'I got homework'

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Now we will be watching Tony's and Peter's first meeting.

Everyone besides the two mentioned got perked up curious on how they met.

Oh, and please don't get mad at Tony.

Tony got some curious looks especially from Pepper. Peter cringed guessing the reason for the warning. 

[Queens, New York. Peter Parker walks out of an elevator holding a DVD-player and with a backpack on his shoulder. He walks into an apartment where his Aunt May is sitting on the couch with Tony Stark.]

Peter Parker: Hey, May.

May Parker: Mmm. Hey. How was school today?

Peter Parker: Okay. This crazy car parked outside . . . [Peter sees Tony and his eyes widen.]

Tony Stark: Oh, Mr. Parker.

Peter Parker: Um . . . [He takes out his earphones.] What--what are you doing . . .? Hey! Uh, I'm--Im--I'm Peter.

"Yeah, I think he would know considering he's in your house" comments Clint.

Peter sinks down in his chair in embarrassment.

Tony Stark: Tony.

Peter Parker: What are . . .what are you--what are you--what are you doing here?

Tony Stark: It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?

Peter Parker: Yeah. Yeah.

Tony Stark: Right?

Peter Parker: Regarding the . . .

"You look like you have no idea what's going on" says Scott.

"That's because I didn't" says Peter.

May Parker: You didn't tell me about the grant.

Peter Parker: About the grant.

Tony Stark: The September Foundation.

Peter Parker: Right.

Tony Stark: Yeah. Remember when you applied?

Peter Parker: Yeah.

Tony Stark: I approved, so now we're in business.

May Parker: You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?

Peter Parker: Why, I just, I just . . . I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know . . . wh . . . anyway, what did I apply for?

"How didn't your aunt catch your lie?" asks Natasha.

"I honestly have no idea. But I'm glad she didn't" answers Peter.

Tony Stark: That's what I'm here to hash out.

Peter Parker: Okay. Hash, hash out, okay.

Tony Stark: It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt.

There was shouts of 'Tony' across the theater and Pepper even smacked him on the head.

May Parker: Yeah, well, we come in all shapes and sizes, you know?

Tony Stark: This walnut date loaf is exceptional.

Peter Parker: Let me just stop you there.

Tony Stark: Yeah?

Peter Parker: Is this grant, like, got money involved or whatever? No?

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