'Make everyone forget... me'

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Next one will be another sad one.

People wonder who it's about.

Someone actually is from the middle of this scene.

Everyone is going over what happened to them before they came here.

[The three look to the sky. The cracks in reality are becoming more and more noticeable.]

Everyone instantly realizes that it's about Peter seeing the three spidermans. Peter looks at the screen knowing what it's gonna be about.

Peter 2: Is... Is that happening? Or am I dying?

Peter 3: No, no, that's happening.

Peter 2: Are there people in the sky?

"Why are there people in the sky?" asks Scott not getting any answer since no one knows beside Peter and Strange. Peter stays silent and Strange looks at Peter wondering how he managed to make him did it.

[Up top, Doctor Strange is still trying to hold them back. Their silhouettes become somewhat visible]

Peter 1: I gotta go.

Peter 3: Yeah. Yeah, I got him. [To Peter 2] Are you okay?

[Peter 1 joins Strange on the top of the statue.]

Peter 1: What's happening?

Stephen Strange: They're starting to come through and I can't stop them.

"Who?" again no answer.

Peter 1: There's got to be something we can do. Can't you just cast the spell again? But, like, the original way, before I screwed it up?

Stephen Strange: We're too late for that. They're here! They're here because of you!

[Peter thinks for a moment. He realizes there is only one solution. The music realizes that too, as it plays in a much more somber way.]

Peter 1: What if everyone forgot who I was?

"What?" asks almost everyone shocked.

Stephen Strange: What?

Peter 1: They're coming here because of me, right? Because I'm Peter Parker? So cast a new spell. But this time, make everyone forget who Peter Parker is. Make everyone forget... me.

Stephen Strange: No.

Peter 1: But it would work, right?

Stephen Strange: Yeah, it would work. But you got to understand, that would mean everyone... who knows and loves you... We'd... We'd have no memory of you. It'll be as if you never existed.

Strange looks at the screen interested that this kid somehow made him care about him.

Peter 1: I know. Do it.

Stephen Strange: [nodding] Well, then go and say your goodbyes. You don't have long.

Peter 1: Thank you, sir.

Stephen Strange: [smiling] Call me Stephen.

Peter 1: Thank you, Stephen.

Stephen Strange: [half a laugh] Yeah... Still feels weird.

'It does' think both Peter and Strange.

Peter 1: I'll see you around.

[He swings away.]

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