Their Girl: The Hunt

By Storytelling1994

300K 9.1K 664

Book Two in the Their Girl Duet. Lorenzo, Alec and Freddie are prepared to burn the world down in order to f... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Bonus Chapter ❤️ Part 1
Next Book - Mafia Princess

Chapter Forty-Five

3.4K 143 18
By Storytelling1994

Alissandra's (POV)

As soon as I left the house I knew for sure that there was only one thing I needed to do. I needed to take a test so I could know for sure then I guess I would have to go back to the house to speak to Freddie and Lorenzo.

I'd also have to speak to Alec too, despite being so angry with him.

I know that I want this. I want my future to be with them.

I take the test and stand there in the restroom waiting for the results to show but my attention is dragged away for it when the door opens.

Standing right there in the door way is Jason, he's staring at me and seems so unnervingly relaxed.

"Well aren't you just as beautiful as ever" Jason coo's, instantly making every hair on the back of my neck stand up.

He comes towards me, another guy stepping into the door way blocking my only way out of here. Jason takes the test from me and analyses it, then he clicks his tongue and shakes his head with that same stomach churning smirk on his face "now now Alissandra if Antonio knew about this he'd be very angry with you wouldn't he. If he found out his precious little toy let herself get pregnant" He does a dramatic little shiver "I can only imagine the things he would do to you"

Everyone seems to want to take this moment from me, make it such a miserable thing and I'm done with that. I've had enough. I snatch the test back out of his hand and I take a step back attempting to reach for my phone but Jason's reflexes are quick he reaches forward and grabs my jumper, the material bunching in his hand.

"uh uh uh don't do that. I'm here to help you" He says as he tugs me against him and his other hand comes to rest on the bare skin of my waist. I don't want him touching me like this touching me in any way.

"Why would I trust a word you say you're working with him" i grit out feeling so much stronger than I e ever felt before.

"Come on now, you already knew I was working with him, the real question is why isn't he here to collect you" he says back with a tilt of his head.

Because he sent you to do his dirty work. Because he's too afraid to be caught is what I want to say but I choose to bite my tongue.

He leans down and whispers in my ear "The answer is he doesn't know you're here and I think we should keep it that way don't you" he lies so easily

He releases me and takes a step back smoothing out his suit "Now we don't have a lot of time, I would prefer for you to take my hand and willingly come with me" he says as he holds his hand out to me when I don't take it he sighs and looks to the guy behind him who takes a step forward "I'd hate to force you"

I look down at his hand and then to the guy standing by the door. I really don't have any other options here we both know that.

"I'm not going to hurt you" Jason says softly and I know he's playing a game here. I'm no safer with him than I would be walking straight into Antonio's arms which I have a feeling this is exactly what is going to happen but I chose to play along. I take his hand and give him a feeble little unsure smile, as I do his lips tug up in a smirk and he leads me out the back of the store without saying another word.

When I slip into the back seat I place a hand in the pocket of my jumper and wrap it around Freddie's pocket knife that I brought with me.

I sit in silence as we drive to where ever he's taking me and as we pull into a long dirt drive way towards a house I see Antonio standing on the porch like he's been waiting for me to come home.

I expected this I knew it was coming but it doesn't stop me from taking a deep inhale of air as I prepare myself to come face to face with him again.

Jason notices and smiles widely at me. "Now now don't you go panicking it won't be good for your baby will it" he says reaching up to stroke my hair and I want nothing more than to plunge this knife into him but I decide he will get what's coming to him one day. Today just isn't that day.

"you are such a naive little thing aren't you" he says like he's tricked me into this. Like he's won.

Jason steps out of the car and comes round to my side opening my door for me. He grips my elbow and leads me out and towards the porch where Antonio is waiting. I don't resist or recoil at the sight of him I just go along without a word.

"You came back to me" Antonio says with a proud smile on his face as we make our way up to the steps.

Jason hands me off with a nod like I'm just some kind of object and says "I expect you to hold up you're end of the deal Antonio" and I can only wonder what deal that is. What he gets from this.

Antonio nods and takes my arm pulling me into him.

"We'll have to deal with your little issue before we go home" he says stroking my face and as much as I want to jerk away from him I don't I stay exactly where I am staring at a spot of dirt on the floor.

I can hear Jason retreat and the car door open and close before it tares away down the dirt drive.

But the only thing I can think about is Antonio's words. Deal with my issue. Because that's what this is to everyone else. An issue.

"but first I expect those little boyfriends of yours will try to come after you won't they" he then says  and I still choose to stay quiet keeping my eyes locked onto the same piece of dirt on the floor. He's right they'll know I'm here, and they'll come for me I know they will. But I don't plan on waiting for them.

Im taken up to the room I was kept in last time I was here and I have to push down the fear that's threatening to take over as every memory of what happened her flashes back. Theres still marks on the floor from the blood of the guy that Freddie shot but I can't let my eyes stay fixated on it for too long. As soon as the door locks behind me i move as quickly as I can and I take the pocket knife out and hide it under the pillow.

As expected within minutes Antonio comes into the room closing and locking the door behind him.

He tilts his head to one side and starts to remove his top "Take your clothes off" he says as he discards it across the room.

I try my hardest not to hesitate. Taking deep breaths to calm myself I start taking off my clothes until I'm stood there naked.

His eyes practically bulge as they rake over my body and I have to swallow down the bile I can feel coming up.

"Get on the bed" he orders and I do as he says.

I lay there on the bed staring up at the ceiling as I listen to the sound of him unbuckling his belt. Listening to the sound of his remaining clothes drop to the floor and his footsteps moving towards me until the bed dips next to me. That's when I close my eyes.

I can't look at him the feel of the warmth of his body next to me is enough if I look at him I'll break and I know I can't do that right now.

Stay strong Alissandra, keep it together.

"Do you think of me every time you look at these?" He asks as he licks across my chest.

Then he climbs on top of me pushing my legs apart. I slide my hand enter the pillow and I wrap my fingers around the handle of the blade so tight it hurts and as he rests himself between my legs so he line himself up.

Only then do I open my eyes to look directly at him. I won't let him do this to me, I won't let him do it to anyone ever again. I take a deep breath and bring it out plunging it into the side of his neck.

There's a flash of shock on his face as he realises what I've just done, but there's also betrayal. He feels I've betrayed him.

He rears back and clambers onto the floor with a thud. I sit there on the bed watching him as he gasps for air clutching the side of his throat the knife still protruding out like it's a piece of him.

I climb down onto the floor next him and learn over him so I can look directly in his eyes "I wonder if this is how Petra felt when you shoved the pen into her throat" I say and I watch the colour start to drain from his face.

He goes to speak but I hush him by placing my finger over his lips "don't speak you don't have long left and I want to watch the last breaths slip out of you so I can go to sleep tonight knowing that you will never hurt anyone ever again"

There's gun shots and shouting coming from downstairs and Antonio's eyes widen at the sound "you were right, they did come for me" I say with a smile and I rip the knife from his throat allowing the blood to come gushing out.

"Do you feel weak and vulnerable? Because that's how I felt. That's how I felt everyday after you tore me to pieces. That's how I've felt my whole life" I say as I shake my head "but I guess I'm not as weak anymore am I Antonio" and that's the truth of it. I don't feel weak anymore. I feel stronger than I've ever felt before. I did this I finally fought back and got rid of the monster that's haunting every part of my life.

"Go to hell" I sneer and I finally sit back against the bed to watch as his life slips away and the moment I hear his last staggered breath leave him I feel free. It's like that last breath was the key to my freedom and I finally have it.

I don't know how long I sit there with his lifeless eyes staring back at me, the sounds from around the house die down and the bedroom door flys open. But I don't react to it, I don't react to the figure coming towards me. Talking to me and asking me questions I just sit there with my eyes locked on his.

"He's dead. I killed him" are the only words I say.

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