Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU)...

By bluvr45

6.8K 173 1

Bailey Mikaelson is a vampire. She was born around the 1000s. Her family the Mikaelson, all separated when th... More

Face Claim
Season 1
First Day
The Party
The Game
Allison's Date
Aunt Kate
Birthday Gift
Night School
Partner in Crime
The Identity of The Alpha
Locker Room Chat
Season 2
The Funeral
Surfaced Memory
It's all about the Power
The Kanima's Identity
Falling Apart Pack
Master Plan
Season 3
The Bit
Alpha Pack
Which One?
Tree of Lights and Changes
Wolfs Bane and White Oak
Hiding Feelings and Prophecy
Going Under
Downfall of The Druid and Alphas
Flying Into Trouble
Can't Fight Destiny
Season 4
Family Reunion
I'm Alive
The Virus
Anonyomous Money
Ghost of You
Argent Sister Reunited
Trip to Mexico
Season 2 TO, Season 5 TW
Twin Chat
New Hope
The One Who's Mind Betrayed Her
The Wildest One and Just Existing One
Dear Aunt Dahlia
Beacon Hills Again
Secrets Always Come To Light
Forgive but Don't Forget
Big Bro Elijah
Creature of the Night
Dread Doctors
Sapphire Is Born
Life is Going to Change
Don't be a Deadbeat
I Won't be a Deadbeat
Image What You Need
Fight for A Life
Bugged Bodies
The Beast of Gevudon
Fast Forward
Rhode Trip
Turquoise is Born
Link Up
Bye Bye Beasty
Season 6
Memory Lost
Ghost Riders
Wild Hunt
Hunter's End
Wedding to Tragedy
Bye Bye
The Movie
Bailey Bailey Bailey
The Car Thieves
Soil from Place of Death
The Nematone
She's Alive, She's Back
My Mission
"Stupid Objects"
One Last Game
Final Goodbyes
New Stories

Code Breaker

99 3 0
By bluvr45

Chapter 12

Peter has left me alone for the past few days. I've spent the time studying up on the info he already gave me on my family. Like the original hybrid. I found that my twin brothers name is Klaus Mikaelson. The book I found basically explains how him and the unknown twin (aka me) were turned into hybrids.

The last night of freedom, I went to the dance at the school. I stayed on the down low because I didn't want to argue or fight with Scott.

But when I was just watching in a corner, I got a text from Peter to meet him on the Lacrosse field. When I got out there I saw an unconscious Lydia, surrounded by Peter and Stiles.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"He attacked her." Stiles said irritated.

I pushed Peter. "What the fuck? You said "if I what you asked no one I care about will get hurt."

Stiles stood up. "So it's true?" I turned to face him. "When Scott told me I didn't believe him. But it's true. You're working for him."

"For business reason." I said as icey cold as I could. I want to say "I really don't want to. But he knows shit about my bio family." But I couldn't. I had to freeze him away. Because as much as I liked Stiles, he deserves way better than me. And I don't deserve him.

I texted Jackson and told him to come to the field. He would find Lydia and she would be okay.

Then me and Stiles followed Peter. He was trying to get me to explain why I was helping Peter. But honestly I knew I shouldn't trust Peter. I was desperate. I knew if I said the reason, I would get my hopes up. And I would only get let down when Peter says he has just been lying to me the entire time.


While Stiles was driving Peter around, I was instructed to go back to the Argent house, and make sure they all go to the Hale house. Peter said he just needs 1 person in proticulor.

When I walked in I heard Kate and Chris arguing.

"I have to make sure she's prepared for any danger. Especially now since you let a complete stranger, who you know nothing about her past into your house and call her your other. Which could put your actual daughter in danger."

"Don't do that Kate! Bailey is as much of my daughter as Allison."

"Yeah, then why don't you seem as worried about where she is, as you are about me telling Allison about the family career."

Chris stayed silent. I knew he would never love me as much as Allison. That was why I wanted to find my bio family. Because if one day, the Argents decide they don't want me anymore, I'll have no one. But now i knew it was true. A small piece of me broke.

I walked into the living room. Chris noticed me right away.

"Bails." He said in a clearly guilty tone.

"It's fine. I always knew you'd always love her more. That's understandable. After all she is your blood. I'm not." Tears started flowing down my cheek. "I never will be."


"Stop calling me that! That's what people what people call me for 2 reasons. When they are Allison. Or when they did something wrong to me, and they feel bad about it. I'm so sick of people feeling bad about it!"

He stayed silent. I knew he felt terrible for not defending me.

I just couldn't take the sorry act. So i ran upstairs to my room


Later that night, I ran down stairs. Chris tried to stop me from leaving, but I did it anyways. I knew he would follow me, which what I needed him to do.

When I got to the Hale house, Allison shot Derek in the leg. I stepped in front of her bow.

"Whatcha doing, Bailey." Kate asked calm.

"Getting my answers." I grabbed Allison's bow and threw it.

"What answers?" Allison asked. I could tell she already knew exactly what answers I needed. She had this sad look in her eyes. I saw it everytime a boy made her cry.

"I knew Chris never should have let you into this family." Kate said.

"Yeah, well, I should have never your psychos family adopt me. Allison is the only normal one."

"Like you know anything about being normal!" Kate said. "You're not even human!"

My eyes widened. "What?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"It's true." Scott said. "I smelt it on you the first day we meet. It was like me but slightly different, but there was something else in the mix."

Allison moved so she was standing next to me. "What was it?"

He was quiet. He didn't want to tell us. "Death."

Derek took an arrow out of his chest and stood next to Scott. "I can smell it now. You're a vampire, hollow werewolf hybrid."

So it was true. I was the unknown Mikaelson. I was the famous hybrids twin. I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Ah." Kate stepped in front of me. "I haven't killed one of those yet." She stuck a knife into my stomach.

I fell back. "Run!" I yelled to Scott and Derek.

They did it, and Kate followed. Allison helped me up. She held me up, so we could follow them.

We made it just in time to see Kate holding a gun to Scott's head. Allison let go of me so she could stop her.

Kate pushed Allison to the ground. Then Chris showed up. He gave Kate the whole speech about how they don't kill Werewolves who haven't killed an innocent.  He also said he found out that Kate was responsible for the fire at the Hale house 6 years ago.

When Chris brought up the code again, Kate got ready to shot. But then Chris pointed a gun at her.

"Put the gun down." When Kate didn't do so, he shoot at the tree right behind her. "Before I put you down."

She put the gun down.

Then the door of the house opened. Kate pointed her gun at it. Scott stood up and we all shifted towards the door.

It was Peter. Even though he hadn't shown his face yet, me and Scott both knew.

I ran up the porch.

"Bailey, no!" Chris screamed.

I ignored him. "Peter? I know that's you." I said into the house. "I know you just want to avenge the fire. But I'm not gonna let you hurt Kate." I looked down at her. She looked surprised. "Even if she did try to kill me, she is still my family."

Peter in his wolf form jumped out of the house and grabbed Kate, then went back inside. I went in too.

I saw him, back in his human form, with claw against Kate's throat. "She is beautiful, Kate. Your brother has 2 beautiful ones. She also has a mind heart." He looked down to my stomach wound, which my hand was on.  "If it was me, I wouldn't have tried to spare your life after that. She's not as damaged as you. Or at least she doesn't remember it. So I'll give you a chance to save her and Allison. Apologize."

I started to breathe heavily. Despite what Kate has done, I don't want her dead. I still have the few week imbedded in my memory of when she was kind to me. Maybe that all was an act, but to me it was real.

"Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years." Peter had tears in my eyes. Kate wasn't focused on him. Her eyes were on me. "Say it. And I'll let her live."

Kate was gasping for breathe. "I'm sorry." She hesitate.

Peter was satisfied. Those were the words he was so desperate to hear since he woke up. He smiled at me and slide his claws across her throat.

I gasped and jonted forward. I watched with tears in my eyes as she was falling onto the ground.

"I don't know about you, Bailey, but that apology" He looked at me with fangs as teeth. "didn't sound very sincere."

He walked towards me. I stepped back. But when I got to a certain point I ran out of adrenaline. I fell down.

Luckily, Scott, Derek, and Allison came inside. Scott and Derek handled Peter, as Allison got me out of there.

When we got outside we found Chris on the ground unconscious. Allison layed me against the house, while she went to check on him.

Then the fight that was happening in the house came out here. Allison had to take care of that, while I took care of Chris, while I was barely conscious.

Chris eventually woke up. He got up and saw Allison and Scott making out. Then Stiles ran over to me.

He noticed me holding onto my stomach. "Are you okay."

I was really dizzy. I knew I wouldn't be awake for much longer. I had to do something before I died. I had to take a chance.

Before I knew it my lips were pressed against his. I pulled slightly back.

"What was that for?"

"I had to do it before I die."

"You're not dying." He cupped my cheeks with his hands.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I said weakly as I gasped for breathe. My vision went black,


When my eyes opened, I was in a hospital room. I looked to my side and saw Stiles asleep in the chair right next to the bed.

I just stared at him, until he jumped awake. "How long have you been awake?"

"No idea." I stated

"So, good news, Peter's dead." He smiled.

I was happy, but also disappointed. He was the only one who knew something about my family.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just he knew about my family. And I can't help but wonder about them." I said.

"Completely understand."

We both were silent for a minute. Then I said "So you want to know something cool?"

"Always." He said.

"I think I'm a hybrid."

"Huh?" His jaw dropped.

"A vampire, and a hollow werewolf, whatever that is, hybrid."

"Vamp wolf." He pointed with a small gasp.

"Yeah, if you want to call it that." I looked to the ceiling. "And my twin brother is a hybrid to. Apparently we are the original vampires."

"Wow, now you're even cooler then Scott."

"Umm hmm." I nodded.

We were silent.

"So are you just gonna act like the thing that happened, never happened?" I asked referring to the kiss.

"You remember that?"

I nodded.

"I just thought you were delirious." He was looking down at his hand.

"Oh, I was." I said looking back up at the ceiling. "But I wanted too. I have since the party, we first meet." I was scared of what he would say. I was scared he didn't feel the same as me. Which I could handle as long as I knew.

"Good." He said so quiet, i wasn't even sure I heard him right.


"I said good. Because I've liked you too."

I smiled at him. "Really?" I giggled.

"Yeah, I didn't realize it until that night at the school, but I like you to. "He moved closer to the bed. "So what does that mean?"

He interlocjed my hand with his. "I think that means, you should take me out on a date Mr Stilinski."

"Okay." He smiled big at me. "Miss Bailey Argent, would you do me the pleasure of going to diner with me, sometime?"

I giggled. He was doing this so formal. "Yes. Yes, Mr Stiles Stilinski, I would be honored."

He leaned down to give me a kiss. Then we just stayed there talking, until morning. When my mom, dad, and Allison came in. Dad kicked him out.

Then we all just gave apologize of everything that happened the past few days.

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