Road to Spider-man (The Road...

By WeAbL0rD

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Y/n L/n has returned as Spider-man, now with more challenges facing him. New Threats, New Enemies, New Frien... More

The Road Continues... (Prologue)
(Wakanda arc) Part 1
(Wakanda arc) Part 2
(Wakanda arc) Part 3
(Wakanda arc) Part 4
(Wakanda arc) Part 5
(Wakanda arc) Part 6
(Wakanda arc) Part 7
(Wakanda arc) Part 8
(Wakanda arc) Part 9
(Wakanda arc) Finale
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 1
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 2
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 3
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 4
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 5
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 6
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 7
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 8
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 9
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 10
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 11
(Friend or Foe arc) Finale
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 1
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 2
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 3
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 4
(SI.L.K arc) Part 5
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 6
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 7
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 8
(S.I.L.K arc) Finale
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(TVA arc) Part 1
(TVA arc) Part 2
(TVA arc) Part 3
(TVA arc) Part 4
(TVA arc) Part 5
(TVA arc) Part 6
(TVA arc) Part 7
(TVA arc) Finale
The End(game)
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 1
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 2
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 3
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 4
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 5
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 6
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 7
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 8
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 10
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 11
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 12
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 13
(Training & Tinkering arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 10
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 11
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 12
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 13
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 14
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Finale

(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 9

408 40 5
By WeAbL0rD

Miles: "I think I might tell Phin"

After managing to escape the Roxxon base, Y/n and Miles are seen back in his room, with Miles lying on his bed while Y/n lays down on the ceiling.

Y/n: "Hey, congrats! I knew you'd finally do it"

Miles: "You knew this was gonna happen?"

Y/n: "Oh, from MILES away. I knew since the moment I saw you and Phin together"

Miles: "I was talking about telling Phin I'm Spider-man"

Y/n: "Oh...that's what you meant?"

Miles: "What did you think I meant?"

Y/n: "I thought you were ready to take the next step. I mean, you two knew each other long ago. Felt like it's bound to happen eventually"

Miles: "...You think she'd react positively?"

Y/n: "We still talking about you telling Phin you're Spider-man?"

Miles: "To both"

Y/n: " that's tricky, everyone responds to certain events differently. If you wanna find out how she'd react...then it's best to find that out first hand"

Miles: "And for Phin and I?"

Y/n: "That was for both scenarios, Miles"

He then paused, allowing Miles to lie down and contemplate his thoughts as Y/n let out a yawn.

Y/n: "On the topic of are we gonna figure out The Underground's plan?"

Miles: "...What if we join The Underground?"

Y/n: "I don't think that's a good idea for me"

Miles: "Why?"

Y/n: "I, sort of, confronted Phin about The Underground"

Miles: "Dude, seriously!!?"

Y/n: "I had to see for myself"

Miles: "You couldn't just take my word for it?"

Y/n: "Alright, I get it! I'm sorry I messed with your girl"

Miles: "She isn't-"

Y/n: "Whatever the case. I think I'll just sit this one out"

Miles: *sigh* "...I guess I'll call you when you're up"

Y/n: "Sounds good"

Miles then reached for the switch before turning off the lights.

Miles: "G'night, Y/n"

Y/n: "Night, Miles"

The following day, Miles could be seen in his winter clothing as he vaulted up the edge of the roof.

Miles: "You know...I'm not so good with heights"

Phin: "You'll be fine, I'll be watching"

Miles looks to the side to see Phin, donning her Tinkerer attire as she oversees Miles's initiation.

Phin: "You'll need to prove yourself to The Underground. I'll show you how once we get to Fisk Tower"

Miles: "You're chilling in the Kingpin's office space?"

Phin: "After he went to prison, the feds seized his property, they haven't gotten around to selling it, so we moved in"

Phin began to lead Miles through the rooftop, vaulting over to another room while Miles strike up another conversation. 

Miles: "So how did you get involved in all of this? The Underground? The Tinkerer?"

Phin: "'Tinkerer' is a nod to my role. I built everything, the mask, weapons..."

Miles: "Programmable Matter"

Phin: "Right. The Underground tried to rob my granddad's shop and saw what I was working on. We made a deal"

Miles: "I know you're after Krieger, but what do they get out of this, besides guns?"

Phin: "Notoriety"

Phin vaults over a set of pipes, prompting Miles to do the same as he continues to follow Miles.

Phin: "They want to be so well-known, they can get away with anything"

Miles: "And you're good with that?"

Phin: "I can't take on Roxxon alone..."

Phin vaults up to a platform before helping Miles up, revealing a crane that leads to the abandoned Fisk Tower.

Miles: "Woah..."

Phin: "You need to jump from the crane to the balcony. Show them you're fearless"

Miles: "THEY'RE watching!!?"

Miles pauses, before looking around to try and spot any Underground goons in the area.

Phin: "Through the windows"

Phin points in the direction of Fisk Tower, revealing several goons hanging by the window watching Phin's initiation.

Phin: "You have to do this"

Phin began to lead the way up the crane, leading Miles to the walkway before balancing across the beam. 

Phin: "You'll be fine!"

With the only way being forward, Miles had no choice but to follow the path Phin laid out for him.

Miles: *mutters* "Okay...just gonna do this without revealing I'm Spider-man..."

Balancing across the beam, Phin makes it to the end of the crane first before using her boots to help make it across to the balcony before Miles could get his turn. 

Looking down, his vision shook slightly with the thought of not using his web-shooters to help him traverse, but he jumps off the crane, catching the edge of the balcony.

Phin: "Gotcha!"

Phin leans over the balcony before pulling Miles up with her and sharing a well-deserved dap up. 

Miles: "So am I officially in the club now?"

Phin: *giggles* "Sure, but watch your back"

Phin walks up to a door on the balcony before opening it for Miles.

Phin: "These guys take a while to warm up to new people"

Once Miles and Phin were inside, he was immediately met with discarded TVs all displaying The Underground's logo in a makeshift hallway.

Phin: "Here it is! Where the plan comes together"

Miles: "And this does Nuform fit in all of this?"

Phin and Miles walked through the hall of monitors side by side as Phin put up her mask.

Miles: "Krieger said you stole a shipment of-"

Phin: "I stole ONE canister. I'm making some adjustments- don't worry about it"

Reaching the end of the hall, Phin unveils The Underground's hideout. Stripping Fisk's well-lit marble white room with a dark and neon aesthetic, complete with wires to power their equipment and purple neon lights to illuminate the room.

 Phin: "Take today to settle in"

With those words, Phin disappears into the crowd, leaving Miles to take in the hideout's setup. Once Phin was gone, Miles slipped a small device near his chest before putting on a small earpiece.

Miles: "You seeing this, Y/n?"

Y/n's voice: "It's what the camera's for Miles..."

Switching perspective, Y/n could be seen perched up just a few blocks away from Fisk Tower as he looked through the camera feed on his phone.

Y/n: "And to answer your question, Yes I can see it clearly"

Miles's voice: "Woah!"

Looking back to the camera feed, Y/n sees Miles looking at a display of one of the Underground's swords. 

Interacting with the blade, Miles witnessed the blade retract, leaving only the handle in its place before interacting with the display again as the blade manifests again. 

Miles: "Woah~ Now that's cool!"

Y/n's voice: "No kidding...hey, play around with that for a bit while you look around. I could maybe have D.A.R.C download the schematics for that"

Miles: "Play around with cool tech? Yes, sir!"

Letting the display be, Miles continued to look around as D.A.R.C began to scan every piece of equipment for its schematics. Soon, all the waiting around got Y/n's stomach and began to grumble. 

Y/n: "Oh man...I could really use some food"

Putting away his phone, Y/n looks down to the streets as he finds a good place to eat. 

Y/n: "It's not racist if I'm craving tacos while I'm with my Puerto Rican friend, right?"

Miles's voice: "I can still hear you, you know"

Y/n: "Oh, shit!"

Immediately, Y/n disconnects his earpiece. 

Y/n: "Okay...just gonna forget I ever said that"

Jumping from his perch, Y/n swings around the block, searching for a meal to satisfy his stomach. His search was soon complete when he landed in front of a food truck in the middle of the street. 

Y/n: (Okay. This looks like a taco truck. Maybe I should put my high school Spanish to the test)

Walking up to the truck, Y/n tries to use as much Spanish as he can remember, only for the person in the truck to be dumbfounded by what he's saying.

Taco truck man: "What are you saying to me!?"

Y/n: (Shit! This is definitely NOT going your way, Y/n)

Y/n: "Ah, fuck. My bad, dude. Thought you were Mexican"

Taco truck man: "No, no! I am not Mexican! I am not Mexican! I am GREEK!"

Y/n: "Greek!? Shit, I was way off..."

Hearing his stomach growl again, Y/n dismisses his mistake and orders again, this time in English.

Y/n: "Sorry, I'm just starving. Uhh, can I have 2 tacos, please"

Taco truck man: "What you mean 'can I have 2 taco'? I just finished telling you, I am not Mexican, I am GREEK. I don't sell TACO. I see Yee-ro!"

Y/n: "Yee-ro?"

Now looking at the truck closely, Y/n makes out a word that was written on the side of the truck. 

Y/n: "G-Y-R-O...It says here it's a Gyro"

GYRO truck man: "It is not GYRO, it is YEE-RO!"

Y/n: *points to truck* "The shit's says 'Gyro'"

Gyro truck man: "IT IS YEE-RO!"

Y/n's stomach growls once again, this time at a higher intensity.

Y/n: "Urgh! My stomach's killing me. WHAT IS A YEE-RO!!?"

Gyro truck man: *timid* "...It is like a taco..."

Y/n: *dumbfounded* "And you couldn't just lead with that?"

Reaching into his suit, Y/n pulls out a couple of bills before handing it to the man. 

Y/n: "Here, however this much covers"

Taking the money, the man goes to his truck and prepares Y/n's order, coming out with two servings of the Gyros before giving them to his customer. 

Y/n: "Thank you. And here, for the trouble"

After taking out more money, Y/n tips the man before swinging away with his food. Landing back on his perch, Y/n pulled his mask halfway as he sat the gyros on his lap.

Y/n: *big whiff* "Oh yeah...I'm so gonna devour all of you"

Miles's voice: "Y/n...? Y/n? Y/N!!"

Y/n: "Hmm!"

Licking his fingers, Y/n pulls out his earpiece before putting it on.

Y/n: "Yeah?"

Miles's voice: "I'm sending some coordinates for you to triangulate"

Y/n: "Got it, send it my way"

After discarding his trash, Y/n jumps down from his perch before taking out his phone just as the coordinates were sent to him. 

Y/n: "Should be easy enough..."

D.A.R.C managed to use the coordinates and manages to triangulate a location to a theater in Manhattan. 

Y/n: "Got it. I'm on my way"

Miles's voice: "Alright, I'll wrap up some stuff here and I'll be on my way"

With the transmission finished, Y/n pulls down his mask before swinging to his new destination. 

After sticking to the side of a pole, Y/n arrived at an abandoned auditorium as a result of following the triangulated coordinates. 

Y/n: "Miles said the Nuform is held here..."

D.A.R.C: "I've managed to decipher the schematics of The Underground. Uploading blueprint now"

With a quick scan, D.A.R.C highlighted the entire auditorium. This shows the Nuform being held in a machine inside the building along with generators spread all around the auditorium, blocking his way in. 

Y/n: "It'll be a pain to go through all of that..."

Activating his invisibility, Y/n jumps down to the electrified hatch before whipping out his phone. 

Y/n: "D.A.R.C, disconnect the network for me, please"

D.A.R.C: "At once"

In a matter of seconds, D.A.R.C removed the electricity from the hatch, allowing Y/n to carefully pry the metal doors open before slipping through.

D.A.R.C: "That gate should take you to the main auditorium"

Heading through the said gate, Y/n took it to where the Nuform is located. As he walked through the halls, Y/n began to take a quick check-up on his suit.

He pulls the collar of his suit before taking a quick whiff, immediately getting hit with the smell of burnt rubber. 

Y/n: *coughs* "Fuck, that smell is horrible"

D.A.R.C: "The material of the suit is losing its structure due to your high voltage. I suggest investing in more insulating rubber"

Y/n: "One that could beat out someone who basically embodies pure electricity 1000V of electricity"

The elevator then arrived at his desired floor, Y/n left the conversation for another day as he headed further into the floor. There he sees a red contraption built in the middle of the room. 

Jumping down, Y/n inspects the machine closely, noticing a computer built on the side, acting as a console. 

Y/n: "Well, let's see what Phin's working on..."

As Y/n works on the computer, he hears a crash coming from behind him. 

Y/n: "Either Miles made an explosive entrance, or those are The Underground's reinforcements"

Hearing a zip in the distance, Y/n turns to see Miles zip through a crack in the side of the wall before landing on top of the machine.

Miles: "So this is where Phin is keeping the Nuform?"

On queue, Y/n displayed the main purpose of the hologram.

Y/n: "Looks like it. And she's planning on supercharging the Nuform"

Miles: "Like what I did at the bridge..."

Y/n: "Pardon?"

Miles jumps down and lands beside Y/n as they are now looking at the computer together.

Miles: "Back at the bridge, my venom blast acted strangely around the Nuform. It overcharged, that's what caused the explosion"

Y/n: "Looks like she's planning to do the same with THIS Nuform"

Miles: "Can we take it out?"

Y/n began to input commands to the computer, only to find out that the machine was offline. 

Y/n: "Not without power, apparently"

Looking around, Y/n and Miles saw 5 nodes surrounding the machine.

Y/n: "Generators should be nearby"

Miles: "On it"

Without another word, Miles and Y/n split up. Searching the spacious auditorium for the generators.

Miles's voice: "So I've been thinking over about Phin and I, and-"

Y/n: "I get it, you're in love. Can we focus?"

Y/n powered his first generator as Miles powered another a second later.

Miles: "I'm sorry. But I can't keep on mulling over what you said"

Y/n's voice: "You want to make a pros and cons list?"

Miles charged up his hands before powering a generator. 

Miles: "Well, your friends know you're Spider-man. I just thought, maybe I could have another one"

Miles heard a few thwips in the distance before a generator powered up. 

Y/n: "Another one?"

Miles's voice: "I told my roommate I was Spider-man"

Y/n charged his hands before making his way towards the last generator.

Miles's voice: "Pro, she's my childhood best friend"

Y/n: "Con, She has a villain alter ego hellbent on killing Spider-man. AKA, You"

Once the last generator was powered, Y/n made his way back to the center of the auditorium to find Miles perched atop the machine by the computer. 

Miles: "Come on! I mean, you did it! Why can't I?"

Y/n: "Uhh...let's see. A non-supervillain best friend might have something to do with it"

Miles: "I'm just conflicted. I thought, maybe bouncing some stuff with you might've helped me with this"

As Y/n goes to command the machine to take out the Nuform, he sighs, before looking up at Miles. 

Y/n: "What does your heart say?"

Miles pauses, pondering on the question as he finds it in himself for his answer.

Miles: "I think...I want to tell Phin, that I'm Spider-man"

Y/n: "Then there you go. No point in questioning yourself"

Y/n then presses enter on the keyboard, allowing the machine to open a hatch to reveal the canister of Nuform Phin had swiped back at the bridge. 

Miles: "Alright, let's get this Nuform out of here"


But before Miles could pull the canister out, a blast suddenly hit the machine, forcing Miles to jump away just in time to dodge the attack.

He then looked up with Y/n to see an armored individual land on the machine holding the Nuform.

???: "I can't let you take this, Spider-man..."

The individual then retracts their mask, revealing a blue glowing man with a respirator mask staring down at the two spider-heroes.

Miles: "Oh jeez...Rick!"

Y/n: "A Rick and Morty reference, not bad for a choice of references"

Miles: "No! Him, that's Phin's brother"

Y/n's lenses widened before staring back at the man.

Y/n: "Wait, the same dude from the reactor explosion!!?"

Miles: "Yep, the man that Phin looks up to the most"

Rick Mason

Miles and Y/n stood on guard, looking up at the man, now known as Rick Mason, as he stared down on the two Spider-men.

Miles: "Rick...What happened to you?"

Rick: "Rick is no more, there is only..."


New-Form: "New-Form!!"

Rick, or rather, New-Form sends out a blast in between Y/n and Miles, causing a cloud of smoke and dust to blind them.

New-Form: "Underground! Take care of our intruders. Leave no traces of them"

A blast was then heard, accompanied by several footstep sounds that surrounded the two as they stood back to back. Once the smoke dissipates, several Underground goons, armed with various weapons on varying platforms all across the auditorium.

Miles: "Sometimes, I feel like I'm fighting against the world"

Y/n: *scoff* "Understatement of the year, but hey..."

Y/n lightly slaps Miles on the back as the two share a look.

Y/n: " 'least we have each other"

Miles: *smiles* "Got that right"

With a renewed resolve, Y/n began to emit orange sparks, prompting Miles to emit blue sparks of his own as they dropped to a three-point stance.

Y/n: "Come on barbie..."

Miles: "Let's go PARTY!!!"

Charging their legs with Venom energy, Miles and Y/n Venom dashed to the closest Underground goon.

Their sudden burst of speed startled The Underground as they now began to open fire. Amidst the chaos and gunfire, Y/n and Miles utilized their Venom blasts to widdle down The Underground's numbers.

In one combo, Y/n uses his Venom launch to send a group of goons in the air, web-striking towards the farthest goon before slamming them to the ground and following up with a Venom-smash back down.

Y/n zips over to another Underground goon, pulling him to the air and kicking him across the auditorium as Miles mirrored Y/n's attack, effectively switching sides.

After kicking the goon, Miles stuck to the walls of the auditorium, using his gadgets to take out the goons beneath him before pulling another over towards him.

He then spins around, grabbing the goon by the neck before jumping off the wall, allowing Miles to slam the goon face first beside it.

With the constant use of their venom abilities, sparks began to emit from their bodies. Feeling it start to overload, Y/n and Miles skid across the wall in a kneeling position as their soles simultaneously connect.

Having gained a connection, Y/n, and Miles bounced their venom energy with one another, stabilizing it just enough for one last finishing move.

Y/n was first to jump off the wall, with Miles following right after. The remaining Underground goons open-fired on the two spider-men as Y/n shoots a web down to Miles before pulling the web over his shoulder.

This launches Miles further up than Y/n, and once they are high and far enough from each other, Y/n and Miles dispells their Venom energy outwards, causing a massive orb of orange and blue electricity to shoot throughout the entire auditorium, taking out every remaining Underground goons in sight.

With the auditorium cleared, Miles quickly zips to the hole New-Form had created and swings to go after him.


But before Y/ could follow after Miles, Phin suddenly appeared and tackles Y/n out of the air, crashing onto the side of a wall of a nearby building before dropping onto the ledge as he held his side.

Miles: "Spider-man!"

Y/n: "No! Go after the Nuform"

Y/n looks back at Miles before nodding, giving him enough a resolve to leave Y/n to go after Rick.

Y/n: *groans* "So...I don't suppose shooting blue beams out of your hands runs in the family?"

Tinkerer: "Just stay out of this! You don't know who you're up against"

Y/n: "Oh, I think I know just who I'm up against"

After Y/n shrugs off some rubble on his shoulder, Phin conjures her gauntlet and slams it down onto Y/n, causing a cloud of dust to pick up and hinder her vision.

Once the cloud dissipated, Phin saw that Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

Y/n: "You know I can't seem to get my brain around your tech..."

Hearing Y/n's voice to the side, Phin whips her head towards the source to see Y/n perched casually at the side of the building.

Y/n: "That isn't Nanotech, right? I mean, it doesn't have nanites. Yet it could turn into any weapon you could imagine"

Phin morphs her gauntlet into a sword before swinging it across Y/n's perch, prompting him to flip backward to avoid the attack before jumping further up.

In response, Phin jumps to the wall as she conjures boots over her sneakers before facing Y/n off at the side of the building.

Y/n: "Like that! How could you do THAT!"

Tinkerer: "You wouldn't get it even if you tried"

Y/n: "Try me bitch"


Irked, Phin swung her sword angrily as Y/n dodged the attacks effortlessly. Swing after swing, Y/n dodges with not so much as a counter-attack, which angers Phin even more.

Tinkerer: "Take this seriously!"

With another dodge, Phin shifts her grip on the hilt and redirects the blade back towards Y/n, only for him to catch the blade with his fingertips.

Y/n: "If it makes you feel any better, I don't take any of my bad guys seriously. Don't think you're an exception.

With a swift sidekick, Y/n forced Phin to skid across the building, forcing her to use her sword to help stop her skidding. As she did, she felt the length of her blade shrink.

Confused, Phin looked back at Y/n who began to inspect the piece he had broken off from her sword.

Y/n: " 'Programmable Matter'? Oh, so it is a form of nanotech"

Tinkerer: "Don't call it that!"

With her sword turning back to her gauntlets, Phin blitzed towards Y/n, sending a flurry of punches in his way.

Y/n: "So is this part of your rebellious phase? Hating the corporate world, but instead of wearing black and writing rock songs you decided to become terrorists?"

Y/n jumps back, dodging Ohin's ground slam.

Tinkerer: "Did you seriously just call me an emo!!?"

Y/n: "Well, with all that leather you're wearing, it's not a bad shout"

Phin: "I cannot believe you!"

Phin then opts back to her sword and begins swinging it swiftly across Y/n's frame.

Phin: "You wouldn't understand. Roxxon is poisoning this city with Nuform, abusing its workers, nearly killed-"

Y/n: "Then why not just sign a petition? There are levels to handle these kinds of things, you just skipped 5 levels and went straight to bombing Harlem"

Phin: "We're NOT blowing up Harlem, just Roxxon Plaza"

Y/n: "Which is IN Harlem"

Phin: "That's-"

Y/n: "I can't believe you're BOMBING Harlem"

Phin: *groan* "You're an incisive Manchild"

Y/n: "One last thing..."

Phin: *sigh* "What now?"

Y/n: "You think your friend Miles would approve of all of this?"

Phin's eyes widened under her mask, as she stood speechless to Y/n's question.

Y/n: "Judging by that pause I'd say he doesn't"

Phin: "HE joined The Underground. He knows what he's signing up for"

Y/n: "Maybe he signed up for you"

Confused and mildly irritated, Phin lifts her blade and points the tip at her opponent.

Phin: "What are you implying?"

Y/n: "Maybe you're just too blind to see. Too brainwashed, that it's to the point that your FRIEND who you hadn't contacted in forever could see that whatever YOU are doing, needs to stop"

With a huff in anger, Phin demorphs her blade before combining it with her shoulder padding to form a large rail cannon over her chest and began charging up a blast.


Y/n: " that's how that works"

With a jerk, Phin sends an energy blast directly at Y/n who tanks the hit directly, sending him flying over the building.

D.A.R.C: "I suppose you've had enough fun for tonight?"

Before Y/n could give a response, he saw a blue explosion in the distance.

Y/n: "Yeah, I think that's enough fun for a while"

Once Y/n gained enough speed, he shot a web to a building before swinging to the source of the explosion.

Reaching the scene, Y/n follows the path of destruction to the docks. Zipping to the edge of a rooftop, Y/n point-launched forward, maneuvering through cranes and running across a ship until he saw New-Form pinning Miles to the railing as he charged a blast in his hand.

New-Form: "Give me one good reason not to blast your mask right out of your face?"

Without a second of hesitation, Miles pulls his mask over his face. Revealing his identity to Rick.

Miles: *pant* "You're gonna have a hard time explaining what happened here to Phin"

New-Form: *shocked* "Miles!"

Taken aback, Rick lifts his foot off of Miles's chest as his world seems to shatter into pieces. This gave Y/n enough time to swing over and kick Rick across the roof before checking up on Miles.

Miles: "Dude..."

Y/n: "You good, Miles?"

Miles: "Yeah..."

Pulling his mask back down, Miles and Y/n turn back to Rick who had shaken his head, regaining his composure.

New-Form: "You know...I expected more from you Miles. I am very disappointed, and Phin will too once she finds out"

Miles: "Rick, you need to-"

Before Miles even comes close to Rick, he blasts the ground inches from him, halting his advance.

New-Form: "This. This is your last warning. Stay out of our way"

With those words and the Nuform on his back, Rick walks to the edge of the building, only to look back at Miles one last time.

New-Form: "And another thing: Stay away from Phin. She doesn't need to be distracted from our cause"

Rick then blasts off, leaving Y/n and Miles to stand around and watch from a distance as he disappears into the night.

Y/n: "What have I done..."

Miles looks over at Y/n, who remains staring at Miles.

Miles: *sigh* "You think I made the right call?"

Y/n: "........Shit, a little too late for that"

Y/n walks to the other side of the roof, before perching on the railing overlooking the sea.

Y/n: "This situation is in the wind now"

In a secluded hideout, Rick walks through a room with the Nuform in his possession before inserting it into a machine placed on a desk.

Rick: "I see you didn't handle the other Spider-man like I'd asked"

On the other side of the room was Phin, who rubbed her arm sheepishly as she approached her brother.

Phin: "Sorry, Rick...Guess he got under my skin more than I'd like"

Rick: *sigh* "No matter, we got what we needed. And soon, our mission will be accomplished"

Phin: "...Hey, Rick?"

Rick: "Yes, Phin?"

Phin: "Do you think...maybe bombing Harlem is too far?"

Rick: "Phin, we devised that THIS is the only way to get back at Roxxon. Besides, we've done the calculations. Roxxon will be the only ones getting hurt, not the people around the plaza"

Despite Rick's reassurance, he still sees the hesitation that remains in Phin's expression. This prompted him to leave the machine before placing a comforting hand on Phin's head.

Rick: "This will work, it's the only way"

Phin: "I know...but-"

Rick: "Do you trust me, Phin?"

Phin looks up at her brother, seeing the wounds he had sustained from the reactor explosion. The blue Nuform coursed through his body and glowed through his charred skin. A contraption on his chest is the only remaining lifeline he has.

Phin: "I do"

Rick: *smiles* "Clean energy..."

Phin: *smiles back* "Will save the world"

Rick: "Good. And don't forget it"

Right as Rick pulls his hand back, he violently hunches over and coughs rapidly as he drops to the floor.

Phin: "Rick!"

Rick: *groans* "I'm running out of time. The day after tomorrow, that's when the Nuform gets charged. Once it's done..."

Rick looks down at the contraption keeping him alive before looking toward the Nuform on the table.

Rick: "We send Roxxon Plaza to kingdom come"



I should work on my build-ups more, but at the time of this production I'm halfway through September and I've just finished this now, so forgive me for being sloppy.

Despite that, I hope you guys are having a wonderful time reading R2SM and if you are enjoying it, do your boy a favor and;

Vote, If you wanna

Share with your friends, If you have any

And I'll see you when I see you

Bye bye

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