Tony Stark || Human

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Now we will be watching an edit of Tony Stark.

The screen turns on showing Iron man landing in the lab. Changes to the inside of the suit.

Tony:"I'm the best"

Tony sleeping, having nightmares.

A lot of people look at Tony concerned.

Shot of Tony's eyes. Him unconscious after New York.

Steve(VO):"I know you may not be a threat-"

The arc reactor in a glass box with a text 'PROOF THAT TONY STARK HAS A HEART', Tony looking at it with a small smile. Tony laying down after the race.

"-but you better stop pretending to be a hero"

"I'm sorry Tony. I shouldn't have said that." Steve apologies.

Tony only hums, still angry at him for Siberia.

Steve talking to Tony on the helicarrier.

Steve:"Big man with a suit of armor, take that off. What are you?

Tony:"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

"Well, he's not wrong." says Scott. People who were present during civil war look at him. "What? The fact that I was on a different team doesn't mean that I hate him"

Those who don't know what happened during that time look confused by what he means 'different team'.

Shot of Natasha agreeing with him.

Tony putting on mark V. Him eating doughnuts in the suit,

People laugh at that.

Tony taking off the face part of the helmet. Tony looking at the burning helmet. Iron man saving a kid from a Hammer drone.

Tony:"Nice work, kid"

"Hey, that was me!" Peter says enthusiastically.

"Whait, what?" Tony says surprised

"Yeah, that was the time when you became my hero" Tony didn't know what to feel, happiness to know that Peter thinks of as his hero or worry that the kid was there in the first place.

Tony flies off. Tony activating his nano suit.

"Yes, it works." Tony said happy that his idea worked.

"Are those nanoparticles?"Bruce asks curious.

"Yeah, I've actually only had the idea recently, but it looks like it worked.

Shot of Tony after Coulson's death.

Loki(VO):"What I have to fear?"

Tony holding alcohol.

Tony:"The avengers. It's what we call ourselves. Sort of like a team"

Og avengers aiming their weapons at Loki after the attack. Back to Tony talking to Loki.

Tony:"Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it."

Tony in the snow.

Tony:" Don't leave me, buddy."

Steve to Tony in the helicarrier.

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