Jet Stream (Kirishima x OC)

By AriaNightingale

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Irisa Yoarashi, younger twin sister to the powerful Inasa Yoarashi, wanted to become a hero just like her bro... More

Chapter 1: Irisa Yoarashi
Chapter 2: Entrance Exam
Chapter 3: First Fight
Chapter 4: Class 1-A
Chapter 5: Quirk Apprehension Test
Chapter 6: Battle Simulations
Chapter 7: Break In
Chapter 8: USJ Part 1
Chapter 9: USJ Part 2
Chapter 10: Training with Determination
Chapter 11: Sports Festival Part 1, Race!
Chapter 12: Sports Festival Part 2, Cavalry
Chapter 13: Sports Festival Part 3, Tournament First Rounds
Chapter 14: Sports Festival Part 4, Tournament Semi-Finals
Chapter 15: Sports Festival Part 5, Tournament Finals
Chapter 16: Limited Acceptance
Chapter 17: Hero Names
Chapter 18: Training with Shinso
Chapter 19: Internships
Chapter 20: Improvements
Chapter 21: Final Exams
Chapter 22: Tornado Training
Chapter 23: Swimming and Smoothies
Chapter 24: Training Camp Part 1, Beast's Forest
Chapter 25: Training Camp Part 2, Cruel Training
Chapter 26: Training Camp Part 3, Invasion
Chapter 27: Training Camp Part 4, Taken
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: Rescue
Chapter 30: All for One
Chapter 31: Come a Long Way
Chapter 32: Forbidden
Chapter 33: Acceptance
Chapter 34: Room Contest
Chapter 35: Ultimate Moves
Chapter 36: Confessions
Chapter 37: Upgrades
Chapter 38: Date Crashers
Chapter 39: Provisional License Exam Part 1, Twin's Reunited
Chapter 40: Provisional License Exam Part 2, Rescue
Chapter 41: Provisional License Exam Part 3, Collapse of the Hierarchy
Chapter 42: One For All
Chapter 43: Kidnapper Anonymous
Chapter 44: The Big Three
Chapter 45: Advice and Mourning
Chapter 46: Love
Chapter 47: Work Studies
Chapter 48: Shie Hassaikai
Chapter 49: All Connected
Chapter 50: Yakuza Raid
Chapter 51: To Be A Hero
Chapter 52: Lemillion
Chapter 53: Sacrifice
Chapter 54: Guilt
Chapter 55: Eri
Chapter 56: Meeting the Parents, Round Two
Chapter 57: School Festival
Chapter 58: Hero Retirement
Chapter 59: High End
Chapter 60: Class A vs Class B
Chapter 61: Paranormal Liberation Front, Part 1
Chapter 62: Paranormal Liberation Front, Part 2

Chapter 63: Epilogue

307 9 4
By AriaNightingale

 Shigaraki was officially defeated in the battle in the ruined city of Jaku. Katsuki was greatly wounded though, and Edge Shot sacrificed himself to save my friend by stitching him back together. Many other heroes in that battle site also passed away, and the civilian causalities were almost too high to count. It was a victory, but it came at a steep cost.

Dabi had aired his life's story during the battle, and I watched the clip of it while I was recovering in the hospital for a day. It does make sense that he's a Todoroki, when I first met him I thought he was Endeavor. They have the same piercing blue eyes. Shoto is very shaken up from finding out his brother is alive, understandably, but he took it well enough. Dabi ended up in a rehabilitation facility instead of jail, the video he aired showed a lot of how crazy he was. Though I'm sure Endeavor pulled strings to have him in the facility instead of prison.

Toga was placed in Tartarus at first, but she was transferred to a rehab facility as well due to her young age. Spinner was sent to a regular jail along side several of the high up members of the Liberation Force. Compress mysteriously vanished before capture, so heroes are still on the lookout for him. I have the feeling he won't be popping up again though.

Endeavor faced a lot of backlash about his son and everything that was said about him. He laid low for a while, the public had turned against him quite a bit. I think the shock of having his son be alive was enough to have him give up on his hero journey, but he hasn't officially retired as of yet. Hawks also faced a lot of backlash since apparently Dabi filmed him killing Twice and put it on the video as well. His hero days are also over, his wings are gone and are unrepairable.

I still keep in contact with Hawks though, and I know Tokoyami does as well. I know all too well that some actions either have to be taken, or just end up happening. I still feel guilty for what I did to Miyoshi. Some days I reassure myself that it wasn't murder, that it was a strategic move, that it saved my brother. Other days, I can't think that positively. I'm thankful to have a supportive team around me who help me out when I'm feeling guilty. At the same time though, I'm making plans for the future on how to avoid feeling that guilt again. I'm learning from my mistake, and I'll grow from it.

The first thing I did the day I got out of the hospital was join the ongoing rescue efforts in the damaged cities. It was an instance just like that, where heroes were working to stop a villain and inevitably caused destruction and harmed citizens, that created the Miyoshi that I knew and feared. I worked tirelessly with the officers, firefighters, and other heroes to find any and all civilians trapped, hurt, or sadly passed, and brought them out of fallen buildings or wherever they were stuck at. I wouldn't let another Miyoshi be created.

For two weeks, school was put on hold so everyone could either be with their loved ones or help in the rescue efforts. Inasa was granted the leave as well, Shiketsu as a whole having stepped up and helped immediately in the relief efforts. Our dad recovered in a few days of rest, then he was back at his agency and helping once again.

Gale Storm had to come out of retirement with that battle, which he didn't seem to mind, but he was now unwilling to pass his agency on to anyone else but Inasa and I. Tempest had been one of his brightest and strongest heroes, he had been grooming her to lead the agency until we were ready. She now sits in jail along with almost 17,000 other villains and former heroes who fought that day.

Villains calmed down quite a bit in general after the Jaku city destruction, at least for a time. For the following months, heroes were able to focus on saving people from normal things like natural disasters, accidents, and only the occasional petty theft. That was good for heroes, because the citizens had begun to lose faith in them as a whole. With the top two Pros being so heavily scrutinized and so many 'Pro Heroes' being in the Liberation Front, the remaining heroes were having to take baby steps into getting back into the good graces of the population.

There was almost a silver lining in the events that unfolded. The remaining heroes, especially those that fought in the war, were all of a higher moral caliber than the mass amounts before. Hawks had managed to obtain a master list of every false hero who joined the Liberation Front, and every single one of them was stripped of their hero license, even if they didn't fight in the war on the enemy's side. The real heroes who remained proved just how strong both mentally and morally a hero needed to be in order to earn that title, a title we in UA still strove to uphold.

We did also find out who the traitor was in UA. And it wasn't a member of the staff like the teachers assumed. No, it was Class 1-A's own Yuga Aoyama. The shock that came from the discovery blew all of our minds when he confessed. He was born quirkless, and then he was granted his navel laser quirk from All For One. It at least explained why his body had such a negative reaction to his own quirk, it's because it wasn't his own. Nezu didn't force Aoyama to face charges, and he even offered to keep the revelation quiet in respect to him confessing on his own. However, Aoyama was kicked out of the hero course, an action he agreed with since he felt he didn't deserve to be a hero after what he had done.

Oddly, he transferred to the business section of UA, apparently his parents are big business investors and he's going to follow in their footsteps. His transfer opened up a spot in our class though, a spot that was readily and happily filled by Hitoshi Shinso. Toshi started in our second year, and wasted no time in catching up to everyone else. I loved having my friend in my class with me, and I liked seeing him branch out to others as well. Him and Kaminari bonded pretty quickly, and the three of us could often be found having gaming competitions in one or the others dorm rooms.

At least when we weren't with our significant others.

Kaminari finally asked out Kyoka not long after the war. She said no at first, but he didn't lose faith and kept asking and trying to prove himself to her, and she eventually relented to a date. They have happily been together since. Sero and Mina have been together since the war, and I loved getting to reciprocate the help she gave me on my first date by being with her and the other girls in class and helping her choose her outfit for her first date.

Momo got together with Awase from class B in our third year after an incredibly short lived relationship with Shoto. I don't think they even made it through their entire first date before they called it quits on the ship. Her and Awase go great together though, just like Tsu does with Tokoyami. Tsu asked Kage out in our second year, to which Dark Shadow answered yes, and it was so super cute and I was the only one to see that moment and I'll forever treasure it.

I know Midoriya and Ochaco will eventually get together, but they both get so flustered around one another it may take more time before they do. One couple who only needed a bit more time to get together was Mashirao and Tohru. That first date was the most fun for me because I got to help them both prepare for it. Mashirao is confident in many things in his life, but we finally found that dating makes him lose all confidence and act a fool. I loved watching my best friend learn and grow as a boyfriend to his invisible girlfriend, and I loved being able to offer real and useful advice for him like he so often does for me.

Eijiro and I stayed strong together in all our years at UA. We fell more and more in love with each passing day, and I knew by the time graduation came around that he was the man I would spend the rest of my life with. He grew like a weed in our third year too, until he towered over nearly everyone in class except Shoji. I had stopped growing in first year and made it to 5'8", but Eijiro made it to 6'7" and was extremely muscular. It certainly helped in making him a human shield if he was taller and broader than the average person. And it definitely didn't hurt to look at him.

Eijiro graduated with a side kick offer to work under Fat Gum, which he accepted gratefully. He does have plans to open a hero agency with Katsuki though once they both have a bit of experience under their belts. Inasa and I both accepted our father's offer to join the agency, but rejected his offer to be the leading heroes right away. We wanted to earn our way to the top, so we opted to start as sidekicks. I'm glad that we did, because now no one in the agency will ever question how we got to the top. Thankfully, only Tempest was a bad egg in our agency, everyone else is a wonderful hero.

Before I really started full time hero work though, I had the surgery to remove the old scar tissue off of my lungs. It set me back a few months as I recovered, but when I came on at the agency I could really feel the drastic improvement. The near constant dull ache and tightening of my throat and lungs from overusing my quirk was virtually gone. I still kept the ventilated mask in my uniform though, its grown on me by now and it is useful.

Eijiro waited until we were 22 before he proposed to me. It was right after the start up of the Red DynaMight Agency, where he works along side Katsuki and Midoriya, but with room to grow and have other heroes in the future. I said yes before he even finished asking the question, unabashedly balling from my one good eye.

Our wedding was beautiful, my dad having gone all out on it and surprisingly turning into a bridezilla when it came to planning it. I was happy to sit back and let him take the reigns, especially since he retired for a second time when Inasa and I properly took over his agency a year prior. Makoto was supposed to reign my dad in, but he's too much of a stickler for details and schedules, and he was honestly just as bad. All of our old classmates came, along with our teachers and our colleagues from our agencies. My dad and Inasa both walked me down the aisle, where Mina and Ochaco were my bridesmaids and Mashirao was my Man of Honor. Katsuki was of course Eijiro's best man, with Sero and Kaminari as his groomsmen.

Inasa surprised me one afternoon after that when a few of our old classmates were over at Eijiro and I's house. Well, he didn't surprise in many ways, but one thing about the surprise certainly short-circuited my brain. I had thought most everyone had left from the gathering and it was only my twin left, so I went to sit with him in the living room after cleaning the kitchen. I didn't find him alone though, as he was furiously lip locked with someone straddling his lap. They broke apart when I walked in, and a pin drop could be heard in the awkward silence that followed. I stared with shock at a set of pitch black eyes that I knew since birth, and a set of heterochromatic eyes I've known since first year of high school stared back at me. It wasn't the shock that Inasa was gay, it wasn't the shock that he was dating Shoto. No, it was the fact that Shoto Todoroki was the 'top' in their relationship that had me turn away from them robotically and walk to my room, curling into the blankets with my mind questioning all I thought I knew in life. My husband wouldn't stop laughing at me for a week about my reaction.

When we were 30, Eijiro and I together made the decision to start a family. We knew the risks of having children as heroes, we knew our schedules and lives would change drastically, but we were finally ready. We waited longer than most our friends to have children because we wanted to really establish ourselves as heroes first and have that be our focus. Once we both had trusted sidekicks working under us who could handle our absences, we were ready for the next step.

And so little Hina Kirishima was welcomed into our lives. She had pitch black hair, just like both her parents, and the most beautiful set of dark crimson eyes that sparkled like jewels. I took the first year off to raise her, Eijiro joining me for the first 6 months as well. Hina's grandpa and two doting grandmothers happily volunteered to watch her so both of us could return to work after the first year, though we always made sure to have two days off together a week to have family time.

Hina developed a quirk at four years old, and it was an interesting mix of both of ours. We called it Solid Wind, where she could harden and solidify portions of the air. She can't reshape it once it's hardened, but she could create an air stream before hand to make the shapes fit her desires. She of course wants to be a hero just like her parents, and we support her every day in her dreams.

I had wanted to give Hina a sibling, but it seems fate had other plans. Hero work does inevitably cause some damage on the body, and Hina's birth was all my body could handle. I was told after that I wouldn't be able to have more children, but we were just so happy that Hina came out healthy and perfect that we weren't too sad. She had plenty of friends from all our friend's kids, so she had plenty of people to bond with. I loved growing up having a twin, but due to my own childhood circumstances, all I had was my twin. Hina definitely does not have problems with getting along with everyone, especially since she's just as sweet and supportive as her father is, so she has more friends than we can keep track of. Plus I don't think anyone would dare bully her when her 'Uncle Katsy' is around.

My hero journey started off in secrecy and lies, but it evolved into something that not only myself, but many other people, my father included, could be proud of. I met the love of my life and had a perfect child with him, and grew into a strong and confident person and hero with my steady rock by my side.

The End.

A/N: Thanks for sticking with the story until the end!! I will likely still write this OC into an Irisa-X-Todoroki story as well, and give more Endeavor moments and more angst in that one. And possibly as an Irisa-X-Bakugo story, who knows.

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