Road to Spider-man (The Road...

By WeAbL0rD

51.1K 3.8K 1K

Y/n L/n has returned as Spider-man, now with more challenges facing him. New Threats, New Enemies, New Frien... More

The Road Continues... (Prologue)
(Wakanda arc) Part 1
(Wakanda arc) Part 2
(Wakanda arc) Part 3
(Wakanda arc) Part 4
(Wakanda arc) Part 5
(Wakanda arc) Part 6
(Wakanda arc) Part 7
(Wakanda arc) Part 8
(Wakanda arc) Part 9
(Wakanda arc) Finale
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 1
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 2
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 3
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 4
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 5
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 6
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 7
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 8
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 9
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 10
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 11
(Friend or Foe arc) Finale
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 1
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 2
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 3
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 4
(SI.L.K arc) Part 5
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 6
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 7
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 8
(S.I.L.K arc) Finale
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(TVA arc) Part 1
(TVA arc) Part 2
(TVA arc) Part 3
(TVA arc) Part 4
(TVA arc) Part 5
(TVA arc) Part 6
(TVA arc) Part 7
(TVA arc) Finale
The End(game)
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 1
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 2
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 3
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 4
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 5
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 6
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 8
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 9
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 10
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 11
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 12
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 13
(Training & Tinkering arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 10
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 11
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 12
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 13
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 14
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Finale

(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 7

410 43 9
By WeAbL0rD

Phin: "Running a test upload..."

As Phin sets up her phone, Rick can be seen sitting on the couch with an I.V. bag attached to his arm as he coughs violently, causing Phin to look back and check up on her brother.

Rick: "Half my team is sick, but Krieger...he still won't admit it's Nuform"

After setting up her phone, Phin props it up on a desk before sitting beside Rick.

Rick: "We need to do this tonight"

Rick then held in his hand a syringe, but before he could inject himself with its contents, Phin took it from his hands before assisting him.

Phin: "Let me"

As Phin helps Rick intake the syringe, she looks at her brother, worried.

Phin: "Are you sure we're ready?"

Rick: "We have to be...They broke ground in Harlem, today. Ahead of schedule"

Phin: "Poisoning the city to make a buck..."

Rick: "They keep cutting corners...ignoring safety reports. I can't let them pervert my work like this, Phin"

After helping her brother, Phin makes her way back to the table, adjusting the camera to get a view of a blueprint that she had laid out. 

Phin: "Okay. First, we flush the core, then we wipe all the data. You're sure they can't just make more of this stuff?"

Rick: "No. long as we take out the supply in Jersey too, but without me, they'll have no idea how Nuform works. The Project will be DOA"

Phin: "I'll record us"

Phin then readjusts the camera, making sure to keep both her and Rick in the frame.

Phin: "If anything goes wrong, the video uploads straight to Bugle"

Rick: "Perfect..."

Rick takes in a heavy sigh.

Rick: "Ready to save New York?"

Phin: "Ready"

In another video, a distressed Phin could be seen on camera as she frantically types to scour her computer.

Phin: "No uploads. Phone must've been damaged..."

As she desperately pants for air, Phin stops, taking in deep breaths to regulate her breathing. In the background, a low groan could be heard as a distorted voice calls out. 

???: *distorted* ""

Looking up from the sound of the voice, Phin looks to something to the side before looking back at the computer with determination.

Phin: "I won't let tonight be for nothing. I promise...Rick"

The video then ends as Y/n and Miles are back in his bedroom as they watched it all unfold on their phones.

Y/n: "Wicked..."

Miles: "Nuform made Rick sick. If this keeps up soon Harlem might get sick because of Nuform too"

Y/n: "Alright, so what's the plan?"

Miles: "Huh?"

Miles looks to Y/n confused, who remained seated in his spot as he awaits Miles's idea.

Y/n: "Well, this is your operation. I'm just along for the ride"

Miles: "Uhh...*clears throat* Okay. I manage to track the last location of her phone, it's in a Roxxon lab in Chinatown...if we find that then maybe we could find out more about what happened to Phin, why she turned into The Tinkerer"

Y/n: "Cool. Then let's go"

Y/n then puts away his phone before grabbing his mask and heading to the window.

Miles: "We seriously doing that?"

Before Y/n could step out, Y/n looks back to Miles with a raised brown.

Miles: "I mean...Let's do this!"

Y/n then smiles content, before putting on his mask in sync with Miles and jumping out of the window. 

Unknown to them, a bug could be seen under Miles's bed as from the other side,  a metal gauntlet reached over and turned off the monitor. 

Swinging to Chinatown, Y/n, and Miles stopped by a Roxxon lab. Landing at their destination, Miles looks around the building as the entire windows are protected by a forcefield.

Miles: "Phin's phone is around here somewhere"

Looking to a window, Miles spots a broken chain link fence perfect for an entry point.

Miles: "And I think I just found our way in"

Before Miles could go in to look for a way to disrupt the shields, his phone suddenly vibrates. Checking his phone, he noticed that a new application was installed in his O.S.

Miles: "What the..."

Y/n: "I had D.A.R.C work on your phone. Consider it a tool that you'll use in your spidey-ventures in the future"

Miles: " does it work?"

Y/n: "Better if I just show you"

Jumping down to a lamp post, Y/n directs Miles to the force field with the broken fence. 

Y/n: "The device could only see what you can see. Try scanning that barrier to see a power source"

Miles: "Alright..."

Following Y/n's instructions, Miles used his phone to scan the building. This highlights a cable connecting the force field to a nearby generator. 

Y/n: "Nice, now your phone should have the options in what that generator should do"

Miles: "It just says 'Terminate'..."

Y/n: "Well, since the generator is on, it's no use turning it on would it?"

Miles: "I what, I just press it?"

Y/n: "Yeah, basically"

Pressing his screen, Miles watches as the force field to the entry point shuts down. 

Miles: "Wow, can't believe that actually worked"

Y/n: "Alright, let's go before they suspect anything"

Miles and Y/n zip to the broken chain fence before crawling through the ventilation shaft. 

Miles: "Man...breaking into a lab full of heavily-armed guards with an interdimensional Spider-man. Some Christmas break I'm having this year"

Y/n: "After a year and a half of being Spider-man, you'll get used to this sort of thing"

Reaching a crossroads, Miles sees three fans blocking their path.

Miles: "Which way do you think we should go?"

Y/n: "Beats me. I'm just following you, we could go up for all I know"

Miles: "You're like an NPC in a videogame"

Webbing the fan in front of him, Miles begins crawling forward, following a curved path of the ventilation shaft before webbing up another fan where he finds Y/n awaiting him.

Miles: "What the- Did I just go in a circle?"

Y/n: "Should've seen it from my perspective"

Miles: "Why didn't you say anything?"

Y/n: "What you get for calling me an NPC. Come on, THIS way"

Taking the lead, Y/n webs up a fan before he and Miles crawl out of the air vent and landing in a sewage system.

Miles: "Tracker said the phone is deeper below sub-levels"

Y/n: "Saying 'underground' is just too much isn't it?"

Zipping further up ahead, the two follow the pipes further down till they reach a heavy metal door. 

Y/n: "Think this is the place?"

Miles: "Looks like it"

Suddenly, the door hisses before slowly opening.

Miles: "Uh-oh"

Thinking quickly, they activated their invisibility before zipping to the walls. 

Roxxon Soldier: "We got a report of a breach through the outer exhaust system. If it's the Underground, kill them. The Spider-men or Tinkerer, detain them"

As the soldiers move up, Y/n and Miles zip through a grate above the door before jumping down on the other side, where they were met with another metal door. 

Miles: "Great. And there's a forcefield blocking our other way in too"

Miles then turns to Y/n with an idea. 

Miles: "Hey, do you think I could brute force the barrier with my venom blast?"


Before Y/n could give a response, a figure lands behind the two arachnid heroes. Right as Y/n Miles goes to pounce on the unsuspecting visitor, Y/n places his arm in front of him, stopping Miles from attacking. 

Y/n: "You know, I've been a police officer before and..."

Y/n: "I'm pretty sure that's a parole violation"

The figure scoffs before taking off their mask, revealing themselves to be Aaron Davis donning his Prowler suit once again. 

Aaron: "Can't get anything past you, huh Y/n?"

Y/n: *shrug* "It's what the spider sense is for"

Miles: "What are you doing here, Uncle Aaron?"

Aaron: "Came to look after my little man, what else?"

Miles: "On Parole!!?"

Aaron: "Roxxon is a big deal. You two are gonna need all the help you could get"

Y/n: "We fought Kingpin on our own. I didn't think anyone could be a BIGGER deal than him. Emphasis on the BIG"

Aaron: "Not even a little help getting past the barriers?"

Pressing a button on his gauntlet, Aaron manages to disable the force field that was blocking their entry forward.

Miles: "How'd you do that?"

Aaron: "I dabble in these systems on the regular"

Y/n: "Not planning on stealing anything, will ya?"

Aaron: "No. Tell you what, I know a security terminal from here. I could help out with surveillance, that enough to show I'm here to help?"

Y/n and Miles looks at one another before back at Aaron.

Miles: "Wouldn't hurt to have more eyes on the system"

Aaron: "Great. Oh, and before I forget"

Aaron then hands Miles a couple of devices. 

Miles: "Woah! What are these?"

Aaron: "Remote mines, you stick that into any exposed machinery, it could taze anyone within an 8 foot radius"

Miles: "Cool! Thanks, Unc"

Aaron: "I have some for you too"

Aaron then goes to hand Y/n the remote mines, only for him to respectfully decline.

Y/n: "It's alright"

Y/n then shoots a trip mine web to a random wall. 

Y/n: "I brought my own mines"

Aaron: *smirks* "Fair enough. Should we get started?"

Miles: "Yeah, let's go"

With Aaron donning his mask, he leaps up to head to the security terminal as Y/n and Miles zip to the now accessible ventilation system. 

Meanwhile, a door to the room opens as a Soldier strolls in dancing, moving to the beat inside his head. But right as he goes for a slide, he crosses the feint blue light that emitted from Y/n's trip mine, causing a web to be shot out of the device before violently pulling the soldier to the wall. 

Dancing Roxxon Soldier: "AAAAAHHHH!!!"

Arriving to the other side of the door, Y/n and Miles spots a handful of Roxxon soldiers scattered about inside. 

The two spiders gave each other a fist bump before Y/n swing to the other side of the room.

Miles: (Good time to give these mines a spin)

Equpping the Remote Mines, Miles sticks it to a nearby powerbox on the ground. The mine causes a sound to emit upon contact, prompting the soldiers to investigate the source. 

Once the soldiers were close, Miles activates the mine, causing the device to shock the soldiers caught in its radius.

Aaron's voice: "So what are you two trying to look for?"

Miles: "A phone. I tracked the signal, said it's coming somewhere deep underground"

On the other side of the room, Y/n attaches a trip mine on the back of a soldier, causing them to be violently pulled to a nearby surface, before coming down and abducting another soldier into the ceiling. 

Aaron's voice: "Lowest point is at the bottom of the reactor silo"

Miles plants another mine onto another exposed power box before detonating it. Taking out the soldiers nearby right as he lands. 

Miles: "Then that's where we're heading"

Aaron's voice: "I've disabled the shields. There should be a vent in that room leading to the lab"

Once Y/n had regrouped with Miles, the two zip over to the vent before crawling their way through.

Aaron's voice: "So you two discovered who the Tinkerer is?"

Miles: "How did you know?"

Aaron's voice: "I have my ways. I'm assuming its their phone your looking for?"

Miles: "Figured if we're gonna figure out Tinkerer's motives, that's the first thing we'd look"

Aaron's voice: "And you agreed to this, Y/n?"

Y/n: "At this point? Fuck it, I guess I'm down for anything"

Miles: "Wai-wait. Sshhh!"

Miles gestures Y/n to be quiet before pointing downwards. Looking through the grates, the two could see Simon Krieger confronting one of his researchers.

Simon: "Hey! Where's the Nuform I asked for?"

The scientist then turns to face Krieger, frantic. 

Researcher: "We-We're trying to make more, but Mason didn't leave behind any notes-"

Simon: "And?"

Researcher: "Well. I heard that one canister of Nuform survived the, uh, incident on the bridge. Now, if we had access to that then-"

Krieger then gets up close to the scientist and whispered deeply into his ear. 

Simon: "Don't you think, that if I had it, I would give it to you?"

Researcher: "Yes, Mr. Krieger. I just want to make it clear that, without that canister it would be impossible to meet the deadline-"

Simon: "SHUT UP!"

Enraged, SImon took a deep breath in, trying to maintain whatever composure he had left inside. 

Simon: "I am doing everything in my considerable power to find that canister"

Krieger then got up close to the scientist once again, this time causing the scientist to step back in fear. 

Simon: "However, right now, it would help me for you to go back to your lab...and do your damn job!"

The scientist then nods rapidly before hastfully departing. 

Y/n: "I guess it isn't too far fetched to assume Phin has the canister?"

Miles: "We need to move quick, come on"

And moved quick they did, reaching to the other side of the ventilation system to discover another room with armed Roxxon soldiers. 

Aaron's voice: "Silo is just on the other side of that barrier"

Miles: "You think I could use the hack and just slip past these guys?"

Y/n: "No. Too much attention, best way is to just take them out"

Miles: "Works for me"

Using their trip mines and gadgets, the two manage to clear out the room with ease, which allows Miles to head for the console. 

Miles: "Okay...accessing...Woah!"

Y/n: "Found something?"

Miles: "There are other labs just like this one"

Y/n: "Problem for another day. Let's focus on what we came here for"

Miles: "'re right"

After opening the blast shield, Y/n and Miles were met with the silo with dozens of Roxxon soldiers stationed all across the room.

Miles: "The phone is just down there. But there's guards everywhere"

Miles then turs to Y/n.

Miles: "Now can we just hack our way through?"

Y/n: "I think I can make that without slowing down the fans"

Miles: "Are you kidding? You'll die before you could even go halfway"

Y/n: *scoff* "Observe, young Padawan"

Taking a haphazard dive, Y/n jumped in head first right as D.A.R.C slows down the fans right as Y/n turned invisible, this allowed Y/n to slip to a small window to slip past the guards and the blades before landing effortlessly to the bottom.

Y/n's voice: "See? Easy. Your turn"

Miles: *scoff* "Easier said than done"

Y/n's voice: "Just jump and turn invisible, let D.A.R.C take care of the rest"

Miles: " goes nothing"

Following Y/n's lead, Miles takes a leap of faith jumps down and turns invisible. D.A.R.C times the fans just the right time as Miles's perception of time slows down, panting nervously as he inches towards the spinning blades of his supposed death. 

D.A.R.C then slows the fan downs at the right time, allowing Miles to slip through and land beside Y/n. 

Right as he touched down, Miles gasps for air, relieved to see that he was still in one piece.

Y/n: "Yee of little faith, Miles"

After patting the Spider-man from Brooklyn, Y/n makes his way over to a phone that was close by. Taking a closer looks, the screen looks to have been cracked as the case was slightly charred. He then picks the phone up before handing it over to Miles.

Y/n: "That the one we lookin' for?"

Picking himself up, Miles regained his breathing before taking a closer look at the phone.

Miles: "Yeah. This is it"

Miles tries to power the phone on, only to remain in a black screen.

Miles: "Dang. Battery must be dry"

Miles then begins to charge up his finger before using the venom blast on the phone, giving it enough charge to start up. 

Miles: "Yes! Y/n get over here!"

Miles ushers Y/n over as the two began to watch the video that was on the phone. 


I would love for this to be a checkpoint. This took me longer than it should've ngl 

Hope you guys aren't bored, that's something I've dreaded. 

Anyways, no major message for this chapter, just your usual. 

Vote, if you wanna

Share to your friends, if you have any

And I'll see you when I see you

Bye Bye

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