Illicit Love

By SecretWriter2022xx

2K 81 3

♡︎♡︎ How can love be so easy for some and not for others? Can you meet someone who truly feels like 'The One... More

Authors note
Seventeen - wedding

Thirty one

51 0 0
By SecretWriter2022xx

Theo Pov

I have never been more scared in my life than I am right now! After they done there checks I was rushed out the room to change into scrubs and cleaning myself up.

As I changed I send a quick text to our parents knowing they will share it with the siblings, letting them know to get down here. My hands shaking as I open the door seeing the nurse waiting to take me to a different room.

"So she is going to have our babies today?" I ask the doctor quietly when I was into the room.

"That's what it seems like" he says with a small smile "yes it's a little earlier than we hoped but so farm mom and babies are doing ok and we will keep an eye on them and make sure things are progressing the way they are supposed"

I let out a shaky breath nodding "thank you" I mutter before rushing to Amelia's side taking her hand in mine kissing her head repeatedly.

"You ok beautiful?" I whisper

She nods but tears fill her eyes "fuck it's painful" she lets out a whimper "will they be ok Theo it's too early"

"No no don't think like that, the doctor said everything looks good and we should have our babies by the end of the day" I tell her smiling widely as tears fill my eyes "we're going to be parents today baby"


"This is your fault, you keep that fucking thing away from me or I'll cut it off" Amelia growls making my eyes widen looking towards the doctors and nurses who looked thoroughly amused. "Fuck shit never again" she groans squeezing my hand as tight as humanly possible.

I'm glad these fuckers look amused but knowing the Romano family as well as I do I'm not going to lie I'm nervous right now because she looks so fucking serious.

She gasps as tears fall "I'm sorry I don't really mean that, I love you" as I lean on the bed wiping her head and face with a cold damp towel "it's just so painful"

I peck her lips "I know baby and you are doing amazing, I'm so proud of how strong you are" I whisper

She lets out a gasp / scream one hand still gripping mines while the other grabs the closet thing to it....

"FUCK" I half scream half grunt "let go of my fucking dick or it will be broken" I growl trying to shove her hand away "fuck I need ice"

"Now you know how fucking painful it is" she growls letting go as I hear muffled laughs making me glare at them.

"What the fuck lia" I groan feeling sick to my stomach at the pain.

"Oh my god I can't believe I did that" she gasps "Theo I'm really sorry baby" she cries making me sigh

Does every woman go crazy when in labour?

"It's fine, you just concentrate" I say hoarsely "while I hide my dick from you" I mutter but obviously not quiet enough if the snorts and her glare are anything to go by.

"Ok Amelia when I say push I want a big push"

"Not I'm not ready" she shakes her head looking at me scared

"You are baby, you can do this" I tell her with a smile.

"I'm afraid you have no choice but to do this now Amelia" the doctor giggles. "1...2..3...PUSH"

"That's it baby keep going, push push push push" I encourage as Lias face reddens.

"Ahhh" she screams pain fully

"You're doing brilliant lia keep going" the doctor cheers "push push push"

A few minutes later the sound of the loudest cry I have ever heard, they sound causes tears to my eyes as I kiss Amelia. "You did it baby one down one to go"

"Congratulations mommy & daddy you have a beautiful baby boy, is daddy cutting the umbilical cord?"

"Yes please"

"Oh god the other one is coming" she groans a few minutes later.

"You can do it baby" I try to soothe her but doesn't work at all

"I can't Theo, I'm so tired" she mutters before letting out a loud scream.

Seconds later I notice a nurse go close to the doctor and whisper something both of them looking serious making me worry.

I chose not to say anything since lia will hear and they last thing I want is for her to worry, she loos absolutely exhausted.

"Ok Amelia one big push for me"

"We see the head, well done Amelia keep going. Another big push"

Three minutes after his brother was born our second son let's out a scream. I can't stop my tears from falling down my face. "They are beautiful" Lia cry's softly "what should we call them?"

"How about you pick and I'll pick there middle names?"

She lets out a smile "Theo jnr and Alessio"

"I like them" I say with a soft chuckle kissing her head then both of my boys. As I pull back Ifrown noticing how pale her face has become "Lia baby are you ok?"

My question seems to alert others in the room and before I know it the boys are taken away from her arms and doctors and nurses are surrounding her bed, that's when I notice the blood.

"I don't feel good"

I keep lightly slapping her face as I watch her eyes roll back "Lia stay awake baby, come on baby open you're eyes"

"Sir you need to give the Doctors room to work" a nurse says trying to pull me away

My heart pounding in my chest "I'm not leaving her alone." I demand but before long I'm rushed out of the room seeing our parents waiting, the last thing I seen and heard was lots of blood and the sound the machine made when her heart stopped, Both our moms teary eyed tears running down their cheeks and that's when I break down.

"I can't lose her" I crosk

Please god let her be ok

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