly who Katherine Peirce was. She had been running from Klaus for hundreds of years. She was also one of my many Doppelganger.

The guy grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "Don't play dumb with me. I know exactly who you are. You owe me."

"Okay." I said with a smile before showing him my vampire face. He jumped back.

"You're not Katherine?"

"No. I'm Bailey." I kept smiling until he ran away.

I was on my way home, when I got a text from Klaus. He wanted me to come meet him at the cemetery. Which I thought was weird, but I went anyway.

Once, I got there, I easily found him. He was yelling at someone. So I just walked in that direction, until I found him.

"Klaus, who's your friend." I asked sarcastically knowing that Klaus has very few friends. And the ones he does have definitely do not look like they want to kill him.

"Not my friend." Klaus growled.

"Bailey?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, and who might you be?" I asked nicely. Definitely nicer than Klaus was talking to him before.

"You always the only one who ever talked to me nice. You always reminded me of Freya. You didn't look like her. But you were just like her in most ways." The man said making mind go round, trying to figure out who he was. "Protective, caring, generous. You would always bring me a gift everytime you went off with father."

"Finn?" I asked finally realizing who he was. The forgotten Mikaelson sibling in a way. He wasn't forgotten in history but he was by the family. Klaus left him in a coffin for over 900 years. The oldest brother, Finn.

"Oh, sweet baby sister, Bailey. I understood how you were possibly Klaus's twin. You 2 we're complete opposites. He craved attention, you wanted to just enjoy a peaceful life. Klaus liked painting, you liked writing. Klaus was written in history to be known by the world, but you, little sis, you were written as Klaus's mystery twin. Now, when people find out who you really are, you'll be know as the crazy Mikaelson siblings, the one who's mind has betrayed her."

"No, that's not how I will go down. I will be the least evil of you all. I was forgotten because I didn't do anything to be remembered. And I'm fine with staying that way." I said.

"Okay, believe that as you will. But mother and father were willing to give us all a new life. A chance to change our names."

"That man, is not our father!" Klaus screamed at Finn. "And they don't care about you or us."

"They may not care for me, brother, but they hate you." He shot a row of fire at us. But Klaus swooped me away.

"You lost a step brother. But then being blown to pieces well do that, I suppose." Klaus said as he stood talk on top of a cript.

"What?" I asked not knowing what the hell he was talking about.

"I'll explain later." He whispered in my ear. Then he jumped down and got stuck with a fence in his chest.

"Finished so soon, my indestructible brother?" Finn asked still holding the fence into Klaus's chest. "Father was right about you. You're nothing but a pathetic disappointment."

"You judge me, you who cursed Kol to death." Klaus said making my eyes wide. Kol was dead. This was first I was hearing about this. Not only my brother was dead, but a close friend, who's body Kol was hiding out in. "But you didn't stop there, did you? No. As an encore, you sought the death of an innocent child." Klaus got the fence out of his chest. "My child!" He threw a piece of that fence at Finn.

I gasped and jumped down, to run to his side. "Finn?"

Klaus vamped over to us and stuck the piece deeper into Finn. "For what you would have done to Hope, I'm going to enjoy making you suffer."

I pushed Klaus away. "Stop!"

"What are you doing Bailey. He tried to kill Hope. The niece you already fell in love with." Klaus said trying to get back to Finn.

"I understand that." I pushed him back. "But he is still our brother. He gave us the best gifts for our birthday. He would take care of us when we were sick and mom was too busy. Try and remember him that way, and not the way he is now. Because that is how I know him. I didn't get to know another side of him. I just know the caring older brother he used to be. And I am not interested in learning another said."

Klaus walked over to Finn and pulled out the piece of fence in his side. Then he was about to strike Finn with that again. But Elijah stopped him.

I ran to Finn's side and put my hand over the wound.

Elijah and Klaus were arguing, when a women with long blonde hair appeared. "Witch allies can prove valuable."

"Should I know who that is?" I asked Finn who was resting his head on my lap.

She walked over to us. "Freya... Freya, help me." He said quietly, giving me my answer. That was the girl I got my middle name from.

"Don't worry brother. I won't let them hurt you." She put 2 of her figures under her necklace, which started to glow when she chanted a spell.

Finn screamed in pain. Then suddenly he wasn't Finn anymore. He was whoever's body he had taken over. The man put his hands up. "Who are you?"

"Sleep." She said making him sleepm

"What did you do?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Finn is now safe from harm." She said showing us all the pendent. "And his hatred of you can no longer do damage to our cause." She was now talking to Elijah and Klaus.

"Our cause?" Elijah asked sceptical.

"Yes, ours. And now if you 2 can stop arguing long enough, perhaps you'll allow your older sister, to offer you a deal." Freya said. I just walked around the cemetery looking at all the headstones. Reading the name of everyone, but still listening in.

Klaus was yelling saying he knows nothing about her. Then she showed all of us a memory. It was of mom and another women. The women was taking Freya.

"If I've woken from my slumber, Dahlia has too. Once she's sensed your child's magic, she will come for her, and she has the power to kill anyone in her way." Freya explained. "Unless we kill her first."

"It's quite convenient isn't it? You show up in the nic of time to help us kill the woman with whom you spent 1000 years!" Klaus yelled at her!

"You have no idea what it took to escape her or what I lost in the trying." Freya yelled back. "Her punishment will be profound."

Elijah started walking up to her. "And you know how to stop her."

"Given the proper materials, yes. I've sent father to procure them." She said.

Klaus started her for that. I just walked away. I needed time to process my 3 loses of the day, Kol, Finn, and Isaac.

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