(Friend or Foe arc) Part 2

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Peter: "Harry! It's so glad to see you!"

Peter runs over and hugs Harry who happily reciprocates. As the two continue to hug, MJ and the others looked starstruck when meeting Harry.

Harry: *pulls back* "Sorry, where are my Manners? Harold Osborn, CEO of Oscorp industries; One of the most advanced tech companies and the current principal supplier of the United States Military"

Y/n: "Yeah, we know. We wrote a paper on it, it's trash"

Harry then turns to Y/n and Gwen who look mildly irritated by his presence.

Harry: "What's wrong, you two? Aren't you glad to see me?"

Gwen: "Not really"

Y/n: "We're more disappointed Chlamydia didn't finish you off"

Harry: *dry chuckle* "Always the one with the mouth. You two never change, are you sure you guys aren't still seeing each other?"

Gwen: "It's complicated"

Y/n: "Not like you'll get it anyways"

Gwen and Y/n began staring Harry down, causing the tension to rise with Peter and the rest being caught in the middle. This prompts Mary Jane to jump in before it could escalate any further.

MJ: "Hi! Mary Jane Watson, I'm a big fan of your modeling work in Europe"

Gloria: "Mh-hmm. Us too"

Gloria and Betty pull out their phone and shows Harry their screenshot of one of Harry's cover magazine feature. While the girls fangirl over Harry, Miles walks over and whispers towards Gwen and Y/n.

Miles: *whisper* "Everything okay, Gwen?"

Gwen: *whisper* "We'll talk later, Miles"

Harry: "Well, since you're all moving up. Why don't we celebrate? My treat"

Peter: "That sounds great!"

Betty: "Yes! Free food!"

Peter: *to Gwen and Y/n* "What about you guys?"

Gwen: "Thanks, but I think I'll pass..."

Miles: "Come on, Gwen. It might be fine. Plus, it might be a good chance to celebrate together. Just the two of us"

Gwen: *sigh* "Fine...but I'm only doing this because of you"

Miles then leans over and kisses Gwen.

Miles; *smiles* "Love you"

Gwen: *smiles back* "Love you too"

Peter: "Y/n?"

Y/n went to dodge the offer but couldn't find a good reason to decline when, all of a sudden, his phone vibrates. He fishes out his phone and saw it was D.A.R.C calling him but with a different caller I.D.

D.A.R.C: 'Play along'

Y/n: "Oh, crap. My therapist is calling me"

Gloria: "You have a therapist?"

Y/n: "Yeah...it's for my chronic...thing...syndrome. Anyways, I gotta go!"

Y/n then walks away, pretending to answer the call as he does so. Once he was out of sight, Y/n goes to the bathroom dropping his backpack and phone on the sink before removing his cap and gown and taking out his Spidey suit.

D.A.R.C: "Are you sure it's okay to distance yourself from your friends? Especially at times like these?"

Y/n: "It's fine. School's over anyways we have plenty of time to celebrate"

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