The blade within-Assassinatio...

By TheCrimsonWrath

5.5K 113 54

The Blade Within" follows the story of Kazuto Karasuma, a 15-year-old student who finds himself in the infamo... More

Asassination time!
Kazuto time!
Karma time!
Assembly time!
Test time!
School trip time! Part 1
School trip time part 2!
Transfer student time!
Land R time!
Transfer student time 2nd period!
Ball game tournament time!
Talent time!
Vison time!
End of term time!
Schools out!
Island time!
Action time!
Pandamonium time!
Karma time 2nd period + Kazuto time 2nd period,
XX time!
Nagisa time!
Summer festival time!
Keade time!
Itona horibe time!
Spinning time
Leader time!
Before and after time
Reaper time! Part 1
Reaper time! part 2
Round 2 time!
School festival time!
Court time!
End of term time! second period!
Result time!
Secret identity time
Confession time!
Decision time!
Discord and outcome time!
Outer space time!
Valentines time!
Trust time!
Happy birthday time!
Fight and Revival time!
Graduation time!
Future time!

Grown up time!

226 7 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

They are in class

Karasuma: look alive people meet our new addition to the e class faculty

?: my name is miss Irina Jelavic nice to meet you all

Sugino: talk about a knock out

Okajima: knockers more like

Meg: does anyone else thinks it's weird she's all over korosensei

Rio: little bit yet

Kazuto: uh huh not entirely sure what's going on here

Karasuma: we decided to bring on mrs jelavich in the interest of beefing up the English curriculum no hard feelings I hope she's uh very qualified

Korosensei: no harm in that is there

Kayano: she totally has a thing for korosensei she seems nice so I guess it's kind of cute right

Nagisa: mhmm ,igniting be something we can use to figure out how to kill,no, too he seems thrown off by the attentions she's giving him is it because of the attention or because she's a woman his face changes colour to reflect his mood so what's the colour of hot and bothered

Kazuto deadpan: bright pink apparently

Maehera: he is all about her

Kayano: yeah no mistaking that face

Nagisa: note he blushes like a human

Irina continues to flatter korosensei

Kazuto: hey Rio she's trouble isn't she

Rio: oh yeah who on their right mind would be in to korosensei

Kazuto: oh yeah totally


Korosensei: heads up

He throws football


He kicks the ball and throws a knife

Korosensei: sorry worked one not gonna work again

Karma and okano try but also fail

Irina: YooHoo hope I'm not interrupting anything darling mr Karasuma said you can go Mach 20 and I just had too see it for myself

Korosensei: well he might be exaggerating a tad

Irina: I hate to ask you but I'd be ever so grateful if you could fetch some Vietnamese coffee I thought maybe you could grab it while I run the students Thierry English lesson 

Korosensei: but of course mon Cher it just so happens, I know a fabulous café in Vietnam

The bell chimes

Itona: it's about that time mrs Irina I mean that's the bell shouldn't we head back

Irina: sure knock yourself out teacher needs peace and quiet though so make it a study hall

And another thing let's agree not to call me miss when the octopus isn't around and we're definitely not on a first name basis so drop it when he is around call me ms jelavic

Karma: heh so what's your name ms jela-bitch

Kazuto: yeah you're clearly up too something ms jela-bitch


Karma: we got ourselves a real pro here just a little bit of advice from those who have been playing the odds you're not gong to kill the octopus without help

Kazuto: and that's coming from karma so what ya gonna teach us ms bitch

Bitch: the stop it with the bitch please and a way you're all a bunch of saplings adults have their own way of doing things take note

Speaking of which your Nagisa shiota right

She leans into him


Kazuto: alright there will be none of that no sexual harassment while I'm around you where going to kiss him until he feel to the ground and that's when you would usually shoot your target isn't that right

Bitch: oh interesting

Kazuto: yeah I heard all about you

Bitch: fine any of you punks who have intel worth sharing give me ms jelavich so,eating yourself and I'll let you go home while these men stand in for you

This is what separates the pros from the amateurs boys and girls connections and a little thing we like to call technique now piss of go play oh and a word of warning from those of us who know our job get in the way and you die

Kazuto: (you know being taught by a pro assassin would be cool if she wasn't such a bitch)

Later in class

She's just sitting on her phone she gives Nagisa a look and he shivers

Kazuto: (crap she did it while she wasn't around didn't she)

Maehera: uhh ms ms jelabitch man are you going to teach us or what

Nakamura: yeah come on ms,jelabitch

Kazuto: yeah we can't sit here doing nothing forever ms jelabitch

Suguya: no disrespect but you are a teacher aren't you miss jelabitch


Let's review my is jelavic Jela-Vic bite your lower lip and hum

They do it

Bitch: V excellent now practise that for the next hour while I ignore you

All: lamest lesson ever!

Later the class is busy training

Kazuto being exempt from this is just training his kendo skills once again and they all see Korosensei and her go into a shed together

Kazuto: Hey Sir

Karasuma: yeah

Kazuto: be honest why did you bring her here personally I can't stand her

Karasuma: yeah I know I have a hard time myself but the higher up seem to think she's all that I'm sorry you all have to deal with her and well seeing what she's been able to out together over a short time does tend to make me agree with them

After a little while ms bitch starts to shriek

Okano: What was that

Okajima: I heard gun fire, a scream and now slithering noise

Bitch starts moaning and saying no

Okajima: I really want to know what he's going to her in there

Maehera: let's go

Kazuto: Nah..rather not

Kazuto sees them both emerge

Bitch is in a weird new clothing set and korosensei's face goes white and blank

Kazuto: ok that's new

Korosensei: ok back to class children

Students: yes sir


They are in class Irina is very angry now

Karma: wow looks like ms jelabitch is pissed off I know my pride would be in shambles if my plan went tits up

Itona: excuse me miss

Bitch; what?!

Itona: if you're not going to teach us anything mind if we swap you out for korosensei it's just we've got entrance exams coming up

Birch: Ha! Do you want to swap me out for that Disgusting creature you're worried entrance exams about  when the planet is on notice must Paradise, not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground give it a rest, even if the Earth wasn't on the brink of destruction Entrance exams are for students with a  future

Newsflash that's not any of you losers how about this kid forget thr studying, help me brainstorm on how to kill the octopus and I'll give you a nice percentage of the reward money that's the best deal any of you e class jerkoffs are going to get out of life
Otherwise knock it off with the whining and

A rubber/eraser is thrown past her face

Maehera: get out!

Bitch: Ah

Kazuto: you heard him PISS OFF BITCH!

All the students get very angry






Kazuto notices his dad is annoyed


Later the class is playing assassination badminton

Kazuto and Nagisa are sparing with knives


It's English class once again 

Ms bitch walks in and writes something on the board

Bitch: what word does incredible modify you know this one

Red it aloud are incredible in bed

Bitch: I want to an American VIP literally I have my feminine in grade to thank for getting close to target the port Dudley for me hook line and sinker you are incredible in bed he told me

Incredible in this case modifies the word you

Kazuto: (what,.,the,,.fuck)

Bitch: to learn grammar, you could see how it works in the real World like a full immersion course in a foreign language take a lover that speaks it and you can't miss I know, grammar seems boring and technical but it's what underpins how we communicate Communication is key in my line of work and in life whether speaking English French, Portuguese, what have you all people have an underlying need to express their feelings that's why this is important, example may be risqué but they come from we are nice scenarios they will all have either been said by me or to me by someone else One day, you can use or hear them yourself

Rio leans on him: communication huh

Kazuto looks away trying not to blush

Bitch: I'm not going to be like the octopus he can help you with your entrance exams which isn't without value I suppose I can do is help you learn the art of conversation
Here's the deal, if after a while, you think this is stupid  that I'm not a teacher fine i'll give up my assignment and leave so this oughta put us on the level right oh and I'm sorry abith being such a bitch

The entire class is stunned but then starts laughing

Karma: wow talk about a 180 first you want to kill us now your acting like a wuss

Maehera: I go to say you make a more convincing teacher with this attitude

Okano:guess this means we shouldn't call you miss jelabitch anymore

Bitch: ah you're giving me a chance you're not upset with me

Meg: too be totally fair we didn't exactly get off on the right foot with that nickname

Kazuto: it's true but we need to call her something how about miss Hellabitch

Bitch: or we could just agree to move away from the whole bitch motif all together I'm not opposed to going to be Irina if you don't mind calling your teacher by  her first-

Kazuto: nope sorry I wouldn't plan on the bitch thing going away anytime soon

Bitch: mhmm

Maehera: yeah agreed

Okano: not that ms irina isn't a pretty name it's just not as fun to say as hellabitch

Hinano: professor bitch sounds classy how about we go with that

Okajima: I vote for that one professor bitch all the way

Kazuto: well it seems to be unanimous you are now professor bitch


The class laugh their asses off

Professor bitch gets angrier and angrier only for her to be teased about it

And that's a wrap this episode is so much fun to write I'll see you all later for the next one

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