Can You Forgive Me

By ansarshaikh12

34.2K 1.5K 435

Powerful with energetic DGP of korean Jeon Jungkook, were on mission to caught most wanted criminal, drug smu... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 8-b
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46

Episode 12

628 32 2
By ansarshaikh12

Warm content puffed of cool air were caressing his flawless and red mushy cheeks, Yet, adorable eyes examining back collage picture of best friend. He was settled beside wide modernistic window of his luxurious bedroom. Endearment were visibly shining in attractive eyes of his on recalled of old fun days of them while soft beam turned at plump lips on particular undefined memory of them which spread redness on his already cherry cheeks.

He smiled on certain pic of them, where Jungkook gently side hugged him with two other best friend of them comically poking two fingers on their head, such as bunny, Jungkook has solemn face but still looking outstanding in it. Tiny thumb of jimin unhurriedly begin to run on plan face of jungkook with longing orbs.

Although, dgp gone for day yet he felt like years. An insecured sense of unfamiliar feeling begin to grow in his calm heart after absence of dgp, his gut feeling thoroughly attempting to proved him something but his lovesick heart is exceptionally crazy for dgp that didn't able to point out meaning of it.

Jimin was so into his thought that didn't noticed leaning figure of parents at doorway with gazing at him, staring at their child with multiple amount of affection in eyes while smile were simply declaring that how much they are getting their innocent baby's sentiment.

Dongseok smiling shared known glace with wife, as if he got about what their son feeling at this moment!! Perhaps, they are noticing mid so long yet didn't straight asked him. They were waiting for jimin to himself expressed about, what running inside him?

Yet, between this two/three days single being of park's detected uneasiness in behavior of jimin which forced their mind to think deep about it's reason, which eventually come out as an dgp. Dgp's departure for 2/3 months didn't proposed him great comfort, rather, it send unusual flipped to his heart.

Dgp before his leave, clearly shared each data and things with jimin and for sure he is decidedly content on, dgp thought to shared his brawled with him. Anyways, but he just couldn't easily ignore unexpected insecurities through his heart.

“How can anyone be this much handsome woo? ”

Shinhye mumbled along strolling at jimin who got surprised by their appearance at his room, dongwook folding arm back with slight tint of teased in eyes followed shinhye. However, Jimin in a split of moment gather his feeling and slided photo beneath his thigh along with shy smile.

Shinhye chuckled over his bashful face while dongseok getting closer to his wheel, nonethelessly, dragged one of empty chair near jimin and settled down on him, at front of him while shinhye bended from back to his chair.

“You know why we are here?” asked dongwook along grasping chubby hands of child, jimin still staring at his own lap shaked his head. Dongseok smiled at timid face of son and cupping his face exclaimed...

“Jungkook! He called me this morning to informed me that he talk with Dr. Kim and he told jungkook that his one of london friend, who is best orthopedist, will treat you!! He is experienced Dr!!”

Dgp didn't forget to fulfil his promise which he took through best friend, when he promised that would talk with Dr. Then he surely did and asked about health of jimin. Yet, other one rather informed him that soon Jimin's report going to passed at his great orthopedist friend. Who is best Dr for this work.

Nevertheless, dgp instead discussing this with jimin, decided to explained it to dongwook for his view. Yet, how could he denied when his child's case get handle by best doctor! Thus, he declared his permission for Jimin's case but after instant hanging up call of dgp, he drown in deep thought.

Spending his whole evening at relax and peaceful garden, park dongwook just deluged itself into heavy thought, which was only encircling by dgp and his different behavior with his son. He himself observed untypical actions of jungkook with his son! Where his behavior is thoroughly harsh and rude with his family, at other direction, it duly inversed with jimin.

Hence, At the termination of evening. When night was on verge to toppled, dongwook realized that his thought leaded him so far that didn't reminded about falling time and night. Yet, Calming his thought in mid eventually cleared something and before forcing his leg inside back in mansion, dongwook decided something which can only be the last option for his anxious thought.

Anyways, jimin lifted head up with wide grinned along moistness in innocent eyes, His heart invisibly got excited by topic of jungkook. He enlarging his orbs asked..

“Really? He called you! What more he said?” eagerly inquired Jimin with excited face while dongwook chuckled and passing nod to him state..

“He said me to take good care of you!! He also said that, he is sorry that can't everyday talk to you as he is on mission so!”

Jimin lock up the single sentence of father which clarifying that how much dgp care for him. He don't care with which intention dgp mumbled it to his father but for him dgp's each simple or heavy words is like a delicate petal, which always comforted his uncomfortable heart.

Parents cautiously spy enthusiastic nature of child and that to just for dgp! Now, jimin's half of life skipping with jungkook's presence, he literally doesn't care about anything around him. He doesn't care, he don't want this costly attired, expensive shoes, rings, bracelets and many other things which ask for money.

Yet, he want that little amount of love, different affection, care and warm. Which only one person can provide him yet he is to scare to straight asked for this. just by his one word, his family can dragged entire world on his palm but the thing he wants, he  don't know that his family even can give him.

“Are you happy, now?” questioned Shinhye with caressing his head through back while jimin in enthusiasm nodded his head along without wiping wide beam from his lips. Parent's heart and mind felt peace on utterly joyous feature of jimin.

Jimin was decidedly happy by the news of jungkook's call, dgp never stepped back to asked and do good for him. He never show any disapproval while doing something for jimin and this only push jimin into deep befuddled that this much care and calmness just for jimin, can it also have any other meaning or it will always stuck on 'caring for best friend'. Would jungkook also be having soft corner for him?

“Here again!! someone once again day dreaming about our handsome dgp!” teased shinhye with tapping on Jimin's cheek, jimin grinned along crimson colour painted at entire face. He bashfully rounded face at mother's stomach and hide his face into it while dongwook watched gesture of son with careful eyes and grasping his palm softly inquired..

“Chim! I want to asked you something, answer me genuinely yeah?”

Jimin slowly circled itself at father's direction with untidy frown and nodded along signalling that he can asked, he already sense; There is really something his parents want to share and that's why hiked at his room. Anyways, he twirled face down on serious face of father whose eyes were still soft.

“Do you have feelings for jungkook?” Father maintaining softness in his tone questioned, he was all conscious of his feeling for jungkook through childhood but today, just wanted to get to hear with jimin. While, jimin with dithering heart nodded his face as he was not sure about what his parents will reply on it.

Will they suggest him to move on cause jungkook is rude and firm? Or, will they say that he don't deserve jungkook cause he can't even hold himself properly then where he will going to hold jungkook? However, jimin's anxious thought interrupted with unbelievable reply of father, which he not even near thought about it..

“We already know about your feelings for him chim! So, I'm going to take strong and better decision for you son! I'm going to drive tomorrow at jeon hacienda to talk about yours and jungkook marriage. Is it okay with you bub?” dongwook lifting his chin up with finger softly revealed while shinhye smiled on stunned face of jimin.

Jimin watched his face in uttered disbelieved yet with broad jubilant grinned latched on father for tight hugged and exclaimed with burring face in his chest..

“Thank you dad! I love you so much.” Jimin with countless level of excitement and joy muttered, he couldn't able to hold; his parent literally came to him for asking him about his marriage with his love, his best friend, his jungkook.

How could he not be happy after getting that his parents get agree to tied him with jungkook! With his only long time love. Yet, he just has one anxiety; what will be jeon's reaction on this proposal, will they going to accept ill jimin for their son? Mostly, what will be jungkook's view on this proposal? Will he accept him or reject their proposal.

Jimin tightly closed his eyes to not let  any profitless water gather in his eyes,  He has to be positive, then, thing will be positive too. Moreover, he was through many years living with negative thoughts about his love but today he will things all good and best. He has to believed on oneself that nothing will go wrong.

Shinhye and dongwook laughed at his excitement but father pecking his temper softly replied..

“Anything for you my boy!”


Second day of grasping Choi, officers dumped him at basement along constantly forcing him to let out single data about his boss and weilong. However, that's how dgp along with his officer hiked at basement to threat Choi to muttered each contact about his boss.

Yet, Not getting suitable knowledge through Choi, two of them returned back with strolling through hallway of mansion while Kai plainly revealed about whatever yeonjun informed him about case...

“According to our researched, park haneul is CEO of Rolex company in busan!! Yeonjun said, There were rumours too that once illegal marketing case was running on this park yet later it shut down. Seems, this Kim isn't only wrong here but also some other specific personalities!!”

Dgp turned brows in deep thought with cautiously taking information through subordinate. He already considered this all possibilities in his sharp mind that there is surely someone with Kai who actually is helping him. Yet, what stuck in his brain that how many? Exact number of people.

“Hmm! Asked Kris to try to hack Kim's mobile and note down contact from it. Whether, able to find it then tell him to let me know, whom Kim contact the most!” firmly commended dgp along climbing the stairs with Kai who nodded with straight mumbling ‘okay sir!’.

It's not thoroughly possible for them to direct hack Kim's phone as they already attempted to hack it but Kim in a moment changed his card and contact thus they couldn't do it. Still, what if they able to do this time, then, they can easily catch those people who are connected to Kim.


Time to time mesmerizing orbs were stumbling onto entrance of shop with cleaning designer items from wallcase of shop. He was from the time of second batch were awaiting for irresponsible guest of Seoul.

At some point checking doe but dark eyes of that junseo, he almost considered that he really can came here to learn ceramic work but after observing his punctuality, it thoroughly cleared him; This Lee junseo is just good for look but not at all for words. How with great courage, he said that has good interest in pottery and wanna learn it from potter. Yet, it not seems like he was truthful with his words.

Taehyung rolled eyes on deliberately waiting for guest, when there is no chance of him to visit. Potter turned gazed at rushing student who run at him to asked something while taehyung with soft smile nodded and signed him to go ahead and wait for him.

Hence, hands of clock swiped till 3:30 with indicating that only one and half hour left to finish this class and still there is no signed of guest. Were he surely fooling him? Potter sighed in annoyance and lastly accepted that there is no need to wait for guest anymore, cause, even if he visit then what he will going to learn in just one and half hour.


Although, Taehyung deemed that dgp was just fooling him but it's not wholly correct. Of course he is not interested in pottery or something but he is indeed wishing to visit potter's shop. When he said that he wanna know potter and willing to get to know this inner swipped thus he was truly declaring that.

Whether, he was wishing to get closer to potter then he unwillingly has to said that he wanted to learn pottery or there weren't other way to spend time with potter. Taehyung is so stubborn, actually he examined it and if he had asked him to spend time with him then there is no way he had got agree.

The way potter's eyes constantly circling at entrance, identically eager eyes of dgp rolling at antique pendulum clock of palace which signalling correct five, subordinate were explaining him related to important evidence which officer jieun informed him hour ago yet his entire attention was stuck on time.

There small meeting was occupied at living area of palace while Kai were steadily and carefully along with full concentration pointing at document amid laptop...

“Here!! After tracing his mobile it shows that Kim live in similar area where Kim daehyung is!” revealed subordinate with still checking location in laptop while dgp nodded and drawn brows in confusion on information. The way, they traced there were only few houses builded at either sides of Kim's then which one will be Kim weilong's.

“There were only four house around Kim's, which one would be his?” assumed dgp with unclear face while subordinate turned at him and state with shrugging shoulder..

“That we can only find out, when we visit that area again!”

Dgp were gazing at screen of laptop to duly watch flickering arrow which was signing only around Kim's house. He was not complete sure but his mind were pointing at third or fourth house of that area. As, when he first visit that area, there he keenly observed that there were hardly four/five houses were builded but just two or three were open but remaining was lock with no presence of any being around it. Thus, dgp considered that one of them must be weilong's.

“We have to visit there again!” declared dgp with turning eyes at Kai who nodded and once again clicked on laptop to open other data to show dgp..

“Well, officer jieun informed me that there one more murdered happened at Seoul, behind us. Here is detail about case!” Kai push laptop at dgp who with knitted brows gazed at screen and dragged laptop at his side with apprehensively reading information in detail, yet, eyes once again begin to match with timer of clock and this time subordinate clearly observed it.

“um! Sir can we discussed this case later! My tummy begging for something delicious! Can we please!”

Here entired professional aura of subordinate swirled into whinny, he wasn't hungry, well how can he be when just eat bowl of noodles with two sprite along watching free Netflix on dgp's laptop. Yet, he sence hurry in behavior of dgp and preassumed that jungkook wanted to go somewhere but just holding himself to finish his work. While, subordinate knew he won't go untill work will not finish thus itself suggested to halt.

Subordinate pouted with whinny tone which made dgp to rolled eyes over it, he shaked head on his dramatic action but taking it as a good opportunity dgp lifted itself up though his place and declared with direct tone..

“okay!! We will discussed this later, I also have to go somewhere!”

Dgp state but sighed hard on time pointed 5:30, his class finish. Potter's class finish and passed half too but he is still at mansion. Taehyung must have ride back at his home yet he still can ride and find out. Dgp hastily turned body to left along gazing at his watch but halted when Kai questioned him..

“By the way, where are you going sir?” subordinate gathering files and copies with shutting down laptop, moved up face to get answered from dgp but gulping down mumbled sorry on firm face of dgp which was saying; who is Kai to question him.

Dgp sighing turned his body and hastily rushed outside to ride at potter's shop but paused when phone vibrate with indicating someone's call.

“Sir! Officer hoseok speaking, sir there is problem!” panic voice of hoseok ceased hurried stepped of dgp in middle with turning his face into jumbled frown.

“What happened?” Asked dgp with tilted face while hoseok with deep breath peeked into file which he was holding and state along worried tone..

“Sir! I think, officer jieun informed you about murdered case right?” asked hoseok.

“Hmm” responded dgp.

“It's about murdered case, president's son got involved in murder while it was Dr. Changwook's child who got killed!! He was acting manic and straight forwarded Case to supreme court and court send letter for you to handle this case. They were asking for you sir! Now?”

Hoseok take deep breath after explaining matter with dgp, he was so much worried about this case and anxious about how to said it to jungkook. As, weilong's case was their but dgp handling it and now when dgp has to handle his own case then he got stuck with Kim case.

Jungkook locking his eyes rubbed his temper and sighed with inaudible groan and state..

“I just can't leave this case in middle officer hoseok!! Look after this murder case with sehun untill I returned.” Announced dgp with cold voice while hoseok sighing nodded to itself and reply in low 'yes sir' but before he can asked more, dgp hang up call with annoying sighed.

Jungkook placed phone back in pocket with firmly staring at space while Kai was still standing behind him thus softly asked with worried voice..

“What happen sir?”

Dgp slightly rotated face at Kai with frustrating face and revealed with tight jaw...

“Dr. Chang's child got kill in this murder and president's son was involved in it!! Court want me to handle this case when I already handling Kim's one.”

“This will going to be so mess sir! What you are going to do now?” asked subordinate with unbelievable face along broad eyes, yet, sighed with worried face when jungkook left along irritatingly announcing...

“let's leave it on time!”

Dgp hastily rushed outside and with equal hurry climbed on bike yet cursed loudly when time passed 5:30 and almost on edge to show 6pm. And he is one and one hundred percent sure that potter won't take it easy, he will gonna be exceptionally angry on him.


[play music :- waareya ( suraj or mangal bhari )]

Halting rushed of his bike at front of potter's shop along taking off his helmet, yet, sighed in disappointment on finding himself late or to late to visit potter. Adorable smile were flickering on gorgeous face of potter while his parting student.

Taehyung chuckled on one of youngest student from second batch when she bid him good bye, by respectful bow while taehyung nodded and caressed her head. However, dgp were silently observing his soft side for his student along with his kind words. Dgp didn't blinked for a second as no matter when he collapsed with potter, each time taehyung didn't left to fascinate him.

Along, each time didn't left to flipped his heart which was named as an stone. Stone, which is buried in his chest could never thumped same as now, but, this stone with no effort begin to beat on unbeatable charm of potter. Moreover, at present, weren't potter's mind-blowing look is enough that cherry on top wore simple and beautiful pink attired.

Light pink shirt tucked in white tight jeans along exhibiting perfect slim stimulating legs and alluring curved, dgp wandered eyes at perfect figure of potter along deeply amusing in his brain. Dgp was man, by just his single gesture seductive bodies can run after him, whether he wished then can checked countless girls or boys. Yet, he choosed to checked kim taehyung, the one who is unbearable and exceptionally appealing with look and nature.

Taehyung rotated to lock the door, well, it was his work. Rose unlocked it while it's potter's duty to locked it on time. Taehyung stay for more hour at shop but rose always left before him. Thus, taehyung were locking the door but halted as familiar deep voice called him. Hence, Potter lifted up his blank face and sighed before circling face at dgp.

Jungkook stepped at his way with undefined shined in eyes and paused at front of potter with calmly staring at him while taehyung crossed arm over chest and coldly gazed at him. Yet, Potter without mumbling any words, gesture at his wristwatch to dgp while jungkook shifted eyes at his wrist and raised brows on 6pm.

Dgp once again moved eyes at potter with plain face while taehyung shaked his head with annoying expression along showing his deep disappointment on dgp and initiated to hiked at his cycle along passing dgp. Meanwhile, dgp were quiet caused he was decidedly enjoying and mostly liking this particular furious side of potter. Potter totally swapped itself when he is angry, forehead eventually get squeezed and nose get flared, and this side of his itself luminous to watched.

“Sorry!” husky mumbled slipped through jam lips of dgp with slowly twirling body at potter while taehyung with no reaction and without facing dgp, took back his cycle's stand and inquired..

“For what?”

Even though, Taehyung got the meaning of his apology but pretended to be unknown while dgp intensely peeking at his back unhurriedly stepped toward him.

“For upsetting this pretty potter!!” state dgp with tilted head along catching it perfectly that potter is angry on him. he knew, he will surely be angry, cause, this time it's his mistake and he should be sorry. Taehyung halting his actions in mid immediately turned at dgp with complete irritation.

“What make you think, I'm upset Mr.annoying?”

Raising brows arrogantly potter questioned. he was not upset, from where this male get thought that he is upset and why the hell he will be sad on this whole stranger!! While, dgp with identical tilted head and invisible smiled nodded his face filled distance between them.

“Your beautiful eyes! They are actually saying more than your arrogant!!”

Without removing eyes through blank one of potter jungkook muttered. At least not mind but he can truly read anyone's eyes easily and in matter of taehyung; mostly, Potter don't let anyone to notice his inside but sometime he itself can't hide, what running within him. Yet, that's why dgp simply drown in furious eyes of potter with defining disappointment in them.

Taehyung rolled eyes on his remarked and scoffed with turning back at his cycle to dragged it back..

“Nonsense! Just spit already that you were just messing with me. You are not at all here to learn pottery, rather, you don't even seems like having interest in artistic field!!”

Potter mocked with back facing dgp along locking his mini bag while he beforehand observed personality of dgp which looked far from any art, guest greatly passed the vibe of those TV dramas actor. His perfect face with accurate dress sence, this just giving the vibe of well known actor.

Jungkook lifted left brow in amusement on reply of potter and once again forced his feet to stepped further at taehyung, yet, halting his leg near potter's back along respectful distance mid of them, whispered..

“Then? Where you think, I would be interested? Pretty potter!”

Shivered passed down through stiffed frame of potter when dgp questioned back, closed to his ear while dgp deliberately inquired him as he sence potter is really smart. Just see, how smartly observed him and already sence that he isn't much interested in pottery like art. While, taehyung didn't mumbled anything after sudden moved of dgp but turned face back when jungkook added..

“Let me know too! I have all right to know, at which field I'm having lots of interest. Yeah?”

Taehyung clutching his jaw twirled face back to glared at jeon, nonethelessly, breath hitched on exceptionally closeness with dgp. Jungkook oneself stiffed on his own place on unexpected nearer of face. Yet, Potter absurdly shoved dgp back with fast rushing heart and hurriedly hopped on bike to ride away from there.

Potted almost peddle his cycle to ride at house yet dgp stopped him by grasping back seat, taehyung glare at him while dgp stubbornly teased him.

“Leave!” groaned potter. He just want to ride away from here! Away from this guest who is indeed so weird. Not just guest's eyes but his words also doing something untypical with his heart. It was good, running at his normal speed yet it unspecifiedly increased it's speed when this guest seeked to get closer to him.

“Not untill you reply!” smirked dgp with tilted head along not wishing to leave him that soon, he was enjoying this condition of potter who was trying to run away from his question. Potter sighed in frustration and snapped...

“You really want to know?” Asked potter with serious face while dgp nodded his head with blinking eyes and waited for taehyung to muttered something..

“So, Mr. Guest. I'm sorry but you just exactly look like that wanted criminal who just run away from cells and came to otgol to hide yourself!! Are you satisfied now? Now leave my cycle!”

Potter angrily blabbered about whatever came on his tongue, but, dgp let out throaty chuckled on it along thinking, how much right but wrong potter is. Yet, dgp could mumbled more but before taehyung swiftly ride his cycle at own place.

Dgp folded arm on chest with calmly checking back of potter who was time to time turning back to checked his face but dgp smiled lightly with bended head along commenting..

“Pretty hard!”


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