'you can't trick me anymore'

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The next scene will be of Peter.

"Uh, what exactly is this scene about?" asks Peter a little scared of what's about to be shown.

It's about your fight with Mysterio.

The screen turns on showing Spider man on the ceiling holding Beck in the air.

Peter Parker: Your lies are over, Beck.

Quentin Beck: Eh... This certainly isn't ideal, but I have contingencies. EDITH?

Peter Parker: Just give me the glasses.

"Why does he look familiar?" asks Tony looking intently at Beck's face.

He used to work for you on BARF.

"Oh, right." Tony nods his head remembering "But wait, why is he with the kid?"

"Uh, he kinda wanted revenge, so he went after me" Peter explains a little unsure on how to.

"But why after Pete and not me?" Peter wasn't sure on how to answer to that.

We will be watching the reason later so those from the future please do not spoil.

Quentin Beck: You want these? [A unit of drones gathers around him] Come and get them.

[The drones make the bridge go dark]

Peter Parker: Come on, Peter-tingle.

People laugh at the words while Peter sinks down in embarrassment.

[Peter closes his eye lenses. He is able to jump off of each drone, effectively avoiding them.]


"How do you do that?" asks Yelena.

"I have a sixth sense?" Peter answers.

Quentin Beck: Why aren't these drones firing?

E.D.I.T.H.: You're in the strike zone. The chance of getting hit is-


"Geez, he's crazy." says Shuri.

"That's why I fired him." says Tony.

[Beck is shot by a drone, Peter destroys the rest of the drones in the bridge]

Peter Parker: Beck! Beck. You lied to me. I trusted you.

Quentin Beck: I know. That's the most disappointing part. You're a good person, Peter. Such a weakness. Stark was right. You do deserve them.

[Peter reaches to his left, stopping an unseen Beck from shooting him.]

Those who aren't spies flinched at the unexpected sound.

Peter Parker: You can't trick me anymore.

[Peter snatches the glasses off Beck's face as Beck falls to the ground.]

Peter Parker: EDITH, turn off the drones.

E.D.I.T.H.: Biometric scan complete. Welcome back, Peter. Execute all cancellation protocols?

Peter Parker: Just... do it. Execute them all!

E.D.I.T.H.: Confirmed.

[The drones fly back up into the sky]

"That's a lot of drones"

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