Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU)...

By bluvr45

4.6K 167 1

Bailey Mikaelson is a vampire. She was born around the 1000s. Her family the Mikaelson, all separated when th... More

Face Claim
Season 1
First Day
The Party
The Game
Allison's Date
Aunt Kate
Birthday Gift
Partner in Crime
The Identity of The Alpha
Locker Room Chat
Code Breaker
Season 2
The Funeral
Surfaced Memory
It's all about the Power
The Kanima's Identity
Falling Apart Pack
Master Plan
Season 3
The Bit
Alpha Pack
Which One?
Tree of Lights and Changes
Wolfs Bane and White Oak
Hiding Feelings and Prophecy
Going Under
Downfall of The Druid and Alphas
Flying Into Trouble
Can't Fight Destiny
Season 4
Family Reunion
I'm Alive
The Virus
Anonyomous Money
Ghost of You
Argent Sister Reunited
Trip to Mexico
Season 2 TO, Season 5 TW
Twin Chat
New Hope
The One Who's Mind Betrayed Her
The Wildest One and Just Existing One
Dear Aunt Dahlia
Beacon Hills Again
Secrets Always Come To Light
Forgive but Don't Forget
Big Bro Elijah
Creature of the Night
Dread Doctors
Sapphire Is Born
Life is Going to Change
Don't be a Deadbeat
I Won't be a Deadbeat
Image What You Need
Fight for A Life
Bugged Bodies
The Beast of Gevudon
Fast Forward
Rhode Trip
Turquoise is Born
Link Up
Bye Bye Beasty
Season 6
Memory Lost
Ghost Riders
Wild Hunt
Hunter's End
Wedding to Tragedy
Bye Bye
The Movie
Bailey Bailey Bailey
The Car Thieves
Soil from Place of Death
The Nematone
She's Alive, She's Back
My Mission
"Stupid Objects"
One Last Game
Final Goodbyes
New Stories

Night School

89 2 0
By bluvr45

Chapter 8

I was waiting outside for with Allison, waiting for Scott to get there to pick her up.

He was 26 minutes late when Jackson called. He said him and Lydia were coming to pick us up.

Allison barely had a chance to protest before Jackson's silver porsche pulled up.

We walked over to his window. "Lydia gets what Lydia wants. Come on, get in." Jackson ordered us. "We can stop by his place and see if he's there."

Allison's phone went off.

"Aw, is that him with the best explanation ever of why he's half a freaking hour late?"

Allison shook her head no. "No exactly."


Allison made Jackson drive all of us to the school. That's where Scott wanted to meet. I found it a little weird, but didn't say anything.

"They lock the doors at night, you know." Lydia said still in the passenger seat.

"That one's open." There saw a door open with bult cutters sitting up on it.

"You don't need me to state the obvious, right?" Jackson asked.

"That it looks like they broke into the school? No, pretty obvious."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Jackson asked as I planted my feet so I was standing right next to Alli and Jackson.

"Mmm, it's okay." She grabbed my arm. "Ill have her to protect me." We started to walk into the school.

"Hey, guys..." Jackson said which stop us in our tracks.

"You have this look like your where about to say "Be Careful."" Allison said.

"I am." He handed me a flash light.

I took it and smiled at him.


"That concerned look on you, Ive never seen it before." I said.

"Well, I am concerned."

We nodded our heads.

"It looks nice on you." I said.

Allison took the flashlight out of my hand and turned it on. She shined it on her face like she was telling a scary story. "Don't worry, we'll be right back."


We ran up the stairs and into the school.


Me and Alli walked through the halls. I never been in school when it was this quiet and dark. It was creepy.

"Scott?" Allison called.

When there was no answer we turned and decided to go the other way.

"Scott?" We both called this time.

We kept calling out for Scott but there was no answer.

We were cheaking at that pool. "Maybe we should spilt up." Allison suggested.

"Hell no." I said in a whisper."Have you ever seen a horor movie, where anything good comes out of spilting up?"

Allison knew i was right, because she just kept walking in silences. Thats what she does when she knows she was wrong.

Then her phone started ringing.

"Turn it off!" I said.

"It's Jackson."

"Oh, ii thought it was your killer boyfriend."

"Scott is not a killer." She said before she answered the phone.

I hated it when she did that. It was her saying conversations over. She always did it at the worst times. She did it when i had somthing i really wanted to say.

She told Jackson that we didn't find Scott. Then she hung up the phone.

Now mine started it ring. It was Stiles.

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's Scott. Can you put Allison on?"

I handed Allison the phone. He told her to meet him in the lobby. So we went there.

When we got there they had just gotten there too.

"Why did you guys come?" Scott asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Because you asked me to." Allison stated.

"I asked you to?" He sounded confused. Like he had no idea what she was talking about.

She pulled up the text that asked her to come to the school.

"Why do i feel like you didn't send that message?" I asked.

"Because he didn't." Stiles chimed in. "Did you drive here?"

"Jackson did." Me and Alli said.

"Jackson's here too?" Scott asked.

"And Lydia." I stated.

"Whats going on? Who sent me this text?" Allison was now freaking out.He phone rang. "Where are you?"

The door opened and it was Lydia and Jackson. "Finally. Can we go now?" lydia asked.

There was heavy thuds from above us.

"Run!" Scott said causing all of us to rush up the stairs.

A wolf started chasing us. We booked it through the halls. And locked the first doors we went through. It was the cafa.

We moved everything we could infront of the doors. Stiles tried to get our attention. But none of us were listening.

He brought up that there was a giant wall of windows.

I didn't listen to anyything else. My mind was in freak out mode. I sware that wolf's eyes were glowing red.

Then Stiles said the janitore was dead. And that Derek Hale killed him.

I stopped listening again. I had no idea what was going on. But seeing that wolf with glow red eyes didn't freak me out. I was freaking out because it wasn't freaking me out.

Somthing in my mind was not suprised about this. I didn't know why and i despritly wanted to know.


Lydia tried to call the police but they hung up on her. The lady said someone tipped them off about prank calls about a break in to the high school.

Jackson tried to get Stiles to call his dad, but he said no. When Jackson tried to take his phone, Stiles punched him in the face.

"Jackson!" Me and Allison yelled. We both ran over to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He took his hand off his face where he got punched. There was no blood.

I looked back at Stiles and got up. "What the hell is wrong with you?! He was just trying to get us out of her alive!"

Stiles looked me dead in the eyes. He then got his phone out of his pocket and called his dad. "Dad, hey, it's me. And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like right now."

Something started to bang on the door. We all got in a group and started to walk back slowly.

"We're at the school, okay? We're at the school."

The banging continued. The door started to shake harder. The bolts in it fell out.

I was in front of everyone next to Stiles. Allison was trying to pull me back but I just stood there.

"The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Stiles stated.

"Which only goes up." Scott said.

"Up is better than here." I said.

We all raced to the kitchen. Then we got the stairs and ran up. We made it to a chemistry room. Scott reinforced the door with a chair. Which probably wasn't gonna hold, but I was too scared to say anything.

There was loud footsteps outside the door. But they didn't try and get into the room.

"Jackson how many people can fit in your car?" Scott asked.

"Six, if 2 people squeezes on the people in the back's laps."

"6? We barely fit back there." Allison whispered at Jackson.

"It doesn't matter." Stiles stated. "There is no getting out without drawing attention."

"What about this?" Scott walked to the a door. "This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape, well be out in seconds."

"Yeah, but that's a dead bolt." I said.

"The janitor has a key." Scott said to Stiles.

"You mean his body has it." Stiles said.

I stopped listening after Scott offered to get it. He was gonna leave.

"Are you serious?" Allison asked.

"Someone has to get the key if we want to get out of here."

"Yeah, but you can't go out there unarmed." Allison said.

Scott grabbed a pointer stick. We all looked at him like we were domed. Which we were if he was just going out there with that. "Well it's better than nothing."

"There's got to be something else." Stiles said.

"There is." Lydia said looking at the chemicals in the cabinet.

"What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him?" Stiles said sarcastically.

"No. But the chemistry genius can figure something out." She said.

"Who?" Allison asked.


"Huh?" I asked wide eyed.

"Oh, please. I saw your grade for chemistry. You got 100% in it last semester."

"What do you expect me to build. Like a fire bomb?"

"That could work." Stiles said. "We have everything we need in there."

I thought they were crazy. I was sure I was gonna mess something up that would get us all killed. "Self igniting Molotov cocktail." I whispered to myself. Part of me remembered how to so that.

"We don't have a key for that either." Stiles stated.

Jackson looked at him feed up. He rammed his elbow into the glass.

I then made 2 fire bombs with Jackson and Lydia's help.

"Why 2?" Scott asked.

"Because I'm coming with you." I said as I finished it.

"No." Scott said. "No you're not. I can do this by myself."

"Oh I know." I handed him his. "But if something happens to you, it's good to make sure someone can get the key."

"No. No, this is insane, you can't do this. You cannot go out there." Allison freaked out.

"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages." Scott said.

"You 2 could die. Don't you get that?" Allison said. "He's killed 3 people."

"Alli, we're next if we don't get that key." I said.

"Somebody has to do something." Scott said.  We started to move towards the door.

"Just stop." She said quietly but clearly mad.  She started to talk to Scott trying to rekindle a memory. Then me. "And Bailey, you remember the first day I meet you. I knew I loved you. I knew it. I knew I would do anything for you.

"And that's why Im doing this. That same feeling I have for you. I have to protect you. You are my sister. Not by blood, but what the hell does that matter. You are my family. And I'm not gonna let you die here."

"Just please... Please you 2 don't go." Alli bagged. "Please don't leave us. Please."

"Lock it behind us." Scott started to walk to the door.

I gave Allison a kiss on the forehead. She gave Scott a kiss and we walked out.

We looked down both sides of the hallway before we started moving. We made as little noise as we could. We didn't talk.

Me and Scott made it to the gym. Where we looked around for the janitor.

I looked under the open bleachers. I couldn't see anything but walked under there anyways. I told Scott before I did it so he would worry.

I stopped for a minute when I felt blood drop on my face. I looked up and there was the dead janitor

Everything inside me wanted to sqeal. But I didn't. Instead I saw the keys in the man's pocket, so I grabbed em. But I had to climb up to grab them.

Before I could grab them the bleachers started to close. I stretched foreward, grabbed them, grabbed my bomb on the grab and ran out as fast as I could.

Luckily I could get out before they were fully shut.

Scott ran over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. And I got the keys."

He started staring at something. It was the wolf.

"Do you see that too? Or am I crazy?"

"I see it." He said. "Come on." He told the wolf. "Come get me."

The wolf charged at us. Scott threw his bomb first. It didn't ignite. Then I threw mine. Same thing.

It just pissed it off more.

We turned around ready to turn around we it grabbed my ankle it scared it and made me fall to the ground. It did the same to Scott.

It slide Scott across the room. Then it put it's claw on my face. It sniffed me and ran to Scott.

I got up. My ankle was throbbing but I had to help Scott. I saw a metal pipe.

The thing started growling.

I ran over to it and hit on the head with the pipe. It looked at me irritated but then ran off.

Scott started screaming in pain.

I knelt down beside him. "Scott? Are you okay?"

He started flipping out. Then his head went up. His eyes glowed yellow and he had fangs and his face looked different.

I stood up and stepped back. I didn't know what was happening but I couldn't be good. I ran up to the classroom. Not sure what was happening.

But I decided it would be better not to tell anyone until I knew what was happening.

When I got up to the classroom I knocked on the door and unlocked it. "It's me."

Alli ran up to me. "Where's Scott?"

He walked up behind me. "Right here."

I looked at him. He was completely normal. I didn't know what just happened. But I knew I couldn't have imaged it.

Then we heard sirens. We all rushed to see what was happening. It was the police. They came.

Scott ran off.


When they got there a police officer took mine and Alli's statements while he looked at the back of my ankle. He said the cut was pretty deep. That I would need stitches. So Alli took me when it was all over.

I need 10 stitches in total. 3 for 2 of the and 4 for 1 of them.

Dad and mom came to the hospital. Alli filled them in on what happened. They were just glab we were okay.

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