(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 2

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Day turned into night as May Parker can be seen wearing a dress as she stood before a large crowd of reporters and attendees for the opening of F.E.A.S.T.

May: "When- when I blipped back to my apartment, the family that was living there was very confused. The wife thought that I was a mistress. The grandma thought that I was a ghost. It was- it was really a mess. Thank you for coming out to support those who have been displaced by the Blip. And, of course, thanks to our very own Spider-Man!"

The DJ then played a rock song as the window to the event opened. As soon as Y/n swings through the open window the beat drops as Y/n lands in his signature stance, causing the crowd to erupt in cheer. 

Once Y/n stood upright, he waved to the crowd, posing a bit for the cameras before taking his place in front of the mic.

Y/n: "Thank you, May Parker, for hosting such a wonderful event. Wow, there are a lot of you"

The crowd breaks into a chuckle.

Y/n: "Words cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for your support to this organization. In my eyes, being a hero doesn't mean you should wear a red, white, and blue suit, you don't need to turn into a giant green giant. Heck, you don't even need to know how to use a bow to be a hero"

May hands Y/n a drink, to which he graciously accepts.

Y/n: "Because to me, at this moment YOU are the heroes. Every donation F.E.A.S.T will receive will help someone who is in need. This cause isn't possible without selfless people like you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Ms. Parker"

Y/n then steps away from the mic, allowing May to close up the opening remarks.

May: "And Thank you, Spider-man! He'll be right back out to take photos and videos. Thank you!"

Y/n retracts the bottom part of his mask, allowing him to sip his drink. May then taps Y/n on the shoulder before leading him behind the curtain and to the backstage.

Once they have some privacy, Y/n retracts his mask fully before giving May a tight hug.

Y/n: "Oh, that was amazing, May"

May: "You were so great back there!"

May pulled back and kissed Y/n on the cheek.

Y/n: "How was my speech? You just kinda sprung this on me all of a sudden so I had to improvise everything as I was swinging over"

May: "It was perfect. I was very moved by what you said"

Y/n: "And to think my teachers would give me a B in English. I SPEAK English"

Hearing Y/n mention his grades, May instinctively pulls on his ear in an act of scolding.

Y/n: "Ow, ow, OW! It was a joke!"

May then relents, allowing Y/n to nurse his ear.

Y/n: "I raked up some extra credit that they forgot to encode. Ow..."

May: "Good. Keep that up and you won't get a taste of that again"

Y/n: "Jeez, some motivation"

May: "Did you at least get your passport?"

Y/n: "Yep!"

May: "Mini toothpaste?"

Y/n: "As average as I can get them"

Through a separate door enters Happy, wearing a big smile as he drags over a large cheque.

Happy: "Hey, sorry I'm late"

Y/n: "Happy...surprised to see you here"

Happy: "Oh, you look lovely"

May: "Thanks. You too"

Road to Spider-man (The Road Continues)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang