before coronation

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(a/n: this scene is a deleted scene, if you want to watch it play the video above minute 4:15)

This scene is about Thor and Loki. You'll have a chance to see Loki before everything happened.

The avengers that had met Loki were curious about how he acted before.

Directly under the throne room Thor is seen. He drinks a goblet of wine.


"Why'd you throw the glass?" asks Natasha.

"This is normal in Asgard" answers Thor.

Camera changes to Thor waking up to Loki.

Loki:"Nervous, brother?"

Thor:"Have you ever known me to be nervous?"

Loki:"There was the time in Nornheim..."

Everyone smiles at the teasing between brothers.

Thor:"That wasn't nerves, brother. It was the rage of battle. How else could I have fought my way through a hundred warriors and pulled us out alive?"

An Attendant approaches with another goblet of wine for Thor.

Loki:"As I recall, I was the one who veiled us in smoke to ease our escape."

Thor:"Some do battle, others just do tricks."

Loki frowns.

"I'm sorry brother. What I said isn't true" apologies Thor.

Loki nods his head accepting the apology.

Loki changes the wine in the goblet to eels, the Attendant screams and hurls the goblet to the ground.


Loki changes the eels back to spilled wine.

Thor:"Now that was just a waste of good wine."

"He's right. Don't waste alcohol." says Tony.

Loki:"Just a bit of fun. Right, my friend?"

Thor is given his helmet.

Loki:"Nice feathers."

Thor:"You don't really want to start this again, do you, Cow?"

Everyone minus the serious ones laugh.

Loki:"I was being sincere!"

Thor:" You're incapable of sincerity."

Loki:"Am I? I've looked forward to this day as long as you have. You're my brother and my friend. Sometimes I'm envious, but never doubt that I love you."

Avengers smile at the scene, never seeing Loki speaking softly.

Thor and Loki smile at each other. Even though they had their arguments they will always be brothers.

Thor searches his brother's face, sees no trace of irony. He puts an appreciative hand on his brother's shoulder.

Thor:"Thank you."

The two brothers take in the moment.

Loki:"Give us a kiss."

Again the laughs.

Thor:"Stop. How do I look?"

Loki:"Like a king."

The blast of a CEREMONIAL HORN is heard.

Loki:" It's time."

Thor:"You go ahead. I'll be along. Go on."

Loki heads inside the palace without his brother.

Everyone is shocked. They all thought that Loki was always the villain, but now they see that he wasn't. Now they see why Thor was always defending Loki when they were walking about him.

Thor and Loki smile thinking about the old days when everything was mostly okay, when they were still really close.

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