The blade within-Assassinatio...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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The Blade Within" follows the story of Kazuto Karasuma, a 15-year-old student who finds himself in the infamo... More

Asassination time!
Kazuto time!
Karma time!
Grown up time!
Assembly time!
Test time!
School trip time! Part 1
School trip time part 2!
Transfer student time!
Land R time!
Transfer student time 2nd period!
Ball game tournament time!
Talent time!
Vison time!
End of term time!
Schools out!
Island time!
Action time!
Pandamonium time!
Karma time 2nd period + Kazuto time 2nd period,
XX time!
Nagisa time!
Summer festival time!
Keade time!
Spinning time
Leader time!
Before and after time
Reaper time! Part 1
Reaper time! part 2
Round 2 time!
School festival time!
Court time!
End of term time! second period!
Result time!
Secret identity time
Confession time!
Decision time!
Discord and outcome time!
Outer space time!
Valentines time!
Trust time!
Happy birthday time!
Fight and Revival time!
Graduation time!
Future time!

Itona horibe time!

47 1 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

Heads up after this episode I'll probably start "skipping" some episodes just because of Kazuto not having anything to do now that's done

Itona jumps into the pen trapping korosensei

And they begin a massive fight

Itona overpowers korosensei and slams him on the ground but korosensei just keeps dodging by predicting the hell out of Itona

Korosensei then releases a huge burst of energy obliterating the cage

Itona falls

Kazuto in a flash catches him

Kazuto: well it seems it's all over Shiro

Shiro: You!

Korosensei: I suggest you go quietly and leave him to E class
Also I'd appreciate it if you spread the word that I am not in fact an underwear thief!


Korosensei and Shiro have a glare off

Itona suddenly is in a lot of pain

Itona: it's hurt it's hurt it feels like my heads going to burst open

Kazuto: what the hell is happening too him

Kazuto glares at the man


Shiro: that would be a agony of defeat his tentacles are gnawing away at his brain

Kazuto is feeling unbridled rage

Kazuto: Hang in there Itona!

Korosensei: yeah come on!

Shiro: it seems losing too you a third time was quite the blow failing to carry out this little scheme of mine is clearly more than he can bear

Kazuto: tch

Shiro: Itona if this is the best your capable of the organisation will stop paying I feel for you. I really do but I have too cut my losses at some point focus my attention on your successor this is good bye Itona I'm sorry your on your own for here



Shiro: says the assassin and the monster playing classroom why feign concern when all you can do is kill and destroy mark my words korosensei I can not tolerate your existence in the end I'll kill you no cost is too high no sacrifice is too great

Kazuto and korosensei growl

Shiro: come to think of it actually how do you suppose your dear students feel about that

The man leaves Kazuto would've gone after him but he noticed Itona still freaking out

Into a goes for Kazuto but he quickly unsheathes his knife and slices his tentacles before sending him flying with a kick

Itona screams once more and leaves

Korosensei falls to the ground exhausted

Someone's been attacking cellphone shops

Ritsu: this has to be him

Terasaka: no kidding who else would it be

Fula: yeah but why cellphone shops though

Kazuto: good question

Keade: we can't just let him run loose

Korosensei: the burden of reining the boy in now falls on me I have to find Itona and protect him

Kazuto: (Shiro is such an arsehole)

Karma: yeah I vote It'd be better if we just leave the kid alone

Korosensei: no I am his teacher, a teacher never turns his back on a student no matter what when I took this job that was my solemn vow to never let go

Kazuto: I'm going to look for him

Kazuto jumps from building to building

And eventually finds him in an alleyway

Kazuto lands in front of him

Itona: strongest classmate

Kazuto: I prefer Kazuto although you can also call me kirito if you want so just come quietly

Korosensei: he's right come with us

Itona: big brother

Korosensei: I prefer the name korosensei it's much more appropriate

Itona: tch shut up we fight right now

Korosensei: we can battle if you really want state secret vs state secret and then when the dust clears we can study ways to kill me

Kazuto: if you want to I'd be happy to fight against you plus this guys very persistent he's not going to let you go easily

Karma: yeah he's a very persistent octopus take my word for it once you're in his class he'll go to hell and back to make sure a lesson sticks

Korosensei: you bet I will put a student in front of me and I'm in my element The instinct to teach them is so powerful, I can't help it

Kazuto: so why don't you come home to E class

Kazuto puts his hand out

Itona hesitates but begins to put his hand out as well

Suddenly the hear shots being fired and a powder starts covering the,

Korosensei: oh dear this is anti-me powder

Shiro: casting my word adrift was all part of the plan korosensei

He shoots him

Shiro: come along Itona you have one last duty to fulfil

A net is shot right at itona and it captures him

Korosensei: DON'T YOU DARE!

Kazuto: BASTARD!

Shiro: rescue him you are his teacher

Korosensei growls like a wild beast

The class walk out of the Powder coughing

Korosensei: no-ones hurt are they

Nagisa: I think we're fine more or less

Korosensei: alright I'm going after your classmate Kazuto I think you can help me

Kazuto: right!

Korosensei: AWAY

They arrive where Itona is being held captive and Kazuto immediately notices something is wrong the pressure rays slow korosensei down

Shiro: not that I'm the least but surprised but you really are a fool

The being to start shooting

Kazuto basically immune to these so he shields Itona

Kazuto: uhh sensei I've got this you just protect yourself


Shiro: remarkable you grow exponentially weaker when the target is anyone but yourself are you certain you won't go

Korosensei: I am there teacher!

Kazuto is fully shielding Itona hopefully luckily korosensei is also protecting him

The class takes all of the bad guys down and takes away the pressure lights

Kazuto: phew that's better

Itona: you're doing this for me

Kazuto: well I'm not sure abiht the rest of the class but you remind me of me or at least what I could've become if I didn't have my dad so how about joing our class

Rinka: don't read too much into it this is abiut you we're just pissed at your boss and if korosensei and Kazuto hadn't bolted we'd have left behind I. A heartbeat

Kazuto: BULL...SHIT

Rinka: What did you just say about me!

Okajima: I know right I love how she pretends not to care

Takebayashi: the girl runs hot and cold

Karma: I wouldn't look this way if I where you Shiro you need to pay attention stop shootin and the net'll come right off at the base

Korosensei rips out the gun

Korosensei: excellent timing nicely done children and Kazuto great job protecting Itona

Kazuto: Happy to help teach plus now

He pulls out a real knife and slices the net open

Korosensei: you see that, step down Shiro we're taking Itona with us you're a meticulous man, that much is apparent but once you involve my students there's no telling what lengths I'll go to The sooner you home in the obvious the better

Shiro just chuckles: A class taught by a monster swarmed with gnats how infinitely irritating so I progressing the grant you, my approach is in need of a radical overhaul keep the boy if you like he'll only live another two days or so you kids play nice now

They go through the whole thing is discussing what to do with him they go through connecting him with cellphones companies

And one company's president had a son named Itona they declared bankruptcy a couple of years ago the president and the wife skipped town and left the son behind with relatives

Kazuto: so that's why we'll alright then I guess this guys our now gotta care of him in and all that

Terasaka: yeah kid needs some perspective

Itona snaps away

Terasaka: welcome back sleeping beauty

Itona now has a bandana

Hazama: we used the anti sensei netting to create a bandana

Twkuya: for our own protection we need to keep those tentacles in check

Kazuto: hey so why don't we go and get some grub apparently this guys dad owns a ramen shop

They do just that

Itona and Kazuto try the ramen

Takuya: what do you both think totally disgusting right I keep telling my old man but he won't change the recipe

Kazuto: yeah disgusting is a word for it

Itona: agreed MSG doesn't hide the fact the bones are stale and some needs to tell your old man this fish cake topping is out of style

Kazuto: what he said this recipe is about 3 generations too old maybe 4 actually

Itona: definitively 4 generations

Takuya is suprised by this

Itona seems depressed

Kazuto: Hey come on

yoshida: yeah Kazuto's right let's hit up my place next it's totally modern not like this old fossil anyway

Takuya: DUDE!

Kazuto is then seen riding a motorcycle expertly

Kazuto: yeah this place is pretty cool the open road is better though

He speeds up and then watches Itona fly off kimura's cycle

And he stops

Kirara gives him a creepy novels about revenge

Itona gets all twitchy and the tentacles comes out


Both Kazuto and Terasaka stop running

Terasaka: take it easy, we all want to kill the octopus matter of fact I was just thinking about it earlier today look you're not going to get him right at the gate so get over yourself you need this too bad man so let it go just chill out

Kazuto the idiot is right


Kazuto catches the tentacle easily

Kazuto: seriously you really think I'm going to let that happen again just like how I'm not going to let myself eat Takuya's ramen again

Terasaka: oh yeah thinking about it makes me want to puke

Takuya: HEY!,

Terasaka: you see the octopus thought it would be a good idea for him to study business sure his dads ramen is crap but one of these days he'll take over with what he's learned he can push no flavours the joint will be hoping
The octopus said the same thing to yoshida it's about being patient picking your moment


The both give him a smack

Kazuto: you can't let a couple off losses blow you off corse

Terasaka: you don't need to win now just someday slow and steady wins the race right well that'll be what kills the octopus too doesn't matter if we fail 100 times

Kazuto: as long as we kill him once we win use the omen to get your fads factory running again so him and your mom can come back at least you have parents who are coming back

Itona: I can't handle this what the hell am I supposed to do while I'm waist go to win how do I pass the to,e

Terasaka: you act like an idiot like we did tonight don't worry we've got you covered in that department

Kazuto; and if you don't feel like doing that I'm always ready for a good brawl you can come and face me anytime so why don't you join E class we are a whole class of failures and outcasts you'll fit right in trust me

Itona: very well..but I won't hold back

Kazuto: heh i wouldn't want you too we'll get stronger and kill korosensei all together

Itona finally let's out a small smile: Right sounds good!


Itona: Maramatsu hey I am broke give me some of your ramen and I'll try not to puke

Maramatsu: HUH!

Itona: Hey kirito wanna join we can compete to see who can eat me

Kazuto: oh you are so on! Be prepared to lose

Itona: oh bring it on

Lighting flies between them

Itona has officially joined E class  by being part of Terasaka's group and Kazuto has finally gained a rival

And that's a wrap

Itona is in my top 5 favourite characters alongside Nagisa, karma, Rio amd korosensei himself

So I wanted him to have a special bond with Kazuto due to the fact how they where both treated as test subjects basically but Kazuto got saved way earlier than Itona did so Kazuto wanted to save him

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