Bucky Barnes | Lovely

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The next person on my favorite list is....................Buc ky Barnes

"Whait, really." Busky asks, shocked.

Oh, yeah. Definitely.

"Why?" Bucky is looking like a confused puppy.

Course you're hot. Kidding, that's not the only reason, but I won't tell you now. If I did it would give you a clue on who's gonna be last.

Shows a bloody shield. A shot of Bucky, Steve fighting The Winter Soldier.

Steve(VO):"This doesn't have to end in a fight Buck."

The Winter Soldier somewhere with snow. Steve dumping his shield.

Steve(VO):"I'm not gonna fight you."

Big doors opening. A shot of Steve, Bucky in some kind of machine.

Natasha(VO):"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists-"

Bucky falling off of a train.

Steve:"Bucky! No!"

Steve looks down almost reliving this, Bucky puts his hand on his shoulder to show him that he's okay.

Bucky looking confused. Bucky after HYDRA attached his metal arm.

Natasha(VO):"-the ones who do call him the Winter Soldier."

Bucky looking at his exhibit at the museum.

Bucku(VO):"Why'd you give up that shield?"

"What?" Steve asks, everyone is confused, why would Steve give up that shield?

Bucky facing John Walker. Steve and Bucky after beating Tony in Siberia. Steve's shield on the floor.

Sam(VO):"Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?"

Now everyone is even more confused on why Sam would have Steve's shield.

Old video of Steve and Bucky laughing. Steve and Bucky in Wakanda.

Steve:"You sure about this?"

Bucky crying in front of a fire.

Sam is shocked to see Bucky cry.

Bucky(VO):"You sure about this?"

Back to Wakanda.

Bucky:"I can't trust my own mind"

Steve and Bucky riding in an elevator.

Steve(VO):"It's gonna be okay, Buck"

The Winter Soldier walking, then it changes to Bucky walking.

Bucky(VO):"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

John Walker is shown.

John:"I'm not like you"

"Why is he dressed as me?" asks Steve.

"Uh well.."Sam starts but I interrupt him.

Basically you give the shield to Sam and he thought that a good idea is to give it to the museum, but they made another person Captain America.

"Don't forget that he's an asshole." adds Bucky.

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