Clint Barton (Hawkeye) || Whatever It Takes

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Okay, I know that I said that we're done with the edits but this one was requested.

Everyone perked up, curious on who it is about.

The screen shows a blade.

Yelena(VO):"Do you know how many people he killed? It's you isn't it?"

Clint in a Christmas sweater.

Clint:"Everyone dealt with the blip in their own way"

"What's a blip?" asks Bruce.

"It's what we call a time where for five years half of humanity died." explains MJ.

Clint as Ronin and a woman being scared of him.

Clint recognizes the look and wonders why he's back to being him.

Clint shooting Fury, him closing a locker.

Yelena(VO):"The trail of blood that follows him you could wrap around the entire world"

Clint looks down and Natasha notices.

"Hey, I don't know why Yelena said that but she's wrong" says Natasha putting her hand on his shoulder.

Clint opening another locker. Shows Kate.

Kate:"You're kinda my favorite avenger"

"Who's this?"

Clint taking of is mask. Clint with a cut on his forehead.

Clint:"I'm not a role model"

Some dude with a blade near his face.

Dude:"Okay, let's ta-"

The dude being hit with a blade. Clint knocking someone off their feet. The same dude in a car looking in a mirror seeing Clint in the back with a knife.

Clint:"Looking for this?"

Kate to Clint in an alleyway.

Kate:"You're... You're hawkeye"

"No shit, Sherlock"


Clint with his bow. Clint crouching in front of a taxi.

Steve:"Think you can hold them off?"

Clint:"Captain, it'll be my genuine pleasure"

Clint shooting arrows and fighting.

Clint(VO):"I've got a whole lot of enemies"

More fighting and arrows.

Clint(VO):"Even the Black Widow"

What? I'm not your enemy, Clint" says confused Natsha.

More fighting. (a/n: sorry but it'll be useless to just write 'him shooting an arrow at.. , fighting him and him...)

Clint(VO):"Made you look"

Clint's arrow hitting Kate's. And even more fighting.

Kate(VO):"You showed me that being a hero isn't just for people who can fly or shoot lasers out of their hands. It's for anyone who's brave enough to do what's right no matter the cost"

Many smile hearing this. You don't have to have powers to help people.

Clint shooting arrows, fighting in Germany. Pietro falling down. More arrows. Clint talking to Pietro.

Clint:"You didn't see that coming?"

Tears form in Wanda's eyes seeing her brother.

More fighting and arrows. Jumping out of a window with Kate. Fighting. Clint slamming his hands in a prison on the raft. Jumping out of a building and young Kate watching him.

"That's so cool" says Ned, with Peter agreeing.

Yelena(VO):"What does that word even mean, huh? That it holds so much power, you call him a hero-"

Clint swinging. Him and Natasha hanging off the cliff on Vormir.

Everyone looks down remembering Natasha's death.

Yelena talking to Kate.

Yelena:"-no matter what he does?"

Kate:"It means that when you choose to spend your life trying to help people, there are going to be things that you lose. When you face the kind of threats that he has, there's going to be collateral damage"

Yelena:"My sister is gone because of him"

Natasha winces at the pain in Yelena's voice.

Clint in the city.

Clint:"I do my best everyday"

Natasha and Clint on Vormir.

Natasha:"Let me go"


Clint thinks 'it should have been me'.

Clint talking to Kate in a christmas sweater.

Clint:"When you do what I do for a living, just to manage of loss" (a/n: is that what he's saying?"

Clint and Wanda in Sokovia.

Clint:"Yeah, the city is flying"

Some chuckle at the way he said it.

Clint and Kate fighting on christmas. And other times he fought.

Clint:"Let's give them hell"

Clint shooting an explosive arrow and exploding someone. Kate looks shocked.

Everyone is silent, processing what they saw 'Clint's badass' they thought.

"Mia, who's the second girl in this?" asks Clint.

That's Kate. You work with her in the future and also she spends Christmas with your family.

"Seriously Clint? Laura's gonna kick you out if you keep bringing strays to your house" says Natasha. Clint smiles sheepishly while others laugh.

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