Avengers | Wake Me Up

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Okay. So first we'll watch edits of you guys.

"Wait, edits?" asked Natasha.

Yes, edits. In my universe you guys are fictional characters and your fans made edits of you. The first one will be about the avengers.

The video starts with Tony sitting down after he snapped, then it changes to him laying down without the helmet and with a fried suit.

"Oh my god, Tony" Pepper grabs his hand to reassure herself that he's okay.

"Are you okay, mr. Stark?" Peters asks concerned for his mentor.

"I'm sure i'm fine, kid"

It changes to Steve in the museum watching videos of himself from the war, then it shows him on a motorcycle.

Shows Tony walking towards a cliff with a paper bag in hand.

Howard (VO): "Tony, you are too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you"

Steve, Bucky and Tony flinch at the sound of Howard's voice remembering Siberia.

Scene changes to Tony in his lab watching an old video his dad left him.

Next it shows Peter in his first suit at night looking tired, blood is on his face.

"Kid, you good?" Tony asks.

"Yeah, I was"

It changes to Peter in the Avengers compound.

Shows Steve pre-serum in front of an army poster,

"Is that Steve?" Clint asks not believing what he's seeing.

"Yes, that is Steve pre-serum" Bucky answers remembering those times.

him standing on a bridge. Steve opening his eyes after being frozen.

Changes to Natasha crying.

Natasha(VO):"I have no place in the world.

Natasha looks away from the screen, not liking that everyone is seeing her vulnerable.

"Of course you do, Nat' Clint says, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's with us"

Tony standing while it's snowing (a/n: I have no idea when this is). Him kissing Morgan on the forehead.

Tony: "Love you tons"

Morgan: " I love you 3000"

"Who is that?" Tony asks.

That is your's and Pepper's daughter, Morgan.

Pepper and Tony look at each other with smiles, while the rest congratulates them.

Tony smiles looking at her. Changes to outside with Tony taking a blue helmet off of Morgan's head. Shows him looking down after Peter dusted. Him and Pepper hugging. Pepper holding an Iron Man helmet to her head. Back to Tony on Titan.

Changes to the Guardians at Yondu's funeral.

The guardians look down.

"That's beautiful"

"That's the Ravagers funeral" Gamora answers seeing as Quill is remembering Yondu.

Tony and Pepper hugging. (a/n: also no idea when this is)

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