โœ“ Lost Afterlife [Yeonbin]

By _prokookie_

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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ก ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ฅ๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐จ๐›๐ฃ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐œ๐ซ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

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ใ€‹แดส แด›ษชแดแด‡ ๊œฐแดส€ สแดแดœใ€Š

126 15 7
By _prokookie_

"May your soon's turn into finally in your life."


Date: 13 September, 2020

Sunshine bright, dear Yeonjun let's wake up.

The male groaned in his sleep snuggling more into his pillow feeling disturbed by the sunlight tickling his face and eyes. Shifting from side to side multiple times, he at last got up sighing out loudly, his head feeling heavy for a while.

Sitting on his bed for a while, he got up finally wanting to get ready for his day and university as usual. Freshening up, he assembled the casual fit putting it on.

A white and blue checkered shirt paired with dark blue jeans. Black hair covering his forehead ruffled up a bit.

Grabbing his backpack, he stepped downstairs only to get startled by getting a sudden tight hug from berry.

"Happy birthdayyy Oppa!!" Yeonjun looked at the little girl wishing him with the most sweetest and cutest tone ever. Oh, it's his birthday? Great he forgot.

Still a light smile crept on his face as he ruffled the girl's hair and patted her head affectionately before kneeling down to her height.

"Awe thank you berry!" Pinching her soft cheeks Yeonjun replied, his eyes becoming crescent shaped from smiling.

"Wait here! I have something for you!" Yeonjun now looked amused and looked forward to the tiny little human's present. Within a minute, Berry was back with a beautiful large looking peach colored rose in her hands.

"It's for you Oppa! I grew this rose myself. Heree!" The girl handed the breathtaking flower to the male who was astounded by the sweet efforts of making him happy and the time consuming gift that she prepared. Yeonjun's mouth parted in shock as he glanced at the flower in his hand. This is so beautiful.

It's like the reflection of this little girl's soul. So pure and soft.

Yeonjun hugged berry feeling very happy and appreciated. From behind, he saw Mrs. Kim also watching them with a motherly warm smile.

"Thank you so much berry. You are so sweet!" Berry laughed before shaking her head.

"Just for you Oppa. I am always here!" The girl ruffled the male's hair who just pouted at this.

"Heyyy! You messed up my hair!" Berry laughed out loud at the complain of the older. Yeonjun chuckled and just stood up glancing at the elderly woman just at a distance.

"Morning Mrs. Kim."

"Morning dear. And happy birthday. Here I prepared something for you. Take this to university today." Mrs. Kim said with a warm smile handing over a lunch box wrapped with a clothing. Yeonjun felt his heart warming up with this. Because he never really got this type of treatment from anyone. Let alone his parents.

"Thank you Mrs. Kim."

The woman nodded giving him another smile before going back to work. Yeonjun then went towards the door until he spotted his parents sitting at the living room. He lightly bowed at them before leaving not wanting to talk and spoil his mood.


"Yeonjun." He stopped as he heard his mom call him.


He saw the elderly woman stand up and approaching him before planting a light kiss at the crown of his head before whispering-

"Sweet birthday my son. Do tell your mom what you want for your birthday hmm."

Yeonjun's heart thumped at this least expecting this. A light smile was seen on her face before caressing his cheeks lovingly. A lump formed in his throat, eyes tearing up a bit. He replied with a grateful smile.

"Thanks mom... I appreciate it."

"My dear son. Go on you are getting late for university." Yeonjun nodded before leaving the house with a light hearted feeling. He really felt happy. Seriously this meant so much.

On the other hand, as soon as Yeonjun left the house, Mr. Choi spoke up with a rude and raged tone.

"I told you to stop fucking babying him. Didn't I?" Mrs. Choi fisted up her hands feeling anger rush through her blood before speaking-

"That's my son. If my wish can make him happy, I will. Unlike you." With that she took her bag and left the house for her office. The man sitting in the sofa now clicked his tongue feeling insulted and absolutely in disbelief.

"Bitch. I knew it I shouldn't have married her." The man muttered to himself before throwing the glass kept on the table on the floor smashing it to thousand pieces leaving the place the next moment.

Berry and Mrs. Kim both of them watched the scene silently not knowing what to do or even comment. Because they both were aware of the fact that Mr. Choi was not loyal to Mrs. Choi that clearly explains the dislike towards his titled wife.

"Mom he is really the worse person I ever saw. Because of him Yeonjun Oppa suffers a lot." Mrs. Kim hurriedly shushed her own daughter looking around cautiously hoping that no one actually heard her.

"Shh dear. Don't say that out so loudly. Yes we both know that." Berry was just a little teenager but she obviously knew how to differentiate between the good and bad persons.

Time Skip~
After Yeonjun left the house that internal happiness lasted only for a few hours before he went back to his normal self. Not that he wasn't happy about what happened but it just happened to tick off him.

He just acted normally throughout the day. What's so special about birthday anyways?

It's just a hassle that comes with extra cake and presents. That's all. The sky doesn't turn into an odd color on your birthday. Nor any miracles happen also.

So? No need.

"Finally we are done for the day." Beomgyu groaned stretching his hands out in various directions making the other two chuckle.

"Yeah right." Soobin added while on the other hand Beomgyu felt his phone vibrate and as he took out and read what notification he got, his head whipped towards the oldest with a shocked expression.

"It's your birthday today hyung?" Yeonjun blinked in disbelief as well as Soobin who was also unaware of this. He sighed and just nodded.

"Yeah it is?"

"Bloody hell, then why didn't you tell us? Geezz Happy Birthday Hyung!! UFFF If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have said yes to go out of the city today. Awee man-" Beomgyu groaned before Yeonjun shook his head.

"It's okay Beom. Your plans are more important. Also your mom really wanted to take you. Didn't she? Then? Go and enjoy your trip." Beomgyu pouted while glancing at the older then at Soobin.

"Soobin hyung! You hangout with Yeonjun hyung for his birthday today. Pity I can't join you two." Yeonjun's eyes widened, before he could deny anything, Soobin nodded and said-

"Leave that to me Beom rest assured!"

Beomgyu nodded like a happy puppy while Yeonjun sighed out because he really didn't like people wasting their time on him for unnecessary reasons.

"So you two have fun. I will call yah later! Bye mate!"

With that Beomgyu bid goodbye to the two of them. Soobin was about to speak something until-

"You don't have to go anywhere just for me you know bin. It's fine..."

The younger scrunched his face in confusion hearing the very out of blue statement. Why is he saying like this?

Does he not like.... hanging out with him?

Before those thoughts ate up Soobin's mind fully, he asked-

"Why though... I like hanging out with you. If you have any plans or anything else that's another issue... but why are you denying it?" Yeonjun instantly felt guilty by the younger male's expression because he wasn't really meaning some thing like this. He should have spoke properly.

"N-No that's not it... umm, I don't like when others waste their time on meaningless things like this.. that's all. Don't get me wrong Soobin..."

Soobin tilted his head face clouded with pure confusion.

"I don't think you have to worry about that when the other side themselves are interested to give their time hyung. And this are not meaningless hyung. Come on. Let me show you what's meaningful."

Saying this Soobin slipped his hands softly wrapping it around the older male's lukewarm hands. The latter visibly stiffened up by the action, before he could process anything he was pulled by the other male.

And before he knew anything, he was going to an unknown destination with the younger male he started cherishing the past few months a bit too much.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Even if you are not the way I want you to be, the longer we spend together,
We will remember those times together."

- Hydrangea Love
By tomorrow by together.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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