(Wakanda arc) Part 2

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Deep in the African Jungle, a convoy is seen treching through the muddy pathway in the dead of night. Jeeps filled with armed gunmen along with mounted machine guns led the convoy. 

One of the vehicles in the convoy was a large military truck drove at the back of the convoy, inside were dozens of hostages, all of which were women as they cower amongst each other in fear of the militia soldiers that were on guard with them. 

Aminds the trees, a small drone in a shape of a spider quietly hovers by the branches while Y/n, in his STARK issued Spider-man suit hid behind the bushes. 

Y/n: "Convoy just past the chepoint, you coming in or what?"

Up in the night sky, an aircraft is seen flying through the clouds, the aircraft itself seemed to be in a shape of a panther's head. 

Inside the Aircraft, the general of the Dora Milaje, Okoye, is flying said aircraft as T'Challa, in his Black Panther suit, walks to a table where the convoy is displayed using grains of iron sand. 

T'Challa picks up the sand shape of the military truck at the back of the convoy and wipe off the top, revealing how many hostages they are keeping. One of the sand figures then glew gold, highlighting T'Challa's main objective. 

Okoye sets the aircraft in auto-pilot mode before going to retrieve her spear.

T'Challa: "No need, Okoye. I can handle this alone"

Okoye looked a bit uncertain but decides to set her spear back to its previous position. 

T'Challa: "I will get Nakia out, as quickly as possible"

Okoye then hands T'Challa 5 emp beads which he graciously accepts.

Okoye: "Just don't freeze when you see her"

T'Challa: "What are you talking about? I never freeze"

T'Challa then places his helmet on his head before crossing his arms over his chest. The platform below T'Challa retracts to the side, causing him to drop straight down into the jungle. 

As he falls, T'Chall throws out the beads Okoye had given him, soaring through the air as the spears turned into disks which landed exactly onto the vehicle's hoods. The beads then shined blue before emitting an short emp charge, taking out the convoy's engines. 

Y/n: "I guess that's our cue. Come on, D.A.R.C"

The spider drone then flew back to Y/n's chest, before he sets up a trip mine web before assuming his position in the trees.

The militia soldiers that were inside the vehicles exited their vehicles in confusion. 

Militant #1: "What was that?"

Militant #2: "The car won't start"

Militant #3: "Ours too"

A militant  captain begins to inspect one of the vehicles, hopping ontop of the vehicle's hood and noticed the emp disk stuck onto the hood. The general tries to pull the disk off the hood, only for it to not budge. 

Militant #3: "What is it, Captain?"

The militant captain begins to look around frantically, he hops to the ground before continuing to give search. 

Militia Captain: "Defense position"

The militant leader slips down a Night Vision Monocular as the other Militants echo the call and begin to fall in line

Militant #1: "Defense position"

Militant #2: "Defense position"

They begin to arm themselves, loading up their AKs as they prepare for an attack. 

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