๐€๐‹๐–๐€๐˜๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐„๏ฟฝ...

By _mrsmikaelson

163K 3.6K 4.6K

[๐–ฎ๐–ญ ๐–ฆ๐–ฎ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ฆ] โ ๐–บ๐—…๐—๐–บ๐—’๐—Œ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—‹? โž โ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒ ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—๐—๐—‚๐–ผ๐— ๐– ๐—…๐—…๐—‚๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐—‡ ๐–ฅ๐—ˆ๏ฟฝ... More

๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
01. sixties dance
02. the enchantress
03. really sexy babies
04. I am not 'your love'
05. the ritual
06. kidnapped
07. she lost control again
08. I promise we're not serial killers
09. ray sutton
10. theodore?
11. I can't kiss you, klaus
12. noah ortiz
13. a tampon, really?
14. rebekah mikaelson
15. does that mean I can fuck bex?
16. dead racoon
17. what's up, babe?
18. finally free
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
19. senior prank night
20. please remember me
21. first day of senior year
22. a life without you in it
23. you never told me you were gay
24. birth family
25. astrid emerson
26. mikaelson past
27. you only seem to care about yourself
28. In love with klaus mikaelson
29. prom
30. I'm a petrova, not stupid
31. mikael
32. he tried to kiss me
33. spilling secrets
34. klaus is your romeo
35. pregnant with a square baby?
36. a birthday funeral
37. kidnapped for the third time
38. parents aren't supposed to outlive their children
39. mikaelson ball
40. always and forever
41. the original snogger
42. old friend
43. first kill
44. unlink
45. alaric killed dad
46. twenties dance
47. crazy vampire alaric
48. I'm gonna lose everyone
49. wickery bridge
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
50. the purple poison
52. birthday
53. promise ring
54. what are you?
55. miss mystic falls
56. the truth about lily
57. all my fault
58. ted petrova
59. cancer
60. beatrice emerson
61. my side of the story
62. to the moon and back
63. portend
64. follow your heart
65. haven't I given enough
66. see if you have it on
67. dormant
68. the death cure
69. just wake up soon
70. the funeral
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„๐‘๐’

51. whitmore college

618 19 7
By _mrsmikaelson


The next day had arrived and Allison felt all better. The fatal werewolf poison had given her a scare but that didn't mean she was going to stay at home, no, she was going to go out and have fun.

Elena had trouble with adjusting to the new vampire life and struggled with feeding, so Bonnie found it as the perfect opportunity to go and visit the college most of them were going to next year. Her friend, Atticus Shane had invited her to go see his class, the class her Grams taught before she died.

The girls hadn't hung out in quite some time and this was the perfect opportunity to, excluding Caroline. The blonde had made it very clear that, as much as she wanted to join them, she couldn't skip school because she didn't want to miss cheer practice.

Allison on the other hand, gladly accepted as she'd do anything to miss a day of dreaded school, even if it meant spending the day with Damon Salvatore.

"Wait, are you kidding me?" Allison whined into her phone, "Damon Salvawhore is coming too?"

"Well, yeah. Who do you think's gonna teach her how to feed?" Bonnie voiced with an obvious tone.

"What?" The werewolf practically shrieked, her phone sandwiched in between her ear and shoulder as she rummaged through her wardrobe, trying to find something to wear, "I could've, you know. I have some experience with bleeding humans dry."

"You've killed people?" Bonnie asked, her tone dropping into a more disappointed and almost judging one.

Allison took out a top and stared at it for a few seconds, contemplating whether to wear it or not before letting out a disapproving sound and putting it back in, "Well, yeah." She stated the obvious, picking out another shirt and smiling at it, deciding on that one, "How do you think I broke my werewolf curse?" She turned around from her wardrobe and threw the shirt on her bed and held the phone to her ear, keeping her head straight.

"You only need to kill one person, Ally, and you said your first kill was an accident." The witch sighed as she heard shuffling through Allison's side of the line.

"Can we not talk about that." Allison winced when her tone came out harsher than expected, "I- I just had this phase where I used to feed on people, I had a little problem. It wasn't as bad as Stefan but it did do a little damage."

"Wait, so last year, a few months before Klaus came into town and Damon was going on about how there's been more animal attacks since Katherine came into town, that was you?" The dark-skinned asked hesitantly, not wanting to know the words that were about to come out of her Latina friend's mouth.

"Yeah." Allison said hesitantly, wincing at her words, "I didn't mean to hurt anyone, Bonnie; I promise. It was just so hard not to, I- I just couldn't stop."

"I would say it's okay but it isn't, Ally. All I can say is that I'm proud of you for not doing it anymore. It means you've learnt better control."

When she heard her friend's words, a grin came on her face, one that was gonna stay there. If she had told Elena, she would've never heard the end of it.

"Thank you, Bonnie. I mean it. I need to go and get ready now, pick me up in twenty?"

"I'll tell Damon."

Allison refrained from letting out a sound of disgust from her friend's words, "Okay. Bye, Bon."

"See you later, Ally." Bonnie responded, cutting the call and leaving Allison to her own devices.


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When Allison was ready, she went downstairs into the kitchen where her mother was preparing food for the four of them.

The sweet aroma of the pancakes hit her nose as Liz flipped them over in one quick movement. Her stomach grumbled as she took a seat on the kitchen island, next to her sister.

"Hey, you alright after yesterday?" Caroline whispered at her, not wanting anyone else to hear, but unluckily for her, her brother also had advanced hearing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled at her sister truthfully before looking over to her brother and giving him a nod.

When the pancakes were done, Liz dumped them into four plates and then gave three of them to her children and left the one in front of her there.

"The pancakes smell amazing, Mom." Theodore mumbled as he took a large spoonful of Nutella.

"Thanks but I'm seriously gonna smack you if you keep using that much Nutella!" Their mother scolded, snatching the jar and spoon off him to put some of the spread back, "It's not cheap, you know."

Theo grumbled when his mother applied half the amount onto his pancakes, receiving chuckles from his sisters. He gave them a glare in return, saying, "I'll spit in that Nutella jar so that I can only eat it."

"You will do no such thing." Liz smacked him on the back of his head making him yell out in pain. The sisters erupted in another fit of giggles before their mother gave them a look of warning.

After putting their toppings and spreads on their pancakes and then finishing eating them, they all stood up to go to school. Technically college was still school so she wasn't lying about anything.

They all gave their mother a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. When Liz wasn't looking, Allison hid her bag under the kitchen island, she didn't need her bag and carrying it around like a fool wouldn't do anything for her.

She watched as her siblings hopped into their shared car and left. No more than a minute later arrived Damon in his baby-blue Camaro with his roof down.

Damon smirked as he stopped in front of the Forbes' residence, "Hey there, buttercup. I knew you missed me."

Allison audibly groaned, trying not the give him the reaction he wanted by speaking to him, so instead, she flipped him off, receiving a howl of laughter from her two childhood friends.

The Enchantress roughly opened up the old car door and got in the back, beside Bonnie. She sent her a smile as they took off to Whitmore College.


When they arrived at campus, they all got out of the car and began walking to the class Bonnie's friend, Shane taught.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Elena asked Bonnie as they walked down the path, knowing that she'd be hesitant about wanting her to feed on innocent humans.

Allison trailed behind them, Damon beside her, unfortunately. All she could do was to simply ignore him.

"If I could spell you out of wanting blood, I would, but I can't, so better you learn this now than at freshman orientation." Bonnie remarked.

Damon gave Allison a side glance and when she caught it, he smiled teasingly, "I heard what happened last night. You alright, buttercup?"

She sighed in defeat, knowing she couldn't get out of this one by just ignoring him, "I'm fine, and stop calling me 'buttercup'."

"Something tells me that college isn't in my future anymore." Elena sighed sadly, thankfully ending Allison's and Damon's interaction. It was the first words they'd exchanged in weeks.

"Oh, stop with the pity party." The Salvatore rolled his eyes at the Gilbert, "If I can go to college, you can go to college."

"You went to college?" The witch stopped in her tracks, turning around and staring at the vampire in disbelief.

"Sure. Plenty of times. I always had a thing for sorority girls." Damon remarked making the three best friends gag in disgust.

"You're disgusting." Allison mumbled under her breath, not caring if the vampire heard or not.

"I know." Damon whispered back, placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Get your hand off me before I break it off and shove it up your ass, in front of everyone." The werewolf warned slowly, causing him to raise his brows and remove his arm.

"Ooo, Kinky." His smirk grew wider when Allison's jaw clenched in anger and her fists clenched by her side.

"Elena, tell your dog to 'shut the fuck up' before I make him." She turned to the newly turned vampire, seething at the simple presence of the man next to her.

"You're gonna make me, huh?" Him saying those words just made her want to wipe that cocky smirk off his face, so she did.

Her arm flew back, trying to gather her strength before pushing it forward and punching him in the nose. Gasps erupted the air as college students widened their eyes at the scene. Damon clutched his bleeding nose with a groan, snapping the broken bone back into place.

"Allison." Elena held her back as Bonnie hid her smirk, feeling so proud of her best friend for what she'd done, considering he deserved it after everything he'd said and done.

The werewolf let out a heavy sigh, her veins pumping with adrenaline as she smirked at the man with the dripping nose before her.

The day had barely even started yet and she already wanted to kill Damon Salvatore.


After wondering around the campus to loose some time before the first period started, they had made their way to Shane's class.

Bonnie took a seat next to Allison and before Elena could sit next to her, Damon butted in and took a seat in the other side of the Forbes.

Allison internally groaned as she's be sitting next to the scumbag who'd confessed his love to her about a month ago in the worst way possible.

Elena rolled her eyes at the Salvatore's antics before taking a seat on his left.

As they were the last ones to arrive, the class began when they were seated. Shane turned on his projector for the images he'd be showing and then started.

"When I say the word 'witch', what pops into your head?" The professor asked as he clicked a button on his remote to go onto the next slide, "Halloween costume, villain of a fairytale... maybe an ex-girlfriend?" He listed.

"Is that him?" Elena asked, Bonnie who was three seats away from her because of the annoyingly cocky vampire seated next to her.

"Yeah." The witch replied simply.

Elena started before getting cut off, "He's kind of-"

"Hot." Bonnie finished off, her cheeks heating up slightly causing Allison and Damon to cringe and roll their eyes at them. If they were still friends they would've teased them about it together and that thought made her swallow a lump in her throat. She missed him and their friendship but after what he did, she wanted nothing to do with him.

Allison's attention went back to the professor in front of her, curious to what he was going to say next, "Whatever image it is, it's probably not Beatrice Emerson, from the Old World." Her heart dropped when she heard that name escape from his lips as she turned to Bonnie, giving her a wide-eyes look.

When she turned back to the front, her heart sunk further, seeing a picture on the board resembling the witch who'd destroyed her birth parents.

The picture wasn't her of course but it had those elements of her in it, the dark hair, the pale skin, the black moles, the blood-tainted lips and of course, the mask that covered it all.

"She was the witch who got her vengeance on those who disappointed her. So, she created a spell for immortality so that she end the species that wronged her. But she didn't just make one immortality elixir, she made two; one for her and one for her lover."

"Lover?" The Enchantress whispered to the witch, "I haven't heard that part of the story. You sure he's not just some nut job who mixes up stories or something?" When her friend simply shrugged, she turned her attention back to Shane.

"But the sad thing is, after they both became immortal, Mother Nature punished her. She locked up her true love, Silas and let the darkness swallow her. She became so unbearable to simply look at that she hide her face with that very mask." He pointed to the screen to a black mask that looked similar but not exact to Beatrice's.

Allison listened to his words carefully, conflicted on whether she should believe them or not.

Startling her slightly, the empty seat in front of her was now accompanied by a seater, that being the one and only sister of Beatrice Emerson, "What he's saying is right, you know." Astrid turned around in her seat, her ginger curls bouncing as she looked up at her, "Beatrice did have a lover but no one speaks of it. They don't believe it; they think it's a lie that even she had humanity once. They simply can't handle the fact that someone like her would have a lover."

Allison frowned slightly in response, not being able to verbally reply due to the professing already scolding the two vampires near her for talking during his lecture.

"It was there once, but not anymore. She's fallen too deep and no one's able to take her out of the pit, not even Silas." Astrid sighed before vanishing.

The Forbes bit the inside of her cheek as she watched her ancestor dissipate into thin air and leaving her to her own thoughts about Beatrice and this Silas.


The group of four split up as Damon had helped Elena find someone to feed on and Allison stayed behind with Bonnie so that she could have a conversation with Shane about her Gram's.

"What's going on?" Bonnie inquired, looking at the vampires who's just arrived back to them.

"Nothing." Damon answered, "Elena's educating me on the importance of feelings."

Elena suppressed a groan, squeezing her eyes shut it annoyance and abandoning the subject, "Did you talk to the professor?"

"For a second." Bonnie replied with a quick smile, "He found some stuff of my Gram's in his office and he's gonna dig it up for me."

The Gilbert smiled at the Bennett before looking down at a flyer in Allison's hands, "Oh, and this. Some random dude gave it to me. Bad flirter, I tell you."

Elena took the flyer from her hands with a soft chuckle. Damon let out a scoff as the couple read what the paper said, "Nice. The answer to all our problems. A frat party, douche central. Which is why," he rubbed his hands together as if planning something mischievous, "you'll be eating very well tonight."

Bonnie looked at him with a look of disgust, turning to Allison, just to see her shrug, "So, what should be go as? Victims or killers?" She smirked at the three of them.


Night had fell upon them in the shape of a beautiful starry blanket. They had enough time to drop home and get changed into something more murderous.

Instead of playing along with Damon's costume and being one of his victims like Elena and Bonnie had, she decided to be independent and be her own killer.

She decided on being Jennifer Check, wearing a leopard print top and a denim skirt. She didn't bother wearing a jacket as it would be too annoying to carry around. Her legs were smeared in fake blood and she wore her black Doc's to finish it off.

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She flipped her straightened brunette locks to the side as she stepped into the Murder House with Damon, Bonnie and Elena trialing behind her.

Spooky music blasted in her ears as one of the boy's Allison recognised to be from Shane's class greeted them, "Hey, I'm Frankie. Unassuming serial killer."

"I'm Jack, and these are the three lovely ladies I just rippered." Damon responded with a devilish smirk as he put an arm around Allison's shoulder once again.

Allison eyes the arm with a warning glance and then corrected him, "Three? I think not. I am Jennifer Check and I love eating humans." She smirked at the college boy in front of her before pushing past Damon to go and grab some spiked punch.

Allison watched as Bonnie went over to talk to Shane as Damon and Elena walked towards her. She took a sip of her drink before setting it down in a table and looking at the vampires in confusion, "What do you want?" She scowled at Damon in disgust.

"We're gonna find some better drinks. Care to join, Jenny?" The Salvatore smirked as he saw something inside her twitch at the mention of blood.

"I'll find my own, but thanks." She glared at him, keeping up her annoyed demeanour as she spun back around as searched the crowd for possible humans to eat. She knew she shouldn't because of the risk of losing control and gaining even more guilt for her body count but something about how Damon was acting just egged her on. It made her want to prove to him that she didn't need him anymore.

She often thought about him and pondered whether she was being too harsh on him. After all, she had said that she can't control who she loved but neither could he. She felt like such a hypocrite for saying that but then she remembered what he'd said about Klaus and how that made her feel.

A smile reached her face when she spotted a dark-skinned girl with braids that stopped below her shoulders. She wore an electric blue dress and a pair of black cat ears that were a metallic silver on the inside.

She walked up to the girl, her confidence growing when she saw her look up her and down, "You checkin' me out, Cat Lady?"

"Is there a problem with that?" She replied, looking up at Allison with a flirtatious gaze.

"You can ask my boyfriend." When she turned around to walk away, the girl in the blue dress caught her wrist and turned her back around causing her smirk to grow further.

"You wanna go somewhere else, Jennifer? That boyfriend of yours doesn't have to know." The dark-skinned girl returned the smirk as she said her words.

Without giving it another thought, Allison dragged her away from the crowd and bought her into an empty room, "Now be a good girl and keep quiet. We don't want anyone else to hear the sounds that come out of your pretty, little mouth." The werewolf smiled at the girl in front of her as she nodded hesitantly, lust swirling in her innocent eyes.

If only she knew what I really meant by those words.

The werewolf brought her head down to sniff her neck, her eyes glowing amber as the scent of her victims blood pumping through her fragile body invaded her senses. Her fangs emerged from her gums, waiting a few seconds before piercing them into the girls warm skin.

The girl she was feeding from winced, saying, "Taking that costume a little too seriously, aren't you, Jen." When Allison didn't reply and kept and draining the blood from her, she realised that that wasn't normal and shrieked, "Stop, it hurts!"

Almost in a flash, Damon came speeding into the room alongside Elena, looking slightly taken aback at the scene as the Gilbert gasped in shock, "Damon, stop her! She's going to die!"

The dark-skinned girl let out relentless cries of help as Damon forced the werewolf off her in order to save her life before it was drained out of her.

"What's wrong with her?" The girl cried out, staring at Allison in fear as she held onto her bleeding neck.

The Salvatore sighed, grabbing her before she could run off and looked into her eyes, compelling her, "Forget this happened."

"Damon, heal her." Elena demanded, seeing how pale the girl looked from the blood loss.

When she'd first heard the girl cry for help, she least expected it to be Allison. She'd never seen this side of her before today. Sure, the Forbes had told her about her dark side, the side of her that loved indulging in blood, but she thought she was okay now, she thought that that was in the past now, but after today, she wasn't really sure anymore.

Damon groaned before biting into his wrist and shoving it in the girls mouth. A few seconds later, he removed his arm and compelled her once again, "Get out of here."

When she was gone, he turned to the werewolf who stood in the corner, not wanting to speak about what had just happened and how she'd lost control like she always did.

"What was that, Wolfie?" Damon inquired softly, knowing that it was a sensitive topic.

"I don't know." Allison looked down at the floor, her eyes glossing with tears as she felt Elena's harsh and intense gaze burn into her side. She wiped the blood dripping off her chin with the back of her hand as she stared up at Damon.

"You almost killed her, Ally. Is this what Klaus taught you in Tennessee?" Elena spat in disgust, not helping whatsoever.

"Not helping, Elena." Damon raised his eyebrows at the Gilbert warningly as Allison scoffed.

"Is this how you used to talk to Stefan when he was struggling with blood a few months ago? And for God's sake, what is your problem with Klaus?" Allison moved her arms about frantically as she tried to swallow down the fury she felt.

"He's a monster, Ally." Elena snapped, "Now I get why you're with him; you're the same. You almost killed that girl."

"Wow, Elena." Allison scoffed as Damon stepped back and watched the girls fight witch wide eyes, "After everything we've been through, after all the fights, after you saved my damn life, this is how you wanna be?" When the Gilbert didn't reply, simply stumped by her words, she continued, "That's fine by me then. I'm leaving." She finished, shoving past her and walking out of the room.

"Well done, Elena." Damon sighed before running after the girl he'd fallen for. He seemed like such a hypocrite for saying that after everything he'd said about Klaus, he genuinely wanted to make it right but he just didn't know what to do or say.

Left alone in the room, Elena scoffed to herself, "What did I do?"


Damon pushed through the crowds of college students and tables with not another thought in the world as he trailed after the Forbes.

Allison scoffed at his poor attempt of trying to care as she pulled open the front door and walked out side, the cool air hitting her skin.

The Salvatore jogged up to the girl who was now walking away from the house, "Where are you going?"

The Forbes sighed softly and turned around to face him, "Home."

"What?" Damon's face contorted into a look of disbelief, "It's like an hour walk."

"That's fine. I like long walks anyway. It's something about the breeze." Allison flashed him a sarcastic smile, trying to facade the hurt she felt from the fight.

"Come on, buttercup. I'll take you home." The Salvatore sighed, reaching out of gently grab the Petrova's hand and take her to the car.

"No, Damon." She took her hand out of his grip, giving him a look, "I'll just call an Uber."

"Don't make me drag you, buttercup." He smiled teasingly.

Allison simply returned it with a scowl. She wasn't gonna be that forgiving. She saw straight through his antics and charms and they weren't gonna work on her, "Fine, but only because I'm not wasting my money on an Uber." Her shoulders slumped in defeat as Damon put an arm around her once again, "What did I tell you about touching me?"


After a quiet journey home — mostly because of Allison's threats — Damon parked up in front of her house. As she was about to get out of the car, she remembered that this isn't where she wanted to be right now.

"Bye, buttercup." He waved her off. When she stopped in her tracks, looking at him blankly, his brows furrowed in confusion, "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, uh... could you drop me off at Klaus' place?" She asked gently, knowing that it was awkward for him, "I don't really wanna go back home after what happened at the party. I just need some more time."

"Uh, okay. That's fine." Damon avoided eye contact as she patted on the warm leather seat the Enchantress was just seated on, "Hop back in."


After a tense ten minute drive, Damon arrived in front of the Mikaelson mansion, making a stop a few metres away from the luxurious house.

"We've arrived at your destination, princess." Damon remarked, awkwardly tapping on the steering wheel as he looked at the Forbes girl.

He hated this. He hated driving her to her boyfriend's house. He wanted to say something but he didn't want to make her more upset than she already was or there was no chance he'd ever be forgiven by her.

"Thank's, Dames." She thanked, pausing when she realised what she said, "I- I mean Damon." Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she gathered her belongings, making sure not to forget anything to avoid having another conversation, and got out of the car.

She watched as his car drove away before walking to the Mikaelson's front door and knocking. No more than a few seconds later was the door unlocked, revealing Klaus Mikaelson.

His brows furrowed at the state of the girl, tears in her eyes and smeared blood on her chin. Not to mention the odd outfit she was wearing, "What's wrong, my love?" He inquired, his tone gentle as brought her inside the house.

He least expected it when the Forbes girl in front of him practically swallowed him in a hug almost immediately, wrapping her arms around his built torso and nuzzling her face into his neck, "Everything." She mumbled, removing her arms from him to look him in the eye.

"Talk to me." The hybrid sighed sadly as he guided her to the same living room they were seated in the last time she'd visited. He took a seat on the chocolate sofa and then patted on the space next to him.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Allison sat down and began her rant, "Bonnie told me that she was skipping school to go with Damon to Whitmore College to help Elena feed so I decided to join along since you know that I'd never pass up an opportunity to miss school, so then we went to see the class that Bonnie's Grams used to teach and the professor who taught it — who was ugly, by the way — started waffling about Beatrice for some reason and it really fucking freaked me out but that doesn't even matter because later, we went to this frat party so that Elena could eat someone or whatever but then Damon was being a dick and he egged me on, tryna get me to feed, so I did and you know how I get when I feed so I lost control but thankfully Damon was there to stop me but so was Elena and then Elena started telling me that I'm a monster and that you're the same and I literally couldn't believe her because after she literally saved my life two weeks ago, I thought she would've changed, but I guess not."

"Allison." Klaus' lips curled down into a frown before he clenched his jaw, "I'm going to kill Damon, and Elena."

"Damon was actually pretty nice after but I know he just wants me to forgive him." The Petrova smiled slightly, leaning up to press a kiss on her boyfriends cheek.

She chuckled as she watched Klaus' cheeks flush at the small bit of affection, realising that he probably never really had that much, being paranoid at everyone and everything, never letting his guard down for anyone but her.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore, I just wanna kiss you." Allison smirked when she saw Klaus' eyes darken. She pushed him down against the sofa, climbing on top of him, pecking kisses all over his neck, frowning as she watched the love bites on his neck disappear.

Klaus tugged on her hair desperately before stealing the dominance and flipping them over so he was on top. His hands slithered under her top as he furiously kissed along her jawline and neck.

She let out a moan, quickly clamping her hand over her mouth, her eyes widening at the sound she just made. She and Jeremy never kissed like this. This was all new to her.

Klaus removed her hand from her mouth, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "Let it out, love. There's no one here." Allison's cheeks reddened as her heart hammered against her rib cage, seconds away from flying out.

Just as the hybrid began to pull up her shirt with his teeth, her phone rang in her pocket, breaking them apart, Klaus sighed in annoyance as Allison awkwardly got up from the sofa, her cheeks the colour of blood, "I, uh... I gotta take this." She held up her cell sheepishly, showing him the contact.

It was Caroline from the obvious name, Care Bear and the contact photo containing the two sisters beaming almost as bright as the sun in the background.

She stayed seated and answered the call, giving her boyfriend a shy side-glance. This make out was more heated than their first. If Caroline hadn't called it might even have resulted in sex.

She answered the call with a smile, despite her sister not being able to see it, "What's up, sis?" She greeted, a sense of discomfort in her tone.

"Why'd you just call me 'sis' and why do you sound so out of breath?" Caroline asked before taking an educated guess, "Don't tell me you and Klaus were screwing."

"What? No." Allison looked at Klaus with wide eyes, shooing him off with her hand.

"What? No. This is my house." The hybrid whispered as the Enchantress gave him a look that made him back away immediately.

"Yeah, you so were." She teased before getting onto the main reason she called, "Anyway, when are you coming home because some teacher wants to see you. His names Mr Petrova or something."

Allison furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering what an earth would be want from her out of school hours. It seemed a little Alaric style to her.

She grabbed her purse, walking through the house to reach the front door, her cell pressed to her ear, "I'll be right there."


After a ten minute ride in her boyfriend's car, they arrived at the Forbes residence. She leaned over to peck him on the lips and then waved him off.

When his car left, Allison knocked on her front door and about a minute later, the door was unlocked to reveal her sister.

"So, what does he want?" Allison asked as her sister led her to the open living room that was connected to their kitchen.

Before her sister could answer, Ted stood up from his seat on the sofa, "To tell you the truth." Allison's brows furrowed in confusion as her gaze went from her new history to her mother who was next to him.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Theodore was standing on the stairs, listening on in their conversation.

"I'm your uncle." Ted finished. When he saw unfazed look on Allison's face he furrowed his browns in confusion, but what he didn't expect was for Theodore to run down the remaining steps and go to him.

"You're my what?" The elder twin exclaimed in disbelief. Liz and Caroline were also shocked by the information, the teachers last name completely slipping their minds.

"I heard rumours about the Petrova Labonair twins and that's what brought me to Mystic Falls. Beatrice slaughtered the remains of my family. You're the only relatives I have left so I came here to be with you and to protect you from Beatrice as much as I can." He told the twins, directing the last part at Allison mainly.

"But how do we know we can trust you?" Theo beat his sister to it, asking the question she wanted to ask.

"You don't. If you want a DNA test or something to prove we're related I can do that but as for trust, you really can't do anything but just believe that I want to protect you." He smiled at Theodore before sarcastically asking, "You really think I'd just let the only family I have left die too?"

"A DNA test won't be necessary." Allison told, putting a hand in front of her brothers chest to stop him from saying anything else, "We'll trust you, but if you break that trust I swear you'll regret it." She looked her uncle in the eye, venom dripping off her tone as she spoke with such power. If you break an Enchantress' trust that was one thing, but if you break The Chosen One's trust then you'd be wishing for death.

Ted chuckled nervously and almost suspiciously before he answered, "You won't regret it."


The Forbes' siblings trailed upstairs and went back to their rooms after they talked for a few more minutes, or at least that's what the two middle-aged adults thought.

The three of them were on the middle of the staircase, peeking through the holes under the banister and watching as the history teacher so horribly flirted with their mother.

Despite the sheriff acting as if she hated it, the blush creeping up her cheeks made her look like a fool.

Her children cringed through every second of it, wondering why they put themselves through this tormenting hell.

When they saw Ted move from his seat on the cream couch to get up, they looked at each other, asking each other if they should move or not but it was too late when the Petrova had already spotted them, "Your mom's something alright." He chuckled. his voice above a whisper so that their mother who was now in the kitchen couldn't hear, "I'll break through the surface one way or another."

The Petrova smiled as he saw the teenagers gag in disgust and then opened the door and left the house. The siblings looked back through the holes under the banister to see their mother humming along a tune, washing the dishes with a smile not even soap could wash away.

"I think he makes her happy." Caroline smiled as she watched her mother.

"Yeah. She needs to get laid." Theodore agreed, causing his two sister's in either side of him to look at him with a look of disgust and disbelief.

"Theo, seriously?" Allison gagged, Caroline mirroring her actions. The elder twin simply shrugged, going upstairs.

When he left, Caroline turned to her sister, "So how was it." She smiled mischievously, raising her brows up and down.

Allison groaned at her sisters antics, "Nothing happened, thanks to you." She rolled her eyes as her sister pushed her to go on, "We just made out and it was nice." She shrugged before going up the stairs like her brother did a minute ago.

The Enchantress was relieved that her long-lost uncle wasn't some psychopath that wanted to kill her or her family and she was happy to have a new friend, Lily. Even though there were some issues with her friends, I.E. Elena, she was overjoyed with the fact that there wasn't any new villain that was out to kill them.

Oh how naive she was to think that.


Word count: 6001


This was a lengthy chapter, wow! This was mostly a filler but we did get a lot of important stuff from it like finally finding out who Beatrices' lover is. Silas is a big part of season fours storyline and as I scrapped The Five plot, Qetsiyah doesn't exist.

So Beatrice made an immortality elixir, with the help of Silas. They both took it so they could be together forever and so Beatrice could continue her legacy of killing Enchantress' until The Chosen One came but then Mother Nature punished her for her actions and locked away her daughter in a prison world, buried Silas and let the darkness in her affect her appearance.

The scene with that girl and Allison in the party though... poor girl thought she was gonna get laid but instead got eaten. Also, Elena literally annoys me sm like stop fighting with Ally every two secs, LIKE YOU JUST SAVED HER LIFE TWO WEEKS AGO!

And lastly we found out that Ted's their uncle as if that wasn't obvious and he seems to have a slight crush on the sheriff...

Anyways follow my wp tiktok and insta @_mrsmikaelson.wp and remember to vote, comment and share, I love you guys bye!

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