๐€๐‹๐–๐€๐˜๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐„๏ฟฝ...

By _mrsmikaelson

165K 3.7K 4.6K

[๐–ฎ๐–ญ ๐–ฆ๐–ฎ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ฆ] โ ๐–บ๐—…๐—๐–บ๐—’๐—Œ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—‹? โž โ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒ ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—๐—๐—‚๐–ผ๐— ๐– ๐—…๐—…๐—‚๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐—‡ ๐–ฅ๐—ˆ๏ฟฝ... More

๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
01. sixties dance
02. the enchantress
03. really sexy babies
04. I am not 'your love'
05. the ritual
06. kidnapped
07. she lost control again
08. I promise we're not serial killers
09. ray sutton
10. theodore?
11. I can't kiss you, klaus
12. noah ortiz
13. a tampon, really?
14. rebekah mikaelson
15. does that mean I can fuck bex?
16. dead racoon
17. what's up, babe?
18. finally free
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
19. senior prank night
20. please remember me
21. first day of senior year
22. a life without you in it
23. you never told me you were gay
24. birth family
25. astrid emerson
26. mikaelson past
27. you only seem to care about yourself
28. In love with klaus mikaelson
29. prom
30. I'm a petrova, not stupid
31. mikael
32. he tried to kiss me
33. spilling secrets
34. klaus is your romeo
35. pregnant with a square baby?
36. a birthday funeral
37. kidnapped for the third time
38. parents aren't supposed to outlive their children
39. mikaelson ball
40. always and forever
41. the original snogger
42. old friend
43. first kill
44. unlink
45. alaric killed dad
46. twenties dance
47. crazy vampire alaric
48. I'm gonna lose everyone
49. wickery bridge
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
51. whitmore college
52. birthday
53. promise ring
54. what are you?
55. miss mystic falls
56. the truth about lily
57. all my fault
58. ted petrova
59. cancer
60. beatrice emerson
61. my side of the story
62. to the moon and back
63. portend
64. follow your heart
65. haven't I given enough
66. see if you have it on
67. dormant
68. the death cure
69. just wake up soon
70. the funeral
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„๐‘๐’

50. the purple poison

820 21 6
By _mrsmikaelson


Two weeks had passed since the crash. A lot had happened but it had been surprisingly quiet. Almost too quiet for Allison's liking.

Klaus had left town for a few days and took Rebekah with him, despite being in a constant feud. They both needed some time away from this town and Allison let them.

They had returned by now to her relief and things were back to normal. Well, as normal as things could be in this town.

Elena had finally somewhat adjusted to her new vampire self and she and the Enchantress had finally made up.

Allison and Damon were now on speaking terms, it was progress but still not much. They only spoke when it was necessary, obviously dropping a few comments here and there as it was practically second nature to them.

What surprised them the most though, was that the town was met with a few new faces one that they'd met and one who hadn't yet to meet.

The one they had met, was their new history teacher, Mr Petrova. His familiar name and him arriving into town out of the blue had speculated some suspicion to all of them.

The one they hadn't yet to meet, was a newcomer, Lily Parker. She had a personality Damon would like. She had wit and attitude. She was practically a female version of Damon but better.

She also happened to be a vampire and witch which apparently existed due to some loophole and also happened to be very interested in becoming friends with the Enchantress.

★ 𝖠 𝖫 𝖫 𝖨 𝖲 𝖮 𝖭 ' 𝖲 𝖮 𝖴 𝖳 𝖥 𝖨 𝖳 ★

Allison was headed to class now. No new threats meant that she could finally focus on school and at least try to improve her slipping grades. She had to if she wanted to get accepted into her dream policing program.

Once school was over, she wanted to get out of town and finally start her adult life and that started with work. Her mother had told her and her brother about this six-month policing academy that had scholarships that they could apply for as the fees wouldn't be cheap but the only thing was, that it was in New Orleans meaning that they'd have to leave town.

Allison had always rambled on about moving out and getting an apartment downtown somewhere and then get she was ready, to start work. But she never once thought that it would actually happen at some point.

Getting out of town and finally becoming a police officer alongside her brother had been a dream of hers for the longest time so when her and her brother had finally sent out their applications this morning, she felt a bit emotional.

Allison slammed her locker shut as she got out her textbooks from her locker and sandwiched them under her armpit. She took a sip out of the hot coffee she had bought from the cafeteria this morning and then pulled up her bag on her shoulder even further as she rounded the corner and walked into class with a sigh.

When she walked into class, she spotted Elena beckoning her over to the empty seat next to her. Allison returned the smile, went over to the seat and got everything ready for class.

The trio, Allison, Elena and Stefan had been quiet for a moment, then all pondering on the same and upsetting thing.

The silence came to an end when the younger Salvatore spoke, "This is the first time we're back in Alaric's classroom."

"First period and I'm ready to ball my eyes out." Elena replied, biting on her bottom lip to refrain her from tearing up. Allison put an arm on her shoulder comfortingly, giving her a sympathetic

"I wonder who the new teacher's gonna be." Allison gave her friends a tight smile, trying to lighten up the mood.

But Elena's mood was dimmed yet again when Rebekah Mikaelson came strolling in with flyers in her hand, "Morning everyone." She greeted, "So I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts in the fifth period, goes till whenever. Spread the word."

When Rebekah stopped in front of their tables, Elena spoke up with a smirk creeping up on her lips, "New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?"

"Elena." Allison warned in a whisper. She knew the Mikaelson siblings had had some issues ever since Klaus had faked his death and here was the Gilbert trying to make her feel bad.

"He didn't kick me out. I left." Rebekah answered, trying to not look affected by the newly turned vampire's words.

"So you left the only person on Earth that actually likes you?" Elena teased, her smirk only growing wider than before.

"That's not true." Allison interjected with a scoff, "Rebekah's my best friend. You know that, Lena. And don't go off at her because you're a vampire now. I get that your emotions are heightened and everything but it truly was an accident."

"Thanks, Ally." The Original smiled weakly before taking a seat next to her brunette best friend.

The class had finally settled down when a middle-aged man walked into the room. His hair colour resembled Allison's and he had prickly stubble on the sides of his face. He was wearing a royal blue buttoned-up shirt and a pair of black pants. His black dress shoes squeaked on the marble floors and he walked over to his desk, getting ready to introduce himself.

"Hello, everyone. I am Mr Petrova and I will be your new history teacher." He introduced himself, picking up the piece of chalk next to the board and writing it down.

His name caused the Enchantress to look over to the Salvatore who was already staring at her, mouthing, "Do you know him?"

She responded with a shake of the head. When she was going to redirect her gaze back to the front of the class, the new teacher spoke up, "Am I interrupting your conversation, miss...?"

"Forbes." She inwardly cursed herself as she got called out in front of the whole class.

"Well, Miss Forbes, you certainly aren't giving a good first impression. I don't want to see you communicating with anyone in class again, and that goes for you too, Mr...?"

"Salvatore." Stefan told.

"Mr Salvatore." He smiled before going back to the class, "Now, the rules are simple. I'm a teacher and I must be respected. Any shenanigans and you'll be receiving detention. You waste my time, I waste yours. You do as I say and I think we'll get along."

Allison then turned to Rebekah and gave her a wide-eyed glance before quickly looking back at the front. She wasn't gonna make the same mistake again and get caught.

Class had quickly rolled by and she had to admit, he was a good teacher. His rules seemed fair and she respected that. The only thing she didn't like was how she was embarrassed in front of the whole class.

As everyone picked up their bags and left the classroom, Mr Petrova called out her name, "Miss Forbes, I'd like to have a word."

Allison cursed herself. She was so close to leaving that classroom until the teacher called her back, "Yeah?" She turned around, staring at him awkwardly as everyone else had finally left the class, leaving only the two of them, alone.

"Sorry if I was a little harsh on you. Being strict is how you earn a student's respect. We could start again if you like?" Her new history teacher asked with a smile.

"I'd like that." She returned the smile.

"Okay, well, I'm Ted Petrova. And you are?" He held his hand out for Allison to shake, trying to formally introduce himself.

"Allison Forbes." She took his hand and shook it and then waved him off, leaving the classroom, "I'll see you tomorrow, Mr Petrova."


The rest of the school day flew by but her new history teacher stuck in her mind.

Just because we had the same name didn't mean that were related, right?

I mean, he looks nothing like my mother. My mom's half Latina and well... he's white.

But why would he come to town so suddenly, especially this town of all? No one just passes through Mystic Falls.

Her thoughts were cut short when she felt an arm drag her away from besides her locker, "Go home and get ready for the party, Ally. It's gonna start soon." Rebekah told her, her arm still in her grip.

"I think I'm just gonna stay in this." She took her hand from her best friend's grip and gestured towards her current outfit which consisted of blue jeans, a black top and a white shirt on top to make it look less simple than it was.

When she saw the judging look the Mikaelson was giving her, she scoffed, "What? There's nothing wrong with it. I'm not gonna go home and change. It's just a waste of time and clothes."

"Oh, fine." Rebekah sighed as she interlocked her arm with the Forbes besides her and walked outside the school, ready to ditch and go to her new house.

"Did Nik really kick you out?" Allison asked with a gentle tone, not wanting to press too much on the topic.

"No. I left." She replied in a monotone voice, not an ounce of emotion in her tone, "After making me believe he was dead and leaving me in that bloody car to die, I decided to leave. He was being a bitch and I can't take it anymore. I shouldn't have to do what he says after he does that."

Allison sighed at the information she was already aware of, "As for the death thing, he couldn't really tell anyone and for the car, there really wasn't any time to get you otherwise they would've taken his possessed Tyler self too but I do understand where you're coming from and I'm happy you left."

By the time their conversation was over, they had arrived at the party and were beginning to set up.


In the forest, not too far from them, stood two individuals. A man in his forties and a girl who looked about seventeen, the couple discussing important matters.

"These weapons," the man said, dropping a black duffel bag and letting it crash to the ground, "are for later. So, what did you bring?"

"Aconitum napellus. The only wolfsbane that can be fatal to a werewolf." The girl smirked, holding up a small vial with what looked like purple liquid. "This is one of the only doses left." She said, tossing the vial to him. "Use it wisely."

The werewolf hunter caught it with ease, "I won't be needing all of it. Just a few drops." He smiled mischievously, examining the small bottle, "I've heard of this before but I never thought it actually existed. It's extraordinary to see it right before my eyes." He looked up from the bottle to eye the girl in front of her, "You've proven that I can trust you now. Thank you."


The party was in full swing. Rebekah and Allison had done an amazing job setting up and their hard work paid off.

When the other two Forbes siblings walked in, the stench of alcohol hit their noses, making them cringe. Their eyes landed on their sister who was having a conversation with Rebekah, letting out a humorous laugh at something she'd said whilst holding a cup of trashy beer that she didn't bother trying.

When Allison heard the door open, she turned her head to see her siblings walk in. She motioned for Rebekah to give her a second before walking up to them, "Hey, Care." She said to her sister before staring at her twin with a blank but slightly confused face, "Hey, Theo...? This isn't exactly your type of scene."

"Caroline forced me to come." He explained, glaring daggers into the side of his older sister's head.

"Ah, that explains it." The younger werewolf smiled in amusement, "Well, have fun I guess." She shrugged before walking back to Rebekah, only to find out that she'd vanished because a different blonde was standing in her place instead.

She had soft, blonde waves like the Mikaelson's, her light hair contrasting with her brown leather jacket, black top and pants.

"Hey, do you know where Rebekah is?" Allison asked the girl she'd never seen before.

The blonde gave her a simple smile, her eyes gleaming with something Allison couldn't quite figure out, "Sorry, I don't know. I don't really know anyone here." She chuckled, "I'm new. Lily Parker." Lily held out her hand to greet her.

"Allison Forbes." The Forbes shook her hand, returning the smile, "So, what being you Mystic Falls?" She started a polite conversation, trying to get to know this mysterious girl who just showed up in town. The voice in her head told her that not just anyone stumbled across this town but she brushed it off, labelling it as overthinking and moved on.

"Dad died in a car crash getting back from work and my mom couldn't live there anymore. It was a good decision for the both of us anyway." The Parker girl gave the Labonair a sad smile before looking down at the wooden floor.

"I'm sorry that happened. Everyone already knows so I've never really told anyone before but my parents died when I was a baby so I never really got to know them." Allison bit her lip, looking up at the girl in front of her to see the same look in her eyes as before that she couldn't quite decipher, "But bad endings have a good, new beginning. Me and my twin brother got adopted by my mom and because of her, we're who we are today. I even have an amazing sister because of her." She chuckled lightheartedly as Lily gave her a sympathetic look, looking almost guilty.

"I'm so sorry that happened." The blonde placed her hand on her shoulder in comfort, "You haven't touched your drink yet." She pointed out when she removed her hand.

"Yeah. I'm not really a fan of beer." Allison shrugged honestly, placing the red solo cup on the table next to her.

"Oh, come on." She sighed dramatically, "How about we do keg stands? I bet you can't beat me." She smirked before running outside to where the beer keg was.

Allison giggled at her new friend; she liked her personality. She ran out after her to already see her doing a keg stand. Everyone surrounded her in a circle, cheering louder and louder every second.

The Enchantress shook her head when she got back down from it with a smirk, walking towards her, "You're up, Forbes." She pushed her forward slightly as everyone around them cheered her name.

Rebekah stood by the door, swirling her straw in her cup, "Who's that." She asked Caroline, her eyes tracking the back of the new bubbly blonde who was with her best friend. She didn't want to admit it but she felt slightly threatened by this girl. She always felt like if she did something wrong, Allison wouldn't want to be friends anymore.

Maybe this was her payback for when I crashed the car...

The Original stored her thoughts away when the Forbes girl next to her responded, "Her name's Lily."

Just as Caroline said her name, Lily turned around, a bright smile on her face as she made eye contact with the Mikaelson's for a split second.

Rebekah felt her heart drop when seeing who it really was, someone she thought she was rid of for good.

Rebekah was too stunned to say anything as Caroline continued, "She just moved here. I met her in bio' today and she was cool." She shrugged, but when seeing the look on her face, she realised that wasn't what she wanted to hear, "Ally isn't gonna replace you; she adores you. She could never."

Little did Caroline know, that was the least of Rebekah's problems.

Rebekah looked down at the white threshold of her door, a small smile gracing her lips as she said vaguely, "I know but there's something off about that new girl. I don't trust her around Ally."

Their conversation came to an end as the two blondes by the door watched as Allison shrugged off her white overshirt and passed it to Lily before flipping over into a handstand and clutching onto the sides of the keg as one of the boys put the nozzle in her mouth. Everyone chanted chug, peaking her confidence as she drank as much as she possibly could, despite hating the taste of the bitter drink.

When she had her good fill, she flipped back down, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and flashing a smile her sister and best friend's way.


After about ten minutes, Allison decided to head off home with her siblings and the company of her best friend. She had begun to feel a little dizzy and going home and getting some rest would be the best option for her.

When they made it to her bedroom, she slipped into her covers with a sleepy look on her face. She let out a cough as she began to doze off. Her twin, sister and best friend started to whisper theories of what got her this way because they knew she wouldn't just feel dizzy like that.

Wolfsbane was their main theory right now, until Rebekah intervened, "It couldn't have been." She whispered amongst them, trying not to wake the sleeping werewolf, "Look at her arm. There's purple lines running up it. Normal wolfsbane wouldn't do that. I think this is a different type. I have to call Nik. He'll know what to do."

The Forbes siblings agreed as the Mikaelson walked out of the room for some privacy. She pressed on his contact and then called him. It took a few rings before he picked up, but thankfully, he did, "What's wrong, little sister? I'm busy." The hybrid grumbled into the speaker.

"It's Ally. We don't know what's wrong with her. One minute she was goofing around at my party and having fun and the next she felt dizzy and now she's asleep and we think someone gave her wolfsbane or something. We even noticed these purple looking veins running up her arms."

There was a moment of silence before Klaus sighed, "Where is she, Rebekah?" He asked calmly, trying not to lose his temper at her, stressed out at this new information about his girlfriend not feeling too well.

"It's not good, is it? She's going to die, isn't she?" Rebekah ignored his question, worry filling her stomach and making her feel just as ill as the werewolf on the bed.

Caroline and Theodore poked their heads out of the door, not caring how obvious it was that they were watching the Mikaelson.

"What?" Caroline exclaimed, pushing the door fully open, dragging her brother with her.

Theo stumbled, tripping on the threshold of the door, "Die?" He exclaimed frantically, "What the hell do you mean die?"

Rebekah sighed, turning around and shooing them off. The siblings frowned like two sad kids on Christmas and walked back into the room, their shoulders slumping.

"Where is she, Rebekah?" Klaus said harshly as Rebekah closed Allison's bedroom door.

"We're at her place." Rebekah paused with a sad breath, "Just please tell me if she's going to be okay. I don't want to lose her. Not after everything she's done for me."

"She's going to be okay." He repeated, his tone sounding as if he was trying to convince both his sister and himself. The truth was, that's exactly what he was doing because he truly didn't know if what he was going to do would work. He'd seen this happen to others before and it wasn't pretty. Not pretty at all. His only hope was that it wouldn't happen to his girlfriend now that he had a supposed cure.


Klaus arrived as soon as he could, putting everything down and getting straight into his car to go to his girlfriend's house. If his theory was right then the hallucinations would've started by now.

When he had arrived, he hastily parked up his car, not giving it a second thought before speeding to the Forbes' royal blue door and knocking.

The door had opened less than a minute later, revealing a distressed-looking Liz Forbes. She looked like she hadn't gotten any rest, reeking of anxiety, her skin wrinkling with stress and an alarmed look on her face.

"Come in. Come in quickly." Liz hurried the hybrid in, her arms shaking with nerves and she pushed him up the stairs. Normally, he wouldn't let anyone touch him like that but this called for desperate measures.

The two had ascended the stairs and entered the werewolf's room just to see her lying in bed, looking pale as ever. She let out a dry cough, turning from her siblings and best friend to the new people who'd just entered.

"No, stop it!" Allison screeched with terror as she jumped out of bed and began tugging on Klaus' jacket, the image before her sending her into a horrified state.

Klaus was... was feeding on my mother.

"Get off of her!" She practically growled, her eyes flickering between the warm werewolf amber and the dangerous Enchantress crimson as she backed him into the wall, fangs emerging from her gums.

Everyone in the room looked at her in confusion as Klaus gently pushed her off him and stared into her eyes, as if feeling pity for her.

"What's wrong with her?" Liz asked the hybrid with fear swarming in her eyes, having no idea what was happening to her daughter and why.

"Allison, love, it's me." The Mikaelson soothed as she stroked her back soothingly, leaving her mother's question unanswered.

"You're- you're hurting my mom..." Allison looked back into his eyes with a terrified expression on her face, "Don't-" she pushed him away harshly, "don't touch me."

"Love, it's an illusion. You're hallucinating your worst nightmares. It's the effect of The Purple Poison. I don't know how you got it but-"

Her boyfriend's words became a blur as everything began to change around her. She was no longer at home, in her bedroom, but instead in the forest, where it all began.

"They're all dead." A sinister, spine-chilling laugh escaped the Masked Lady's filthy, blood-coated lips as she looked around the carnage she created in awe, "I won."

Beatrice strode towards Theodore's body and retracted her sword roughly, placing her finger at the piercing tip and bringing her blood-stained finger to her lips, tasting it.

She smirked, flipping her raven locks to the side as she stalked towards Liz's cold body, an evident hole on her temple where a bullet was submerged.

The Emerson then turned and confidently walked over to Caroline who was still on the dry ground, a large hole in her chest from where her heart was removed. She stared emotionlessly at the dripping organ before kicking it to the side and letting out a humorous chuckle.

"Now, it's your turn." Beatrice's smirk only grew as she said her words, the words she'd been wanting to say for over two millenniums. She dug her sword into the ground as she walked, using it as if it were a cane. The anticipation grew as she retracted her sword from the ground and brought it up, placing the cold metal on Allison's neck and slitting it in one quick movement, "Thank you, Amber." Her words came out like venom as a victorious smile twisted on her disgusting face.

The defeated Enchantress brought her chained-up arms to her neck as blood spilled out of it uncontrollably. Sounds of choking escaped her lips as she tried to hold onto life but there was nothing you could do when death was right around the corner.

Allison held onto her unharmed neck, choking on nothing but her imagination as everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Is choking one of the symptoms?" Theodore asked, looking up at Klaus who was across the room. His question sounded sarcastic but they all knew it wasn't.

"No, but hallucinations are. I think she's imagining someone strangling her or something." Klaus predicted as he held onto Allison, worry rushing through his veins.

When she blinked and looked around her to see that everything was the same, she let out a sigh of relief, "I- you- you were all dead..." Allison uttered just above a whisper, fear lacing her tone and nothing else. She trembled in her boyfriend's grip and he brought them back to her bed and sat down, "I- I was dead. We were all dead..."

"Love, it wasn't real." Klaus looked at her sympathetically, wanting nothing more than to keep her safe, away from any harm. He wanted to murder anyone who even thought of hurting his love.

"No. It- it looked so real. Almost like it's gonna happen. Like- like it was foreshadowing..." A sense of unease filled her as Klaus stroked her hair, she looked around the room to see her brother, her sister and her mother without so much as a scratch on them, but she couldn't help but feel apprehensive about the whole thing. It just seemed so real.

It didn't feel like the hallucinations she was receiving because of the werewolf poison but instead felt like a warning sent from Beatrice, like a portend showing her what would happen when she came, what she would do the her family and how she would destroy them all.

As if on cue, the purple lines became visible again as she whimpered in pain, "It hurts." She mumbled as Klaus got up from the bed and then put her back in the covers.

"I know it does, love, but it won't hurt much longer." The Mikaelson gave her a sympathetic smile, looking down at her vulnerable state and planting a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"Am I gonna die?" The werewolf looked up at him, her doe eyes watering. She looked so scared, so vulnerable, so fragile. She didn't want to die; she hadn't even lived yet.

"No, no. I won't let anything happen to you." A weak smile graced his lips before his face twisted into his hybrid form, his eyes blazing amber as his fangs emerged from his gums, "This will only hurt for a second." He warned softly before piercing his gums into her wrist and slowly sucking her blood, trying not to cause her any pain.

Allison sucked in her breath as she felt the blood leaving her but it made her feel better somehow. It felt like the toxins in her blood were vanishing, like they were being transferred to the hybrid.

"What is he doing?" Caroline asked Rebekah the question they had all wanted the answer to, especially their mother.

"I'm not sure." The Mikaelson sister looked over to her new friend, biting her lip anxiously as they waited for it to be over.

When he finally removed his fangs from Allison's wrist, it looked like all the colour had returned to her face. She looked alive again, healthy.

She watched as the bite mark on her wrist healed and as the purple lines on her wrists became fainter and fainter until there was nothing there anymore.

"Thank you, Nik." The Forbes whispered to her boyfriend, still weak from the effects of the deadly toxin, "I don't know what I'd do without you." She leaned over to press a small kiss on his cheek before he got up from his kneeled position.

"Thank you, Klaus, so much." Liz was the first to come forward, smiling at him gratefully as he returned it with a nod.

Then, came Caroline, "I'm so glad Alaric didn't succeed in killing you." She patted his shoulder with a smile identical to her mother's. Klaus accepted the gesture awkwardly, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion at her words.

And lastly came Theodore. He practically jumped on top of the hybrid as he tackled him into a hug. Klaus' brows furrowed even more as he felt his girlfriend's twin wrap his arms around him, not knowing how to feel about the affection he was receiving.

"Get off him, Theo." their mother scolded, mentally face-planting herself, "'cause somethings telling me that the Big Bad Hybrid doesn't like hugs."

Before she could step forward and pull him off the other male, the hybrid reluctantly brought his hands up from his sides and wrapped them around Theodore's back, patting it awkwardly as the four girls in the room cringed at the sight.

When their hug ended, Theodore gave Klaus a genuine smile which he returned with surprisingly the same amount of sincerity.

Allison still in bed, bit back a smile, watching her brother and boyfriend getting along in awe, knowing that this moment would live rent-free in her mind until the day she died.


"She should be dead by now." The middle-aged man from before smirked at the girl, proud of what he'd done, proud that he thought he'd murdered an innocent girl — well, innocent wasn't exactly the best word but you get the point. She had a family and friends and he didn't think twice before lacing the beer keg with fatal poison, knowing what it'd do.

"Yeah." The girl returned it with a faux smile. Excusing her from this annoying conversation, her phone began to buzz in her pocket. She almost sighed in relief, mentally thanking the caller for their timing as she gave the man before her an apologetic smile, turning on her feet and treading down the forest a little so that she was out of earshot.

She answered the call, her faux smile turning into a real one, "Hello, mother."

"No time for hello's." The lady on the other end of the line spat, "What are you doing? I know this man is a problem and that is why I told you to end his pathetic life," she snapped, "not to bloody play along with his werewolf hunting crap. He's a nut-job, and so are you for joining in with his idiocy. You have one job and that is to gain her trust and you can't even do that."

"Mother, I've got it handled; don't worry. The pathetic hunter won't be an issue and the girl has a cure, she's fine. Gaining her trust will take some time though, we've only just met and she lives in a world of supernatural. You can't trust just anyone." She scoffed into the phone.

"You better." The elder woman grumbled, "And gain her trust quick, I'm growing impatient."

"I won't disappoint you, mother. Not this time." The younger girl's head dropped down, remembering the first time she'd failed her mother and how much she had to do for her forgiveness, how much she had to do to be in this very mission right now.


Word count: 5067


Wow, I did not expect this chapter to be this long. I thought it was gonna be about 3K words but look at where we are!

This chapter is a really important one. We're just getting started in the Beatrice plot and I'm so excited!

So, what are your thoughts on the new characters, Ted and Lily? I'm so excited to write more about them and the mysterious people in the forest, hmm, I wonder who they are. The phone call at the end of the chapter was interesting too, I wonder who that was... 🤔😉

Also, I made up this new werewolf poison that's fatal to werewolves, for the plot, if you're confused. It's called aconitum napellus or The Purple Poison. It's basically like a werewolf bite but for werewolves, so the cure is the opposite of the werewolf bite so instead of Klaus feeding her his blood, he fed on hers to basically remove the toxin.

Anyways follow my wp tiktok and insta @_mrsmikaelson.wp and remember to vote, comment and share, I love you guys bye!

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