The blade within-Assassinatio...

By TheCrimsonWrath

5.5K 114 54

The Blade Within" follows the story of Kazuto Karasuma, a 15-year-old student who finds himself in the infamo... More

Asassination time!
Kazuto time!
Karma time!
Grown up time!
Assembly time!
Test time!
School trip time part 2!
Transfer student time!
Land R time!
Transfer student time 2nd period!
Ball game tournament time!
Talent time!
Vison time!
End of term time!
Schools out!
Island time!
Action time!
Pandamonium time!
Karma time 2nd period + Kazuto time 2nd period,
XX time!
Nagisa time!
Summer festival time!
Keade time!
Itona horibe time!
Spinning time
Leader time!
Before and after time
Reaper time! Part 1
Reaper time! part 2
Round 2 time!
School festival time!
Court time!
End of term time! second period!
Result time!
Secret identity time
Confession time!
Decision time!
Discord and outcome time!
Outer space time!
Valentines time!
Trust time!
Happy birthday time!
Fight and Revival time!
Graduation time!
Future time!

School trip time! Part 1

164 4 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

Kazuto gets into school and he learns that they are going on a trip


Karasuma: everyone's aware that next week is our big overnight visit to Kyoto right we'll not to put a damper on the fun but your still on the clock

Okano: so are we supposed to try and kill him there

Karasuma: that is the idea

They will have sharp shoots around the city of Kyoto their job is to lead korosensei to one of them and if he does get killed then they split the reward money with the marksman

Nagisa: so we're splitting up into groups huh, Hey Karma, Kazuto wanna be with us

Kazuto: sure thing sounds fun

Karma: count me in

Sugino: your going to behave yourself right karma no funny business no getting into fights and all that stuff

Karma: sure ok dude when I stir up trouble out of town let's say I know how to keep witnesses from reporting it

Sugino: Oh great and now he's part of our group way to go

Kazuto: I bet they'd be a more efficient way you could always slash their vocal cords it'd stop them from talking completely

Karma: ooh intestring


Nagisa: ehh what can I say we've all been friends for a while

Karma: so looks like we just need one more considering the one extra person

Kazuto: I guess our number seven should be a girl too

Sugino: hehehe I foresaw this and took the liberty of enlisting someone very special

Turns out kanzaki is part of there group

Kazuto: (Kanzaki huh no complaints here she's not my type but that's a good thing)

Kayano: so where should we go in Kyoto

Sugino: good question

Bitch: oh you're all so cute excited to walk the city streets, Boys and girls ah so young and naive

Maehera: yeah well you can just stay here professor bitch

Okano: you can water the plants while we're gone

Kazuto: sounds like a good plan you'll have a lot of free time after all

They all keep talking


She pulls a dam gun on them

Maehara: what! You know your kind of giving us mixed signals here


Korosensei runs in holding a ton of books

Korosensei: ONE OF EACH OF YOU

Itona: what's are those sir

Korosensei: Field trip guide books

Kazuto is given a book

Kazuto: (Dam this heavy but I'm still stoked)


Kazuto just slumps on the train and takes a nap

He wakes up sees korosensei on the window

Kazuto: (hmm I must still be asleep)

He goes back to sleep

He wakes up when the train stops

Kazuto finds out his hair is now in a high ponytail

Kazuto sighs: rio did you do this

Rio gives him thumbs up: it suits you

Later they get to the hotel

Korosensei is feeling sick

Mimura: so bullet trains actually give him motion sickness

Okano: you'll probably feel better if you lay down in our room for a while

Korosensei:perhaps later I need to pop back over to Tokyo for a moment first

Okano: huh

Korosensei: Korosensei forgot his favourite pillow

Mimura: how is everything you own not in that bag

Turns out Kanzaki lost the itinerary

Later they are walking around

Staring at a church looking thing

Sugino: nice spot, for assassination I mean don't you think Nagisa

Nagisa: if the snipers can see it sure

They are now on a bridge

Kayano: what a bizarre field trip right

Kazuto: Nah this is super fun the bizarreness just makes it better

Kayano: whatever we do, we have to get green tea warabimochi dumplings

Nagisa chuckles

Okuda: that's a great idea we can put poison in them

Kayano: that's twisted

Kazuto: hehehe now that's interesting

Karma: yeha not bad we could take advantage of his sweet tooth

Kayano: that'd be a waster of a perfectly good local treat

Kanzaki: now if only we could find a poison that didn't give him special powers

Sugino: not to be that guy but I was kind of hoping we could put the whole assassination thing on hold while we where here, we are in Kyoto people what do any of these sights have to do with assassination

They keeps going

Kazuto: you'd be surprised around here is where royma sakumoto was cut down in 1867

Nagisa: that's right and just down is honnoji temple though it's moved a few times since they built it

Kayano: oh yeah oda's death counts as an assassination

Kazuto: in these few blocks so many high profile assassinations happened sure Kyoto is the heart of Japan but it's also a Mecca for profession killers

Sugino: I never thought about it that way guess you could say we're on am assassination vacation

Okuda: cool next up is yasaka shrine

Karma: mind if we take a break first I'd really like to load up on some sugar loaded Kyoto coffee right about now 


Kazuto: I don't like coffee but some cake sounds nice

They walk around Gion which since it's pretty much a ghost town

It's ideal of assassination

Punk A: ideal is right, it's also a great place of kidnappers to ply their trade

Guy start surround them

Kazuto: (well this is a mess)

Karma: I hope you don't take this the wrong way but something tells me you gentle men aren't tourists

Punk A: don't try to be a hero, carrot top hand over you lady friends and wa-

Karma slams him to the ground

Kazuto: no witnesses a guess

A guy charges him with a knife

Kazuto: alright ok

Kazuto grab his arm disarming him ues his other hand to grab the nice stabbing the punk in the leg

Punk: AHHH

He then knees him in the chest before performing a shoulder throw slamming him on the ground Hard!

They suddenly have hold of kanzaki and Kayano

Kazuto: dammit!

He gets punched the the face

He manages to take down two of them but eventually he gets punched in the gut very hard and the after another punch to the face he's down

Kazuto wakes up

Kazuto: ugh so what do we do now

Karma: I vote we handle this personally

Kazuto: I have to say I agree

Sugino: so how do we find them

They look through the guidebook

Sugino: when a group member has been abducted

Kazuto: why am I not surprised this is in here

Nagisa: korosensei is insanely thorough there's even a section a bit to deal with seeing overpriced Kyoto souvenirs, for cheap at boutique shops back home

Sugino: it's likes he's walking us through  every possible scenario

Nagisa: cheering yourself up after seeing a lovey dovey couple specifically on the banks of the kamado river

Sugino: but that's not even a thing

Nagisa: well at least reading this calmed us down

Kazuto: yeah we all know what we need to do now

They walk off

Kazuto: heh this'll be fun

Karma: you said it

They walks through the door where kayano and kanzaki are being held

Karma amd Kazuto both throwing aside punks they beat up

Nagisa: school trip guidebook page 1043 what to do when group member has been abducted if there are no leads on the perpetrators think back to finding out if they are local or not, if not and are wearing school uniforms refer to page 1334 if the perpetrators are wearing school uniforms you might be dealing with a rival school,out causing trouble

Kayano: you found us

Punk leader: what the hell how did you even know where to look

Nagisa: being unfamiliar with the area the culprits will opt to stay within a narrow perimeter after the initial kidnapping, somewhere secluded but not far from the scene of the crime if this is the case, consult page 134 my Mac 20 birds eye view map of likely abductor hideout may help

Sugino: that guidebook is straight up amazing there's nothing korosensei didn't think of

Karma: no kidding right definitely worth lugging it around

Kazuto: yeah we should take one with us anywhere


Kazuto: alright so what's it gonna be fight

Karma: or flight we'll go easy but after all you out as through your not get it g out of this unscathed

Both: that's a promise

Punk leader: you junior high kids cracked me up, acting all bad ass, But why don't you say hello to some friends of mine see how far the ads to get to with them?

They come out being held by korosensei

They all scream

Korosensei: say hello to them if you'd like be advised thing they probably won't hear you

Nagisa: it's korosensei

Korosensei: sorer I'm late to the festivities I figured it'd be best to let you handle this in your own while I searched else where just to cover all the basis

Nagisa: umm sir why exactly are you wearing a veil

Korosensei: violence is always regrettable I'd rather you not associate my face with what has been done or what I'm about to do

The punks charge them but korosensei take shred all out in an instant

Korosensei pissed off: unless you can move faster than me you'd be advised to keep your filthy hands off my students

Punk leader: Wow, so even the teachers they hire at that damn school are special probably get off, looking down on us, like the other kids do well look down on this!

Korosensei: I think you have the wrong impression the school these boys and girls attend is special yes but they're considered the outcast their class is the target of merciless scorn even so bleak their situation may seem the stay commendably positive never would these children, dream of pulling others down to their level out of spite
They are not privileged, they simply work hard and there is the moral for you as the old saying that those in clear waters or murky lakes Fortune favours the fish who swims, upstream.

Ok boys and girls let's take care of business

Korosensei said all of this while taking out loads of punks

They all appear behind the punks and whack them over the head with their guidebooks

And the once all that mess is cleared up

The day is over

And that's a wrap see you all later for the next one

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