Avengers react

By EmmyTemmy0708

102K 2.2K 320

Avengers react to clips from the movies. ❗I don't own any of the characters or clips. All rights go to their... More

important info
Avengers | Wake Me Up
Tony Stark || Human
Peter Parker || Hall Of Fame
Thor || Rise
Loki Laufeyson || In My Blood
The Big Three
'you can't trick me anymore'
before coronation
Clint Barton (Hawkeye) || Whatever It Takes
'Bye-bye bikinis'
therapy session
Loki's death (Thanos)
the snap
Natasha's death
Tony's death
Peter 2 and Peter 3
New York 2012
'get help'
Ohio and Cuba 1995
'Why is Gamora'
'I got homework'
Loki train scene
Natasha and Yelena reunion
lifting Thor's hammer
'Make everyone forget... me'
Tony in Afghanistan
Loki and his variants
T'Challa || Legends Never Die
Tony and Natasha meet
The snake story
film by Peter Parker
Steve goes back in time

Bucky Barnes | Lovely

2.5K 63 8
By EmmyTemmy0708

The next person on my favorite list is....................Buc ky Barnes

"Whait, really." Busky asks, shocked.

Oh, yeah. Definitely.

"Why?" Bucky is looking like a confused puppy.

Course you're hot. Kidding, that's not the only reason, but I won't tell you now. If I did it would give you a clue on who's gonna be last.

Shows a bloody shield. A shot of Bucky, Steve fighting The Winter Soldier.

Steve(VO):"This doesn't have to end in a fight Buck."

The Winter Soldier somewhere with snow. Steve dumping his shield.

Steve(VO):"I'm not gonna fight you."

Big doors opening. A shot of Steve, Bucky in some kind of machine.

Natasha(VO):"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists-"

Bucky falling off of a train.

Steve:"Bucky! No!"

Steve looks down almost reliving this, Bucky puts his hand on his shoulder to show him that he's okay.

Bucky looking confused. Bucky after HYDRA attached his metal arm.

Natasha(VO):"-the ones who do call him the Winter Soldier."

Bucky looking at his exhibit at the museum.

Bucku(VO):"Why'd you give up that shield?"

"What?" Steve asks, everyone is confused, why would Steve give up that shield?

Bucky facing John Walker. Steve and Bucky after beating Tony in Siberia. Steve's shield on the floor.

Sam(VO):"Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?"

Now everyone is even more confused on why Sam would have Steve's shield.

Old video of Steve and Bucky laughing. Steve and Bucky in Wakanda.

Steve:"You sure about this?"

Bucky crying in front of a fire.

Sam is shocked to see Bucky cry.

Bucky(VO):"You sure about this?"

Back to Wakanda.

Bucky:"I can't trust my own mind"

Steve and Bucky riding in an elevator.

Steve(VO):"It's gonna be okay, Buck"

The Winter Soldier walking, then it changes to Bucky walking.

Bucky(VO):"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

John Walker is shown.

John:"I'm not like you"

"Why is he dressed as me?" asks Steve.

"Uh well.."Sam starts but I interrupt him.

Basically you give the shield to Sam and he thought that a good idea is to give it to the museum, but they made another person Captain America.

"Don't forget that he's an asshole." adds Bucky.

The Winter Soldier standing up.

Zola(VO):"HYDRA programed you to kill"

Bucky looking broken in a HYDRA base. Shot of The Winter Soldier. Bucky crying, him walking out of a house in Wakanda

Bucky(VO):"You're gonna remember all the ones you killed. Trust me.

Bucky talking to Steve in a quinjet.

Bucky:"I don't know if I am worth all this to you."

"You're worth everything, Buck" says Steve quietly. Bucky gives him a small smile.

Stucky hugging. Steve with a bloody face.

Steve:"Cause I'm with you till-"

Bucky to Steve in 1943.

Bucky:"the end of the line, pal"

Back to Steve.

Steve:"-the end of the line"

The Winter Soldier hesitates to punch Steve. Shot of The Winter Soldier face.

Sam(VO):"Still having those nightmares?"

'Bucky has nightmares?' thinks Steve.

The Winter Soldier walking in a corridor.

Bucky(VO):"All the time"

Tony feels slight compassion for him, knowing what it's like.

Bucky looking in his notebook with names. Tony and Steve watching The Winter Soldier kill Tony's parents.

[someone]:"That list of names, people you've wronged as The Winter Soldier"


Bucky in some box on a monitor.

Bucky:"My name is Bucky"

The Winter Soldier saving Steve from water.

[someone](VO):"You've seen a great deal. Haven't you?"

Bucky(VO):"Names I remember"

Bucky being dragged by some guards.

Bucky(VO):"I don't want to talk about it"

Bucky being wiped.

Bucky(VO):"These apart of me are still there"

Him being cryo-frozen. Bucky sitting with his metal arm under something.

Bucky:"All he had to do was say the goddamn words."

"Thank god that these don't work anymore" says Bucky with a smile directed at T'Challa and Shuri.

Bucku sitting near fire.

Bucky:"It's not gonna work"

Bucky watching Steve go back in time. Steve watching Bucky being frozen. Bucky in a HYDRA base, him crying.

Okoye:"You are free"

Sam and Bucky looking at each other.

Isaiah(VO):"You think you can just wake up one day and decide who yo wanna be?"

Bucky on a pier.

Tony(VO):"Do you even remember them?"

Tony holding Bucky in a headlock.

Bucky:"I remember all of them"

Bucky crossing a name in his notebook. The Winter Soldier killing Tony's mom.

Tony looks down with tears in his eyes while Pepper comforts him. Meanwhile Bucky feels guilty, he hasn't gotten a chance to make amends with Tony before he died.

Nucky looking out of a window in a jet. Bucky falling off of a train.

Steve(VO):"What you did all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice"

Back to Bucky in a jet.

Bucky:"I know, but I did it"

Bucky in Romania. Bucky's notebook with almost all names crossed out.

Bucky(VO):"Those days are over"

Bucky and Sam smiling at each other and walking away together.

Steve is Happy seeing both of his best friends being close.

The video ends.

Almost immediately after the video finished Tony started speaking.

"Uh, voice, is there any place to talk privately?"asked Tony looking at the ceiling.

Sure on the right there is a door, you can go there. And call me Mia.

"Thanks."Tony stood up and walked over to Bucky "Can we talk?" Bucky looked at him surprised but nonetheless stood up and followed Tony inside.

Inside the room

When the door closed there was a minute long silence as neither of them knew what to say. Finally Tony decided to start.

"I'm sorry" this surprised Bucky, seeing his surprised expression he continued "I'm sorry for attacking you in Siberia. I admit I wasn't thinking straight at that moment. When I came back I thought it over and I realized that it completely wasn't your fault, you weren't being in control of your actions" Tony's tone was serious and even a little guilty.

To say this shocked Bucky was an understatement. He never imagined Tony Stark to apologize to him seeing as he never blamed the man for what he did. He probably would react similarly.

"Tony- Can I call you Tony?" with Tony's nod he continued "Tony I didn't even blame you for attacking me. I would probably react the same if it happened to me. I just wanted to make amends with you but we never seemed to get a chance to talk." Bucky explained.

"Well, you're all good in my account. Whatever you did as HYDRA's puppet you didn't have a choice so I don't see any reason for you to apologize, but if it'll make you feel better then" Tony looked into Bucky's eyes so he knows he's serious "I forgive you for not being in control of your own mind."

Bucky could see that he's forgiven, he smiled and thanked Tony. What he didn't expect was the hug that the man had given him. After that they both walked out to see that everyone was talking.

All right. The boys finished their business so we can start the last edit. And my favorite character is...........................

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