(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Finale

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In the middle of the dark, a spotlight shined down upon Quentin Beck, revealing him to be wearing a two-piece black suit. 

Quentin: "Where am I?"

Tony's voice: "Binary Augmented Retro Framing, or B.A.R.F"

Further ahead, another spotlight shines down, and sees Tony giving a presentation to MIT as the crowd starts to laugh.

Quentin: "Stark..."

Tony's voice: "God, I gotta work on that acronym. An extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus to...clear traumatic memories. Huh?"

The crowd's laughter begins to intensify, prompting Quentin to grit his teeth in anger. 

Tony: "Plus, 611 million dollars for my little therapeutic experiment? No one in the right mind would've ever funded it"

Now enraged, Quentin charges Tony, but as soon as he reaches his spotlight, Quentin falls deeper into the abyss. The sounds of laughter further being amplified as silhouettes of faces began to appear in front of him.

Y/n's voice: "Do you see now? You're a joke!"

Suddenly, Quentin was pulled upwards, back onto solid ground, prompting him to run away. 

However, as he does so, Quentin feels something stick to his back, preventing him from running further ahead all the while the laughter continues to increase. 

Y/n's voice: "MIT STUDENTS can't even take you seriously, why do you think the whole world would"

The force was then suddenly removed, causing Quentin to trip forward before slamming into someone. Looking up from the ground, Quentin saw that what he had bumped into was none other than Mysterio. As he raised his hand, he saw that Quentin was now wearing his mocap suit.

Y/n's voice: "Under that mocap suit and stupid glass bowl, you're just a sad, PATHETIC man!"

Mysterio then breaks into several hives of spiders and begins to scuttle towards him. 

Quentin: "No, no no!"

Out of fear, Quentin rushes to his feet before running ahead, only for another force to send him back to the ground.

With a loud thud, the illusion begins to dissipate, revealing the ruined catwalk that they had previously fought on with Y/n appearing soon after. 

Y/n: "Not so fun when YOU'RE the one being afflicted by E.D.I.T.H. isn't it?"

Quentin: *pant* "I admit...I underestimated you"

Quentin then partially unzips his suit, taking out E.D.I.T.H. before slowly handing it over to Y/n.


Y/n suddenly grabbed something to the side just in time to redirect a gunshot. 

Y/n: "Huh...guess I missed one"

Taking over a stray drone, Y/n takes down the illusion to see that Quentin is at the mercy of Y/n's grip as the Quentin that was on the floor was nothing more than a hologram.

Y/n: "It's funny. To think that you can get the drop on me, it's hilarious!"

Y/n then twists Quentin's arm, placing his arm over his own.

Y/n: "Do me a favor, whenever you feel like reminiscing about your embarrassment, I hope you think of me"

Y/n then smacked Quentin in the chest, this caused the glasses that were on Quentin's face to be sent flying upwards before landing into Y/n's hands. 

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