โœ“ Lost Afterlife [Yeonbin]

By _prokookie_

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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ก ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ฅ๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐จ๐›๐ฃ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐œ๐ซ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

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ใ€‹แดกสœแด ษช๊œฑ แด›สœแด€แด›?ใ€Š

130 17 8
By _prokookie_

"I am one of those ones, who died as they loved someone"


Date: 25 October, 2021

Yeonjun felt himself going crazy this days, because he thinks he started seeing something he shouldn't see. Dead Souls, ghosts and other weird things he couldn't pinpoint with just the human world knowledge.

Now, he just finished dressing up as the hangout Beomgyu was talking about was just the next hour. They were supposed to meet at the nearby studio for the university students.

Yeonjun who just finished getting ready wanting to leave already, was coming down the stairs instinctively gasped, jumping being absolutely terrified seeing another scary soul hovering 4 feet in the air from above.

He immediately acted to trip on the ground because he had accidentally caught that ghost's attention and he would be so done for if those ghosts realize that he could actually see their existence.

"Oh my God- Oppa are you okay?" Berry who was nearby heard the loud gasp and immediately jogged towards the plopped down male on the floor for now being genuinely concerned.

Yeonjun immediately shot his head towards berry and stole a guilty glance from her and slowly stood up because his legs had actually given up for a few seconds before could gain the full control over it again.

"Did you get hurt?" The girl infront of the boy asked and he immediately nodded his head.

"Yeah berry. Just a bit clumsy. Yeah- don't worry about that." Berry still for some reason didn't look convinced by his reasoning stared at him cluelessly but didn't say anything further to which Yeonjun was grateful to.

"I see. Okay then. Be careful. See you later." Yeonjun lightly smiled before ruffling her hair, exiting the huge mansion finally taking in a deep breath of relief.

He still doesn't have a single clue to what's going on from the past few days and how on earth he started seeing those stuffs.

He thinks he is finally going mad.

And now he didn't bother to tell anything to anyone because there is least amount of chance that they will believe it.

He doesn't want to earn any sympathetic or crazy looks. So back off.

Yeonjun quitely walked towards the studio they were meeting in a while cutting through the chilly atmosphere, hands starting to get a bit pale from the coldness.

It's almost the end of Autumn and winter will be coming soon.

While just beside him, another figure was walking with him without his knowing.

"I am surprised this human still didn't start to get mad after seeing so many ghosts and souls. Impressive."

Casper commented from his opal, as Soobin just rolled his eyes before speaking-

"Tskk, what am I now? A soul? Or a new guardian of this human. I was supposed to do my mission." The Nomeon could only sigh hearing the soul and invisibly shook his head.

"You are actually doing your mission don't worry. You have a Nomeon stuck by your gem. So there is no chance of you getting derailed from the right track."

Soobin could only listen to him failing to understand the inner meaning the Nomeon meant to portray.

"By the way, what's this human's name again?"

"I think I told you his name a thousand times already. How did you still forget?"

Casper just hissed at the soul's reply and fussed further-

"Will you just tell already?"

"Yeonjun." The soul stated.

Yes, Soobin later eventually found the human's location and according to casper's strict words he had to follow this human side by side just because of the souls and other things.

It doesn't make any sense why casper told him to stay but he had no choice.

Even though void of emotions, Soobin gained full access on the emotion of irritation already.

Well.... Thanks to his Nomeon.

Soobin quitely followed the human with his resting cold face. And from the corner of his vision he could spot few wandering souls steal glances at the boy and him, before going away.

Yeonjun quitely arrived at the studio and spotted Beomgyu standing at one corner leaning against the wall with earphones in his ears focused on his phone alone. He went towards and patted the younger male's back making him look at him the next second and greet him with a light smile.

"Heyy Hyung! You came! Taehyun will be here just in a moment. Let's wait outside come on."

"Sure!" Yeonjun said softly following the other one. While, the soul who also tagged along with him stared at the new person bewildered.

"You are going right on track Soobin." Casper gave a sign making Soobin even more puzzled but he took it as a positive sign for his 120 days mission. Sighing out, he also went outside.

"So where are we going?" Yeonjun asked curiously while Beomgyu only shrugged playfully shaking his head.

"Well I don't know. Let Taehyun come. Then we can decide."

"Okay? Sure. As you say." Yeonjun only shrugged. After waiting for few minutes, both of them finally spotted the boy they were waiting for coming from the other side. Both of them waved in sync catching the younger male's attention who also did the same.

But as Taehyun walked closer to them minimizing the distance, Yeonjun noticed another boy tagging Taehyun looking lost?

"So glad to see you joining us hyung." Taehyun said giving the older a light and warm friendly hug. Yeonjun smiled lightly before asking-

"Umm Tae, who is this beside you?" Yeonjun asking softly being curious looking at the boy just beside the latter. But to his horror, Taehyun looked at him confused before looking around and speaking-

"Huh? Who are you talking about hyung? I don't see anyone around us beside Beomgyu hyung."

Yeonjun widened his eyes hearing this, as he felt his heart drop to his stomach as realization hit him like a hard truck.

It was a soul.

Not a human. He had forgotten he could see ghost for the temporary time being.

But the thing is, the soul looked exactly like a human.

While, beside them Soobin and Casper who were watching them, looked surprised as well.


"Yeah? Is this boy another ghost?" Soobin asked glancing at the boy who stood right there glancing at the friend group. Casper who looked in disbelief just said-

"Soobin, you just happened to meet the special sixth soul just like you. He is one of the special one sent back to earth for the same mission."

Soobin looked surprised at the shocking fact he just learned now and looked at the soul who now made eye contact with him. He just blinked.

Soobin's eyes flickered to the new soul's unique gem just like him. Except the soul had a gem called 'moonstone'.

"Where is his nomeon Casper?"

"Well the Nomeon is right there. You just aren't permitted to see them. Only the Nomeon who are assigned to a soul can be seen by you. Not the other one's."

Soobin just gave out a blank face before mumbling-

"The amount of restrictions is crazy..."

Casper only shrugged.

"Well rules are rules. Specially when they are given by Almighty."

Soobin hummed softly before agreeing as indeed it was true. But now he wondered about his least expected encounter with the sixth soul who is just like him.

Soobin instinctively walked and coolly asked the new figure or more like the new soul.

"Who are you?" The soul who previously made eye contact with him now looked at him at the query that was thrown at him suddenly.

But the way of reply from the soul just made Soobin blink thousand time in pure amusement.

As the boy chirped happily flashing his soothing smile before answering-

"I am Hueningkai. The sixth special soul sent back to earth. And I suppose... You are the new seventh soul?" The soul asked as he momentarily eyed the latter's opal gem which comparatively looked quite dull with him.

"Wah... He is totally different from me." Soobin thought in his mind as he lightly nodded to the other boy as a response.

"That's because he is almost at the end of his mission. Look at his moonstone. So does it make sense why he is so full of emotions?" Soobin heard Casper reply to his thoughts with a chuckle as he saw the shining moonstone around the latter's neck.

"I see. How many days you have left in the earth?... Hueningkai?" The soul just chuckled before saying-

"19 days. I am almost done..." The older could only mutter a soft 'oh' at that.

"You didn't tell me your name." The younger looking soul said pointing his finger towards him.

"Oh... it's Soobin." He replied with a tone void of emotions which Hueningkai didn't even bother about because he knew the reason anyways. Now turning towards the friend trio infront of them at a distance, Hueningkai asked out of curiosity-

"Are you perhaps also following a human? Just like me?"

"Uh I suppose... Well, I accidentally gave that human the ability to be able to see other souls.... so my guardian strictly told me to follow him." Hueningkai shook his head before saying-

"Makes sense why Yeonjun-ssi could see me. I was surprised seeing him asking Taehyun that who I was."

Soobin confusedly glanced at the younger one.

"You know them?" Hueningkai gave him a nod.



"Taehyun was my best friend when I was alive. That's why I was following him around. I want him to sense my existence before I permanently go away to afterlife."

Soobin could only stare at the younger soul mouth agape with astonishment.

"I want to apologize to him as I left him so unexpectedly..."

The newer soul had no words to return to the other end because all this world was very new to him.

Also, he felt.... pity for the latter.

Their short conversation just ended with a little flicker of Soobin's opal.

Brightening up a little more.

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