By -certifiedkilla

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Šī¸ŽđŸđŸŽđŸđŸŽ-𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐃𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀 [COMPLETED] Her semi-perfect life was ruined when a deranged, mentall... More


𝐓𝐅𝟐: 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄 (𝐄𝐩đĸđĨ𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞)

797 19 3
By -certifiedkilla

well, well, well this is NOT how i wanted to end this book, but since i feel like i outgrew this book—basically i feel like i over worked my self and i burnt myself out on this book.

but i'm tired of keeping y'all waiting and i'm not gonna leave y'all hanging because i appreciate y'all sm and all the love y'all showed this book & i need to finish this book so i can get onto other books (cs baby i'm cooking in my drafts real shit 💯💯💯)

so this is how it's gonna go (get yo popcorn and whatever ready and buckle y'all seats belt) :

𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 | ఌ
𝟑 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐎𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝟏:𝟑𝟒𝐩𝐦 

I know y'all got tired of Ms.Author girl keeping y'all waiting but.... I got away.

I looked at Reign who was now two years old and I smiled a little, her little personality reminds me of aliyah so much.

she looks EXACTLY like me, my skin color, my hair color, my face shape, she stole my nose and my lips, and my hair eye shape, she just has her dads eye color.

all the memories of her dad came back and I shook em away. In a couple of weeks she will be three & it will be the anniversary of something that i prayed didn't happen while I was pregnant with her happened.

Roddy beat on me the day she was born, man that was the worst day ever along with day I lost my sister and him kidnapping me after Graduation.

I remember it like it was yesterday, he was drinking with Jonathan and I was fighting for my life.

Reign was coming, I was nurturing like crazy a few days and weeks prior.

at the time I had in braids and I was taking em down and popping off my nails, I had the maids clean up the room and Reign's nursery.

On that day I was in the room, bouncing on the pregnancy ball. Those contractions were crazy, my screams were getting a little loud and Roddy stumbled in the room.

he saw I was in pain, but didn't too much care he was too drunk to know what was going on. At that moment that's when I really knew this wasn't the lifestyle my baby needed to grow up in.

even though i been knew.

I wiped my slight tear not wanting to remember what happened.

bringing down his fist Roddy striked me in my face over and over again.

I screamed at every strike. Nine months pregnant and this is happening.

something I feared the most and something I was preventing from happening.

I was using all my lil strength too fight back, but  was swollen. my feet, breast and my face.

"RODDY! RODDY GET OFF THAT GIRL MAN SHE PREGNANT." Johnathan, ari, relly, bree, wintt and bird ran in the room.

Trying their best to pull the small man off me

"come on man she pregnant, what you doing?" Winnt says frowning at roddy as her, ari and bree gently pulled me away.

"THAT BITCH TRIED ME!" he screamed trying to get back to me.

all this because he was drinking with johnathan and I was trying her best to keep herself together because reign was due any second now?


"diamond, look at me you gotta calm down this ain't good for the baby man." relly softly grabbed my chin making me look at him.

"you needa breathe mama, breathe." ari says on the verge of crying.

"i'm trying, i'm trying i just can't do it with him nomore. I wanna get away. He gonna kill me and my baby before she even get a chance to walk." I cried as bird and johnathan carried roddy away.

Ari told me that once that dragged him away Johnathan got on his ass

"aye man what the fuck is wrong with you!?" johnathan pushed roddy down on the sofa.

"she's pregnant and swollen! that baby head can pop out RIGHT NOW, i told you to slow down on that drinking man and now you don— SHIT iam even do ari this bad when she was pregnant!" johnathan stressed sitting down.

"all I did was tell her she ain't going nowhere, i might've help her ass captive but i treated her like a princess."

she also told me bird was so stressed, he had some holy water and even threw some on Roddy.

After that, reign was over it she was ready to come OUT.

everything was such a blur, all I know is they rushed me to a hospital room roddy had built in for me and I was squeezing Bree and Wintt hands to death, Ari and the doctor screaming at me to push.

It felt like it took forever to push that big headed ass child out. But once I heard those cries and Ari gasp.

I felt relieved, suddenly everything got quiet.

Bree and Wintt snatched their hands from me as the doctor cleaned Reign and ran tests on her and made sure she was healthy.

"how she look Ari? is she okay?" I questioned, so anxious to see her.

"oh my—girl she is beautiful." her voice had a hint of shock and admiration in it.

after the doctor washed Reign, he gave her to Ari and she gave her to me.

"oh my— girl you look like me." my mouth was wide open and I admired her, tears slipped from my eyes.

i couldn't figure out if it was tears of joy or tears of sorrow.

wintt eyes were stuck and Bree tilted her head.

"damn, that nigga genes didn't even try." that comment made me laugh inside.

"most babies look like raw chicken when they be born, but not her." Wintt comments. Reign came out with pretty dark skin like her mama, I didn't even know if that was possible.

"my lil coco bean." I smiled rubbing her small hands.

They somewhat made me feel better, with the comments and jokes they were saying.

I knew that Bree, Wintt, Bird and Relly felt bad about everything that happened.

Even Relly told me Roddy threatened to kill each of their family's if they didn't do as told, but they just thought it was his mental illness talking so they ignored it.

After a while they left and it was just me, ari and Reign.

reign was in a lil baby tube, in the hospital room and Ari was watching whatever was on tv.

I was standing up looking at reign, processing that I was a mom now.

I was freshly 18 when he kidnapped me, i turned 19 when he was in the mental institution then i was going on Twenty when i have birth to Reign.

now i'm twenty-three.

"you look so mother-ish girl." I heard ari giggle.

"what you mean?" I smiled. "is it the gown or the hair?"

"the hair, and the way how you standing." she laughs.

"you're gonna be a good mama, I already know it by how you looking at her." she got up and slid her thumb down my baby's small face.

"she—she started to say but Johnathan Came into the room with an unreadable expression on his face.

he looked at me and Ari and his eyes traveled down to reign.

"oh shit! that's the baby?" he jogged over to Reign with an smile on his face. 

Johnathan surprised me that day, he held Reign the right way and all, he was cooing and rubbing her head.

after that he said "roddy genes suck ass" him and Ari left she gave me a look of sympathy and they walked out.

Then it was just Me, him, and Reign. I remember nervousness washed over me and I started to feel uneasy.

but i just stood there staring at my baby, i was staring at a whole human who just came out of me.

"Mrs. Moore." the nurse caught my attention. She wanted me to sign the birth certificate.

i did it too, and i gave her my last name. later i found out the head maid had the nurse secretly print out a fake birth certificate so if roddy wanted to see it would be less drama.

once the nurse walked out, roddy was by the door with an evil look on his face.

I ignored and kept looking at reign. I was silently praying he didn't do anything crazy.

He walked all the way in and closed the door behind and came to where i was standing.

he broke his eye contact with me and looked at reign.

He stared at my baby for a long, long time. Till this day i don't know what he was thinking.

"i told you, she was gonna be beautiful just like her mam." he finally spoke, grabbing my chin giving me a peck on my lips.

The look in that man eyes is something I will never forget, it was like the devil himself was looking at me.

after that happened I was so uncomfortable with him holding me, but I kept quiet. I didn't want him in my presence I just wanted to have some alone time with Reign.

He picked up on that energy and it was hell.

"RODDY STOP! PUT THE GUN DOWN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I screamed holding a 2 day old reign to my chest as tight as I could.

he had a gun pointed at us. He was screaming and god those eyes, man I wish I never cross anyone with those eyes ever again.


"no, no baby i'm not trynna leave you I promise." I shook my head, tears rushing down my face. "I-I just need space okay?"

"I know better then that now, i'm not going anywhere." I lied straight through my teeth.

Weeks turned into months, and before i knew it Reign was 9 months old trynna walk and talk.

she could say certain words like 'mama', 'hey' 'yes' or 'no'

even though she looked nothing like roddy, she was just like him— obsessed with me.

such a mamas girl. she had her moments with roddy but, it was clear she was mama's baby.

one time I woke up and they were both eating in the bed watching me, he bought her hella toys and clothes, they both was downstairs in the pool once, wanting me to join and they both made faces at me at the same time.

but she rarely went to him for real, for real. I would wake up to her thinking i'm a playground, and she would sit on my head to wake me up just so I can play with her.

one time I woke up she was just staring at me with a lil smile on her face, it would be times where she would just stare at me and chew on my face.

Roddy made me mad, while i was feeding her and she threw her bottle at him.

I mean I couldn't do nothing, she would follow me around, mimick and watch everything I do.

When I used to shower or be in the tub she would try to get her lil self in there with me with all her clothes on.

we would watch a lot of disney movies and shows I enjoyed growing up and she would stare at the Tv doing damn well she ain't know what was going up.

I smile at the memory. She adores me, I adore her.

that little girl made my days in that house so much better.

Lana the head maid would have the Chef make Reign everything I eat, just because I wanted her to try different foods to see if she liked it or not.

and she did, her lil greedy self ate everything.

But things got worse with her dad, at one point she did see me with a black eye and her reaction broke my heart.

"ma! ma!" she said as I entered her room, she threw down her lil toy and crawled to me. thats all she could say clearly

she saw my eye and frowned and she pointed to it then babbled.

if i'm being honest it sound like she said "what's that?"

then she babbled again "hut?" she was trynna say hurt.

Lana felt so bad and she was tired of it so you know what she did?

Every week it was a truck to come bring us food and snacks or whatever we needed.

well the helpers used to fly in a jet, following the shipment that was on a boat.

the jet would leave from California and land on a pad roddy had installed on the island. Then they had walked to the edge of the island to get the things off the boat.

she thought it was a good idea to get on either one, but some of roddy's workers were against going against him.

so, roddy had to die.

and I told her.

"that plan has potential but, he is gonna find me lana! unless he... somehow dies."  we look at each other.

and somebody told him, and that wasn't good at all.

you ever seen those lifetime movies? and you know friends, boyfriends get killed and how the victim be fighting for their lives to get away from their stalker and they kill them and live happily ever after?

thats how it was, but ten times worse.

Roddy killed everyone trying to get to me and reign. I thought it was best to still hop our asses on that boat just because.

he killed all the maids, all his workers, he tried to kill his friends but guess who he did kill?

Bree, Wintt, bird and Johnathan.

Johnathan and Bird was trynna stop Roddy but he kilt everybody who got in his way. Roddy thought they was going against him and he shot johnathan in the head and Bird in the chest.

Bree would've made it, but she told us to go ahead, she was holding us back and that she was sorry for everything.

and winnt— well he didn't technically kill her she killed herself.

"look diamond, i'm so sorry for everything. I feel like it's somewhat my fault i should've never told him some things, i regret even helping him out." she runs her hands down her face.

"we never thought that it would be like this, we thought it was gonna be like those wattpad books where the girl falls inlove with her kidnapper but..." she trails off .

"shit that nigga is CRAZY!"

"get to the boat or wherever and go diamond." she says and runs toward the house.

"where you going!" i shouted holding reign, she was crying up a storm at all the gunshots.

"when y'all get to the boat, there is a string at the very front of the boat" she says as we duck, feeling the gunshots get closer.

"i need you to pull it and while ur doing that, and once the horn goes off it'll send me a signal...this whole damn place will go up in flames."

my heart broke when she said this, risking her life for me and reign?

I wasn't a fan of neither one of his friends, but that day I felt so bad.

"DIAMOND!" I heard roddy scream.

I felt ari pull me and we started running. Reigns cries were killing me, it made me wanna stop and just go to Roddy so all this could stop, but it was too late for all that.

"just holon tight mama, i got you" I say while we ran and ran fighting the leaves and tree branches.

and roddy wasn't too far behind.

we finally saw the van and lana was in the driver seat, but she was ducking so roddy couldn't see her, she already put ari's baby's in the van they had on headphones so they couldn't hear.

a gunshot went off and ari body fell, she let out a scream of agony.

"ARI" I yelled. Bird pulled her up and luckily she was ok.

"i'm alright the bullet grazed me." she groans and we reach the van, I put reign in next to ari another gunshot goes off.

I was tackled to the ground making me scream and roddy was on top of me, he sent a blow to my face and held the gun to my head.

"all I-I wanted was for us to be together and be happy, but I see yo ass is just like every other girl! you don't wanna be happy!" He grits with some tears in his eyes



he then smirked and grabbed my hair. "well if I can't have you and be happy with you, no one can not even reign."

"no, no, no Roddy don't kill me." I sobbed, looking into those eyes.

God I sounded so weak.

"this is not how you want to do this in front of your baby right?" He looked over at reign, she was wailing while looking at me.


"she should see her daddy like this, with a gun and blood splattered all over him." I grabbed his face, he brung it close to mines.

this is how I got his ass good.

"that's why she'll never, ever have to worry about this shit ever again!" i kicked him in his dick and slapped the gun out of his hands.

I sent an uppercut to his face and tried to grabbed the gun, but he dragged me back to him.

I fought him, like how i did that girl on the last week of school, lol.

i managed to get him off me and I successfully got the gun.

Roddy stood up and wiped the blood off his mouth and smiled at me.

"you gon kill me? hmm?... that isn't how r-reign should be seeing her mama." he retorted.

i glanced over at her and ari had her covered up, roddy took that chance to try to attack me but my reflex responded and I shot him.

his body dropped, blood gushing out his mouth and chest.

i stood there for a moment to see if he was really dead, i scanned his chest movements and they were slowing down.

Once they slowed down I let out a breath and started to walk away


but in a swift motion,his half dead ass grabbed my ankle.

"WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE." i screamed.

"you c-can't get away from m-me diamond, it will always b-be me and you forever." he spoke in a raspy voice. "it's us forever and ever."

"i'll be back mama, when i-i d-do— d-d-d- shut the fuck up!" i shot him again twice and ran towards the van.

Birds dead body, made my heart stop but i had to keep going.

after that, lana drove to the boat and we all boarded.

i looked down at reign and she had tear stains all on her lil her face, her fingers in her mouth, she was just looking at me wiggling her little legs.

we was free, i was free after all that time of being stuck with that crazy man, I was free.

I was thankful that she was only nine months and she wasn't gonna really remember it.

But those words 'it's us forever and ever' and 'i'll be back' what did he mean?

i shook it off and thought nothing of it, i looked over at Ari and and she had an unreadable expression on her face.

i couldn't tell is she was happy or upset that Johnathan was now dead.

"how do you feel?" i spoke up, just so she can hear me.

"i-i don't know." she shrugged. "i need some taylor port and a long newport 100 to think this shit through."

Noelani and naveah was looking sad, but they couldn't really comprehend what was going on.

Reign clinged to me and laid her small head in my chest as i sat down and looked at the water as the boat rode by. i laid my head on her small one.

my leg was bouncing at 1000 miles per hour, the adrenaline in my body was still pumping, i was ready to get off this boat and to shore.

i still felt uneasy, until i remembered.

I looked at the front of the boat and saw the string bree was talking about. I politely got my ass up and pulled that muthafucka' hard as fuck.

just moments later as we was a good bit away from the island, that bitch blew up.

now apart of me felt better and my body started to relax, the thing about it nobody said anything it moved a muscle after it blew up.

we all sat there with emotionless expressions on our faces.

yes even the babies, and reign just turned her small head to me and she randomly poked my nose.

i playfully bit her finger "we're safe now mama! i'm about to show you so much." i kissed her cheek.

We finally made it to california and what i'm about to tell y'all, let y'all know that God is good.

Thankfully lana wasn't broke, oh miss girl had money. We stayed at her house for a few months just to see what we were gonna do and figure out our lives from here.

she dealt with so much stuff from me and ari all those nightmares and my delusions of roddy watching me. The sleepless nights she stayed up with me telling me stories about her crazy family and her childhood.

after we re-grouped and got ourselves together, shortly after reigns 1st birthday, Me and reign went back to louisiana to my childhood home.

I got back into school to get my GED and become an ultra sound technician, I got a nice apartment, nice car that was just perfect for me and Reign.

Ari and her babies went to Tennessee which wasn't too far, but we got together on holidays and random weekends and we even flew Lana out.

and guess what, I even got in contact with Crystal.

"you sleepy girl?" i cooed at Reign who was fighting her sleep, I cooked some Steak, baked potatoes with some steamed broccoli and put princess and the frog on.

she nodded her head, with a steak bone still in her lil hand.


"yea." she repeated.

"more" she says, i laughed.

"no you can't have more girl, you gon hurt ya self." i giggled. "if you take a nap and wake up you can have some mo'." i brought her closer to my chest and rubbed her back.

i took the bone out of her hand, and smiled.

"lil greedy butt."

while she slept, I was on instagram, typing up crystal's name to see if I could find her

Crystal Thomas.


Crystal Johnson.


Crystal suckyoniggadick!

Hell no

Crystal Pearson


Crystal Patton


I clicked on her profile and Saw she was still in north Carolina, scrolling down her page and watching her highlights.

she had pictures of me her and Aliyah posted, saying she missed us and help her find us but that was a while ago i doubt anyone is still looking.

but one was recently posted one month ago.

"what you think about going to north carolina rere?" i whispered. "looks like we going guh."

I booked the plane tickets and we went, Reign acted so good on the plane, she was making friends and had old people giggle.

and she couldn't even talk all the way clear yet!

once we landed, I got a uber to the familiar place she worked at, that place brought back memories of me and aliyah walking in, trying to get my traumatized ass some help.

I walked up to the front desk and the lady standing there standing at me with wide eyes.

"oh my god! it's her! its her! get Ms.Patton down here now!" workers started moving and i looked down at reign, who was looking around.

such a curious lil baby.

we sat in the waiting room until i heard her voice.

"i swear bertha if this is some bullshit ima fire yo ass!— oh my" the room fell silent and I was met with Crystal eyes.

i smiled and tears started to form in her eyes.

"diamond what—ma! she cry!" reign shouted and crystals eyes travels down to her and they pop out her head.

"oh my god—what happened, how did you get here." She ran to me and gave me a big hug.

"that's a story for another day, but we free bitch!"

"mama! u okay?" Reign asked chewing on some chicken nuggets, from Mcdonald's.

i picked her up on my two hour break from, crystal's who moved to Louisiana and we got McDonald's.

"i'm okay, mama just thinking." I shook my head.

"why you always eating on me girl, you got sweet and sour sauce all over my scrubs." I frowned moving her off me.

She started to whine "you my mama!" she sassed

"and what that mean?" I sassed back and tilted my head.

"deal with it!" I laughed and put the car in drive and started to move, "you gon get mama a ticket, cause you don't wanna go to the back."

it's my fault though, cause not gon lie I spoils her.

"noooo, wait till I done." she sips her juice. "and then we mova." I snickered at how she pronounced move.

she got good vocabulary for a two year old, thanks to her Mama.

"i gotta go back to work girl, gon have me late." she only had two chicken nuggets left and she sat there and slowly ate on purpose.

"Done!" she says and throws her lil trash in the bag and crawl to the back.

"you got it?" I turn to see if she buckled her self in right.

"turn around?"

"you want me to turn you around? you don't wanna face the seat?" she shook her head no and I turned her car seat around.

so she could see me.

We made it to crystal's house and I got her out, using my key to unlock her door.

"Heyyyyyy." I closed the door behind me and playfully threw reign on the couch and did my handshake with Crystal.

"hey, boo! you gotta go back to work?" She plopped a grape in her mouth and types on her phone.

"yep I get off at nine, what you been—you wanna go on a vacation?" she interrupted me.

"on a vacation where?" I jerked my head back.

"to italy, i got to go anyways because of work and I want you and Reign to come with" she says.

"it'll be good for y'all too, go on trips and I think it'll be good for you since.. you know."


"three weeks from now, we gon be staying for two weeks."

that's don't sound bad, i looked at reign who was on her ipad.

maybe we could use a vacation, i've been working nonstop trynna get my money back right and move on with life since that Demon.

"we will look so cute in our lil bikinis—thank god you got that tattoo removed! and we can get some boho knotless, reign can get those kids braids, where they curl it at the end—OK, OK! i'll think about." I grab my key, and head for the door.

"i'll let you know friday what my decision is." I say and she claps.

"finna gon ahead and start booking appointments baby." being in louisiana was starting to rub off on her a lil bit.

"bye mama, see you later." I kissed reign, and gave her hug.

"bye mommy, I not gonna cry." she say sniffing, and holding back her tears.

she has separation anxiety, I guess when we was in that house and she would always be under me because she was scared of that man caused that, Crystal helped out a lot and she has gotten way better.

"i'll see you later, it won't be long." i kissed her cheek, and walk out the door heading to my car. 

I looked back she saw she was at the window, waving.

I pulled off blowing her a kiss and made my way to work.

My pretty girl, I love my baby so much.

don't worry y'all gon get a bonus chapter🙄
diamond finna meet her 'roddy reincarnated' but better 🫢😊 .

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