(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 7

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Phin: "Running a test upload..."

As Phin sets up her phone, Rick can be seen sitting on the couch with an I.V. bag attached to his arm as he coughs violently, causing Phin to look back and check up on her brother.

Rick: "Half my team is sick, but Krieger...he still won't admit it's Nuform"

After setting up her phone, Phin props it up on a desk before sitting beside Rick.

Rick: "We need to do this tonight"

Rick then held in his hand a syringe, but before he could inject himself with its contents, Phin took it from his hands before assisting him.

Phin: "Let me"

As Phin helps Rick intake the syringe, she looks at her brother, worried.

Phin: "Are you sure we're ready?"

Rick: "We have to be...They broke ground in Harlem, today. Ahead of schedule"

Phin: "Poisoning the city to make a buck..."

Rick: "They keep cutting corners...ignoring safety reports. I can't let them pervert my work like this, Phin"

After helping her brother, Phin makes her way back to the table, adjusting the camera to get a view of a blueprint that she had laid out. 

Phin: "Okay. First, we flush the core, then we wipe all the data. You're sure they can't just make more of this stuff?"

Rick: "No. No...as long as we take out the supply in Jersey too, but without me, they'll have no idea how Nuform works. The Project will be DOA"

Phin: "I'll record us"

Phin then readjusts the camera, making sure to keep both her and Rick in the frame.

Phin: "If anything goes wrong, the video uploads straight to Bugle"

Rick: "Perfect..."

Rick takes in a heavy sigh.

Rick: "Ready to save New York?"

Phin: "Ready"

In another video, a distressed Phin could be seen on camera as she frantically types to scour her computer.

Phin: "No uploads. Phone must've been damaged..."

As she desperately pants for air, Phin stops, taking in deep breaths to regulate her breathing. In the background, a low groan could be heard as a distorted voice calls out. 

???: *distorted* "...in..."

Looking up from the sound of the voice, Phin looks to something to the side before looking back at the computer with determination.

Phin: "I won't let tonight be for nothing. I promise...Rick"

The video then ends as Y/n and Miles are back in his bedroom as they watched it all unfold on their phones.

Y/n: "Wicked..."

Miles: "Nuform made Rick sick. If this keeps up soon Harlem might get sick because of Nuform too"

Y/n: "Alright, so what's the plan?"

Miles: "Huh?"

Miles looks to Y/n confused, who remained seated in his spot as he awaits Miles's idea.

Y/n: "Well, this is your operation. I'm just along for the ride"

Miles: "Uhh...*clears throat* Okay. I manage to track the last location of her phone, it's in a Roxxon lab in Chinatown...if we find that then maybe we could find out more about what happened to Phin, why she turned into The Tinkerer"

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