Mindless Short Stories

By mbthrowbacks

276K 11.2K 9.2K

Short Stories of The Series of Events That Has Happened in Mindless Behavior's life. More

Convenience Stores
Awesomeness TV- Ep 1
Awesomeness TV Ep. 2- Church
Prince's Graduation Day
A Ghost Buster Named Ray
The Other Band
Media Takeout
Jail Time
The Maury Show
First Day of School
EJ's First Meet & Greet
The Break-Up
Roc The BabySitter
The Call
The Cook-Out
Therapy Session
The Internet Date
The Beef
Day Job
Best Day EVER!
Mindless Behavior Q&A
Mindless Daycare
Interviews & Wattpad Story Reviews
A Night To Die
Unaired Interview.
The Meeting.
Guy Code 1


3.5K 226 216
By mbthrowbacks

Ray: YOOOOOO why are we even here EJ? I had stuff to-do today *angrily shifts in his chair*

Prince: like what? All you do is suck Jon's dick and play with yourself in the tent that's in the middle of your house. You should be thanking him, this is probably the most buzz you had on your schedule since Roc left.

Ray: YOU KNOW WHAT PRINCETON *jumps up from his seat angrily*

Prince: No I don't know What, is he nice? I'm willing to get to know him though.

Ray: UGHHHHH You won't understand how rude you are until I put my hands on you, will you be satisfied then😡!?

Prince: Ya damn right I'll be satisfied then, put yo hands on me, you'll get cut the fuck up and the windows of yo 2009 Honda Civic gone get busted the fuck out. Don't play with me boy , I'd fucking kill you

Prod: *yells from the back of the room* NO YOU WONT , ain't that right Ray!?
Prince: *turns his head 90 degrees to look in the back of the room* who the fuck are you?

Prod: Prodigy, The Lead singer of Mindless Behavior

Prince: ...who

Prod: the only successful one from MB😌

Prince: I'm not sure about that because you don't look like me , so that statement is inaccurate

EJ: EVERYONE CHILL , I gathered you all here today because I thought you could help me with something

Roc: if it's about cum stains , don't believe what Wikipedia says , throw it out cause the stain never comes out

EJ: what are you even t-*gets cut off*

Prince: you dead ass? Fammmmm, I should have asked you about that and not some bitch on Wiki-How cause I got this stain on good shirt , I like the material but I can't fuck with that stain

EJ: NO , I don't need cum stain advice, I brought you guys here to be in a play.😊

Prod: What the hell, do I look like Shakespeare to you!?

Ray: No but I can name a few things you do look like though

Prince: like Forest Whitaker and Ray's retarded toe

Prod: 😑 I'm leaving *gets up from his spot and walks to the door*

EJ: everyone who participates gets a check for 500 dollars 😊

Prod: *stops and walks back to his seat* after I think about it, I always wanted to participate in theater

EJ: Yay!! Everyone is in😊😊 *hands out the script*

Roc: *reads over the script* What the fuck is a Royce

Prince: Sounds like a disease you can catch at Coachella

Ray: You guys really don't know what that is😳!?

Prince & Roc: No

* Ray, EJ , & Prod busts out laughing*

Roc: what is it?

EJ: It's your name 😂

Prince: No it's not, my name is Prince

Prod: he means you guys' relationship name, Team Mindless made you guys a gay couple when we first became a group.

Prince: I don't fuck with that , why is the play about that

EJ: I thought it would be cool *shrugs*

Roc: EJ have you always been gay or is this new for you?

EJ: I'm not gay 😐

Prince: Well shit, you could have fooled me with this trash screenplay. This is a waste of paper , *flips through the pages* This is so devastating, look at this

*reads script*

"Chresanto caresses Jacob's soft body while he pushes his hard member into Jacob's anal cavity "mmm" Jacob says with pleasure "

Prince: I don't fuck with this for 3 reasons, 1. I'm not gay, 2. I would never put anything in my ass unless I'm constipated & I need a laxative to release them demons, and 3. If I was gay, I wouldn't pick Roc cause I have taste and I'm pretty sure he has aids .

Roc: I don't have aids what are you talking about

Prince: *looks at Roc* Are you certain?

Roc: I'm extremely positive 😌

Prince: I don't know about that since you said the same thing to the "Royal is Your Child" accusations and look, he's yo's so I guess you're right. You're extremely positive.

Roc: 😑

Prince: get checked

EJ: Well if it's such a bad story than make a new one *holds up a pen*

Prince: I'll be glad to *grabs pen*

EJ: but it has to sorta be like Royce

Prince: Ok ok , I got it

5 Hours Later

Prince: EUREKA *stands up with a finished script* I AM COMPLETE

EJ: OMG Great , let me go to the copier and print some more scripts out 😊 *heads to the copy room*

Ray: I hope it's good

Prince: don't worry it will😬

EJ: *comes back* Everyone grab a script and let's play it out

*Everyone gets a copy while EJ sits on a table*


Prod: *walks on the stage* This is the story about a handsome young man named Princeton who gets all the bitches and some gay nigga who is less handsome but wants Prince's Bon Bons cause Princeton was the trillest. This story is called ... The Truth Behind Royce . Written By *looks at hand for lines* Princeton. *walks off stage*

EJ: what did I just get myself into

Prince: *walks on stage* I'm the trillest nigga , I'm so dope, people mistake me for Jesus

Roc: *comes out* Oh Princo , Oh Princo , wherefore art thy Princo *looks at the crowd*

Prince: *taps Roc on his shoulder* I'm right here nigga

Roc: *spins around* Oh have I looked for you everywhere , I wanted to ta ... ta .. *squints at lines* ta.... ba... tabaa.. No that's not...

Prince: It's take

Roc: thanks , I wanted to take you out on a date , Roc gets on one knee

EJ: you don't read that part

Roc: o

EJ: get on one knee

Roc: you just told me not to do that part

EJ: *sighs* just finish

Prince: nah I'm good

Roc: whyyyy

Prince: I'm too busy motorboating titties , I have no time for being gay but hey , Ray is just like you

Ray: *comes out on stage* I like dicks

Prince: see, yall have things in common so I'll be over there , fucking some bad bitches while yall be over here being LGBT , RESPECT TO LGBT *throws his hands in the air*

Ray: *reads script* omg Roc your dick is big so fuck me daddy , turns around and twerks

EJ: you don't say that , you do that

Ray: oh *twerks*

Roc: *reads lines* I will now participate in anal sex with you but I am always a top so I guess I'll bottom so that will be the right thing as a gay male to do , pulls down pants so Ray can stick his dick up there

EJ: CUT CUT CUT *stands up*


Ej: No one will come to this play on opening night

Prince: How you know

EJ: because this is disgusting


Ej: Royce is attractive and people love it

Prod: I don't know you guys but I liked this play

Prince: I trying to reach out to audiences that were like Prod . People who's heart runs on sugar and fruit loops .

EJ: this play is horrible 😡

Roc: just like your hairline

EJ: why are you still here, we kicked you out of MB 10 years ago , everyone please give it up to our new MB member Mike

Mike: heyyyyy

Prince: lol he ugly

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